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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Bioshock Universe

Drake: So dumbfounded by Kirigiri's knowledge of the existence of the Undertaker, even though she lived a universe apart from him, Drake fell off his precarious edge down towards the Earth. He caught himself midair and flew back up to Columbia's streets. Landing next to Yang and Kirigiri, Drake had some questions.

"Pardon my French here, but how the f*ck do you know who the Undertaker and the cast of RWBY are? I mean, how long have you been travelling the multiverse? This is only my second universe..."
Bioshock Universe

A strange, sinister sound echoed around the group. From the shadow of a building stepped a man, wearing gray robes, and wearing a strange, conical, golden helm.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/invader.jpg.0bb5d9cb41dc9311b753f913cd0bdc4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/invader.jpg.0bb5d9cb41dc9311b753f913cd0bdc4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In his right hand, he held what looked like a large wagon wheel, which he was carrying over his shoulder, with his hand resting on his right shoulder. In his right hand was what could only be described as a small cannon. Not a gun, but an actual cannon, sized down to be used and carried by a single person.



  • invader.jpg
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MCU Universe

Elliot opened his eyes
"The moment i opened the door...." Elliot stood up from the ground "I was sucked into this..." Elliot looked up into the sky and there was a huge machine-like thing floating around in the sky "Void....And then I opened my eyes" Elliot looked behind him,The people around him were staring at him "Did Tyrell make that thing?" He started hearing voices coming from everywhere "Are you doing this?!!!" Elliot shouted as the voices got louder,He kneeled down and started crying "No.....No!....No!...NoNoNo!!!" Elliot covered his face with both of his hands as his crying and the voices got louder "I'm all alone again!No!"Elliot shouted "Elliot,Elliot Alderson.....Elliot,Elliot Alderson"The words repeated in his head as his head fell to the ground as well as his body and Elliot passed out
Bioshock Universe


"Oh yes, I forgot to mention... The Future Foundation is currently working with another version of the Future Foundation, one that is headed by a man named Reed Richards... We've also come into contact with a group of alien robots that monitor the Multiverse... I believe, Ms. Xiao Long has met one of those alien robots already... Also I've met a few WWE Superstars... Dated one of them, his name was Cody Rhodes. It's complicated."

Yang was puzzuled by what Kirigiri said... who was this partner? "What? I don't know who you are and who you're talking about."

Kirigiri then pointed to Yang's Motorcycle.

"Bumblebee? You're kidding right?"


"Silly me, I forgot how good she was with disguises...."

Suddenly Yang's motorcycle spoke, "KIRIGIRI!" and Transformed!


The robot then spoke, "KNIGHT FLAREUP AT YOUR SERVICE!"

"This day keeps getting weirder..." said Yang


"And Flareup was the one who briefed me on Team RWBY..."

Flareup then added, "I've been in that universe for a few stellar cycles!"

((@TehFanzyMetroid @Morbuskid @ryanpk200 ))
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Reborn World

Harley's attention was directed at the spear as it hit the ground.

"What the 'ell is that thing?" Gregory asked, turning his attention to The Woman and pointing a finger at her "You know, don't you?"

"I can see it in your face, you're hiding something." Connor spat

"I'm always hiding things." The Woman shrugged "It's part of well, the business".

Harley skipped towards the spear, kneeling down in front of it and glaring at the weapon. She stepped away and poked it with a very long stick she had found on the ground, upon realizing that it hadn't blown her up she sighed in relief and approached the spear again, grabbing hold of it.



A platoon of SHIELD agents surrounded Elliot, aiming their "night-night" guns at him. The last two things to come through a tear had tried to either enslave or destroy the planet, making the agents extra cautious.

"State, your name, rank and intention." One of them spoke in a demanding tone

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Bioshock Universe

The robed man set the wheel in his right hand on the ground and waved to get someone's attention, then picked his wheel up again.

Reborn Universe

Yami was aware of a new person touching the spear.

Hmm... who is this...

He made a quick search of Harley's soul. He grinned.

Oh... I can work with this...
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A platoon of SHIELD agents surrounded Elliot, aiming their "night-night" guns at him. The last two things to come through a tear had tried to either enslave or destroy the planet, making the agents extra cautious.

"State, your name, rank and intention." One of them spoke in a demanding tone


MCU Universe

Elliot blinked and everything was normal again,People were staring at him and he was surrounded by guards,Elliot stood from the ground with a nod as he put his hands behind his head. "
This is not what I expect when I open doors,It should've been one of the Fsociety members or Tyrell Whellick" Elliot thought as he lowered his head down a little. Then he noticed something weird about these guards,They didn't have an Evil Corp badge or anything like that Normally they would. "Did Fsociety did something to make the badges disappear?....I should speak,Or else they will probably take all of my stuff" Elliot looked at the guards and said "My name is Elliot....Elliot Alderson"
theManCalledSting said:
Bioshock Universe

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention... The Future Foundation is currently working with another version of the Future Foundation one that is headed by a man named Reed Richards... We've also come into contact with a group of alien robots that monitor the Multiverse... I believe, Ms. Xiao Long has met one of those alien robots already... Also I've met a few WWE Superstars... Dated one of them, his name was Cody Rhodes. It's complicated."

Yang was puzzuled by what Kirigiri said... who was this partner? "What? I don't know who you are and who you're talking about."

Kirigiri then pointed to Yang's Motorcycle.

"Bumblebee? You're kidding right?"


"Silly me, I forgot how good she was with disguises...."

Suddenly Yang's motorcycle spoke, "KIRIGIRI!" and Transformed!


The robot then spoke, "KNIGHT FLAREUP AT YOUR SERVICE!"

"This day keeps getting weirder..." said Yang


"And Flareup was the one who briefed me on Team RWBY..."

Flareup then added, "I've been in that universe for a few stellar cycles!"

((@TehFanzyMetroid @Morbuskid @ryanpk200 ))

Kevin Nash looked on... "I tore my quad and I'm not Booked to be pleased by something this stupid... Let's leave this joint..." said Nash in annoyance

"Sure, let's also get a slurpee while we're at it..." said a Drunk Scott Hall

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Khight of the Reborn home world

Outside of the Khights of the Holy Grail palace, a tear forms and releases a large human like figure wearing a set of golden power armor and with bright light emanating from his body. Momentarily confused, the figure quickly searches the minds of any human in surrounding area in order to learn the language and history of this new empire. Learning about the group that controlled the Reborn known as the Knight's of the Holy Grail, the figure masks most psychic energy in order to hide his presence and too not drive normal who looks at him mad. Once that was dealt with the figure begins to make his way to the palace with the intention of meeting the Khights of the Holy Grail.


Agreeing with Nash, Hogan looks around his surroundings while speaking." Yae, we're not being payed enough to do this crap! Who do they think we are, some no name jobbers?"
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Reborn World

Harley pushed Seth away. "Get your own spear!" She shouted

"It's demonic." The Woman explained "Now, how about I actually explain your mission?"

"What's going to happen to her?" Gregory asked in a concerned tone

The Woman ignored Gregory's question and approached the group.

"There is a specific tear that has opened in this Multiverse. Me and my associates have dubbed it Tear Alpha seventy two B . The mission would have been pretty straightforward, I send you across space, you go inside the tear and take something out...But the situation has changed."

"Changed how?" Connor asked

"The tear is now giving off signals across some parts of the Multiverse. It won't be long before someone, or something notices these signals."

"Tell us about this tear." Gregory demanded

"I am so glad you asked." She smiled in response "It's not like the other universes you've encountered. On the other side of this tear is a void universe."

"As in between time and space?" Gregory asked

"Yep, indeed." She nodded "On the other side is raw power. I want to study it."

Connor stared her down "You want this power for yourself, you want to become a God or God-like." He spoke in a grim tone

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Gregory stepped forwards so that his face and the face of The Woman met.

"Okay, here's the thing...Why send us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you were able to blow up a Fallen Angel before putting him back together again, you've been able to watch me from birth...That takes a lot of power. Why spend all this time trying to send a couple of sorry buggers like ourselves on a suicide mission? I can see it in your eyes...You're afraid. What could a powerful entity such as yourself be afraid of?"

He noticed that there was a look of fear in the Woman's eyes and her left hand was trembling.

"There are forces in this Multiverse, Mr Nelson that...That are far more powerful than my own." She replied, trying to hide her fear "To me, you look like ants. To some of these forces, you look like a microbe. To it, I would look like a rat, a pest. It would do to me what most mortals do to rats...Kill me."

She stepped away from Gregory, looking down at her trembling hand and clutching it. "I don't want to be noticed by these forces...At the other end of that tear is a creature, no an entity that has basked in raw power since the creation of that universe."

"So why send us?" Gregory asked

"It will not notice you." She turned around, shooting him a smile "Do you notice microbes? No, but you would notice a rat or an ant."

"What about him" Connor asked, pointing at Morbus

"I don't need him to go through the tear, I need him to make sure you get there alive. You might be able to handle yourselves, but like I said the situation has changed. I wouldn't have needed him if the tear hadn't been giving off signals."

"Once we get to that tear, what do you want me to do?" Gregory asked

"If you step into that universe, you take a small fraction of it's power. Someone with a good brain would become a genius able to perceive things they were not able to perceive before. They would become a genius. A wizard, mage of magician would become a complete expert of their art of magic. Someone who could resurrect the dead would be able to restore entire planets from destruction, a firecaster would be able to burn an entire planet. Someone who could conjure spirits would be able to command entities beyond their own power."

"But let me guess, there's a side effect?"

"No, actually. If you see the entity it will drive you insane, but that's about it...However, power can corrupt people."

"And what happens to me if I go through the tear?"

"A fighter would become one of the greatest fighters in the Multiverse, capable of challenging Gods." She explained "But you cannot keep that power. When you have it, I'll take it for study."

Gregory nodded in response, he understood. Giving this being even more power would be a mistake, but if the lives of those he loved were in danger he didn't care. This was Gods and Angels, Demons and Monsters...This was beyond him. But he would rip planets apart to keep those he loved safe and if the only way to do that was to follow the orders of a malicious entity, then so be it.

Gregory sighed and offered The Woman a handshake "I'll do it." She smiled in response and the two shook hands "The rest of you, well it's not like you have much choice anyway....I'm going to drop you off two universes away from the tear, if I get too close the entity might notice me, and I like living, it's nice." She smiled "The tear itself is at the edge of a universe, in deep space so you'll have to get your hands on a ship. The tear is still giving off signals so when you're in range, you'll feel it."

The Woman stepped towards the group and snapped her fingers, transporting them across the Multiverse and into another Universe, one closer to Tear Alpha seventy two B. The group saw a ravaged, destroyed landscape in front of them. It was Earth, but not the Earth that Seth, Connor or Harley knew. A great battle had been fought here and it appeared that mankind was losing, or perhaps they had already lost.

Harley had held onto the spear as the group had made the trip.The Woman had called it demonic and while Harley felt something off of the spear that made her feel uneasy, as if it was looking right through her she did not let go of it. The group felt the signal The Woman had mentioned, it filled their ears with the voice of both a man and a woman but rather than call them towards it, it spoke two different words.

"Stay away."




Reborn World: Camelot


The floating island of Camelot stood before the God Emperor. Although he was able to mask his presence from most of the population in the cites below Camelot, Merlin was able to feel his presence and quickly alerted The Knights of the Round Table that a powerful being was heading their way.


- Merlin

From one of the cites below, The Librarian, The Merchant and The Woman watched the God Emperor, also able to see his presence.


"What is your rank and intention?" One of the agents asked in a demanding tone. Elliot had given his name, which they could verify by interviewing him but the rest of Elliot's life as well as what he was doing here was still a mystery to them, a mystery they wanted solved.
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Reborn World
Harley pushed Seth away. "Get your own spear!" She shouted

"It's demonic." The Woman explained "Now, how about I actually explain your mission?"

"What's going to happen to her?" Gregory asked in a concerned tone

The Woman ignored Gregory's question and approached the group.

"There is a specific tear that has opened in this Multiverse. Me and my associates have dubbed it Tear Alpha seventy two B . The mission would have been pretty straightforward, I send you across space, you go inside the tear and take something out...But the situation has changed."

"Changed how?" Connor asked

"The tear is now giving off signals across some parts of the Multiverse. It won't be long before someone, or something notices these signals."

"Tell us about this tear." Gregory demanded

"I am so glad you asked." She smiled in response "It's not like the other universes you've encountered. On the other side of this tear is a void universe."

"As in between time and space?" Gregory asked

"Yep, indeed." She nodded "On the other side is raw power. I want to study it."

Connor stared her down "You want this power for yourself, you want to become a God or God-like." He spoke in a grim tone

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Gregory stepped forwards so that his face and the face of The Woman met.

"Okay, here's the thing...Why send us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you were able to blow up a Fallen Angel before putting him back together again, you've been able to watch me from birth...That takes a lot of power. Why spend all this time trying to send a couple of sorry buggers like ourselves on a suicide mission? I can see it in your eyes...You're afraid. What could a powerful entity such as yourself be afraid of?"

He noticed that there was a look of fear in the Woman's eyes and her left hand was trembling.

"There are forces in this Multiverse, Mr Nelson that...That are far more powerful than my own." She replied, trying to hide her fear "To me, you look like ants. To some of these forces, you look like a microbe. To it, I would look like a rat, a pest. It would do to me what most mortals do to rats...Kill me."

She stepped away from Gregory, looking down at her trembling hand and clutching it. "I don't want to be noticed by these forces...At the other end of that tear is a creature, no an entity that has basked in raw power since the creation of that universe."

"So why send us?" Gregory asked

"It will not notice you." She turned around, shooting him a smile "Do you notice microbes? No, but you would notice a rat or an ant."

"What about him" Connor asked, pointing at Morbus

"I don't need him to go through the tear, I need him to make sure you get there alive. You might be able to handle yourselves, but like I said the situation has changed. I wouldn't have needed him if the tear hadn't been giving off signals."

"Once we get to that tear, what do you want me to do?" Gregory asked

"If you step into that universe, you take a small fraction of it's power. Someone with a good brain would become a genius able to perceive things they were not able to perceive before. They would become a genius. A wizard, mage of magician would become a complete expert of their art of magic. Someone who could resurrect the dead would be able to restore entire planets from destruction, a firecaster would be able to burn an entire planet. Someone who could conjure spirits would be able to command entities beyond their own power."

"But let me guess, there's a side effect?"

"No, actually. If you see the entity it will drive you insane, but that's about it...However, power can corrupt people."

"And what happens to me if I go through the tear?"

"A fighter would become one of the greatest fighters in the Multiverse, capable of challenging Gods." She explained "But you cannot keep that power. When you have it, I'll take it for study."

Gregory nodded in response, he understood. Giving this being even more power would be a mistake, but if the lives of those he loved were in danger he didn't care. This was Gods and Angels, Demons and Monsters...This was beyond him. But he would rip planets apart to keep those he loved safe and if the only way to do that was to follow the orders of a malicious entity, then so be it.

Gregory sighed and offered The Woman a handshake "I'll do it." She smiled in response and the two shook hands "The rest of you, well it's not like you have much choice anyway....I'm going to drop you off two universes away from the tear, if I get too close the entity might notice me, and I like living, it's nice." She smiled "The tear itself is at the edge of a universe, in deep space so you'll have to get your hands on a ship. The tear is still giving off signals so when you're in range, you'll feel it."

The Woman stepped towards the group and snapped her fingers, transporting them across the Multiverse and into another Universe, one closer to Tear Alpha seventy two B. The group saw a ravaged, destroyed landscape in front of them. It was Earth, but not the Earth that Seth, Connor or Harley knew. A great battle had been fought here and it appeared that mankind was losing, or perhaps they had already lost.

Harley had held onto the spear as the group had made the trip.The Woman had called it demonic and while Harley felt something off of the spear that made her feel uneasy, as if it was looking right through her she did not let go of it. The group felt the signal The Woman had mentioned, it filled their ears with the voice of both a man and a woman but rather than call them towards it, it spoke two different words.

"Stay away."




Reborn World: Camelot


The floating island of Camelot stood before the God Emperor. Although he was able to mask his presence from most of the population in the cites below Camelot, Merlin was able to feel his presence and quickly alerted The Knights of the Round Table that a powerful being was heading their way.


- Merlin

From one of the cites below, The Librarian, The Merchant and The Woman watched the God Emperor, also able to see his presence.


"What is your rank and intention?" One of the agents asked in a demanding tone. Elliot had given his name, which they could verify by interviewing him but the rest of Elliot's life as well as what he was doing here was still a mystery to them, a mystery they wanted solved.


MCU Universe

Elliot looked at one of the agents to check if there was a badge "I...I don't know...I opened my apartments door and I open my eyes and I'm here".
"I hope my laptop and phone got here..."
Gregory nodded in agreement with the drunk. He didn't understand the context, but he didn't really need to.
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Entering the palace as all the guards and servants around him move out of his way as he makes his way to the Khights of the Holy Grail. Arriving at the entrance of the Council room, The Emperor pushes the door open with his left hand before entering.

" I have come to speak to the individuals known as the Knight's of the Holy Grail."


"John Constantine, the last person in the multiverse I want here at the moment..."

Yang grew more confused by the arrival of the brit. "Seriously, this is getting weird, who in the hell is John Constantine..."

Kirigiri turned her attention away from Constantine and to Yang.


"Trouble, Ms Xiao Long... Constantine is nothing but trouble."

Flareup then turned to Yang and added, "Well that's what a file from the FF (Future Foundation) gave her..."

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Merlin stepped forwards, accompanied by King Arthur himself as well as Ser Lancelot, Ser Gawain, Ser Galahad, Ser Alymere and Ser Lucan.


-King Arthur.


-Ser Lancelot


-Ser Gawain


-His shield


-Ser Galahad


-Ser Alymere


-Ser Lucan

"The rest of our council is off-world." Arthur explained "Leading our forces against the forces darkness in other dimensions. A powerful being such as yourself has requested our presence, so what is it you want?"
Bioshock Infinite

"Who the 'ell is John Constantine? Just the sorry bastard standing in front of you, love." He replied "What's the Future Foundation? Sounds like a bunch of pretentious, smug arseholes to me with a name like that."

"See if Stevenson wants to talk to him." One of the agents spoke before talking into his radio "Stevenson, sir we have another one for you. Seems to be just a regular guy, but I thought you might want a look."

The Agents escorted Elliot to a Quinjet that took him to the Hellicarrier.

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Reborn World:

Morbus let the group settle down, "Now if you really want me to go on this suicide mission then you must make me a pure Morbus, it may just give us the advantage we need in completing the mission, though if you are uncomfortable with it then i can't blame you i mean it does make me quite powerful, i would expect to see you as a mouse and i would be looked at as a giant to you. In fact, i may be a bear compared to the men you say are above you, all you need to do is flick your fingers and kill me, then make it 40-54 years later for me, and then boom True Morbus achieved. Now there is that or you send us into the unknown and have us slaughtered 10 times over.", he said. He didn't know if she would trust him such power as he would become much more powerful then her. But it was the only chance at actually defeating said powers.




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Disappointed that he wouldn't be able to meet all of the Council at the moment, the Emperor thinks to his old world for a few seconds before replying.

" I have to come to lead humanity to new Golden Age and to help Mankind claim it's rightful place as the true rulers of the universe."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake looked over at the new arrival, Mr. Constantine, with a look of disdain. Between Kirigiri basically explaining her own multiverse travels and Yang's bike being a f*cking Transformer, he was pretty much done with this whole "Future Foundation" and "Ultimate Despair" thing.

"Listen, I don't know anything about whatever you are all talking about, but what I do know that Constantine is trouble. I say kill him now. Any takers?"

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