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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Coming out of a newly formed tear with the rest of the NWO behind him, Hulk Hogan looks at Jarret and the Hurricane before cutting a short promo.

Jeff Jarrett turned tail and ran away from the nWo

Just then a tall man and a large drunk man appeared

"So this is Colombia," said the Tall Man

"This is where the big boys play, huh?" questioned the Tall Man

"Look at the Adjective: PLAY" said the Tall Man who is revealed to be Kevin Nash

((@Barbas gave me control of the nWo))
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Bioshock Infinite

"Ey-Yo! Did you come here to find Elizabeth or did you come here to find the nWo!" said the Large Drunk man who is revealed to be Scott Hall. "SURVEY SAYS!"

Bioshock Universe

Drake: As Drake hid in a partially destroyed house, one of the sporadic dimensional portals that plagues him in his home universe opened, spilling forth about forty or so OpFor soldiers from MW2, all waving their AKs around and firing blindly at anything that moved. Drake questioned this, but he'll take the distraction.

"TANGO SUCKA! BAAAMBI!" the OpFor soldiers would occasionaly shout for no reason.
Crenando said:
Hurricane looked in shock at the large drunk talked. "Wait, so The Undertaker joined the nWo?"
Scott Hall was unfortunately the one to reply "Wait, 'Taker joined? Sweet..."

Undertaker clearly hasn't joined the nWo... Scott Hall's knowledge of Elizabeth derived from their pack with Comstuck. Which they got from Making Vincent job out to Disco Inferno.
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Looking straight at Hurricane and points his finger at the superhero before offering a proposition.

"No, Hogan. I won't join. But I know someone who will." Hurricane walked into the remains of the building, where he changed from mild-mannered super hero, The Hurricane, into...


"It's me, Hogan. It's Gregory Helms. I am not The Hurricane, and I'm joining the nWo." said the man that was clearly Hurricane.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: While slipping away, the basically retarded OpFor soldiers started running towards the wrestlers, spraying from the hip and missing every shot.

"TANGO SUCKA! FRIENDLY UAV ABOVE! RELOADING! COVER ME!" Random jibberish came from the small army of OpFor soldiers.
Looking over at Nash after hearing what he said, Hogan shakes his head while speaking " Probably. It wouldn't be the first time that idiot booked something stupid."
"Should what are we going to do about that guy that's running away?" Helms, who swore he was not Hurricane, really wanted to get this whole nWo thing going.
Bioshock Infinite Universe

Not wanting to be left to sit again, the spear used the only trick left in it's arsenal, and sent out a subtle aura of energy meant to draw people's attention to it.
TommyGun15 said:
Bioshock Infinite Universe
Not wanting to be left to sit again, the spear used the only trick left in it's arsenal, and sent out a subtle aura of energy meant to draw people's attention to it.
Luckily for the weapon it caught the attention of Jeff Jarrett who grabbed it as his own weapon
The being who inhabited the weapon began to search Jarrett's soul.

(Because I have no idea who he is, and it gives Yami some buttons to push.)
TommyGun15 said:
The being who inhabited the weapon began to search Jarrett's soul.
(Because I have no idea who he is, and it gives Yami some buttons to push.)
((As long as you keep him in character to the profile I have of Jarrett, I'm fine with it.))
(Um... Actually I was hoping you could tell me about him.)

(Yami works best as a character when he has another character to act as his foil.)
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((Jeff Jarrett's a cocky ass hole and calls himself the King of the Mountain))

((He value's his company Global Force Wrestling))
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(Ok. Thanks.)

Hmm... Well, this one could be a bit of fun... Yami thought. Regardless, he'll do for now.

Eventually, Jarrett noticed a man was running next to him, keeping pace with his speed. The had a strange appearance, with light purple skin, and jet black hair. He wore a darker purple track suit, with a pair of black, wrap-around sunglasses on his face.

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TommyGun15 said:
(Ok. Thanks.)
Hmm... Well, this one could be a bit of fun... Yami thought. Regardless, he'll do for now.

Eventually, Jarrett noticed a man was running next to him, keeping pace with his speed. The had a strange appearance, with light purple skin, and jet black hair. He wore a darker purple track suit, with a pair of black, wrap-around sunglasses on his face.

"Dang it! Another one of does Cosplayin' Slap Nuts!" said Jarrett.
"Well that's a fine way to treat a guest." Yami said with a wry smirk. "And here I was about to offer you some help with the aforementioned Slap-Nuts chasing us."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well that's a fine way to treat a guest." Yami said with a wry smirk. "And here I was about to offer you some help with the aforementioned Slap-Nuts chasing us."
Jarrett's expression lit up "If you're joinin' Planet Jarrett... Then you gotta remember I'm the boss! GOT IT!"
"Oh of course. But you should know, I don't work for free. But trust me when I say that my services are well worth the cost."

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