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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Bioshock Infinite universe

As Booker asked his question two other people came through a tear and struck up a conversation with Sting. "Elizabeth did you open another tear?" Booker asked. "No, I don't open anything." She replied with. Booker turned to the new arrivals. "Name's Booker and that's Elizabeth." He said. "Look, I don't know much of what you said meant." Elizabeth started talking. "We are on a flying city called Columbia and we're trying to break into the city's leader's house. You're welcome to join us. We have to recover the hand of his dead wife to enter the house." Elizabeth pointed at the nearby graveyard. "Her grave is in there."

@TehFanzyMetroid @theManCalledSting
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Confused by disappearance of Drake and Morbus, Angron turns around and begins to make his way to the nearby town.
Morbus looked at Drake, "well now thats not fair that you get to smile.", he joked. "Now you see me now you don't", he said before teleporting towards the group that was closest to the fighting to meet an odd bunch. There was Connor, Harley Quinn, Gregory, and a female knight. He had appeared almost out of nowhere. "Good day to you, my name is Morbus son of purgatory, i have come to assist you in anyway necessary.", he said to the group.

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Armando had looked at them as if they were bluffing, his face had widened eyes and a slightly opened mouth. His mind was trying to comprehend all this in which it came to the fact that he was in some sort of artificial heaven. "You are english, so i can tell, but what you said has left me speechless, i guess i could help you with your journey, so long as you can open another portal like that back to my world.", he said. He had then ordered the knights to leave back through the portal in Italian in which they left his horse. He then turned to the group, "I must not be gone from my home longer then a weak or they will give leadership to someone else.", he told the group. He could only hope that he would not be gone for at least a weak or so, or he would be presumed dead.
Bioshock Infinite universe

Booker watched the line of knights come out of and go back through the tear. "Compared to these 3, that isn't the strangest thing I've ever seen." He said. Now Elizabeth on the other hand was in awe. The knights looked like something out of the many storybooks she read as a child. She always wanted to visit the medieval times but wasn't able to find/create a tear. "We'll definitely have you back to your place in time." She replied.

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Drake: Before Angron could leave the crater, Drake rushed forward and impaled Angron with Fenikkusu.

"Ah, ah, ah! No leaving unless I say so. Wouldn't want the fun to go away, eh? Here, I'll let you see me so this will be somewhat fair." After he said that, he transferred part of his Spiritual Energy to Angron so he could see him. After all, a fair fight is a fun fight. He removed Fenikkusu from Angron and stood just plain still in the air with his arms crossed.

Caught off guard by the attack, Angron turns to his now visible foe before leaping into the air with the intention of cleaving Drake in half." You pay dearly for that!"
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Drake: As Angron charged at him, Drake intercepted his attack with a one-handed block using Fenikkusu.

"If that's all you got, then I doubt I'll be paying for anything." He aimed his outstretched palm at Angron, charging a Kido attack, which was basically Soul Reaper magic. "Hado 63: Sokatsui!" (Japanese translation: Way of Destruction 63, Blue Fire Crash Down). A huge beam of blue flames emerged from Drake's hand and flew towards Angron as he countered against his assault.
So the man was working on making a team of experts? Vance couldn't help but think of the Avengers or Justice League. He thought it over though. Truth was that they couldn't do this alone. "Okay I will help collect these experts. But I might need to gain more power. Who knows what I'll encounter?"

Seeing beam of blue flames heading towards him, Angron place is blade in front of him in an atempt t block the attack.

Seeing as the conflict had finally been settled he turned slightly to the Librarian."am I needed elsewhere?"He turned back to the scan layout of Earth that he was looking at."if not,i would like to stay here just a bit longer"he found that Earth was a interesting name for a planet that contained more water than erath,much like his own.It's not as if he has anything to do in his own universe but wander aimlessly anyways.


Katrina loved the empty road,the wind whipping through her hair dark,with no one to bother her,going as fast as she wished,though she kept at 80mph.Her bike could easily make it to 200mph,but she was not a fool, demons were after her always,and at that speed,if the motorcycle were to tip over,it would not be pleasant.The road she travled on was flat and seemingly endless, she had to be around Wyoming by now,she had no real idea where to start her search for her sister,the demons didn't give much away.
Bioshock (Infinite i guess, though i'm fairly certain they are one and the same) Universe

The spear sent out yet another pulse of energy, this one causing a small pillar of purple light to shine in the distance.

With each subsequent pulse, the pillar shone a little bit brighter, coming to resemble a sort of beacon.


Drake: The column of fire washed over Angron like a wave, pushing against his sword. Drake then used his Shunpo (Japanese: Flash Step) to suddenly appear behind Angron. With a swing of his blade, he cut a large line across Angron's back from shoulder blade to shoulder blade, trying to penetrate his armor. If this didn't work, Drake would have to go into Shikai form.

Receiving only a small gash in his armor, Angron quickly swings his blade at Drake's chest before thrusting his sword at Drakes stomach." Do you truly believe you beat a warrior of Khorne?!"

"Booker? This is the first time I met a guy with that name who wasn't black." said Sting to Booker Dewitt in reference to Booker T.

Sting looked at the grave of Comstuck's wife... sensing a presence is near... Something that's already dead... perhaps a Deadman may rise... Or Jeff Jarrett found his allies and is now plotting in the tomb... what ever it is that is giving the Stinger this odd feeling of dread is, it's in that tomb and Sting's going to fight it.
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Bioshock (Infinite, Yes, they're the same universe but at different points)

Hurricane fell from the tear, pretending to fly. "WHOOOSH" He landed right next to the others. "Holy dimensional fabric." Helms proceeded to turn to his face-painted acquaintance. "Sting, I don't think that's politically correct."

He then turned to the others. "Where am I, by the way?"
Armando looked at Booker first, "I will take that as compliment.", he said in his accent without disrespect in the voice. He knew that these people had an advantage over him, so he had no choice but to follow and help them or he can not get back to his timeline. So the tear closed, as it did Armando looked at Elizabeth's face to see Awe in it. "I do not see what is so awe-inspiring about soldiers doing there duties of war.", he said to her, again keeping a respectful tone. He then looked to the figure who fell from the sky and started talking away. "Dear god man, what are you wearing?", his respect fell a little from his voice. He had seen weird uniforms while fighting the Ottomans, but this was just ridiculous.
He looked to the man with the Franz Ferdinand mustache."I'm the Hurrican! This is my Hurri-suit!" He was confused as to when this was taking place, as everyone dressed like they were from a different time period. "Knights are on this floating island with 40's technology. Wassap wit dat?" He crossed his arms, like such.


Bioshock Infinite Universe

You know the drill. Weird energy pulses, pillar of purplr light, all that good stuff.

(I find it a little funny how they are all totally ignoring it.)
Hello, Hurricane. Pleasant to meet you. So, Sir Booker and Madam Elizabeth, shall we head forth to acquire this hand. Asked Shovel Knight, starting to walk with Shield Knight.

Does anyone notice that. Asked Shield Knight, pointing to the pillar of light where weird energy was coming from.

@Crenado @theManCalledSting @ryanpk200
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(Oh goody @TehFanzyMetroid you forgot Armando, the only guy that looks similar to you xD )

Armando quickly realized the purple light, though he just hasn't felt it. Though soon enough he realized where it was coming from. He made no remarks but instead put his helmet back on his head. He readied his shield and sword, with still having some blood painting over the blade. He looked at the spire, dumbfounded.
Morbuskid said:
(Oh goody @TehFanzyMetroid you forgot Armando, the only guy that looks similar to you xD )
Armando quickly realized the purple light, though he just hasn't felt it. Though soon enough he realized where it was coming from. He made no remarks but instead put his helmet back on his head. He readied his shield and sword, with still having some blood painting over the blade. He looked at the spire, dumbfounded.
Oh, look! Another knight! I hadn't noticed you. Apologized Shield Knight. Nice to meet you! Answered the shorter one.

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