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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Even though Oryx's attempt to break the sword failed, Angron was temporary unable to use his Daemon sword against Oryx. Falling to ground with his sword from the force of Oryx's kick. Laying motionless on the ground as he waits for the right moment to attack, Angron waits until Oryx swings his blade before quickly standing up and parrying Oryx's blade with his own. After parrying the attack, Angron thrusts his into Oryx's chest with the intention of impaleing his foe.

Terminator Universe

Revan: Cutting one of the bots in half with his saber, he blasted another with lightning and sent it flying towards one of the units flying in the air, causing both to explode. Revan's second lightsaber floated off his belt, which he grabbed and ignited. A blur of green and purple, he dashed between the bots and took them out two or three at a time. One of the larger tank-rollers approached his area, blasting him and Syeron with gatling laser guns. Blocking to the best of his ability with his twin lightsabers, he reflected the ones he couldn't intercept with his tuteminis abilities. He ran straight for it and leaped onto it, running up to its head. Stabbing it with both lightsabers, he ran down its body dragging them behind him. He Force Leapt back off and landed by Syeron.

"Are these droids really a problem?" Revan inquired.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Stepping into the graveyard and seeing the weird assortment of WWE wrestlers, knights, and video game character, Drake fired two shots into the air from his Hawkmoon and began to quote one of his favorite movies.

"Listen up you primitive screwheads! This," he said as he held Hawkmoon up, "is my BOOM-stick. No evryone calm the hell down an somebody explain what's going on before I shoot one of the wrestlers. I'm not really in a good mood right now."
Oryx was yanked to the left as his blade smashed into the floor, and then turned straight towards Angron. The Daemonblade impaled him, but it was still less then the Dark-drinker. It was less then even Willbreaker, or even Crota's blade! Oryx just ripped the blade from the shallow wound, and tried to flip Angron backwards through the blade. Oryx just stood there, bashing his sword against the floor like a Ork war band as he screamed a Taken Ritual that would sow fear in those weak Space Marines....

"You are a Space Marine. The backbone of the four Gods. Numberless and powerful, advanced to the end via the gene seed.

You have been Taken.

Stop screaming. Put down your blades and your guns. No one will harm you here. You are no longer needed to give tribute to a god for survival, for you will be strong now.

What is your law? What do you believe?

You fight for the false gods in spite of the emperor, believing that the gods are your salvation. They grant you power, but warp you and turn you into beasts. You move in number and slaughter your foes, turning your entire lives into tribute for Slannesh, Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle. You around me, are those of Khorne, forced into bloodlust to fight.

You need freedom and faith.

There is a knife for you. it is shaped like [broken Bonds].

Take up the knife, be free once more. Take your new shape."

Taken ripped out of the ground, the Space marines turned into things of power. They have a form of Khorne's power, but one that is shaped like nothing Chaos could spawn normally. The Marines fired at the ground, making the ground explode into spouts of flame and lava. The geysers of pain and suffering shielded Oryx at the core of the Marines, cackling as he produced more Hive Arcana from the Deep. He was above the worms, he was their god now, even if they demanded the same! If only the Librarian understood what the worms did to him, then by god he would be sorry. Nevertheless, Oryx walked out of the flame with two shades standing next to him, and the last Shade behind Angron. All four slashed at once, trying to put Angron on the defensive.
Morbus looked at the woman and started laughing, "I'm sorry, but you just come up to people that you know but they don't know you, and you expect them to do a job for you. Well i will do the job if they do it, but only on one condition, what is my real name?", Morbus asked as he wanted to see if this was either a bluff or not.
Terminator Universe

"It's you." Syeron muttered."You're Revan..." She quickly snapped herself back to focus and deflected the blasts of a T-700 unit, destroying it in the process. "The droids aren't a problem, it's getting those people out of here." Syeron explained, throwing her lightsaber into a group of eight Terminators and using the force to steer it like a boomerang. It sliced through the Terminators and she caught the handle.

Max and Mil ran towards the battle, taking cover behind a destroyed tank. "What are you two still doing here?" Syeron asked, over the radio

"The Alliance marines took the scientists back through the tear..." Mil explained

"We came back to help." Max continued, drawing his rifle and taking out several Terminators "Sure as shit not going to leave a man behind."

"Ms Hunwess is a woman..." Mil corrected him

"It's a phrase." Max sighed.

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Receiving a small gash on the right side of his armor from one of the shades while he attempts to blick the shade's attacks, Agron kills one of the shades by stabbing it in the chest before eliminating the others by quickly decapitatein them. Turning his attention to Oryx, Angron lunges at his foe and unleashes a fury of attacks with enough power to shatter mountains.

Terminator Universe

Revan: Revan wasn't surprised that this Jedi recognized him, as his name was known both in infamy and heroism. As he was about to reply and compliment her on the dispatching of the droids, the group of soldiers and another droid rushed up to them, but he had never seen a droid quite like that. He turned to Syeron and decided now was a better time to ask her about this universe.

"Well yes, I am Revan. Now then, some questions: what types of enemies occupy this universe, what is your name, are there any other Jedi here, and are there any other reinforcements that could help us hold down this position?"


Bioshock Universe

Drake: Seeing one of the WWE wrestlers threatening a medievial knight (what?) over the corpse of a decapitated WWE wrestler, Drake decided to start there with his questions. He shot the ground by Sting's feet to get him to stop, but accidently hit him in the foot. Oops. Walking over, he stepped in between the knight and a wounded Sting.

"Okay, somebody had better give me some answers right about now as I have had it up to here," he said holding his free hand up above his head, "with this multiverse travelling bullsh*t."
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Sting continues to scold the knight "We're the Faces of the feud, and in case you don't know what that means... we're the good guys! We! Don't! Kill!"
Bray looked at Armando. He was quiet for a bit, and then he thought of something. "Where's the sense in decapitating an unarmed man? Were you scared of what he would do to you?" Luke stared down at the decapitated black sheep and shook his head.
Armando looked at Drake and Sting, "Are you MAD?! He assaulted a knight, that is considered aggression which for my people is punishable by DEATH! I do not understand your traditions, but that thing was more so as a barbaric Britianian of the roman empire age, THEY PARADED AROUND CORPSES AND THEY BRUNT MEN FOR AMUSEMENT!.", he explained to Sting with fire in his accent-filled voice. He thought that Braun was a barbaric british tribe man of north Britain, which back then they slaughtered innocent men for a pass time an they wore dead animal heads as helmets.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Okay, he had passed his limit of annoyance at this crap. He held up his right arm with his gauntlet close to his mouth. He was going to beat the crap out of someone, and then he was going to get some damn answers.

"Change race: Spartan-II," Drake spoke. Seizing up in pain again, he grew several inches taller and his muscle mass increased as well. He was now basically the Master Chief from Halo without the almost indestructable armor. After he stopped having his pain seizure, he charged straight for Sting and tackled him straight to the ground.

"I am sick and tired of this bullcrap!"
Bioshock Infinite universe

Booker tore through the Founders and the Vox. He had ignored what had happened to the others. His rage at the loss of Elizabeth was too great and kept him fighting. Once the fight began to die down he made his way over to group. He noticed a new guy trying to ask some questions. He also watched the guy grow several inches and pack on some muscle and proceed to tackle Sting. To prevent any infighting Booker switched to Bucking Bronco and used it to levitate the Spartan 2 in the air. Then Booker tried to answer his question. "You need to calm down pal. The year is 1912 and this is Columbia. The city is currently flying through by the power of giant balloons. The name's Booker. You are?"

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Bray looked at the newcomer. "...say, what does that glove run on?" he asked in an ominous tone. He generally sounded ominous.
Morbus looked at the burnt body, "Forget me joining you, you might as well burn me then to make me join you retarded suicide quest for you amusement. And i must ask who died and made you god", he said, all respect from his voice left after witnessing pure murder. Now either this lady who pretended she could do whatevr she pleased, was gonna kill him with a weakness, or she was gonna burn him on accident which would fuel him. That or since it was the afternoon and the moon began to rise, he was hoping that his abilities to break the 4th wall would to help teach this woman that she is not god and she can not manipulate others for fun.( In other words, FOR THE PARTISANS!)

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Bioshock Infinite Universe

Unnoticed to anyone, the spear seemed to glow slightly.


Braun found himself floating in a black, endless void.
In front of him, a large, glowing red eye opened, almost 3 times as tall as he was. Then another eye opened, then two more, then a dozen, then a hundred, then a thousand, of all different sizes, all glaring at intently.

"Hello." The same voice from before boomed. "Welcome to my domain..."
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Terminator universe

Shepard reached down and quickly scratched the dog. "Good boy." He said to Bishop. Shepard had always wanted a dog but living on spaceships got in the way of that. The Commander ran to catch up with Max and Mil. Shepard noticed a new advanced Biotic user join the fight. "Holding a position? I can do that." Shepard told him. "As for the enemies I can't really tell you much. I just got here too." The Commander switched to his SMG and applied cryo ammunition to the gun. He managed to freeze a small group of Terminators and combined it with a shockwave to shatter the robots.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno
Demonic Eye Realm

"...where is your domain, exactly?" Braun looked around, to see...Luke's titantron? Stranger things have happened to him. He was with the Wyatt's, after all.

Bioshock Infinite

Bray tapped Drake's shoulder. "Do you see that corpse? That was the apocalypse. That was Sister Abigail's black sheep. That knight just killed him." He tried putting it into perspective for this shapeshifter.
The Soulscape

"This is the Soulscape, where I reside."

Then, among the collection of eyes, a large, white, grinning set of shark-like teeth opened up.

"And you're just in time for dinner."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Angry about a lot of things, including Booker using his stupid Vigors to stop his stress relief, Drake fired his Hawkmoon at Booker's feet to halt his concentration. When he landed he glared at the creepy wrestlers oggling his Gauntlets, even though they looked like the new Apple iWatches.

"You can back off, Bray. As for you, Booker, I already know what universe this is, but you wouldn't understand how I know. As for my previous question, I was more referring to why everyone was fighting. If this is just some petty squable, I'll put you all over my knee."

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