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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake looked over at the new arrival, Mr. Constantine, with a look of disdain. Between Kirigiri basically explaining her own multiverse travels and Yang's bike being a f*cking Transformer, he was pretty much done with this whole "Future Foundation" and "Ultimate Despair" thing.

"Listen, I don't know anything about whatever you are all talking about, but what I do know that Constantine is trouble. I say kill him now. Any takers?"
"You seem to love jumping the gun, don't you..." said Yang
Gregory Helms went back into the remains of the building and began changing back into his secret identity, The Hurricane!

"Holy Dark Age! Drake, that's not what heroes do!" Hurricane leaped out behind him. He slowly shuffled towards Constantine and whispered in his ear "Hey, can you get me in touch with the Lantern Corps?"
Oryx yanked from the air the blade of the Daemons, watching its snarling and snapping form. Oryx cared not what it was before, but now? The blade grew to his side, snapping and roaring even louder then before. The Taken King impaled the gut of Angron, spilling some of his essence to the ground before yanking him into the air. Oryx cackled silently before tossing Angron aside, deciding to just simply let him decay. He was resistant to the Taken, but once this planet was cleansed, he would never survive!

Oryx called out into the Void, "Librarian! I am draining the life essence of the Daemons... I would like to request for dual things. I would like for you to move the dimensional fracture to my location so that I can cleanse the world of the World Eater's Daemons. Second, do you have any other tasks for me?"

@Some_Bloke @Barbas

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Smirking slightly, Drake replied to Yang's comment.

"Well, that's just what I do. I take out the threats before they become a threat," Drake stated, turning to Hurricane after he finished. "And Hurricane, I'm no hero. I'm just a guy guarding his world from multiversal threats. Nothing heroic about what I've done in the past, either." Drake glared at Constantine from where he stood, eying him. He didn't even notice the shadowy figure watching them.
Armando looked at the group only to be beyond confused, another person riding a bike, and a metal lady? He sat down until he heard the sound of a violin. He turned to see something nerve-racking, a faceless, strong looking dark figure, who was playing the violin which created a atmosphere of despair. Armando jumped to his feet, "What in gods name are you!", he said in a loud tone. The figure abruptly stopped playing and tilted it's head to the side. It approached Armando, and Armando was close to the group who had appeared. The figure then made his violin vanish and made his machete appear. He dug the machete into the ground and carved the word, "Strage", thus pronouncing his name. Strage then looked to the group with his faceless stare and then made the violin re-appear. He then sat down and began playing a slow and sad song that made the creepy level sky rocket.


Unable to stop the blade from piercing his chest, Angron can only watch helplessly as he is thrown to the ground. Unable to move due to his wounds being to severe, Angron lays motionless on the ground.
"That's what a terrible person would do! Where is the honor in that?!" Hurricane asked as he stared into Drake's eyes.

Bray watched the violin/machete business and laughed idly. "What'll they think of next?" He looked among the people who had shown up, and walked towards Constantine. He went into a spoopy speech about something-or-other, most likely envolving sheep or Sister Abigail.

Luke put his hand forward as if to say "Hey, Armando, want to take on this demonic fiddle-knifer?"
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(Since only one person seems to have noticed)


The Robed Man

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/invader.jpg.f26c42fb5986e1a896188278256053e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/invader.jpg.f26c42fb5986e1a896188278256053e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

carrying a large wheel in his right hand

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/wheel.jpg.34ddd4c82f3ffe3003c58a03d82b1a55.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/wheel.jpg.34ddd4c82f3ffe3003c58a03d82b1a55.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

and a hand held cannon in his left

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cannon.jpg.e91b7292e399688b9a5b47166fdf8698.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/cannon.jpg.e91b7292e399688b9a5b47166fdf8698.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Stood in front of the group.

"A challenge is issued!" He bellowed, hefting the wheel over his shoulder.



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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Starting to laugh a bit, Drake just pushed Hurricane back an inch or two.

"I don't fight with honor, pal. I fight to win. I hit fast, and I hit hard, that's it. If you don't like it, tough nuts pal." Drake was not in the mood for games anymore. He heard the creepy violin playing and looked over to see Bray conversing with some sort of shadow demon. Greeat. Even more demonic sh*t. Fun times.

Bioshock Infinite

Constantine smirked in response to Drake's threats "Don't I get a vote?" He asked "You hear that someone is trouble, so your first guess is to automatically kill them. That's your first instinct..." He spoke in a mocking tone "You're a bleeding idiot and a shitty protector!" He shouted, pointing at Drake "Jesus Christ mate, you have to do bloody research or you won't be protecting anyone. This guy's apparently trouble I'll just go ahead and flay the sorry bastard alive! What kind of stupid bastard uses that logic?"

Someone wanting him dead was nothing new to Constantine, this was just another day for him. The spear had been the weird part. The violin player caught his attention as Constantine finished his cigarette, noticing that his pendulum was detecting a large amount of powerful magic, all of it emitting from the violin player.

"That was good, but I much prefer good old rock and roll." John spoke as he clapped sarcastically "Who are you?"

Upon hearing both Hurricane and the robed man both talk about fighting the violin player, Constantine raised a hand "He's powerful, if you fight him he'll probably kill you." He cautioned both of them.


Reborn World: Camelot

"And how do we know that thy intentions are genuine?" Arthur asked "This is not to say that we believe you have malicious intent, only that we encountered someone before, a knight who spoke of similar things. He betrayed us and as a result one of our Knights was killed. We have to be cautious."


Terminator Universe

As Revan and Syeron approached the Ebony Hawk, they found that Goku was dead.

"Was he a friend of yours?" Syeron asked in a sympathetic tone

Bioshock Infinite Universe

The Robed man was getting irritated at this point. He walked up behind (drawing name out of hat...) Drake and raised his wheel.

"Unfortunately for you, Drake. Constantine makes a valid argument... also those gauntlets of yours..."

Kirigiri extends her hand to Drake

"Hand it over, it's clear you can't be trusted with those powers."

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke
Unknown Universe

Yami decided to start off simple. He manifested into a simple form, a man with his usual purple skin, red eyes, and black hair, wearing black samurai armor. It was one of his favorites. He appeared in a quiet puff of smoke and fell into step behind Harley.
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Out of all the reactions anyone could have predicted, Drake just plainly looked at Kirigiri.

"They won't work if you try to use them. The being that gave them to me entrusted their powers to me to defend my own universe from threats that originate in other universes. True, my way of action may seem rash to you all, but from where I come from, all of your separate universes are contained in mediums such as books, anime, video games, and other things like those, a vast majority of which I have seen.

So, I had knowledge of the enemies I faced in my own universe when I saw them stumble out of their portals, so that's how I developed my style. He, for example," he continued, pointing to Constantine, "is a manipulative and cruel son of a b*tch who will sway anyone to his way of seeing things with his silver tongue." Talking sense into them might be the only way to deter the situation.
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apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Out of all the reactions anyone could have predicted, Drake just plainly looked at Kirigiri.

"They won't work if you try to use them. The being that gave them to me entrusted their powers to me to defend my own universe from threats that originate in other universes. True, my way of action may seem rash to you all, but from where I come from, all of your separate universes are contained in mediums such as books, anime, video games, and other things like those, a vast majority of which I have seen. So, I had knowledge of the enemies I faced in my own universe

Bioshock Universe

The wheel popped in half, becoming two slightly smaller wheels connected by a short axle, about a foot in length. A ghostly red mist began to pour out of the wheel.

Understandin why Arthur would be cautious of his intentions, the Emperor thinks to himself for a few moments about the best way to convince them. Thinking of an idea, the Emperor unmasks his power, causing the room to be filled with a bright light as a golden halo forms above his head.

" You have nothing to fear of me, my friends. For the past forty eight thousand years I have observed humanity like a ghost, secretly guiding humanity from the shadows. Not once have I ever even thought of enslaving humanity like some petty tyrant. My only intention is to help humanity achieve it's full potential"

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Hurricane: "It's not that we'll use them. It's that you won't." Hurricane looked at Drake, and then at the mist. "It's Asian Mist! Japanese wrestlers spit this in people's faces!.....It hurts!"
Crenando said:
Hurricane: "It's not that we'll use them. It's that you won't." Hurricane looked at Drake, and then at the mist. "It's Asian Mist! Japanese wrestlers spit this in people's faces!.....It hurts!"

"But isn't Tajiri on our side?!"
Bioshock Infinite

John raised both hands in a defensive manner "I may have a silver tongue, but you're still a bleeding idiot." He snapped "You're more distracted by me than you are the real threat." He pointed behind Drake at the hooded man "He is trying to kill you, you stupid bastard yet you keep your focus on me? You're not just a bleeding idiot, you're fucking insane, mate. If you apparently protect multiple universes, it's a wonder why they haven't completely gone to shit!"

John opened a bottle of holy water and poured some drops onto his hands, rubbing it in before igniting the holy water with his lighter. He brought both hands together and tossed a fireball at the hooded man. Drake wasn't going to listen to reason, and that was going to get him killed unless John did something. He may have been a "bleeding idiot" and a "stupid bastard" in John's eyes but he wasn't going to let him die.
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Bioshock Infinite
John raised both hands in a defensive manner "I may have a silver tongue, but you're still a bleeding idiot." He snapped "You're more distracted by me than you are the real threat." He pointed behind Drake at the hooded man "He is trying to kill you, you stupid bastard yet you keep your focus on me? You're not just a bleeding idiot, you're fucking insane, mate. It you apparently protect multiple universes, it's a wonder why they haven't completely gone to shit!"

John opened a bottle of holy water and poured some drops onto his hands, rubbing it in before igniting the holy water with his lighter. He brought both hands together and tossed a fireball at the hooded man. Drake wasn't going to listen to reason, and that was going to get him killed unless John did something. He may have been a "bleeding idiot" and a "stupid bastard" in John's eyes but he wasn't going to let him die.


Bioshock Infinite Universe

The hooded man hopped backwards as the fireball raced towards him. He faced Constantine and pulled some paper from a pouch. He ran it along the wheel, which promptly began to crackle with electricity. He pointed at Constantine with his left hand, which was also the hand that held his mini-cannon, then back at him self. Then he fell into a combat stance.
Hurricane: "Constantine, he doesn't care about the multiverse! He's a cold-blooded killer! He thinks he's saving people? Wassap wit dat?!" Hurricane said, crossing his arms as if posing for a t-shirt. "Tell me...how many times have you sacrificed yourself and everyone thought you were dead for years until it turns out that you were in the Speed Force the whole time and-" He cut himself off.
Bioshock Infinite
John raised both hands in a defensive manner "I may have a silver tongue, but you're still a bleeding idiot." He snapped "You're more distracted by me than you are the real threat." He pointed behind Drake at the hooded man "He is trying to kill you, you stupid bastard yet you keep your focus on me? You're not just a bleeding idiot, you're fucking insane, mate. If you apparently protect multiple universes, it's a wonder why they haven't completely gone to shit!"

John opened a bottle of holy water and poured some drops onto his hands, rubbing it in before igniting the holy water with his lighter. He brought both hands together and tossed a fireball at the hooded man. Drake wasn't going to listen to reason, and that was going to get him killed unless John did something. He may have been a "bleeding idiot" and a "stupid bastard" in John's eyes but he wasn't going to let him die.


"Constantine... Do you know of the Ultimate Despair... They seem to be resorting to demon worship to bring back their founder... Junko Enoshima... A Demon that you may be familiar with... Have you heard of D'Spayre?"

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Sighing in partial annoyance, Drake concluded in his mind he wouldn't allow them to take away his gauntlets. As soon as he changed back into his original form, they would be inoperable for an entire day, anyways. Besides, aside from the wrestlers and Yang, he was the only being in this universe allied with good with super human strength and powers.

"Well, once I switch back to my original form they won't work for a day as I have used them too much in the past 24 hours. But, I don't think I'll be swtching back because of them," he said pointing to the man with the bell on his head, Bray, Undertaker's bike tracks, and the shadowy figure.

Terminator Universe

Revan: Looking down at Goku's body, Revan crouched down and shut Goku's still-open eyes as a sign of respect.

"He wasn't a man I knew for long, but he was a very powerful warrior. I hope the Force guides him to peace wherever he is. Anyways, let's get on board and get out of here. I have a feeling more of those liquid metal droids are on their way to stop us," Revan said as he stood back up, boarding the Hawk.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Harley pushed Seth away. "Get your own spear!" She shouted
"It's demonic." The Woman explained "Now, how about I actually explain your mission?"

"What's going to happen to her?" Gregory asked in a concerned tone

The Woman ignored Gregory's question and approached the group.

"There is a specific tear that has opened in this Multiverse. Me and my associates have dubbed it Tear Alpha seventy two B . The mission would have been pretty straightforward, I send you across space, you go inside the tear and take something out...But the situation has changed."

"Changed how?" Connor asked

"The tear is now giving off signals across some parts of the Multiverse. It won't be long before someone, or something notices these signals."

"Tell us about this tear." Gregory demanded

"I am so glad you asked." She smiled in response "It's not like the other universes you've encountered. On the other side of this tear is a void universe."

"As in between time and space?" Gregory asked

"Yep, indeed." She nodded "On the other side is raw power. I want to study it."

Connor stared her down "You want this power for yourself, you want to become a God or God-like." He spoke in a grim tone

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Gregory stepped forwards so that his face and the face of The Woman met.

"Okay, here's the thing...Why send us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you were able to blow up a Fallen Angel before putting him back together again, you've been able to watch me from birth...That takes a lot of power. Why spend all this time trying to send a couple of sorry buggers like ourselves on a suicide mission? I can see it in your eyes...You're afraid. What could a powerful entity such as yourself be afraid of?"

He noticed that there was a look of fear in the Woman's eyes and her left hand was trembling.

"There are forces in this Multiverse, Mr Nelson that...That are far more powerful than my own." She replied, trying to hide her fear "To me, you look like ants. To some of these forces, you look like a microbe. To it, I would look like a rat, a pest. It would do to me what most mortals do to rats...Kill me."

She stepped away from Gregory, looking down at her trembling hand and clutching it. "I don't want to be noticed by these forces...At the other end of that tear is a creature, no an entity that has basked in raw power since the creation of that universe."

"So why send us?" Gregory asked

"It will not notice you." She turned around, shooting him a smile "Do you notice microbes? No, but you would notice a rat or an ant."

"What about him" Connor asked, pointing at Morbus

"I don't need him to go through the tear, I need him to make sure you get there alive. You might be able to handle yourselves, but like I said the situation has changed. I wouldn't have needed him if the tear hadn't been giving off signals."

"Once we get to that tear, what do you want me to do?" Gregory asked

"If you step into that universe, you take a small fraction of it's power. Someone with a good brain would become a genius able to perceive things they were not able to perceive before. They would become a genius. A wizard, mage of magician would become a complete expert of their art of magic. Someone who could resurrect the dead would be able to restore entire planets from destruction, a firecaster would be able to burn an entire planet. Someone who could conjure spirits would be able to command entities beyond their own power."

"But let me guess, there's a side effect?"

"No, actually. If you see the entity it will drive you insane, but that's about it...However, power can corrupt people."

"And what happens to me if I go through the tear?"

"A fighter would become one of the greatest fighters in the Multiverse, capable of challenging Gods." She explained "But you cannot keep that power. When you have it, I'll take it for study."

Gregory nodded in response, he understood. Giving this being even more power would be a mistake, but if the lives of those he loved were in danger he didn't care. This was Gods and Angels, Demons and Monsters...This was beyond him. But he would rip planets apart to keep those he loved safe and if the only way to do that was to follow the orders of a malicious entity, then so be it.

Gregory sighed and offered The Woman a handshake "I'll do it." She smiled in response and the two shook hands "The rest of you, well it's not like you have much choice anyway....I'm going to drop you off two universes away from the tear, if I get too close the entity might notice me, and I like living, it's nice." She smiled "The tear itself is at the edge of a universe, in deep space so you'll have to get your hands on a ship. The tear is still giving off signals so when you're in range, you'll feel it."

The Woman stepped towards the group and snapped her fingers, transporting them across the Multiverse and into another Universe, one closer to Tear Alpha seventy two B. The group saw a ravaged, destroyed landscape in front of them. It was Earth, but not the Earth that Seth, Connor or Harley knew. A great battle had been fought here and it appeared that mankind was losing, or perhaps they had already lost.

Harley had held onto the spear as the group had made the trip.The Woman had called it demonic and while Harley felt something off of the spear that made her feel uneasy, as if it was looking right through her she did not let go of it. The group felt the signal The Woman had mentioned, it filled their ears with the voice of both a man and a woman but rather than call them towards it, it spoke two different words.

"Stay away."

Seth thought about it. The comparisons she made. Microbes, huh, never knew some organisation could recognize anyone as not a threat. Anyone and anything could be a hidden threat, well, to him. He then thought about the power. Really? With that power, he could darken an entire planet, emit fear into a vast armada, control a god-like creature! A part of Seth wanted that power. Wanted it to defend his loved ones, control the demons in the prison to help protect his family, friends, fellow Knights. He could become god-like with that power. The otherside, however, wanted to destroy it. No way someone, he wasn't going to let The Woman, someone he JUST met, let her hands on something that powerful to let her "study" it. How does he know she's not going to betray him after she gets the power! And besides, why keep the power to yourself. It was a suicide mission that no one benefitted from.Wait! What makes us think you're not going to take the power for yourself and turn on us! Asked Seth, untrusting. Well, he had no choice, anyways.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake couldn't believe how stupid these guys were. They thought him the real threat while he kept a portion of his focus on that hooded man behind him. When Constantine threw a fireball at him, Drake tilted his head as it flew past him and landed in front of the weird, bell-headed being behind him. Unsheathing the Elucidator off his back, Drake turned around and squared up to the man.

"Fine then. I'll humor you, Constantine. And for the record, I only protect my own universe, that is until all of this crazy tear sh*t started. Now I just do whatever the good guys I know from my universe do, in my own way of course. Now then, all of you try to find a tear and see if there's anywhere else or anyone else that needs help. Plus, the Undertaker still has Elizabeth, and I'd say we need her powers."

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