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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Yami grinned as he watched the proceeding events. He reached into his popcorn bag and pulled out a handful of souls. There was a quiet screaming sound as he tossed them into his mouth.

Oh, this will be fun.
Bioshock Infinite

Yang leaped at the monstrous Giga Jarrett and gave him a hard punch right between the legs sending the monster falling off the city.

"Welp, that was easy..." said Yang with a hint of disappointment on how easy it was to defeat Giga Jarrett
Yami leaned forward at the screen with interest.

Now she has potential...

Bioshock Infinite

The Spear fell loose from Jarrett's ear, robbing him of his newfound power. The spear clattered to the ground at Yang's feet.

(Mostly because I actually know who this character is.)

(Oh, and since Jarrett is apparently dead...)


Jarrett found himself sitting in some sort of pit. The walls appeared to be made of some sort of very thick cardboard.
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TommyGun15 said:
Yami leaned forward at the screen with interest.
Now she has potential...

Bioshock Infinite

The Spear fell loose from Jarrett's ear, robbing him of his newfound power. The spear clattered to the ground at Yang's feet.

(Mostly because I actually know who this character is.)
Yang surprisingly ignored the spear. ((Sorry, man I have plans for her in the 2nd Arc against the Warriors of Hope))

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Standing up after the painful transition, Drake kept a firm grasp on the Elucidator as he began to walk back to the group, cutting up a few of the stupid OpFor soldiers with his blade. A few of them he even launched off the city with basic ki blasts. The sheathe for Elucidator was slung over his back, and the black and silver of the sheathe complimented his black leather jacket and darker jeans. Sheathing his black blade, he stopped at the group of wrestlers, Yang, and Booker. An OpFor soldier armed with a Spas-12 tried creeping up behind Drake, but he grabbed the guy and drop-kicked him straight up, blasting straight up after. Delivering a powerful kick to the guy's stomach, the poor soldier was sent screaming down to Earth. Drake gently landed afterwards, dusting his hands.

"This feels much better. Now then, where is that bastard Sting? I told him I would kill him for hitting me with that bat, and I make good on my word," Drake said with a confident smirk.
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Standing up after the painful transition, Drake kept a firm grasp on the Elucidator as he began to walk back to the group, cutting up a few of the stupid OpFor soldiers with his blade. A few of them he even launched off the city with basic ki blasts. The sheathe for Elucidator was slung over his back, and the black and silver of the sheathe complimented his black leather jacket and darker jeans. Sheathing his black blade, he stopped at the group of wrestlers, Yang, and Booker. An OpFor soldier armed with a Spas-12 tried creeping up behind Drake, but he grabbed the guy and drop-kicked him straight up, blasting straight up after. Delivering a powerful kick to the guy's stomach, the poor soldier was sent screaming down to Earth. Drake gently landed afterwards, dusting his hands.

"This feels much better. Now then, where is that bastard Sting? I told him I would kill him for hitting me with that bat, and I make good on my word," Drake said with a confident smirk.
The OpFor soldier took off their gear revealing they've been wearing OSW T-Sharts

One of the soldiers stepped forward and said "Hey Kids, you wanna be as cool as your pal Mr. OOC? Well you better buy some OSW T-Sharts if you love Primus."
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Luke looked at Yang suspiciously. Bray wasn't paying attention, as he was talking to Mr. OOC, who was shilling for his T-sharts and What Bars.
Crenando said:
Luke looked at Yang suspiciously. Bray wasn't paying attention, as he was talking to Mr. OOC, who was shilling for his T-sharts and What Bars.
"Hey, pal. Mind you're space or you'll be getting what the other guy got." threatened Yang
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Well damn... Yami thought as he popped Jarrett's soul into his mouth.

Now what? *sigh* Guess I'll go with the old standby.

Bioshock Infinite Universe

The spear did it's usual "find-a-host" trick and sent out a subtle aura of energy in an attempt to influence people into picking it up.
Armando could hardly even keep up with what was going on, first giant, then giant goes down, then new motorcycle girl. He simply sat down, not thinking of what he did, but what was happening, "What is this madness?", he said quietly to himself. He looked at the spear but he could feel a dark aurora on it. "Do i dare touch that thing?", he asked himself, not knowing if god was watching or not.

Morbus simply held together (See what i did there), he tried to mask the pain and managed to keep it from his face and voice, "Please m'am, don't call me a rat, i was only testing to see what you could do, no that i know you can make me go wapow, i feel a little more comfortable.", he said grinning underneath his shadowy hood. He knew damn well that she couldn't take it off, the only thing she couldn't take off, was his hood. His hood was the soul defiant thing to reality so she just couldn't move it. His blood that returned to him was actually not red, but a shadowy liquid sort of blood. "So i will do the job, and it will be done right, but i expect something from it if you know what i'm sayin", he said going into a mafian accent.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Having fought and killed enough demonic sh*t from the Supernatural show and universe to know the purple glowing spear wasn't friendly. He figured that the wrestlers might be too busy with their squabbles, so he could slip away and maybe try to get Yang away too. He just had to get outta here before he gets ganged-up on by the army of wrestlers. He tapped Yang on the shoulder to try and get her attention.

"I think I know a way out of here if you want to leave. I could also answer any questions you may have about how you got here from Vale."
Yami decided to meditate for a moment, gather his thoughts.

Well, it's been fun, but I need to stop screwing around. These last to hosts have been boring, and they've died too fast. I need to find someone who'll hang on a bit longer, and I need to keep them alive. The last thing I want is another wannabe-villain, but if that's what I have to take... Ugh, going the "Demon, Steals Your Soul" route can be fun and all, but it gets old. Whoever I end up with next, I'm going to have to stick with, probably for a very long time. I'd be better off going the "Faux Benevolent Spirit" route. Or maybe the "Dark Reflection of Your Thoughts" route.
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Terminator Universe

Syeron nodded in response and switched off her lightsaber, holstering it. "There could be more of them at your ship, but I have to keep these people safe."

"We can handle ourselves." Max replied

"No, no you can't." She spoke in a humorous tone

"Ma'am." He tilted his hat towards her and spoke in a cocky tone "We can handle it, go with your Jedi buddy and check out his ship."

"He's not just a Jedi buddy, he's a legendary Jedi from our history."

"This discussion is pointless." Mil butted in, interrupting them both "I will take Valentine and the others and fall back the tear while you two get to your ship."


Reborn World

"You annoyed me, so I blew you up." She replied, shrugging her shoulders "Deal with it."

"You're insane!." Gregory snapped

"And more powerful than you Mr Nelson, so shut your gob." She threatened

"She does have a point, explosions do solve a lot of your problems." Harley shrugged sarcastically

"I prefer to use a more tactical approach, with less carnage. Less chance of civilian casualties." Connor explained

"Now where's the fun in that?!" Harley shouted, smiling "Nothing wrong with a little chaos!"

"Everything. If I allow innocent people to get hurt, I am not better than my enemies." He answered grimly.

The Woman cleared her throat in response "What do you not get by shut your gob?" She asked "What is it you want, Morbus? I am going to give Gregory and Connor their loved ones back to them, I am going to resurrect Harley's boyfriend...What could you, a Fallen Angel want?"
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apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Having fought and killed enough demonic sh*t from the Supernatural show and universe to know the purple glowing spear wasn't friendly. He figured that the wrestlers might be too busy with their squabbles, so he could slip away and maybe try to get Yang away too. He just had to get outta here before he gets ganged-up on by the army of wrestlers. He tapped Yang on the shoulder to try and get her attention.

"I think I know a way out of here if you want to leave. I could also answer any questions you may have about how you got here from Vale."
"Not interested, buddy. I'm looking for my Team... they fell into these... 'Tears'... I was hoping at least one of them would be here..." said Yang. ((Trying to set up a Team RWBY reunion in the 2nd Arc plus this version of Yang has a thing for Blake))

Yang then turned her attentions to Booker (
@ryanpk200) "I'm looking for a black and white bear... that thing took Blake."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: A little let down by her response, he never let his emotionless face falter as he spoke.

"Well I haven't seen any of your friends, or enemies for that matter, in this universe. Considering this is only the second alternate universe I've been to, I'd say you have a lot of places to start looking. Anyways, these clowns continue to royally piss me off, so next time they try something, I'm tossing them off of this floating city."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: A little let down by her response, he never let his emotionless face falter as he spoke.

"Well I haven't seen any of your friends, or enemies for that matter, in this universe. Considering this is only the second alternate universe I've been to, I'd say you have a lot of places to start looking. Anyways, these clowns continue to royally piss me off, so next time they try something, I'm tossing them off of this floating city."
"If one of them happens to be a black and white bear then don't... that thing's mine." Yang said.

Yang turned to the strange cosplayer and said,
"You've heard of a Black and White Bear with razor sharp claws?"
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Puzzled by her response, he assumed she was just talking about an Ursa. She must really hate those things. Shrugging his shoulders, Drake pushed passed her as he began walking after Bikertaker. He was going to rescue Elizabeth and, hopefully, get Booker as a ally. His marksmanship may come in handy later.

"Whatever," Drake chided as he walked away. "And if you see a guy with a clown-looking mask on his face, let me know so I can kill him. I made him a promise."
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Bioshock Universe

"A Black and White Bear?" said a voice.

The group was then turned around and was shocked to find out who it was


"You must be talking about Monokuma... It's not the first time the Ultimate Despair was able to travel through universes." said the Purple ((Actually it's silver)) haired girl

"The Ultimate Despair or the Monokumas at least have been kidnapping people across the larger Omniverse... It's as if someone other than the Ultimate Despair is controlling them..."

((@TehFanzyMetroid @apoliseno ))
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Terminator and Marvel Universes

Kaiden and Goku both were enveloped by a tear, carrying them both back to their own universes. In Kaiden's case, he was taken to an alternate version of the Destiny universe where Oryx hadn't wiped the solar system clean of Light.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Turning his head as he heard an equally emotionless voice behind him, Drake saw Kirigiri appeared out of seemingly nowhere making assumptions of Monokuma existing in this universe. Next thing he knew, Goku would appear out of nowhere and blast Kamehamehas at the wrestlers. He then shuddered at the possibility of him being right.

"Trust me, Miss Kirigiri, Monokuma would be in pieces if he were in this universe," Drake sighed before sitting down at the edge of the city, looking down at the world below. He could almost smell the oncoming Depression.
apoliseno said:

Terminator and Marvel Universes

Kaiden and Goku both were enveloped by a tear, carrying them both back to their own universes. In Kaiden's case, he was taken to an alternate version of the Destiny universe where Oryx hadn't wiped the solar system clean of Light.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Turning his head as he heard an equally emotionless voice behind him, Drake saw Kirigiri appeared out of seemingly nowhere making assumptions of Monokuma existing in this universe. Next thing he knew, Goku would appear out of nowhere and blast Kamehamehas at the wrestlers. He then shuddered at the possibility of him being right.

"Trust me, Miss Kirigiri, Monokuma would be in pieces if he were in this universe," Drake sighed before sitting down at the edge of the city, looking down at the world below. He could almost smell the oncoming Depression.

"How do you know my name? Also I can assure you it was a Monokuma that has taken Blake."

Kirigiri then turned to Yang and said "Did the creature look like this by any chance?" Yang can only nod.


"I am the Ultimate Detective after all..."

Goku fought Kevin Nash but Kevin Nash booked himself to go over Goku thus Slaying the saiyan.

"OW MY QUAD!" Cried Nash after slaying Goku @Barbas @apoliseno ((@Some_Bloke said to kill them off not the nWo))
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: As if it was a simple matter on how he knew her identity, he rolled his eyes while his back faced her. He suddenly wondered if simply bringing down the floating city would solve anything. Probably not, but it would be entertaining.

"I have knowledge of many things, Miss Kirigiri. I also know that I have not seen a Monokuma in this universe, yet. If or when I do, I will kill it. That bear always creeped me out..."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: As if it was a simple matter on how he knew her identity, he rolled his eyes while his back faced her. He suddenly wondered if simply bringing down the floating city would solve anything. Probably not, but it would be entertaining.

"I have knowledge of many things, Miss Kirigiri. I also know that I have not seen a Monokuma in this universe, yet. If or when I do, I will kill it. That bear always creeped me out..."
"Miss" Kirigiri said to attract Yang's attention... "These Bike Marks, they don't belong to your motorcycle..."


"But I am certain I've seen them somewhere before... and the oh so familiar smell of sulfur... Brimstone"


"The Undertaker was here wasn't he?"
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Bioshock Infinite Universe

At the moment, Yami was thinking up a slew of sarcastic things he wished he could say to those present. Then yet another tear opend up in the ground beneath the Spear.

Oh shit no again...

Reborn Universe

A tear opened up in the sky above Harley. From it fell a spear, about 6 ft long, with a 3ft sword-like blade at the end. It buried itself in the ground point first about 10 feet in front of her.
(Oh yeah sorry)

Armando looked to a figure who had begun speaking, he only hung his head because his mind was being beaten right now. "Where are all these people coming from!?", he said anxiously.

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