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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Unknown Universe

"I need you to help me retrieve a group of scientists who were studying the tears. They're surrounded by a group sent to rescue them so you'll need to lie and manipulate in order to get the scientists. Can you do that?" The Librarian asked




"You have encountered their leader before. Angron, the Red Angel." The Librarian explained "However, as there are plans for him don't kill him. Focus on his soldiers. There are other beings there too, but I want your attention focused on the World Eaters. Understood?"
Oryx roared, "I swear on my honor and my life, that I will only focus on World Eaters and those who attack me first! I swear to not start a fight otherwise!"
Morbus laughed at them bowing down to him. "Grace? I am just another servant to the good lord above, you don't need to kneel to a fellow soldier. I just said in God's eternal army, i am but one of those who follow behind him in a long line of the heavenly patriots, though an immortal line which still is higher rank in heaven then a mortal General. I wish to accompany you on your journey in whatever your doing, i am willingly giving you my free time before the moon rises full. You don't have to take me with you but hey i was bored.", he said to the knights and Gregory. He did however walk over to the Harely and Gregory. "And you, i forgive you but don't use the lord's name in vain, it is a sin, and i kill sinners.", he joked a little in the last sentence towards Gegory, but killing sinners was apart of his job.
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Assassins Creed Universe
The knights each dropped down onto one knee upon hearing Morbus' words, bowing their heads and drawing their swords, pointing them at the ground. "Our swords are yours, in victory and defeat." The female knight spoke "We will be servants to a servant of the Lord."

"An Archangel...Bugger me" Gregory muttered "Well I suppose, alternate universes and whatnot..."

"We are the Knights of the Reborn World, child." The female knight explained to Seth, still kneeling before Morbus "Camelot is our home and from there we seek to vanquish all evil and protect the innocent under the order of the Knights of the Round Table."

"Pfft..." Harley laughed "You couldn't even handle the French! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! What makes you think you can vanquish all evil?!

Gregory snickered in response to Harley's words "I'm sorry. Sorry." He laughed "It's been a rough day, I needed that."

"And what do you mean by comic books?" Harley asked Seth "Wait..."

"In his universe, you exist as a fictional character... Please dear God, don't tell me I have to explain the multiverse theory again..." Gregory sighed before looking at Morbus "Oh sorry. I know I am not mean to take your God's name in vain...Or something." Gregory bowed his head "Your grace."

Oh yeah, multiverse. You exist now. Good. Well, I'm caught up with everything, I heard someone ask what dark magic was that. Should I explain. Said the boy, asking the last bit to Gregory.

Bioshock Universe

FOR VICTORY! Yelled the blue knight before running into battle, spade in hand. He slashed some zombies in the head and did a nice shovel jump combo, taking out 4. Shield Knight threw her shield and used her war horn to clear out a few that were surrounding her. The vibrations of being within very close proximity of the blast caused the suckers' heads to explode.


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Drake: Drake had the wind knocked out of his lungs by Angron's knee, and was knocked down into the crater by his headbutt, throwing up a huge cloud of dust. After the dust cloud subsided, Drake stood up with Fenikkusu still in its Shikai form. He crackwd his neck and dusted himself off. He had bruises and scars all over his body with rips and tears in his Shinigami robe and Captain's gi.

"My my. I actually felt that. Alright buddy, we've had our laughs, and now it's time to get serious." He brought Fenikkusu in front of his chest and held it straight up and down. "Ban....kai." As he said the word, Drake was engulfed in flames. His voice spoke through the flames, surrounding Angron. "As a phoenix grows old, it throws itself into the flame and is reborn through the ashes..." As he spoke, the flames began to take shape. Two wings grew out on either side, and a head formed on the top with glowing yellow eyes. This flaming phoenix flew straight at Angron. "...and it rises on the wings of freedom!" The flames dissipated to reveal Drake coated in a crimson metal that resembles feathers. Two similar armored wings protruded from his back, and were also coated in flames. Fenikkusu's blade had shifted into a double-edged straight sword with an intricately designed, black handle and yellow blade.

He disappeared from sight for a second, reappearing on the other side of Angron. A huge gash appeared on Angron's sword arm shoulder.

Caught off guard by the speed of his opponet's attack, Angron waits until shoulder wound completely healed before facing his opponent. Gripping his blade with both hands, Angron orders the Devourer of Stars to send down another wave of reinforcements before swinging his sword at Drake's neck.
Elizabeth notices Armando having trouble against the zombies. She found a Skyhook and tosses to Armando. "Hey! Use this instead." She shouts to him. Booker tossing fireballs at the Siren while firing his shotgun at zombies when they get close. He switchss his Vigor to charge and uses it on the Siren to stun it. He then unloads a clip of from the shotgun to finish it off. The death of the Siren destroys any remaining zombies. Since the fights over Elizabeth starts patching up the others with health kits that she found. @theManCalledSting (You can do the kidnapping now.)
ryanpk200 said:
Elizabeth notices Armando having trouble against the zombies. She found a Skyhook and tosses to Armando. "Hey! Use this instead." She shouts to him. Booker tossing fireballs at the Siren while firing his shotgun at zombies when they get close. He switchss his Vigor to charge and uses it on the Siren to stun it. He then unloads a clip of from the shotgun to finish it off. The death of the Siren destroys any remaining zombies. Since the fights over Elizabeth starts patching up the others with health kits that she found. @theManCalledSting (You can do the kidnapping now.)
"Booker..." said the Undertaker as he slowly approached Booker Dewitt. "You better get ready for your last ride." Undertaker then proceeds to kick Booker in the crotch and preforms the Last Ride through a conveniently placed Table. The Undertaker turns on his former allies delivering a Chokeslam to Sting, Tombstone Piledrivers to the Knights and a Kick in the Dick to the Hurricane.

"You're coming with me lil' Lady," said the Undertaker to Elizabeth as he knocks her out with a swift punch to the face. He got on his motorcycle and rode of to who knows where...
"Hm? Lie and manipulate? I should be fine." Vance said mulling it over. He could lie with a straight face and steady heart beat which is what was really required in his world. Manipulation? He'd done it before and he'd do it again. "When I return I'd like to head to my universe so I can become an alpha. After that I'll gain a few betas. But, first let's get this on with."

Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory and Harley both replied to Morbus's comment on "killing sinners" with nervous laughter. I really hope he isn't able to see the things I've done, he thought. The Knights stood upon hearing Morbus' words "We're going to Camelot." The female Knight explained "You are welcome to join us."

Gregory raised a hand at Seth, indicating that he keep his mouth shut. If Morbus was an Angel who would kill people just for "using the Lord's name in vain", he dreaded what he would do to Seth if he learned about the dark magic. Gregory stepped forwards "As far as I can tell, your book says nothin' about controlling the shadows being an immoral sin." He spoke, trying to defend Seth. Harley rolled her eyes in response and stepped forwards.

"Don't piss off the Angel Harley, not if you want to live." Gregory cautioned her. As he was focused on Harley, he did not notice Connor step forwards.

"Where is your God?" Connor asked in an angry tone "Where was he when thousands of men killed each other over land neither of them rightfully own?!"

"Connor..." Gregory cautioned him "Don't..."





"Very well." The Librarian nodded in response "Tell me when you are ready to go and I will send you there."


Unknown Universe

"Okay, seems fair enough to me." The Librarian smiled in response "Are you ready to go?"

theManCalledSting said:
"Booker..." said the Undertaker as he slowly approached Booker Dewitt. "You better get ready for your last ride." Undertaker then proceeds to kick Booker in the crotch and preforms the Last Ride through a conveniently placed Table. The Undertaker turns on his former allies delivering a Chokeslam to Sting, Tombstone Piledrivers to the Knights and a Kick in the Dick to the Hurricane.
"You're coming with me lil' Lady," said the Undertaker to Elizabeth as he knocks her out with a swift punch to the face. He got on his motorcycle and rode of to who knows where...
Shovel Knight and Shield Knight were stunned by the piledrivers. Ow... what... WAIT! STOP THE SCOUNDREL! Yelled the short knight before getting out his mobile gear. Sure it may not be as fast as a motorcycle but its faster then Shovel Knight and with the adjustments Tinker Knight made, he could travel faster then before. Shield Knight woke up aswell. I'll take care of the others! Go! Yelled the lady before Shovel Knight pursued the kidnapper. He then got out his flare rod and shot at the motorcycle.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
Shovel Knight and Shield Knight were stunned by the piledrivers. Ow... what... WAIT! STOP THE SCOUNDREL! Yelled the short knight before getting out his mobile gear. Sure it may not be as fast as a motorcycle but its faster then Shovel Knight and with the adjustments Tinker Knight made, he could travel faster then before. Shield Knight woke up aswell. I'll take care of the others! Go! Yelled the lady before Shovel Knight pursued the kidnapper. He then got out his flare rod and shot at the motorcycle.
The Undertaker was able to dodge the flare rod... as he drove into a fire fight between the Vox Populi and the Founders.
Gregory and Harley both replied to Morbus's comment on "killing sinners" with nervous laughter. I really hope he isn't able to see the things I've done, he thought. The Knights stood upon hearing Morbus' words "We're going to Camelot." The female Knight explained "You are welcome to join us."
Gregory raised a hand at Seth, indicating that he keep his mouth shut. If Morbus was an Angel who would kill people just for "using the Lord's name in vain", he dreaded what he would do to Seth if he learned about the dark magic. Gregory stepped forwards "As far as I can tell, your book says nothin' about controlling the shadows being an immoral sin." He spoke, trying to defend Seth. Harley rolled her eyes in response and stepped forwards.

"Don't piss off the Angel Harley, not if you want to live." Gregory cautioned her. As he was focused on Harley, he did not notice Connor step forwards.

"Where is your God?" Connor asked in an angry tone "Where was he when thousands of men killed each other over land neither of them rightfully own?!"

"Connor..." Gregory cautioned him "Don't..."


Well, talking with the creatures of the night sure is... Muttered the charmer under his breath. So, how is this new Camelot. I guess its some sort of futuristic Utopia if this is one of your vessels.
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Armando got up, an enemy was one thing but a traitor was the most low down and vile thing to him. His horse had actually come, it had escaped the grasp of his horsemen who were bringing it back to camp, and it managed to jump through the tear before the tear closed. It went straight to Armando, but he noticed it was too late and undertaker was too fast for his horse, he would not risk the possible death of him and his horse. "That traitor, If i ever catch sight of him again then i'll cut him open and let the lord finish off!", Armando exclaimed but kept it a low tone to not scare his horse.

Morbus could tell everything they were thinking, " I know what you are thinking and i am not that strict, i don't kill those who use the lords name in vain and i do not kill dark magic users so long as they use there powers for what is right. Besides remember i am a fallen angel, i have picked up a dark powers myself such as fire and the control of shadows.", he said. He then looked at Harley, "She is actually pretty innocent, the only crimes she has committed is theft and wounding a few people. It was her crazy boyfriend that did most of the killing.", he said to calm Harley down as well.

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theManCalledSting said:
The Undertaker was able to dodge the flare rod... as he drove into a fire fight between the Vox Populi and the Founders.
Shovel Knight stopped and jumped off his gear, taking cover of the bullets. He figured The Founders were the enemy since they were rather well armed then the Vox Populi and he saw some tearing down Comstock posters. He used his flame rod to the Founders and it may look like he was using a Vigor with the flame rod.
TehFanzyMetroid said:
Shovel Knight stopped and jumped off his gear, taking cover of the bullets. He figured The Founders were the enemy since they were rather well armed then the Vox Populi and he saw some tearing down Comstock posters. He used his flame rod to the Founders and it may look like he was using a Vigor with the flame rod.
A Church bell rung as Shovel Knight fought the Founders. and the Undertaker and Elizabeth Vanished with out a trace... Did they go into a tear? or was this one of Undertaker's spoopy power?


is it...


A light shined from a corner. It was a lantern, being held by a bearded man with a smile on his face. He had two equally bearded men at each of his sides, one wearing a sheep mask.

He blew it out as the light turned back on. "Shovel Knight, you should know better than following a ghost...They'll disappear on you and you'll have to start over. They disappear into the night, with the wolves..." He proceeded to laugh and wander towards the knight.


Drake: The right wing on Drake's back blocked Angron's sword and held it in place. Fire crawled from his wing onto Angron, and then created a blazing inferno.

"My Bankai, Jiyuu no Tsubasa Fenikkusu. Taste the flames of justice for all the innocents killed in your conquests." Drake's tone had shifted greatly from laid back to menacing. He was done with these games and finally decided to put an end to Angron's conquest, be it through killing him or not.
Morbuskid said:
Morbus could tell everything they were thinking, " I know what you are thinking and i am not that strict, i don't kill those who use the lords name in vain and i do not kill dark magic users so long as they use there powers for what is right. Besides remember i am a fallen angel, i have picked up a dark powers myself such as fire and the control of shadows.", he said. He then looked at Harley, "She is actually pretty innocent, the only crimes she has committed is theft and wounding a few people. It was her crazy boyfriend that did most of the killing.", he said to calm Harley down as well.
Fiouf. I was kinda fearing when you said you knew what we were thinking. Now that I'm not longer under threat of being massacred by crusaders, well, yet, I'll explain. I'm a shadow charmer. That means I have dark powers. These dark powers can let me be immune to any magical emotions, talk to creatures of the night like trolls, goblins, demons, etc. I can shade walk, meaning away from bright light, I can turn invisible, I can also command undead creatures like zombies and wraiths. I can also emit magical fear and darken a room. Watch. Explained the man, not sure if he would be massacred by the knights. He then made the room pitch black for 2 seconds before lighting it up a bit, letting him be invisible. He then emit an ounce of magical fear to the others in the room. He let out a small Ta da with jazz hands after.[/color]

Feeling the heat from the flames surrounding him, kicks Drake in the groin with his right foot before yanking his blade with both hands in an attempt to free himself from Drake's grip. " There is no justice for me too face, fool! Every single one of those pathetic welps slaughtered by me and my legion deserved there fate!"

While the battle between Angron and Drake continues, multiple drop pods descend from the sky and land in different areas of the planet, causing Angron's influence to grow over the world.
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Crenando said:
A light shined from a corner. It was a lantern, being held by a bearded man with a smile on his face. He had two equally bearded men at each of his sides, one wearing a sheep mask.

He blew it out as the light turned back on. "Shovel Knight, you should know better than following a ghost...They'll disappear on you and you'll have to start over. They disappear into the night, with the wolves..." He proceeded to laugh and wander towards the knight.
What do you want, phantom! Yelled the knight, afraid.
"Oh, Shovel Knight...I want you to open your eyes, man!" He put his arm around shovel knight, as he proceeded to ramble about something in a spoopy manner.

The two bearded men looked at the knight.
Armando was about to give up until he saw some shadowy figures around Shovel Knight ( OH NO ITS RAPE xD ). Armando hoped back on his horse and rode towards the strange figures. "State thy names strangers.", he said to the shadowy figures in both a demanding and asking voice.
The one that did most of the talking laughed. "How'd I forget about that. We're the Wyatts!" The one to left of him said "Yeah yeah yeah yeah!" in an increasingly louder voice before hitting him with a discus clothesline. "..That's Luke." The larger one in the black sheep mask proceeded to lift him up. "And that is Braun."
Booker got back up from the kick to crotch. He saw Undertaker driving away with Elizabeth. "Elizabeth!" He yelled. Booker noticed a Skyline follow along the path the Undertaker was using. He hopped onto the Skyline and tried catch up. He was just about to be able to do a Skyline strike when the Skyline turned away from the Undertaker's path and went around a building. When Booker came back around to where the Undertaker was, he vanished. He noticed the fight between the Vox and Founders. In a fit of rage Booker joined the fight.
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