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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Hurricane walked with the others. His hurri-powers felt that there was a great evil near. It was an evil he thought he could delay enacting justice onto.

(Sorry, @TommyGun15, we need a bit of a delay)
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(Eh, it's cool. I'm using my phone right now, which isn't the best solution. I gotta wait a bit to get me internet anyways.)


Drake: Blocking Angron's swipe with Fenikkusu and then catching Angron's Demon Sword with his off hand. He used his enormous Spritual Pressure to paralyze Angron mid-air. He was still held up, as Drake kept a tight grip on Angron's sword, but would feel the enormous weight of an above Captain-level Soul Reaper's Spiritual Pressure.

"Dude, if Khorne were real, then how are you not winning? While I'm in this form, I'm a Shinigami, which translates into Death God by the way. So, it's a really cultist general against a real god, hmm, you tell me how this is gonna end for you, cause I don't wanna spoil the fun," Drake chided.
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TehFanzyMetroid said:
Oh, look! Another knight! I hadn't noticed you. Apologized Shield Knight. Nice to meet you! Answered the shorter one.
"To be fair... So many people have been jumping universes I'm surprised you didn't show up sooner." Said Sting to their new companion. @Morbuskid
Armando had nodded to the two knights before looking at sting. "Strange? I am not the only one, though this will probably be the first in recorded history for me to be somewhere such as this, beyond the realm of god yet so close to it.", he said with his accent still. Though he spoke poetically, such as in the books Elizabeth once read.
Morbuskid said:
Armando had nodded to the two knights before looking at sting. "Strange? I am not the only one, though this will probably be the first in recorded history for me to be somewhere such as this, beyond the realm of god yet so close to it.", he said with his accent still. Though he spoke poetically, such as in the books Elizabeth once read.
"Hey, save the poetry for the big showdown with Comstuck.... Besides, with me around you never know who could turn..." Sting explained as he turned to Hurricane (@Crenando ) and said "It might even be you who'd turn."

As our heroes head to the Tomb of Mrs. Comstuck. Bells ring from the distance... as if signaling something.
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Morbuskid said:
Armando had nodded to the two knights before looking at sting. "Strange? I am not the only one, though this will probably be the first in recorded history for me to be somewhere such as this, beyond the realm of god yet so close to it.", he said with his accent still. Though he spoke poetically, such as in the books Elizabeth once read.
Gods. Haha! Dont you know that a god simply cannot exist! Laughed the blue knight, not wanting to be hurtful, just wanting to play since he thought it was just a mere joke, not knowing most knights are religious. Why are those bells ringing. Are they preparing an attack to defend the cemetary.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
Gods. Haha! Dont you know that a god simply cannot exist! Laughed the blue knight, not wanting to be hurtful, just wanting to play since he thought it was just a mere joke, not knowing most knights are religious. Why are those bells ringing. Are they preparing an attack to defend the cemetary.
"I'm ignoring the god comment... but I the feeling that something dark is coming." ((Sting's a hardcore Christian))

"So you tried to invade a world and got kicked in the arse both times you tried to take over it. Boo hoo." The Librarian replied in a mocking tone "As for your Taken...There's a universe where The World Eaters are getting a little bit too big for their boots. You encountered their leader, The Red Angel before. I can take you there and you can build your army...However, do not attack unless threatened. If I see you go after anyone apart from the World Eaters unless they've threatened you I will be really pissed off...Are we clear?" He spoke in a serious tone.

The Librarian turned his attention to Golbez and smiled "You can do as you wish. If you want to fight more evil, I can point you in it's direction. If you wish to explore this planet, you can." He shrugged before continuing "Up to you. I may call upon you another day."


Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman shrugged her shoulders in response to Goku's words "I want something from you. Some of your power. It is all I ask...I'll give you something in return, of course." She tried to reassure him with a smile, but underneath she knew that Goku wasn't going to give up some of his power willingly.

Harley followed the group as they moved towards a tear. She was however, under guard by one of the knights

"So what are you doing here?" She asked, trying to break the silence

"Shut up." Gregory snapped

"Aww, come on!" She complained "What did I ever do to you?"

"What you did, Harley...You'd do to anyone." Gregory replied coldly "It's why I don't trust you."

Connor approached Gregory's side "You say that this woman...This, strangely dressed woman..."

"You think her outfit's strange when you're talking to a guy with armour from..."

"This whole situation is strange...And that's an understatement."

"Yep. Harley is the lover of the murdering psychopath and she's killed people in his name." Gregory explained "So don't trust her. At all."

"He...He died."

"Holy shit he died?!" Gregory shouted

"Keep your voice down, citizen." One of the knights butted in

"Are you deaf?" Harley asked "Mista J died...Batman murdered him."

"Mista J?" Connor asked

"It's a long story."

As the two walked forwards towards the tear, Connor stood by Gregory's side "If she is dangerous, why haven't you killed her? You seem like the kind of man who would kill to protect her." He gestured towards Sayaka who was walking behind them.

"Why haven't you?" Gregory asked sarcastically "We're surrounded by warriors with energy weapons. One crazy lady isn't going to stop them."

As they approached the tear, Morbus appeared

"How do we know we can trust you?" Connor asked suspiciously

"Come on, with a smile like that!" Harley butted in

The Knights surrounded Morbus "State thy name, thy rank, thy species and thy intention." One of them commanded

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(@Some_Bloke , I do apologize for the in-convenience of not being in you alerts, but on the previous page i approached the group, introduced myself, and offered to help them. If you wish for me to quote it then so be it.)


Goku: Goku was skeptical of this whole situation. This woman just shows up out of nowhere and starts demanding some of his energy. He already made that mistake with Frieza, and he wasn't going to make it again.

"I don't know what you're planning, but you're not getting any of my energy, so you can be on your way now."
Oryx chuckled at the response, "Always the one to make light of lose... give me the details about the situation, what am I dealing with other then the World Eaters? I will be as safe as possible otherwise..." Oryx lifted up his sword, preparing to teleport into combat.
(Okay, i stated it in the Character sheet that you can't see his mouth until he takes the hood off. But we all make flaws, so i really can't blame you for that @Some_Bloke )

Morbus looked at Connor who doubted him. He noticed Harley say something about his smile, but thats because when someone evil looks at him, they see his devious smile. He watched the soldiers round him. "I am Morbus, i am Guardian of purgatory which means i am much higher then your general because i'm what keeps the demons out of my world's shoes. I am a fallen angelic being, fancy for Archangel, and my Intention is adventure.", he stated the one sentence witha bit of a cheery tone, though it was hard ot make a smile because of his deep voice in this stage.

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"So you tried to invade a world and got kicked in the arse both times you tried to take over it. Boo hoo." The Librarian replied in a mocking tone "As for your Taken...There's a universe where The World Eaters are getting a little bit too big for their boots. You encountered their leader, The Red Angel before. I can take you there and you can build your army...However, do not attack unless threatened. If I see you go after anyone apart from the World Eaters unless they've threatened you I will be really pissed off...Are we clear?" He spoke in a serious tone.

The Librarian turned his attention to Golbez and smiled "You can do as you wish. If you want to fight more evil, I can point you in it's direction. If you wish to explore this planet, you can." He shrugged before continuing "Up to you. I may call upon you another day."


Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman shrugged her shoulders in response to Goku's words "I want something from you. Some of your power. It is all I ask...I'll give you something in return, of course." She tried to reassure him with a smile, but underneath she knew that Goku wasn't going to give up some of his power willingly.

Harley followed the group as they moved towards a tear. She was however, under guard by one of the knights

"So what are you doing here?" She asked, trying to break the silence

"Shut up." Gregory snapped

"Aww, come on!" She complained "What did I ever do to you?"

"What you did, Harley...You'd do to anyone." Gregory replied coldly "It's why I don't trust you."

Connor approached Gregory's side "You say that this woman...This, strangely dressed woman..."

"You think her outfit's strange when you're talking to a guy with armour from..."

"This whole situation is strange...And that's an understatement."

"Yep. Harley is the lover of the murdering psychopath and she's killed people in his name." Gregory explained "So don't trust her. At all."

"He...He died."

"Holy shit he died?!" Gregory shouted

"Keep your voice down, citizen." One of the knights butted in

"Are you deaf?" Harley asked "Mista J died...Batman murdered him."

"Mista J?" Connor asked

"It's a long story."

As the two walked forwards towards the tear, Connor stood by Gregory's side "If she is dangerous, why haven't you killed her? You seem like the kind of man who would kill to protect her." He gestured towards Sayaka who was walking behind them.

"Why haven't you?" Gregory asked sarcastically "We're surrounded by warriors with energy weapons. One crazy lady isn't going to stop them."

As they approached the tear, Morbus appeared

"How do we know we can trust you?" Connor asked suspiciously

"Come on, with a smile like that!" Harley butted in

The Knights surrounded Morbus "State thy name, thy rank, thy species and thy intention." One of them commanded


Wait... You're Harley Quinn! I loved those comics when I was a kid! Replied Seth, remembering the times he would actually read comics. Anyways, I'm Seth. Can I ask who are all of you. Said the shadow charmer towards the new knights, being a bit confused.

Enraged that the welp would dare to insult Khorne, Angron thrusts his right hoofed foot into Drake's face before attempt another attack with his sword. While attempting his sword attack, Angron activates his communicator and orders the Devourer of Stars to bombard his location.


Drake: Not expecting a hoof to the face, Drake was knocked back a few feet, but brought up Fenikkusu just in time to block Angron's sword attack. As for the incoming artillery fire from Angron's ship, Drake brought his hand up and used his Kido again, this time a defensive spell."

"Hado Number 83: Danku!" Drake shouted. Above his head formed what seemed to be a large window that intercepted Angron's surprise bombardment. "That was a dirty move, Angron. And here I thought you fought with honor....AHAHAHA! Sorry, I couldn't say it with a straight face. Anyways, it's time I show you stage 1 of 2 forms my blade here can do. See, a Soul Reaper's weapon, Zanpakuto, which mean "Soul Slayer" by the way, has two forms of released power. The first, Shikai, is the least powerful of the two, but still boosts power quite considerably. The second, Bankai...well let's just say you couldn't match me while in Bankai. Now then,
Rise, Fenikkusu!" Drake shouted the incantation that released his blade's power.

Flames sprouted from seemingly nowhere and engulfed Drake's blade, but he showed no sign of pain. When the flames subsided, in his hand was a double-bladed, double-edged longsword made of orange metal. Drake readied himself midair as his white Captain's gi blew in the wind.
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Wanting nothing more than to punish Drake for his insolence, Angron grips his Deamon blade with both hands before unleashing a fury of slashes aimed at Drake's arms and legs." You arrogant fool! I will tear you apart and offer your skull to Khorne!"
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Drake: With Fenikkusu being the fastest fire-type zanpakuto created and its double-bladed Shikai form, Drake used only his sword arm to intercept Angron's attack with the twin blade. With his spare hand, he put it over his mouth in a pretend yawn.

"Do you even
hear yourself speak? It sounds kinda like this: 'blah blah blah, Khorne. Blah blah blah rage.' Honestly, what on Earth makes you think that sounds sane? To me, that sounds dumb. You worship a religion that doesn't do crap, you lead a cult of cannon fodder for soldiers, and, worst of all, you can't even properly kill a teenager. You call yourself a conquerer? I think the word 'whimp' is a more accurate term."

Becoming tired of hearing Drake's annoying voice, Angron knees Drake in the stomach while he his talking before delivering a headbutt." I do not lead a group of "cannon fodder" fool! I command greatest warriors of the World Eaters!"
Bioshock Infinite universe

The team made their way into the graveyard and reached the tomb. It looks like this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.70f89ba009725448f5e0900f51859e51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.70f89ba009725448f5e0900f51859e51.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Sorry for poor quality.)

Elizabeth uses a tear to create a lock on the gate and begins picking it. "They have her preserved in an airtight chamber, her fingerprints will get us into Comstock house." She said.

"Elizabeth, it's your mother." Said Booker. "A mother who abandons their child doesn't draw a lot of sympathy in my book." Elizabeth said. "I'm going to do it." Booker said. The lock falls off the gate and is now able to be opened.

Booker pushes the gate and tries to open the chamber. As soon as he does it the gate locks and cuts the two off from the team. Strange machinery comes out from the walls and a PA comes on. It's the voice of Comstock. "You see child, you have chosen to follow a false shepherd and he has led you astray! You don't listen to me but maybe you listen to your mother!" A purple light flows from Elizabeth and into the machines. Elizabeth starts screaming in pain. Then the light flows into the corpse and causes the chamber to explode.

As this happens, the team hears church bells ringing and someone chanting "I pray my soul is mine to keep. And never step outside this bed, Into all the evil, Now back from the dead."

Lady Comstock's resurrected corpse hovers in front of Elizabeth before disappearing.

Booker says "Elizabeth! Stop. You should get some rest." "No. I'm getting that hand!" She said as she pushes the gate open. She noticed a new arrival enter the graveyard as Lady Comstock reappears. "Elizabeth? Why is your mom a ghost?" Booker asked. "Also it seams your mother is raising the dead." He said as he watched her resurrect several of the corpses that were scattered across the graveyard. Booker loaded his shotgun and threw a fireball into a group a zombie soldiers as the fight began.

(To compensate for the large group, the Siren is getting a few buffs. She and the zombie soldiers have more health. The zombies do more damage so they are more of threat than an annoyance. Last the area of effect scream has a larger range.)



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Armando is having a hard time to even come up with a reason for all of this. He manages to take out a few zombies do to just pure luck of him stabbing them in the head. "BACK SPAWN OF THE DEVIL, BACK!", he yelled as more blood covered him. He followed behind Booker as he seemed to know more about this then he did.
"This is truly...the blackest night." Hurricane attempted to fight off some zombie soldiers, with his back facing Sting's like an action movie poster.
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The Undertaker appears at the entrance of the Tomb on a hellish motorcycle... He rushes through the Zombie Soldiers helping to even the odds.

"Well then that's good timing," said Sting as he immediately trusts the man who's known nick name is "BIG EVIL".

Sting then gave a Zombie a Scorpion Death Drop
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