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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
"Well, welcome to what once was... WWE City," said CM Punk as he showed the man a ruined city littered with Monokumas. "It looked a hell of a lot better before the 'Make-a-wish kids' showed up."

"Um, make-a-wish kids? Never mind. I'm looking for a girl. Black hair, blue eyes, blue clothes, she's got a thimble on her finger, and was kidnapped by a man on s motorcycle." Booker asked.


"Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine!" Monaca said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth wakes up to fine herself in front of a group of five children.


"UWHA! For a Demon, she's super adorbs!" cried one of the children.

((The other four members of the Warriors of Hope are NPCs... As long as they're in character you can RP as them))
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Bioshock Infinite Universe

"I never said you were a monster, Drake." Constantine smiled "Just an idiot." Constantine took the scroll in one hand, holding his pendulum in the other. He wanted to get an idea of what he was dealing with before he read the scroll, in case reading it's words had horrible side-effects.


Age of Ultron Universe

Harley continued to study Yami's appearance as he spoke "What kind of friend?" She asked, smiling in response.

(Sorry I took so long)

Bioshock Infinite Universe

The letter read as follows:

This world has been connected to the dream. The dream of a world between worlds, where hunters gather. And so we will come. Come seeking glory. Come seeking pleasure. Come seeking blood. The blood of our opponents. And our oppenents are whomever we choose.

We arrive at the tolling of the bell.

Prepare to die.

Age of Ultron Universe

"I'm the best kind of friend." Yami said with a smile.

"I'm the kind of friend that can help you out."
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ryanpk200 said:
"Um, make-a-wish kids? Never mind. I'm looking for a girl. Black hair, blue eyes, blue clothes, she's got a thimble on her finger, and was kidnapped by a man on s motorcycle." Booker asked.
"Don't know about the girl, but I've seen the guy you're talking about... He tried to kill me. not to long ago..." said CM Punk as he pointed at a massive tower "Pretty sure he's headed over there. Titan Towers..."
WWE Universe

Strage stopped dead and felt something, and so he was gone in the blink of an eye. He had gone to somewhere with high adrenaline fighters and demonic teddy bears. He had managed to find CM punk and Booker. Strage approached the two, his features very obviously were quite intimidating as he walked towards the two with no face. But it was better then a smile cut into where his face should be. He stopped dead again and tilted his head towards the two. (Sorry, even though i did get my first kill with Strage i am still feeling quite bored and wanted to see what was going on here so yeah)


Morbus simply laughed, "Stronger the the avengers dumbass.", he remarked to Gregory with a smile under the hood. He readied him self with humming a heavy metal tune that was playing in his head. (Said tune: [media]

[/media] )
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Morbuskid said:
WWE Universe
Strage stopped dead and felt something, and so he was gone in the blink of an eye. He had gone to somewhere with high adrenaline fighters and demonic teddy bears. He had managed to find CM punk and Booker. Strage approached the two, his features very obviously were quite intimidating as he walked towards the two with no face. But it was better then a smile cut into where his face should be. He stopped dead again and tilted his head towards the two. (Sorry, even though i did get my first kill with Strage i am still feeling quite bored and wanted to see what was going on here so yeah)
(Well, I'm about to make some shit go down in Bioshock, so yeah...)
(Welp to late for that, my guy would destroy everything, i wouldn't want to hog all the glory xD )

"Also how a bunch of kids were able to control the minds of WWE Superstars... well they have this weird mind control collar they put on some of the superstars... luckily for me, the one they put on 'Taker had some glitches." said Punk

"I answered a lot of questions, even ones you probably haven't asked yet... but there's one question I need you to answer... I've heard the kids say this over the radio... who in the hell is D'Spayre?"
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"Constantine... the fate of the Omniverse rests on this one question... and only you or that fellow from Quadwal can answer it... Who is D'Spayre?"

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno ((Drake's they guy from the Universe the Transformers Classified as Quadwal))
(Well... if you have any objections, let me know.)

Bioshock Infinite Universe


The sound of a great, tolling bell echoed through the city. From the north came the sound of feet, like an army on the march. From around the alleyways, from the top of the rooftops, melting from the shadows, they came. An army of Invaders, wearing everything from plate-mail, to wizard's robes, to Victorian-era suits. They carried guns, swords, shields, wands, axes, hammers, spear, and many medieval weapons and early firearms of all shapes and sizes. To the north they massed, perched to strike the group like a tidal wave of fire, steel, aether, and lead.
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TommyGun15 said:
(Well... if you have any objections, let me know.)
Bioshock Infinite Universe


The sound of a great, tolling bell echoed through the city. From the north came the sound of feet, like an army on the march. From around the alleyways, from the top of the rooftops, melting from the shadows, they came. An army of Invaders, wearing everything from plate-mail, to wizard's robes, to Victorian-era suits. They carried guns, swords, shields, wands, axes, hammers, spear, and many medieval weapons and early firearms of all shapes and sizes. To the north they massed, perched to strike the group like a tidal wave of fire, steel, aether, and lead.

"Again?" Kirigiri said with a hint of annoyance it seems the Identity of this so-called Demon will have to wait.

"More invading souls! You think it has something to do with the Undertaker?" said Flareup to her Partner.

"There's a good chance it may be, but we can't leave out the face that these 'invaders' only appeared once we've slain the hooded man... Or the fact that this city is in a state of temporal flux..." said Kirigiri.

"Whatever they are, they better get ready, 'cause I've been itching for a fight." said Yang, determined to defeat the invaders

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke
Bioshock universe.

Armando felt a little more comfortable with the arrival of such characters, so much that e charged straight in, with god's seal indicating him as a valiant foe. Though he was not used to the mages, he was used to the soldiers and he quickly began to stab, slash, and bash around a few other knights while also dodging the shields.
theManCalledSting said:

"Again?" Kirigiri said with a hint of annoyance it seems the Identity of this so-called Demon will have to wait.

"More invading souls! You think it has something to do with the Undertaker?" said Flareup to her Partner.

"There's a good chance it may be, but we can't leave out the face that these 'invaders' only appeared once we've slain the hooded man... Or the fact that this city is in a state of temporal flux..." said Kirigiri.

"Whatever they are, they better get ready, 'cause I've been itching for a fight." said Yang, determined to defeat the invaders

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke
Bioshock Infinite Universe

One of the invaders stepped forwards. He didn't seem to be any better armored, or equipped, but he stood at the front of the pack. He pulled out a carving of a face, and dropped it at his feet.

"HELLO." A deep, mechanical sounding voice boomed. The same man dropped another carving.


Then another Invader stepped forward, carrying a boom box. He set it on the ground, and pressed play. A loud, upbeat rock tune started to play.


As the song started up, and the first lyrics played, the Invaders readied their weapons and spells. At the beginning of the first chorus, they charged.


Morbuskid said:
Bioshock universe.
Armando felt a little more comfortable with the arrival of such characters, so much that e charged straight in, with god's seal indicating him as a valiant foe. Though he was not used to the mages, he was used to the soldiers and he quickly began to stab, slash, and bash around a few other knights while also dodging the shields.
(Can we say this happens after my post?)
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TommyGun15 said:
Bioshock Infinite Universe

One of the invaders stepped forwards. He didn't seem to be any better armored, or equipped, but he stood at the front of the pack. He pulled out a carving of a face, and dropped it at his feet.

"HELLO." A deep, mechanical sounding voice boomed. The same man dropped another carving.


Then another Invader stepped forward, carrying a boom box. He set it on the ground, and pressed play. A loud, upbeat rock tune started to play.


As the song started up, and the first lyrics played, the Invaders readied their weapons and spells. At the beginning of the first chorus, they charged.


(Can we say this happens after my post?)
(If it makes you feel happy sweety pie :3 Fine fuking wussy xD )

Bioshock Universe

Drake: He disdainfully looked at the oncoming army of various warriors. Drake unsheathed Elucidator again and readied himself with a two-handed sword stance. The look on his face showed internal pain and pondering from the conversations before these fights started. These people accused him of being a battle-craving warmonger because of the style he developed after two years of fighting enemies from all sorts of fiction in his universe.

"....Let's just get this over with..." Drake mumbled.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15 @Crenando @Morbuskid
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: He disdainfully looked at the oncoming army of various warriors. Drake unsheathed Elucidator again and readied himself with a two-handed sword stance. The look on his face showed internal pain and pondering from the conversations before these fights started. These people accused him of being a battle-craving warmonger because of the style he developed after two years of fighting enemies from all sorts of fiction in his universe.

"....Let's just get this over with..." Drake mumbled.

@theManCalledSting @TommyGun15 @Crenando @Morbuskid
Sting walked up next to Drake and said, "It's show time."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Not wanting to start another fight and add fuel to the fire, Drake wallowed his pride and kept a defensive stance, waiting for the army of Invaders to make a move.

"Just make yourself useful and help us take these guys out."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Not wanting to start another fight and add fuel to the fire, Drake wallowed his pride and kept a defensive stance, waiting for the army of Invaders to make a move.

"Just make yourself useful and help us take these guys out."
Sting charged at the invaders with his baseball bat surprisingly taking out a few of them

"Stevenson is our boss, and the guy tasked with handling the crisis in New York. The crisis involving the tears." One of the agents explained

Elliot was taken to the same room as The Doctor and Tesla, who were still helping the SHIELD agents make repairs to the Hellicarrier. The Doctor stood up and approached Elliot, scanning him with his sonic screwdriver "Yep, definitely human." He muttered before putting on his 3D glasses.


"Only a bit of Void stuff."

"What's void stuff?" Tesla asked

"Harmless background radiation picked up when you travel between parallel worlds." The Doctor explained "Have a look." He handed the glasses to Tesla who put them on.


Tesla looked at his own hand "And you are sure this is harmless?" He asked in a worried tone

"Ah, absolutely." The Doctor smiled "I've been carrying it for years. Travelled to a parallel world, Pete's world I called it a couple of times."

The Doctor turned his attention back to Elliot "Sorry, got so caught up in all that void stuff. Hello, I'm The Doctor, that's Nikola Tesla and you are?"



Reborn World: Camelot

"A creature who lives between space and time, or perhaps outside of it?" Merlin asked "When it arrived in this universe, I was able to feel it's power from a whole galaxy away."

"If it killed one of our Knights out of spite, then Lord knows what it will do if we decide to fight it." Ser Lancelot butted in

"So you think we should let the murder go unpunished?" Ser Galahad asked in an angry tone

"No. I think we should protect our worlds. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Ser Lancelot replied "This being killed Ser Ismay, God rest her soul but is her life worth the trillions of lives we have sworn to protect!?"



Bioshock Infinite Universe

Constantine read the scrolls words "Another pretentious, smug bastard with a stick rammed up his arse." He muttered. At the sight of the Invaders, John dropped the scroll and prepared for a fight. Hearing rock and roll as the Invaders prepared to fight brought a smirk to his face. It wasn't as good as the Mucous Membrane, but it was still better than the other tripe Constantine had heard over the years.

John summoned a skeleton-like demon from Hell itself that obeyed his commands and charged forwards, towards the Invaders as John coated his hands in holy fire again and began to blast some of the Invaders with fireballs.

Age of Ultron

Harley looked at the Sentials fighting Morbus and then back at Yami. Morbus was putting up a hell of a fight but he was still outnumbered. For every Sentinel he destroyed another two would simply join the battle. More and more Sentinels had been attracted by the battle and their numbers switched from around one hundred to one thousand, completely filling the skies.

"Then help me fight those things." Harley spoke

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"Constantine... in light of our current situation... it seems that a simple yes or no will suffice... Do you know D'Spayre?" she said as she does her best to communicate with Constantine.

Flareup transformed into her alternate mode and ran circles around the invaders in an attempt to contain them.

There must be a simpler way of dealing with this situation...

"OF COURSE!" Kirigiri said as she used a megaphone to attract the attention of the Founders and Vox Poluli. Kirigiri then handed the megaphone to Constantine (@Some_Bloke).

"Constantine you better convince the 'good people' of Colombia why they need to point their guns at those invaders..."
"No, I don't know D'Spayre" Constantine replied as he took the megaphone "People of Colombia!" Constantine shouted "Your city is being attacked by a swarm of those who follow Lucifer and the Antichrist and they intend to set your entire city on fire! Don't fight for Comstock, don't fight for Fitzroy...Fight for your city! Fight for God! If you keep fighting each other, if you stand aside, it will be your houses they burn! Your children they will steal! Your women they will rape! So pick up a gun and shoot every one of those sorry bastards you see!"

One of the Founders chuckled in response "How are we suppost to believe that?" He asked

"There's a demon right there!" Constantine shouted, pointing towards the demon he had summoned and was still controlling. He made the demon stop fighting the Invaders and instead let out a horrific screech at the people of Colombia. "See! Summoned by the Antichrist to burn your city!" Constantine shouted, still trying to convince both sides to turn on the Invaders.

Constantine handed the megaphone back to Kirigiri and coated his hands in the holy fire again "This is the cleansing fire of God!" He shouted "And I will use it to smite his enemies!" He launched a fireball towards the demon he had summoned, leaving nothing but ash. Constantine had not killed his own demon but rather sent it back to Hell and used an illusion spell to make it appear as if Constantine had killed the demon.

As the Founders and Vox Poluli charged forwards with their guns, Constantine turned around and winked at Kirigiri.
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