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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
"Oh of course. But you should know, I don't work for free. But trust me when I say that my services are well worth the cost."
Jeff Jarrett proceeds to write the entity a check "It's $10,000 you better be worth it!"
TommyGun15 said:
"Oh, don't worry, it's not money I want. I deal in a more... personal currency."
"If it's gonna be Karen Jarrett then fine." said Jarrett in utter annoyance... "You better make it quick! Hogan's gonna tear us apart!"
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"Hahaha... no. I don't want anything material. What I want is..." Without breaking stride, Yami pulled off his sunglasses, glaring at Jarrett with glowing, blood-red eyes.

"Your soul."
TommyGun15 said:
"Hahaha... no. I don't want anything material. What I want is..." Without breaking stride, Yami pulled off his sunglasses, glaring at Jarrett with glowing, blood-red eyes.
"Your soul."
"Sure" said Jarrett surprisingly unphased by Yami's intimidating appearance
Bioshock Infinite

Elsewhere a tear opens up once more a motorcycle is heard revving up... perhaps it's the undertaker

"You gotta be kiddin' me!" Exclaimed Jarrett. "TAKE MY SOUL NOW SO 'TAKER WON'T GET IT!" demanded Jarrett
(Sorry, had a lot to type)

Yami grinned, putting his glasses back on.

"Alright then, I'll take 20% of your soul now as a down payment, and the rest upon your demise. But before you agree, it's only fair that I give you a small demonstration of what I can do for you."

Yami snapped his fingers, and a ball of oily black fire appeared in his hand.

"First one's free."

Yami tossed the ball of fire behind him, where it exploded like a grenade. Three or four Vox Populi/NWO members fell screaming to the ground as the black flames enveloped them, before finally becoming still. About the same time they stopped moving, Yami popped three of four small dots of light, about the size of M&Ms, into his mouth. There was a sound like screaming, in a very tiny voice, almost like it was from an insect. Yami then snapped his fingers again, and a pen and clipboard with paper appeared in Yami's hands. He held it out to Jarret.

"Do we have a deal?"
TommyGun15 said:
(Sorry, had a lot to type)
Yami grinned, putting his glasses back on.

"Alright then, I'll take 20% of your soul now as a down payment, and the rest upon your demise. But before you agree, it's only fair that I give you a small demonstration of what I can do for you."

Yami snapped his fingers, and a ball of oily black fire appeared in his hand.

"First one's free."

Yami tossed the ball of fire behind him, where it exploded like a grenade. Three or four Vox Populi/NWO members fell screaming to the ground as the black flames enveloped them, before finally becoming still. About the same time they stopped moving, Yami popped three of four small dots of light, about the size of M&Ms, into his mouth. There was a sound like screaming, in a very tiny voice, almost like it was from an insect. Yami then snapped his fingers again, and a pen and clipboard with paper appeared in Yami's hands. He held it out to Jarret.

"Do we have a deal?"
Jarrett signed his name with no hesitation in fear of the revving sound of a motorcycle, believing it to be the Undertaker.
"Great. The power of the Black Fire is yours."

Yami began to dissolve into mist. A voice, echoing and much deeper sounded as he faded.

"Use it wisely..."

All right. Now to watch this idiot get killed. Yami thought, lounging in the Soulscape. He was reclining in midair with a popcorn bag full of souls, watching what was going on with the Titanotron Braun had brought with him. A remote control with labels and buttons corresponding to the five senses floated next to him, as if resting on the arm of a chair.

(Bit of a note about the black fire, it's only a one-shot kill like that against NPCs. PCs would naturally have stronger souls, and be able to withstand more of it, for longer.)
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TommyGun15 said:
"Great. The power of the Black Fire is yours."
Yami began to dissolve into mist. A voice, echoing and much deeper sounded as he faded.

"Use it wisely..."

All right. Now to watch this idiot get killed. Yami thought, lounging in the Soulscape. He was reclining in midair with a popcorn bag full of souls, watching what was going on with the Titanotron Braun had brought with him. A remote control with labels and buttons corresponding to the five senses floated next to him, as if resting on the arm of a chair.
Jeff Jarrett some how then morphed into giant version of himself ((Let me have this please)) This new "Giga Jarrett" was a monster destroying all in his path. Can our heroes stop him?


((I'm planning on killing-off Jarrett anyways))


Giga Jarrett continues his rampage on the Vox Populi and nWo
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(Hey, I'm cool with it. I figure I should also warn you. Giving Yami part of your soul is like giving him the remote control to your body. He can make you see, hear, and feel things that aren't real, and make you not see, hear, or feel things that are real. Things like pain. Or an enemy walking up behind you with a shotgun. Stuff like that.)

(Let me know if I do anything that you have a problem with.)
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TommyGun15 said:
(Hey, I'm cool with it. I figure I should also warn you. Giving Yami part of your soul is like giving him the remote control to your body. He can make you see, hear, and feel things that aren't real, and make you not see, hear, or feel things that are real. Things like pain. Or an enemy walking up behind you with a shotgun. Stuff like that.)
(Let me know if I do anything that you have a problem with.)
((Giga Jarrett's an nL Joke newLEGACY Inc.))

((I'm suppose to put over people with this moment))


((Just don't have Jarrett say anything... He's a rampaging monster now))
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Giga Jarrett is legit a Giant version of Jarrett much to the surprise of Yami...

It appeared as if the contract awakened a dormant evil within

@TommyGun15 ((Figured... don't worry I typed up an explanation of why he turned into Giga Jarrett))
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(Now I will say, Yami likes good characters as his host more than evil ones. He prefers people that he can corrupt. I'm hoping a good character will come along and pick up the spear so Yami can have a more "permanent" host.)

Hmm... This might get interesting...
TommyGun15 said:
(Now I will say, Yami likes good characters as his host more than evil ones. He prefers people that he can corrupt. I'm hoping a good character will come along and pick up the spear so Yami can have a more "permanent" host.)
Hmm... This might get interesting...
Giga Jarrett roared like a wild animal as he wielded a giant guitar and smashed the buildings
(Oh, one more thing before I log off for today.)

While Jarrett turned huge, the spear somehow ended up stuck in the gap between the top of his ear, and his head, much the same way others would place a pen.

(Because if he drops the spear, he loses any powers it has given him.)
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Bioshock Infinite

"So Jeff Jarrett's a giant and trying to kill us all..." said Kevin Nash in a very casual manner. "Wanna take bets on if he's going to fall off of this place?" asked Nash to Hogan @Barbas
Bray spider-walked over to Booker. "Wakey...The giant is here..." Luke stared at Booker, and looked back to Giga Jarrett. He was at a loss for words. This wasn't a very "yeah yeah yeah" situation.
Bioshock infinite universe

A Tear opens up and a Motorcycle zips through although it was not The Undertaker with Elizabeth


The Blonde Girl assessed the current situation she found herself in and gave a smirk.

"Well this is gonna be fun."
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Terminator universe

"So every unit is coming straight for use? Well this isn't the first time I was on a suicide mission." Said Shepard. Along with the others he noticed the approaching T-1000s. Shepard fired several several shots from his SMG and watched as the T-1000 was able to fill in the gunshot wounds with liquid metal. "That didn't work." He thought "Maybe I can incapacitate it." Shepard switched to his pistol and modified it for cryo ammo. One of the approaching T-1000s grew it's hand into a knife and tried to stab Shepard. Quick use of a the Omni-blade allowed him to push the Terminatior back and empty several rounds into it. The cryo ammo froze the liquid metal and incapacitated the machine.

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno
"How many more rounds do you have?" Mil asked, blasting a T-1000 unit back with it's shotgun.

"Wait, if these things are liquid metal, wouldn't fire work on em'?" Max asked, shooting the same T-1000 in the face with his revolvers

"It would require an extreme temperature, something like lava or molten steel." Mil explained

"Bishop, get behind me." Max ordered "Shit, what about the planet we were on? It was pretty damn cold."

"What about this?" Syeron asked, jumping forwards.

She sliced one of the units in half, only to have it reform within seconds and attempt to stab her. She pushed it back with the force, knocking the T-1000 off it's feet.

"Fall back." Mil ordered "Fall back to the tear, I have a theory I'd like to test."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: With a beep, Drake realized that his gauntlets had finished recharging and were ready for use once again. He had one more use on each gauntlet before he had to let them cool down for a day. This decision had to be something he could stick with for the foreseeable future. He risked another look from the ruined house he took shelter in to see....Yang Xiao-Long from RWBY. He could feel the urge to spout a cheesy pickup line, but now was not the time. The wrestlers were all probably against him. Even worse was one of them struck a deal with a demonic entity, and had somehow grown into a giant. Saiyan it is then. But his weapon....he had just the one.

"Equip weapon: Elucidator," Drake spoke as the black, dual edged blade from Sword Art Online appeared in his right hand. Being a drop from demon-type bosses in the SAO universe, the blade possessed special properties meant to slay demons and other hellish beings. Plus, it just plain looked badass. "Change race: Saiyan." After he spoke again, he seized up in pain and fell over, out into the open.

Terminator Universe

Revan: Looking at the oncomng liquid metal "Terminators," as these people put it, Revan grabbed a CryoBan grenade from his belt and rolled it towards the incoming enemies. As it exploded, it froze a small squad of them solid. With a solid wave of the Force applied by Revan, the frozen Terminators shattered into tiny ice shards.

"That should buy some time. By the way, Syeron, I would deignite your lightsaber. Its heat may melt their frozen pieces and cause them to reform. I'll try to make my way back to the Ebon Hawk. No doubt Bastilla and Goku have gotten it running already, and I'd prefer if I could get to them in one piece."

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