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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Drake: Angron's foot made impact with Drake's left wing, the wing barely moving. Drake followed with a swift kick to Angron's groin, followed by two slashes across Angron's chest in an X shape. When he removed Fenikkusu, flames erupted from the wounds left on Angron. Spinning, he smacked Angron with the broad side of both wings and sent him down into the crater again. An enormous ball of flames careened right after him.

"You are corrupt! You murder innocents because you deem them 'weak.' You said the same of me, and look where it got you. Submit now, I am stronger than you, and you cannot win. Khorne is a false idol who gives you nothing but false hope for slaughter."



Feeling a small amount of pain from his chest wound, Angron grabs his sword before standing up. Sensing that his influence over the planet has grown, Angron jas his blade into the ground and begins to his immense power to create his very own Daemon World. As a result, numerous Warp Storms and portals form all across the planet as reality itself is torn apart.

"It is time for you to face the power of a true god, mortal! Soon this world will belong to Khorne!"


Drake: Seeing the tears and warps in the fabric of reality around the homestead, Drake decided it was about time he ended this. Holding his blade out to the left across his chest, he raised it in an arc and lowered it at his right side with the blade wreathed in golden flames. He was readying his finishing move. As he did, his Spiritual Pressure began covering the immediate area, giving the feeling of heavy weight to those with little or no Spiritual Energy, such as Angron's soldiers and the knights.

"Righteous Flame: Ragnarok Inferno!" Drake raised the golden flame-wreathed blade above his head as the blade shone almost as bright as the Sun. He brought the blade down in a huge slash, sending an enormous arc of bright, golden flames at Angron down in the crater.


Becoming consumed with absolute power, Angron removes his blade from the ground and holds it above his head before slamming it down on the arch of golden flames with the intention of blocking the attack.

All across the planet, hordes of sword weilding Daemons with a thirst for blood come through the many Warp portals throughout the world and begin to slaughter any living thing in sight.


Drake: The flames phased through Angron's sword and scored a direct attack on Angron himself. The force of the attack would push him even further down into the crater, bordering on the underground. At the same time, the sporadic dimensional portals that Drake had to fight people from opened all over the planet, this time spilling forth Shinigami, and the Captains of the 13 Court Guard Squads. They immediately engaged Angron's demon forces, the Captains unleashing their Shikai. Ichigo Kurosaki wasn't in this fight, but that was most likely for the best.

Drake still stood above the crater that he knocked Angron into, glaring into the smoke raised by his move.

"You are no god! Khorne isn't real, and the Shinigami are here to wipe out your forces. Give up and you can live, but I'll be sealing your power away."
Morbus was about to show off his Shadow play skills until he felt something strange. First dark energy, then a light feeling, then the death of innocents. "Excuse me," he said before leaning back and breathing in. Then all at once an enormous burst of shadows come from mouth and filled the air, and they all went for the Daemons that were killing innocents. The shadows took to the grounds and they began to slaughter the Daemons. Either by ripping the Daemons apart,or by slamming them or any other brutal way to kill. And the worst part for these Daemons were they could not attack the shadows back without light-based weaponry. The shadows even traveled to the battle and began to rip the Daemon army to peices. Soon enough the last one got pulled 4 ways by the shadows and was ripped into 4 pieces.
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Pushing away few stones laying in top of him, Angron readies his sword before leaping through the large cloud of smoke towards Drake with the intention if severing Drake's left arm.

All across the planet, more Bloodletters pour through the Warp portals across the planet as Warp Storms form all around the planet.


Drake: Blocking Angron's attack with both his wings again, bringing Fenikkusu down on Angron's sword and began diving back down, pushing Angron with him. While the Captan and Vice-Captain Shinigami had little trouble fending off Angron's demons, the regular Shinigami had a bit of trouble. Explosions echoed in the distance, as did the war cries of Squad 11 Captain, Zaraki Kenpachi.

"Angron, you are beaten! Your forces are outmatched, I still have more power than you, and I can feel that more forces are coming to fight you off from another universe. Surrender now and live!"

Insulted by the fool's words, Angron bites into Drake's right shoulder while repeatable striking his opponet's stomach with his left fist.

"Fool! I would never surrender to someone as idiotic and foolish as you! Soon your forces will be consumed by the endless armies of Khorne!"
Bioshock Infinite Universe

As the fighting got more and more intense, the pillar of purple light began to glow more and more incessantly. Judging by the location, it wasn't more than a flying island or two away.

(That way they don't have to go too far out of their way. Also, good news. I got my internet back. I should be able to post fairly regularly from this point on.)
TommyGun15 said:
Bioshock Infinite Universe
As the fighting got more and more intense, the pillar of purple light began to glow more and more incessantly. Judging by the location, it wasn't more than a flying island or two away.

(That way they don't have to go too far out of their way. Also, good news. I got my internet back. I should be able to post fairly regularly from this point on.)
Sting recovers from the attack from the Undertaker and then notices the purple light... "That might be 'Taker calling it quits... or something worse." said Sting as he punched a Founder Soldier that was sneaking behind him.
Oryx snarled in annoyance, "I have told you THRICE that I am willing to go and wish to do your work, and you treat me as if I am mute on these words? I simply wish to go forth and do my tasks..."
Assassins Creed Universe

"You could call Camelot a Utopia, yes." The female Knight explained to Seth

Harley let out another nervous laugh in response to Morbus' words. She had killed people, police officers and some of her own henchmen following Joker's death. She did not think that killing Hellhounds counted, at least in Morbus' eyes. Connor stepped away from Morbus, if he was a Fallen Angel he would not know why his God was absent during times of great bloodshed.

"I never understood what you saw in him." Gregory spoke, shaking his head

"That's the thing, you didn't. You never knew him like I did!" Harley snapped

"Oh for fuck sakes..." Gregory muttered

Upon seeing the forces invading the planet, the Knights led the group through the tear to Camelot as fast as possible as Morbus fought the invading armies.

"Angel!" The female Knight shouted "Come on!"


Reborn World City


On the other side of the tear the group found themselves just outside a massive city . Multiple ships flew in the skies above while an army of Knights had surrounded the tear. Despite the tear, the city was active and alive with millions of people still going about their lives.

Above the city itself was a large, yet invisible forcefield. Only recognizable ships could fly in and out of it.

"If that army gets through..." Gregory muttered

"It won't. The size of the tear will force any army into a bottleneck where we can easily crush them." The female Knight explained

"We never asked your name." Connor butted in

"My name is Ser Isemay." She nodded in response. "But my name is not important. I am only one of many who serve the Round Table."


Gregory stepped towards the city as Isemay continued to speak "This is one of the outer-rim colonies, not Camelot itself. I'll take you there."

"Ohh, Mirus and Steven would love this." Gregory muttered

One of the many ships descended, landing in front of the group.
Assassins Creed Universe
"You could call Camelot a Utopia, yes." The female Knight explained to Seth

Harley let out another nervous laugh in response to Morbus' words. She had killed people, police officers and some of her own henchmen following Joker's death. She did not think that killing Hellhounds counted, at least in Morbus' eyes. Connor stepped away from Morbus, if he was a Fallen Angel he would not know why his God was absent during times of great bloodshed.

"I never understood what you saw in him." Gregory spoke, shaking his head

"That's the thing, you didn't. You never knew him like I did!" Harley snapped

"Oh for fuck sakes..." Gregory muttered

Upon seeing the forces invading the planet, the Knights led the group through the tear to Camelot as fast as possible as Morbus fought the invading armies.

"Angel!" The female Knight shouted "Come on!"


Reborn World City


On the other side of the tear the group found themselves just outside a massive city . Multiple ships flew in the skies above while an army of Knights had surrounded the tear. Despite the tear, the city was active and alive with millions of people still going about their lives.

Above the city itself was a large, yet invisible forcefield. Only recognizable ships could fly in and out of it.

"If that army gets through..." Gregory muttered

"It won't. The size of the tear will force any army into a bottleneck where we can easily crush them." The female Knight explained

"We never asked your name." Connor butted in

"My name is Ser Isemay." She nodded in response. "But my name is not important. I am only one of many who serve the Round Table."


Gregory stepped towards the city as Isemay continued to speak "This is one of the outer-rim colonies, not Camelot itself. I'll take you there."

"Ohh, Mirus and Steven would love this." Gregory muttered

One of the many ships descended, landing in front of the group.

Wow... Gasped Seth, being amazed by the city. He expected something like this but to this extravagant. Especially since this, in fact, was not Camelot. So, I guess you guys found the Holy Grail. Joked the boy.
Reborn World City

"You would be right." Ser Isemay replied "The original Knights of the Round table found the Grail over one thousand years ago."

She stepped into the ship as the group followed her and several other Knights "I was impressed by your display, child. Where did you learn such powers?" She asked

(didn't forget about the display, the full-scale invasion was a bit more pressing xD )
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Reborn World City
"You would be right." Ser Isemay replied "The original Knights of the Round table found the Grail over one thousand years ago."

She stepped into the ship as the group followed her and several other Knights "I was impressed by your display, child. Where did you learn such powers?" She asked

(didn't forget about the display, the full-scale invasion was a bit more pressing xD )

First off, can you stop calling me child, Im 27. Anyways, when I was 11 I was at my grandparents and their magical creature reserve and a narcoblix took ovethe reserve since she worked with an organisation that wanted to release a prison that held the most powerful demons. She took over all of the people living there since she could control people in their sleep. Anyways, it was just me and my sister left and she went to escape and get help while I tried to find the key to killing a revenant that turned 3 of our buddies into wandering albinos. I borrowed a courage potion from our alchemist friend called Tanu since the revenant provoked magical fear. I eventually pulled out a giant nail that was stuck inside its neck, taking away its powers and restoring everyone to normal. Then my sis and my cousin twice removed that was stuck albino by the revenant went into the inverted tower to reclaim an artifact that could heal any wound. They ended up fighting a flying, acid spitting 3 headed cat to get it. Then, a couple months later, we went back there to visit and, while visiting my satyr friends we saw some nipsies, tiny men, being turned to shadow people. One of our friends gets turned into a shadow ghost and I was the only one to see it. After we defeated the shadow plague by me activating some time machine that brings the greatest adventurer in history back from the past. Then, a year later, my sister gets kidnapped and gets replaced by a clone set out by The Society of The Evening Star, the guys trying to release the demons. We catch the clone revealing info on us that could get us into trouble and she committed suicide. We didnt know she was a clone then so we thought she actually died. After we found her, we learned we needed to get a unicorn horn to get into a dragon sanctuary to get a key that opens the door to the saferoom of an artifact in another magical preserve so that our enemies dont get it first. So, I visit my demon friend Graulas and he taks to me about being a shadow charmer since Ive had some dark energy because of that nail. He made the thing official and all and had a troll named Nero train me. I could then become invisible in low light, see invisible things and can't feel magic emotions. So, I stole the unicorn horn and replaced it with a banana by telling the mountain troll who was guarding it it was a prank. We then headed to the dragon sactuary where I befriended the sky giant Thronis, got the key, killed a dragon with a unicorn horn and then we moved out. I then get captured in a jar, I then escape and heal my demon friend who actually betrayed me and destroyed Fablehaven, my grandparent's preserve, free the narcoblix who became our friend so she could guide me to The Singing Sisters, who guide me to Vasilis, a magical sword of light and dark, to get it I had to defeat and army of the undead, Then I defeated Graulas. After that and having the demon prison released, my sister, with the help of the fairy queen, captured all of the demons and put them into another, harder to open prison. With Elders protecting it. The Sphinx, the old leader of The Society of The Evening Star who is now reformed, who is also a shadow charmer, taught me everything else I know. I then joined The Knights of Dawn to help preserve magic around the world. I was just finishing up a job before getting here, actually. So, that's basically the story of my life. Explained the Knight of Dawn to the Knight of The Reborn World.
Morbus's shadows continued to fill the planet and began covering tears. He then looked to the group who had just walked through a tear and so he followed. When he stepped through he saw the large community. It was a quite beautiful place, but he preferred free space such as forestry instead. "Quite a beauty, even though it is only buildings and people.", he remarked while approaching the group with as little disrespect and more of a joke. He had allot of good jokes but he just wasn't feeling it. Instead it was best to be serious, so he finally got to the group.
Bray looked to Braun. "That purple energy...it looks like an aurora borealis...why don't you take him there to get a better look at it?" Bray looked back to Shovel Knight as Braun put the mustauchio'd man over his shoulder, carrying him towards the spear.

As soon as he got to the spear, he lifted it with one hand, holding Armando with the other.
Within the spear, something awakened. This awareness looked upon the man who held it's vessel, and searched the man's soul.
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Through searching the man's soul, the spear found echos of a name. "Sister Abigail...", in a fashion most humans would call spoopy.

Meanwhile, Bray continued to talk to Shovel Knight about ominous, cult-related things, and The Hurricane writhed in pain on the floor.
The being continued to search the man's soul, looking for things such as what he valued, what his beliefs were, who and what he held dear, and what sort of sense of right and wrong the man possessed.

(You know, personality-type things.)
Crenando said:
Through searching the man's soul, the spear found echos of a name. "Sister Abigail...", in a fashion most humans would call spoopy.
Meanwhile, Bray continued to talk to Shovel Knight about ominous, cult-related things, and The Hurricane writhed in pain on the floor.
You're starting to sound like Specter Knight! Exclaimed the knight, hitting Bray with his shovel.
Braun seemed to be a bit of a blank slate. It was clear he worshiped this Sister Abigail, and was aligned with this Bray Wyatt fellow. Also, something about strongmen competitions.

Bray took the hit, and continued talking. It seemed like he wouldn't stop for a while. Luke Harper grabbed onto the shovel in an attempt to take it out of the knight's hands.

The Hurricane got up and attempted to continue fighting the oncoming soldiers.
Crenando said:
Braun seemed to be a bit of a blank slate. It was clear he worshiped this Sister Abigail, and was aligned with this Bray Wyatt fellow. Also, something about strongmen competitions.
Bray took the hit, and continued talking. It seemed like he wouldn't stop for a while. Luke Harper grabbed onto the shovel in an attempt to take it out of the knight's hands.

The Hurricane got up and attempted to continue fighting the oncoming soldiers.
LET GO OF THAT, SCOUNDREL! Yelled the knight before flaming his face with the flame rod.
Hmm the being thought. This one feels a bit boring. But he'll do for now. I'll go the straightforward route with him. All the nonsense about cults will probably make that easier.

Before Braun's vision appeared a large floating orb of shadow, rom which glared a single blood red eye. No one else seemed to react to it.

"Hello." A deep, smooth sounding voice intoned, seeming to resound from both everywhere, and nowhere.

(I apologize if I sound patronizing, but I'm going to head off any confusion at the pass.

At this point, only the person holding the spear is capable of seeing or hearing Yami.)

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