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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"No, I don't know D'Spayre" Constantine replied as he took the megaphone "People of Colombia!" Constantine shouted "Your city is being attacked by a swarm of those who follow Lucifer and the Antichrist and they intend to set your entire city on fire! Don't fight for Comstock, don't fight for Fitzroy...Fight for your city! Fight for God! If you keep fighting each other, if you stand aside, it will be your houses they burn! Your children they will steal! Your women they will rape! So pick up a gun and shoot every one of those sorry bastards you see!"
One of the Founders chuckled in response "How are we suppost to believe that?" He asked

"There's a demon right there!" Constantine shouted, pointing towards the demon he had summoned and was still controlling. He made the demon stop fighting the Invaders and instead let out a horrific screech at the people of Colombia. "See! Summoned by the Antichrist to burn your city!" Constantine shouted, still trying to convince both sides to turn on the Invaders.

Constantine handed the megaphone back to Kirigiri and coated his hands in the holy fire again "This is the cleansing fire of God!" He shouted "And I will use it to smite his enemies!" He launched a fireball towards the demon he had summoned, leaving nothing but ash. Constantine had not killed his own demon but rather sent it back to Hell and used an illusion spell to make it appear as if Constantine had killed the demon.

As the Founders and Vox Poluli charged forwards with their guns, Constantine turned around and winked at Kirigiri.


"Thank you, John."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Seeing that the Columbians had successfully distracted the Invaders, he sheathed the Elucidator for the time being. He approached Kyoko after she had put away the loudspeaker, intent on getting some questjons answered.

"Now, Miss Kirigiri, I know that in your universe, despair has ravaged the globe and turned it into a wasteland, and your Future Foundation is trying to fix it. What I want to know is, how did you get here, and what this 'D'Spayre' demon?"
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Seeing that the Columbians had successfully distracted the Invaders, he sheathed the Elucidator for the time being. He approached Kyoko after she had put away the loudspeaker, intent on getting some questjons answered.

"Now, Miss Kirigiri, I know that in your universe, despair has ravaged the globe and turned it into a wasteland, and your Future Foundation is trying to fix it. What I want to know is, how did you get here, and what this 'D'Spayre' demon?"

"Considering the universal stream you hail from, I'm sure you're aware of the great lengths to what the Ultimate Despair group would do to bring back their founder... Junko Enoshima."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Nodding with a grim expression, Drake knew full well as to what lengths the Ultimate Despair would go to in order to bring back their estranged leader.

"So, they plan to use the power of a demon to revive Junko? That's just disturbing....and it sounds so stupid. It also sounds like it could horribly backfire on them."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Nodding with a grim expression, Drake knew full well as to what lengths the Ultimate Despair would go to in order to bring back their estranged leader.

"So, they plan to use the power of a demon to revive Junko? That's just disturbing....and it sounds so stupid. It also sounds like it could horribly backfire on them."

"Do you think they'd care? Junko's soul is just corrupt enough to be the demon itself... For all we know, if they succeed in reviving Junko as some sort of Fear lord then..."
BIoshock Infinite Universe

The charging Invaders let out shouts of joy and exhilaration as they fought, as if they were at a football game instead of a battle. They fell quick as any human, but more kept pouring in, and it soon became clear they were killing the same men over and over again. Even the Robed Man from before appeared a few times. Over time the Columbians began to fall beneath their attacks. After killing, the Invaders would again vanish in motes of white light. However, as more and more of them killed off Members of the vox, their numbers began to dwindle.
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Bioshock Infinite

Constantine had a grim expression as he watched as the Colombians he had sent into battle were being slaughtered in large numbers. Those left had started to retreat.

"Bollocks to this." He muttered and proceeded to summon another demon. It's true form was that of a ten foot winged skeleton-like demon wearing armour, but to everyone apart from Constantine it appeared as a winged female Angel standing at the same height. It charged towards the Invaders and began to slice into them, it's blades taken from Hell itself cut into the Invaders.

Constantine ran forwards, backing up his disguised demon with fireballs. "Don't stop fighting!" He shouted "Send these bastards back to hell!" Upon seeing their apparent saviours run towards the Invaders, the Founders and the Vox ran back into battle, guns blazing.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake pondered the thought of having a demonic Junk Enoshima raining despair across the multiverse, and it was most certainly not a comforting thought. Looks like his new mission is to stop this D'Spayre demon and the Ultimate Despair. If he could find out which universe they controlled, he could hop through tears until he found them. He could use his Saiyan form, but the internal pain was starting. If he didn't switch back, he could die. But if he did switch back, he would be at everyone else's mercy.

"Well, a demonic Junko Enoshima would not only be a threat to your universe, but all other universes. I'd say our first priorities should be to find the Ultimate Despair and this D'Spayre, wherever they are, and take them out before they can do this. Do you have any theories, Miss Kirigiri?"

Strage again was gone from where he had been, he had returned to Bioshock where he was watching from afar the spilling of blood while he was playing Brahms Hungarian dance no.5 on his violin. He watched as Armando attacked with bravery and strength, he watched as people were slaughtered, he watched as a demon was spawned which the disguise could not fool him, he could see straight through the demon's disguise because of a dark aurora he saw floating around her. He stopped playing and he spawned in his "Lightless star", throwing weapon. He threw it hard enough to fly towards the demon and decapitate it.

Meanwhile Armando witnessed the murder of the angel while he was doing away with a good number of men after the current events.

Morbus bashed, smashed, threw, ripped in half, and tore the robots but they kept coming, however he could fight forever, "JEEZ THEY ARE LIKE COCKROACHES! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DIE!", he looked towards Gregory, "FIND THE FACILITY!", he yelled at Gregory.



Booker said. "Thanks for answering my question. The names Booker and your the only friendly person I've seen around here. I also don't know what to expect at the Titan Towers so would you want to come with me?" Booker held out his hand.

Elizabeth stood up rubbed her eyes. "Ow, my head." She said. She looked at the kids staring at her and jumped back. "Where's Booker?!" She yelled. "Where I'm I?!" She doesn't know the children were planning to do so she jumped back and open a tear. She brought a motorized patriot through and stood behind it and waited for the kids to do something.
The remaining Invaders attacked the thrashing body of the "angel" like ants. When it was nothing more than a bloody smear on the ground, they vanished in motes of light. The city was silent as the blood and body parts of it's citizens poured off the sides of the platform like waterfalls. One final invader pulled his axe from the corpse of a Columbian, then he too vanished.

(Not all the Columbians are dead)
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ryanpk200 said:
Booker said. "Thanks for answering my question. The names Booker and your the only friendly person I've seen around here. I also don't know what to expect at the Titan Towers so would you want to come with me?" Booker held out his hand.

Elizabeth stood up rubbed her eyes. "Ow, my head." She said. She looked at the kids staring at her and jumped back. "Where's Booker?!" She yelled. "Where I'm I?!" She doesn't know the children were planning to do so she jumped back and open a tear. She brought a motorized patriot through and stood behind it and waited for the kids to do something.
"Booker? Well that's the first time I met who's not black, has dreadlocks or likes to mention how he's a Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, WCW World heavyweight Champion." said Punk as he looked through his map for a safer way to get to titan towers.

Titan Towers


"Isn't obvious, Onee-Chan, You're in paradise... a paradise free of all those nasty demons... a paradise made of the kids, by the kids and for the kids..."


apoliseno said:
Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake pondered the thought of having a demonic Junk Enoshima raining despair across the multiverse, and it was most certainly not a comforting thought. Looks like his new mission is to stop this D'Spayre demon and the Ultimate Despair. If he could find out which universe they controlled, he could hop through tears until he found them. He could use his Saiyan form, but the internal pain was starting. If he didn't switch back, he could die. But if he did switch back, he would be at everyone else's mercy.

"Well, a demonic Junko Enoshima would not only be a threat to your universe, but all other universes. I'd say our first priorities should be to find the Ultimate Despair and this D'Spayre, wherever they are, and take them out before they can do this. Do you have any theories, Miss Kirigiri?"


"If it was anything like last time they'd be in the same universe were we'd find the Undertaker, and whoever it was he kidnapped..."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake slammed his right fist into his left palm as if he had an idea.

"Then we just need to find that universe and go in there, take out the leaders, and stop D-" Drake doubled over in pain mid-sentence, clutching his stomach. The pain intensified from earlier. Pretty soon, the internal damage would kill him.

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apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake slammed his right fist into his left palm as if he had an idea.

"Then we just need to find that universe and go in there, take out the leaders, and stop D-" Drake doubled over in pain mid-sentence, clutching his stomach. The pain intensified from earlier. Pretty soon, the internal damage would kill him.



"Constantine, the kid's hurt... you know what to do..."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake waved Constantine and Kirigiri off, straightening up against the intense pain in his gut.

"Clear...s-selection," he said through winces. After a brief seizure of pain, the Elucidator was gone and Drake looked just a tad bit skinnier. He slumped to all fours, breathing heavily.

"I'm...fine. Just...need a minute." He examined his gauntlets, which were glowing a soft crimson hue. When they turned green in 24 hours, he could use them again. Until now, he had to rely on his intelligence to get him through the day.

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Bioshock Infinite

Constantine watched as his demon was killed but continued fighting alongside the Colombians. Many began to retreat, fearing that the "Angel" had been killed by the forces of Lucifer and that the battle was hopeless.

"They retreated?" One of the Vox asked "We've won!" He shouted, waiving his gun in the air "We drove back the armies of darkness!"

Constantine half-smiled and approached Kirigiri and Drake "It's not over." He muttered in a grim tone "They'll be back, I'm sure of it." He knelt down and looked at the gauntlets "You're out of power, mate." Constantine explained "Looks like you won't get to kill me after all." He shot Drake a playful smile and stood up, approaching Strage.

"You'll kill the demon, but you wouldn't kill the dark forces butchering these people. Why?" He asked, pointing behind him at the bodies of fallen Founders and Vox.


Age of Ultron

Gregory tried to remember where the facility was. Ultron's fortress would be in New York, but it would be swarming with Sentinels and even if they somehow managed to get to New York, fight through the hordes of Sentinels and somehow kill Ultron himself he had a self-repair mechanism. No, Ultron could not be stopped, not with their current numbers. They had to either find help or find a way off of the planet. As Gregory tried to figure out a plan, five Sentinels flew towards the rest of the group, breaking off their attack on Morbus. "Oh fook me..." Gregory muttered

Upon noticing the approaching Sentinels, Harley continued to talk to Yami "If you're here to help me, then do something!" She shouted in a fast paced and panicked tone. "Of all the ways to go out I don't want to be killed by robots!"

Hurricane looked to see a dapper man walking over to Drake.

Jervis: "Hello! Oh Dear... This man seems to be in pain...a hug would help, perhaps?" His voice was high-pitched, and it was clear he was from very high society. Why, he might even know royalty!
Crenando said:
Hurricane looked to see a dapper man walking over to Drake.
Jervis: "Hello! Oh Dear... This man seems to be in pain...a hug would help, perhaps?" His voice was high-pitched, and it was clear he was from very high society. Why, he might even know royalty!

"Just when I thought having Constantine around was bad..."

"Yo! Purple-haired girl!" called out Yang, "Who's the fruitcake?"


"Why does everyone think my hair's purple? And for your information, Ms Xiao Long... I have no earthly clue who that 'Fruitcake,' as you so apply up it, is."

Yang's Motorcycle, Flareup who is still in alt mode, rolled up to them and said, "He looks like a nice fellow."

@Some_Bloke @apoliseno
Jervis: "She's not wrong, you know!" said the man with a monocle and mustache on his mask, preparing to hug Drake.
Crenando said:
Jervis: "She's not wrong, you know!" said the man with a monocle and mustache on his mask, preparing to hug Drake.

"Constantine ((@Some_Bloke )) you know this guy?"

"Kirigiri, I thought you know wrestling..." asked Flareup.


"Sorry, I'm only familiar with WWE's product... I have the network so I know most guys from WCW and ECW... It's not weird... A True Detective must expose themselves to anything... you never know if any criminal might theme themselves after them..."

"Drake ((@apoliseno )), to answer your first question, I was able to arrive to this dimension thanks to a device developed by Reed Richards' Future Foundation... A Device on my wrist that allows me to travel to universes already charted by the Future Foundation and Axiom Nexus. Unfortunately it's on cool down at the moment. And Fortunately unlike your gauntlets the recharge time is significantly faster."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake pulled his Glock on the overly fruity man trying to hug him. Getting back up to his feet, Drake pushed the guy away and cracked his neck.

"Friggin fruit...Anyways, what is our next move, now that I'm sane again?"

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake pulled his Glock on the overly fruity man trying to hug him. Getting back up to his feet, Drake pushed the guy away and cracked his neck.

"Friggin fruit...Anyways, what is our next move, now that I'm sane again?"

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando
"How's about apologizing to the nice man," said Flareup still in alt mode.


"I can see why Constantine ((@Some_Bloke )) called you an idiot. A Clearly harmless man walks up to you and your first instinct is to pull out a glock. Hand over the gauntlets... This is proof enough for me you can not be trusted with this much power. And Don't worry I don't plan on using them... I don't trust even myself with that sort of power."
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Hurricane: "You just threatened an innocent with a glock? Wasap wit dat?" Hurricane wuwd'd at Drake.

Jervis: The man got up with his cane. "No no, it's quite alright. I didn't introduce myself properly. I am Jervis Cottonbelly!" He held his hand out in a dandy manner, preparing for a handshake
Strage looked at Constantine and a dark sort of whispering could be heard by Constantine only. "You have fooled them but you have not fooled me, i know you only wish to gain their trust, and i do know not were the warriors arrived from, but that demon was out of it's limit area which would be Purgatory. The demon had to be killed, now it's your turn for punishment.", he said. After that he grabbed Constantine by the throat with a death grip, and he made his machete appear as his throwing weapon dissolved into shadow. The grip was impossible to get out of for Constantine. Death was surely near for this snake, or so thought Strage. (Now do note i am not going to kill your character, i just want to see what he is going to do in such a situation.)

Armando had went to sit down after the battle, his horse was next to him.

Morbus quickly ripped the arms off a sentinel and threw them at three other sentinels decapitating two and getting stuck in another. Then he ripped the sentinel's body in half and threw it at the fourth one which cracked through the body frame taking the sentinel out of commission, then threw the lower half at the one attacking Harley in which the legs went through the sentinel. Morbus then quickly teleported to New York and began looking for the source of the bugs.


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