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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Holding the Elucidator into the air, Ki energy began gathering on the blade again.

"Guys, if you can protect me for three minutes, I can charge up an attack that could wound him to the point of immobilizng him! Trust me!
Bioshock Universe

As Strage crushed his neck, the Robed Man slammed the Tesla coils into Strage's sides. Thunder boomed overhead and a bolt of lightning crashed into them both. The Robed Man dissolved into motes of light.
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WWE City

"I don't know why 'Taker didn't finish me off back there..." said Punk as he searches for a new safe house.

suddenly a man fell out of a tear

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Unknown Universe

Harley did not notice the first tap, as she was still taking in the surroundings, however the second tap caught her attention. She spun around "What?!" She shouted angrily, coming face to face with Yami

"Who are you talking to?" Gregory asked but before Harley could reply, Gregory's helmet picked up something approaching the group "Nevermind, we've got company!" Gregory shouted



Flying in the skies above was a group of around one hundred Ultron Sentinels, approaching their position and fast. That was when Gregory realized something, he had seen this before, the landscape, the large amount of Sentinels, the lack of people...

This was the Age of Ultron, a comic book in which Ultron was able to successfully conquer the world. The entire world would be swarming with his Sentinels. The mightiest of Marvel heroes had fallen to Ultron in this story, so even with Morbus on their side Gregory didn't know if they stood a chance. They had to get out of sight and somehow find a ship on this broken planet.

Gregory snapped back to focus pointed to a nearby run-down building, leading the group towards it. He turned his attention to Seth as they ran inside "Can you use your shadow powers to hide us?" He asked in a fast paced tone, trying to hide his fear.

Harley continued to stare at Yami "Who are you?" She asked, studying Yami's form with her eyes.


Bioshock Infinite Universe

Constantine smirked when he saw that the hooded figure was still alive and that Draken hadn't taken his head. He knew that the figure wouldn't have given up that easily. Constantine launched two fireballs at the hooded figure as Flareup fired plasma shots. Both managed to miss Hurricane but Constantine stood back as Strage approached the hooded man and crushed his neck.

"Bugger me." Constantine muttered as he watched the hooded man dissolve.


Mass Effect Universe

"We came here to rescue the scientists and Mil. I am not leaving until we figure out where they were taken." Syeron replied sternly

"Miss Hunwess is right. I came here to rescue those scientists. I never leave a mission unfinished." Mil spoke

"Well I'm getting the hell out of here." Max replied "Come on, Bishop." He walked towards the exit of the facility

"You can't leave, he took the Alliance ship." Private Boyle pointed out

"Goddamit." Max muttered angrily "Well, Bishop it looks like we're stuck with these lunatics." He sighed


Reborn World: Camelot

"He's telling the truth." Merlin spoke "I can see his thoughts and it is true that he wants to lead mankind into a golden age. However, he is not an Angel, the halo above his head is not that of an Angel." Merlin explained, turning his attention to Arthur "His intentions are genuine, but the decision is yours."

Arthur fell silent for several moments as he thought about his options. Even as he send Knights into other universes through the tears to fight darkness, it was not enough. Ser Ismay, a Knight he had fought alongside personally had been found dead right outside one of their cities on another world. She had not been the only fatality in their war against darkness as Camelot received news every day of casualties in the hundreds. If this man, this being could help Arthur end the suffering, end the bloodshed...

"Very well, we will ally ourselves with you." Arthur bowed his head. In response the Knights that surrounded him bowed their heads towards the Emperor. He was not their God, but they would still follow him into battle.

Some_Bloke] [CENTER] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#b30000]Bioshock Infinite Universe[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Constantine smirked when he saw that the hooded figure was still alive and that Draken hadn't taken his head. He knew that the figure wouldn't have given up that easily. Constantine launched two fireballs at the hooded figure as Flareup fired plasma shots. Both managed to miss Hurricane but Constantine stood back as Strage approached the hooded man and crushed his neck. "Bugger me." Constantine muttered as he watched the hooded man dissolve. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14447-barbas/ said:

"While that didn't go as you expected... We've delt with the threat... I believe you owe us some answers, Constantine...Who is D'Spayre..."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Seeing the threat ceased, the Ki on the Elucidator stopped gathering and dissapated. He sheathed the blade on his back and released his Super Saiyan form and returned to his base form. He turned to face Hurricane with a semi-pained look on his face.

"I'm not the monster you think I am," Drake mumbled.
Some_Bloke] [CENTER] [B][SIZE=24px]Unknown Universe[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Harley did not notice the first tap said:


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TommyGun15 said:
Bioshock Infinite Universe

From the ash pile on the ground where the lightning struck, a group of small, white, hairless creatures rose from the ground.

View attachment 171010

One of them held a scroll, which it offered to the nearest person in attendance.

Age of Ultron Universe

Yami grinned.

"I suppose you could say I'm a friend."
Kirigiri grabbed the scroll from the creatures and handed it to Constantine @Some_Bloke


"This is your field of expertise."
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Pleased that things ended in his favor, the Emperor masks most of his power again in order to prevent any normal human from being harmed. Afterwards, the Emperor questions the Khights about the group Sir Ismay came into contact with before her death.

"Now that we have that out of the way, I believe we should discuss the strange group of individuals a knight known as Sir Ismay came into contact with before her unfortunate death. "
Morbus only looked at the robots and looked at worried Gregory, "Don't worry, i am not like those people, I am much stronger.", he said trying to re-assure Gregory.

Strage turned around to look at the girl who had picked up the scroll. The lightning seemed to have done absolutely nothing. He walked towards Kirigirl and Constantine, though his intentions were still unknown.

Armando had just stuck with the group trying to keep calm and trying to survive this madness.


(Pardon me if I cut anyone off, but the sarcasm in me has reached critical mass.)

Bioshock Universe

Amazingly, it was a scroll! With WORDS on it!! THE HORROR!!!
TommyGun15 said:
(Pardon me if I cut anyone off, but the sarcasm in me has reached critical mass.)
Bioshock Universe

Amazingly, it was a scroll! With WORDS on it!! THE HORROR!!!
((Dude the scroll came from weird demon babies))
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Bioshock Infinite Universe

"I never said you were a monster, Drake." Constantine smiled "Just an idiot." Constantine took the scroll in one hand, holding his pendulum in the other. He wanted to get an idea of what he was dealing with before he read the scroll, in case reading it's words had horrible side-effects.


Age of Ultron Universe

Harley continued to study Yami's appearance as he spoke "What kind of friend?" She asked, smiling in response

Gregory ignored Harley, telling himself that there were more pressing matters at hand "The Sentinels, can you take them out?" Gregory asked Morbus "And then turn around when they blow up because who looks at explosions anymore?!" He injected humour back into his tone, but only as a means of hiding his fear further.

"More powerful than who, exactly?" Connor asked

"Long story, I'll tell you later." Gregory continued to speak in his fast paced tone


Reborn World: Camelot

Arthur nodded in response "Indeed. Our sensors detected something very powerful." He spoke

"A being of immense power." Merlin butted in "I believe it is what killed her."

Arthur's Squire projected a holographic image of the scene, right before Ismay's death. It showed her charging towards The Woman and The Woman snapping her fingers, setting Ser Ismay on fire and killing her. Merlin pointed at the holographic image of The Woman as it enhanced, showing her face "The other beings were not responsible for the death, but this being is. She or it I believe is masking their true form or is using a mortal body, or is at the very least capable of taking on multiple forms."

Arthur approached The Emperor "Do you know this woman, this being?" He asked
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MCU Universe

Elliot sat on one of the seats they had on the quinjet and looked around the jet with his eyes
"I didn't know they made a really technologically advanced jet" Elliot's eyes were bloodshot,His hands were shaking,Maybe he was wrong,Maybe this is not real,Maybe this is just a dream "No,This can't be a dream I can touch things,I can hear things,I can feel them" Elliot shook his head and sighed "Who's Stevenson?,Guess I'll find out when I get to where we're going right now"


Bioshock Infinite Universe

"I never said you were a monster, Drake." Constantine smiled "Just an idiot." Constantine took the scroll in one hand, holding his pendulum in the other. He wanted to get an idea of what he was dealing with before he read the scroll, in case reading it's words had horrible side-effects.


Age of Ultron Universe

Harley continued to study Yami's appearance as he spoke "What kind of friend?" She asked, smiling in response

Gregory ignored Harley, telling himself that there were more pressing matters at hand "The Sentinels, can you take them out?" Gregory asked Morbus "And then turn around when they blow up because who looks at explosions anymore?!" He injected humour back into his tone, but only as a means of hiding his fear further.

"More powerful than who, exactly?" Connor asked

"Long story, I'll tell you later." Gregory continued to speak in his fast paced tone


Reborn World: Camelot

Arthur nodded in response "Indeed. Our sensors detected something very powerful." He spoke

"A being of immense power." Merlin butted in "I believe it is what killed her."

Arthur's Squire projected a holographic image of the scene, right before Ismay's death. It showed her charging towards The Woman and The Woman snapping her fingers, setting Ser Ismay on fire and killing her. Merlin pointed at the holographic image of The Woman as it enhanced, showing her face "The other beings were not responsible for the death, but this being is. She or it I believe is masking their true form or is using a mortal body, or is at the very least capable of taking on multiple forms."

Arthur approached The Emperor "Do you know this woman, this being?" He asked

"Constantine... I believe my partner wanted you to answer her question..." said Flareup
theManCalledSting said:
WWE City
"I don't know why 'Taker didn't finish me off back there..." said Punk as he searches for a new safe house.

suddenly a man fell out of a tear

Booker stood up and dusted him self off. Booker saw Punk and said "Pal, where exactly are we.? I need some answers."
ryanpk200 said:
Booker stood up and dusted him self off. Booker saw Punk and said "Pal, where exactly are we.? I need some answers."
"Well, welcome to what once was... WWE City," said CM Punk as he showed the man a ruined city littered with Monokumas. "It looked a hell of a lot better before the 'Make-a-wish kids' showed up."


Placeing his right hand on his chin as he examines the image, the Emperor turns towards Arthur before replying.

" No, I have not encountered this particular being, though I am suspicious that it is either a resident of the Warp, or a creature of a similar nature."
WWE City

Titan Towers


"Oh, Mr. Undertaker. You've been a very bad SERVANT! Monaca doesn't like it when a Servant doesn't slay a demon when he has the chance..." Monaca said to the Undertaker who was mind-controlled by the girl.


"Disobediant servants are no better than the demons Monaca and the other warriors of hope have slayed her in WWE City." Monaca continued her speech as the other Warriors of Hope surrounds the Undertaker.


"But don't you worry, Monaca knows you were only trying to do your best. At least you brought Monaca the girl..." Monaca said with a smile.

The Warriors of hope pushed the Undertaker into a casket and nailed it shut. Monaca wheeled herself over to the casket and poured gasoline on it.


"Oh! Monaca forgot! It's ummm..." Monaca said as she attemps to recall the name of one of the Warriors of Hope.

Monaca gives up and simply turned to the Pink haired member. "Your Birthday!" She then extends the lighter to Kotoko Utsugi.


"Now be careful. You don't want to burn your ardorable hands," Monaca said to Kotoko as she sets the casket on fire...


"Let's all sing, guys!" said Monaca in a rather cheery way as the all held their hands and sung "Happy Birthday"

@Some_Bloke ((Undertaker's not dead btw))

@ryanpk200 ((Elizabeth's now up and ready for you to RP))
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