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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

The Group hears a faint humming sound...


"So anyone okay? How's the Landing?" asked Yang in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I'm doing fine... a bit smaller now but I'm ok!" said Flareup in a cheerful manner.
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Armando lands not to far from the group, his horse fall with him too. The horse is okay but Armando lands on the back of his head first, hitting onto metal first then concrete. It hurt and he had gained a headache from it, he managed to pick himself up and mounted his horse in search of the group which did not take long, following behind them however, was Strage still in shadow form, still spectating.
The Humming sound grows louder...



"Hey, Kirigiri, long time no see..." said the large man in bright neon cloths.



"Nah, he only injured my nose... I'm better now. So what brings you to... the dump." Cena notices Strage... the look and power of Cena and the Cenation was enough to scare away the specter... As Hustle, Loyalty and Respect is far greater than the lord of Purgatory... RISE ABOVE HATE, Over Come the Odds... CENA WINS LOL

((Sorry @Morbuskid but Armando only...))

@Some_Bloke Cena's an NPC meaning he can be used by anyone who keeps him in character like the other nWo Members on @Barbas' side))
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Star Wars Universe

Lana Beniko sat at her desk in the Imperial Fleet. She was yelling at a young sith. He looked as if he is in his early twenties.

"I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do about an ambush. The Republic has the upper hand in this war and if we stop and take a break we will fall." Lana sighed and crossed her arms "Now... What is your mission?"

"To spy on the Republic camps on Balmorra." The Sith sighed.

"And why do you need to?" Lana's eyes were piercing onto the Sith's soul.

"To get the upper hand against the Republic." The Sith replied reluctantly.

"Good." Lana smiled "I will give you another chance. You are dismissed."
Bioshock Infinite

Constantine stared Stage down "Maybe the demon had to be killed, but you didn't have to let those people die!" Constantine spat "I summoned a demon to save lives, not for my own gain, not to harm innocent people. I used darkness against darkness, fought fire with fire. So my question is, you sorry bugger. What's wrong with that? Using the forces of darkness for the greater good? Or maybe you don't give a shit about the greater good considering how you let those people die. Maybe you do just want to fuck with me." Constantine was only stalling Stage, buying himself some time.

Before Constantine could make his move, Stage disappeared and Constantine casually lit himself another cigarette.

"I don't think that bugger's just going to leave me alone." He muttered, with a smirk "He'll be back." Constantine followed the group to WWE city, jumping into the proximity of the device just as they were about to teleport away. He landed on his arse close to the group and rubbed his head. Upon noticing that he had lost his cigarette during the trip, Constantine lit himself another.

"Bloody hell, what's this place?" He muttered

Cena approached Constantine "Don't you know smoking is bad for your health." He explained, as if he was delivering a PSA

"I already had lung cancer." Constantine replied "Got it cured, so I can smoke as many I'm uncultured as I want and bollocks to any consequences."



"He's a...Different Nikola Tesla than from your world." The Doctor explained "Have you ever heard of the Multiverse theory?"

"We don't know who is responsible for the tears, but we're going to figure it out." Tesla replied, stepping forwards "What is this Fsociety you mentioned?" He asked "We have to follow any lead we get, so tell us everything you know about this Fsociety."



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Bioshock Infinite
Constantine stared Stage down "Maybe the demon had to be killed, but you didn't have to let those people die!" Constantine spat "I summoned a demon to save lives, not for my own gain, not to harm innocent people. I used darkness against darkness, fought fire with fire. So my question is, you sorry bugger. What's wrong with that? Using the forces of darkness for the greater good? Or maybe you don't give a shit about the greater good considering how you let those people die. Maybe you do just want to fuck with me." Constantine was only stalling Stage, buying himself some time.

Before Constantine could make his move, Stage disappeared and Constantine casually lit himself another cigarette.

"I don't think that bugger's just going to leave me alone." He muttered, with a smirk "He'll be back." Constantine followed the group to WWE city, jumping into the proximity of the device just as they were about to teleport away. He landed on his arse close to the group and rubbed his head. Upon noticing that he had lost his cigarette during the trip, Constantine lit himself another.

"Bloody hell, what's this place?" He muttered

Cena approached Constantine "Don't you know smoking is bad for your health." He explained, as if he was delivering a PSA

"I already had lung cancer." Constantine replied "Got it cured, so I can smoke as many I'm uncultured as I want and bollocks to any consequences."

"While I am happy to meet a cancer survivor, what's happening in this universe doesn't." said John Cena, leader of the Cenation.


"It's Ultimate Despair... isn't it?" asked Kirigiri.

"You mean those Make-A-Wish kids?"

Cena's answer only received a face palm from Kirigiri... she honestly cannot believe Cena fell for the old Make-A-Wish Kid Story... again.

"Well the green-haired girl was on a wheelchair and the kid in the homemade Mankind mask looked like Make-A-Wish kids..." said John Cena, the face of the WWE and hero to millions.

John Cena then notices Constantine's a tad too close to the mythical Urn of the Undertaker... "Yo Constantine, you better not touch that... I'm not going to solve another Demon related problem for you."

Kirigiri then notices Constantine being a tad too close to the mythic Urn of the Undertaker...


"You better you what he says, Constantine... Strage might have been driven off of this Universe by Cena but... The Undertaker is another story..."
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WWE City

Constantine used his pendulum to scan the mythic Urn of the Undertaker for dark magic. As he made his discovery, that the Urn was full of dark magic, it activated. Constantine and the others were knocked off of their feet as the Urn was destroyed in Hellfire but as the smoke cleared, the Undertaker was standing there and his theme music started to play.

He gazed down at the group with the fires of Hell burning in his eyes. He did not say anything, for his sheer presence and stance was intimidating enough.

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Constantine used his pendulum to scan the mythic Urn of the Undertaker for dark magic. As he made his discovery, that the Urn was full of dark magic, it activated. Constantine and the others were knocked off of their feet as the Urn was destroyed in Hellfire but as the smoke cleared, the Undertaker was standing there and his theme music started to play.

He gazed down at the group with the fires of Hell burning in his eyes. He did not say anything, for his sheer presence and stance was intimidating enough.


And almost as sudden as his return he vanished...

"Where do you think he's off to?" asked Flareup...

"Knowin' 'Taker... he's going after those kids..." said the Leader of the Cenation, with concern in his voice. They may be horrible people but they don't deserve this.

"Uh... What?", asked Yang


"He wants Revenge..." said Kirigiri, she then notices that the ashes left by the urn spelled out the words "WrestleMania, Hell in a Cell..."

"Constantine, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing..." said Kirigiri
WWE City

"It says Hell in a cell." Constantine replied "In personal experience, Hell means bad." He stated sarcastically, turning his attention to John he continued speaking "You said he might be going after those kids, where are they now?" He asked in a serious tone, thinking back to Asta and the other children he rescued from Hell itself.

He would not let it happen again, as long as he drew breath.


Mass Effect

From the frozen planet, the group was able to hear the signal.

"Stay away" The voices spoke

"What he hell is that?" Max asked as Bishop began to bark aggressively. Max booped Bishop on the nose softly, prompting the Husky to settle down but he still appeared spooked.

"That might be a clue." Mil spoke

"You're not suggesting we go near it?!" Max replied

"We have to find those scientists and right now, those voices are the only lead we have. This force taking them and we hear those voices minutes after making this discovery. I do not believe in coincidences Mr Valentine."

"Have to admit it, he's got a point." Syeron butted in

Max turned his attention to Revan "Well, you've got the only ship around here. What do you think we should do. Get the hell of this frozen rock or risk certain death by following voices?"




Assassins Creed Universe

The Librarian and The Woman appeared before the Taken King.

"I can't move the dimensional fracture!" The Librarian shouted "The tears are not under our control! I warned you not to kill or corrupt anyone into Taken apart from the World Eaters, yet you try to kill The Red Angel! Are you incompetent or just that spiteful?!" He raised one hand and blasted Oryx with the golden energy, knocking him off of his feet and reverting him back into his basic form.

The Woman approached Angron and placed a hand against his chest, healing his wounds "Right, he's being stalled." She whispered in the ear of the Red Angel "Leave this place while you still can...Remember, I am only letting you live because I have something in mind for you."

She stood up and approached Oryx, slapping him across the face but as both The Woman and the Librarian knelt by Oryx's side, the signal reached the planet.

"Stay away." The two voices spoke, one of a man and one of a woman in unison.

"It's reaching further than our calculations predicted. I haven't been wrong about anything in over one hundred years." He muttered in a frustrated tone

"Liar." The Woman shot him a playful smile "I'll deal with Angron, you sort out our friend here."



((sorry this took so long))
Orys screamed in outrage as the golden blast hit him, and then roared out, "Are you to stupid to comprehend this?! Angron is the LEADER of the World Eaters! You can not get your own tasks correct?! His Gods shield him better then you shielded Earth! If you had aided me in moving the dimensional hole, also known as my ship's dying essence, to above this planet... I would have healed and removed the daemons in your name! You curse and spite me just because I wish to finish my job? Khorne, this beasts god... he is merely a pawn for it! I take his minions and I attempt to take him, but you deny me from doing your own task!" The slap hit him, and one of his jaws cracked. The fighting took to much out of him as he shriveled to the floor, gripping at his gut and moaned.

Oryx had kept enough energy to survive for a while, but his worm kept on growing and feasting. He needed his court, he needed his daughters, and he needed Crota. No Hive could worship him yet, they were still breeding and weak from Wrath. The Worm was started to feast on him, and his energy reserves were all on use during his Taken form. Oryx screamed to the sky in agony, "You both have stolen my life! If you wish to make me suffer like this, tell me why! You butcher my species, you butcher me! You killed all of my children, you destroyed my home, and now you make me suffer for following you? How backwards and wrong are you...?" He stared at the Woman, and spoke softer to reserve what little energy he had left to waste while he was healing, "You... If you had stayed moments longer I would have made you the deal just to have my worm satisfied forever. Me and my spawn suffer every waking moment to keep them alive and fed... otherwise we are wormfood. Say the same to your power, but you suffer nothing. You torment for no reason, and I was doing what you willed me!"



Reborn World: Camelot

"You speak of a possible solution." Arthur stated "If this solution helps mankind fight back the forces of darkness, then I am more than willing to consider it. What is it?"



Age Of Ultron

Gregory and Connor had shocked expression as they watched some of the Sentinels just die and fall from the sky for apparently no reason. Gregory's expression changed to that of a half-smile and he turned around to look at Harley.

"Gee that was swell." Harley smiled

"Oh dear God..." Gregory muttered "Harley, are you talking, are you talking to a demon?"

"No, he's a samurai." Harley explained, turning to Gregory and smiling innocently at him "And he's going to help us."

"Of course, no such thing as demons." Gregory sighed in relief

"Gregory, you fought Wendigos and encountered a woman capable of making people burn alive by snapping her fingers. Yet, you draw the line on demons?"

The group was still surrounded by Sentinels as they continued to descend.

"Tell your ghost Samurai buddy to help us out a second time!" Gregory shouted at Harley "Now!"

The spear changed Harley, as it had changed Jeff Jarrett into a giant version of himself. Harley did not become a giant, but her appearance did change. An amour, resembling her old costume covered her, the armour was twisted and demonic in appearance resembling that of a demonic knight as well.

Harley had her hand down but looked up at the group. Her eyes were red and she grinned at the group.

"What's happened to her?" Connor asked

"You said there were no such things as demons, Mr Nelson." Harley spoke, her voice unchanged by her somewhat demonic appearance and continuing to smile "Well, I'm the closest thing. Ain't that swell?"

"What the fook..?" Gregory muttered fearfully

"Batman may call himself the Dark Knight, but now I'm worse than that. After we deal with these robots and after I get Mista J back... I'm going to kill him!"

"You're messing with forces you don't understand!" Connor spat "Put down the spear!"

Harley walked past Gregory, Connor and the group, glaring up at the Sentinels and flying towards them, wielding the spear and screaming angrily. She cut through three Sentinels in a single swing.

"I say we use this power to our advantage." Gregory suggested "She's kicking a lot of arse up there and Morbus buggered off."

"Are you insane?"

"Maybe." Gregory shrugged "But we're all a little mad, I think. She's just...A little crazier than I am."

"Whatever that thing is...Look at what it did to her. That woman called it demonic..."

"That woman killed Ser Ismay! That woman sent us on a suicide mission! That woman kidnapped your friends and took my family!" Gregory shouted, interrupting Connor "With Morbus away, this is going to give us a fighting chance! We have to take it!"

"Morbus hasn't abandoned you." The Woman spoke as she appeared on the battlefield "He's in New York at the moment, trying to find what's controlling these things."

"Ultron." Gregory replied in a grim tone

"Keep up the good work, Harley!" The Woman shouted "Gregory's right, Connor. Had she not taken hold of the spear's powers, all of you would be dead."

"It could corrupt her, even kill her!" Connor spat

"She's already corrupted." The Woman replied "Anyway, I'm just popping in to let you know I'm listening. See you later, alligators." She spoke as she disappeared.

MCU Universe

Elliot nodded "Yes....I've heard about the multiverse theory,But I don't believe it I have my own personal beliefs" Elliot said as he sighed after thinking about the Fsociety and E corp "Fsociety is a group I made to rebel against E corp or Evil Corp as I like to call it is a company that was made to bring new tech to not only the Americans but the whole world But I believe that the company has failed and are secretly corrupting its citizens and that's why I made

Fsociety,To hack into their company's secret data files and videos and leak them"


Eager to show them his answer, the Emperor uses his power to create an image of a Thunder Warrior.

"This, my friends, is the aswer to our problems. These genetically enhanced warriors are the hammer that will obliterate our foes."


Feeling extremely irritated by his defeat, Angron grabs his Daemon sword and enters a nearby tear.
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WWE City
"It says Hell in a cell." Constantine replied "In personal experience, Hell means bad." He stated sarcastically, turning his attention to John he continued speaking "You said he might be going after those kids, where are they now?" He asked in a serious tone, thinking back to Asta and the other children he rescued from Hell itself.

He would not let it happen again, as long as he drew breath.

"Well if you want to know where those kids are... there at Titan Towers..." said Cena.


"Constantine... We're in WWE City, 'Hell' here is merely metaphorical... 'Hell in a Cell' is a match type... The Undertaker is challenging the 'Make-A-Wish Kids' to a Hell in a Cell Match at WrestleMania."
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theManCalledSting said:
"Booker? Well that's the first time I met who's not black, has dreadlocks or likes to mention how he's a Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, WCW World heavyweight Champion." said Punk as he looked through his map for a safer way to get to titan towers.
Titan Towers


"Isn't obvious, Onee-Chan, You're in paradise... a paradise free of all those nasty demons... a paradise made of the kids, by the kids and for the kids..."



"If it was anything like last time they'd be in the same universe were we'd find the Undertaker, and whoever it was he kidnapped..."

Titan Towers

Elizabeth said "I don't care. I want out and your now going to stop me." Elizabeth looked for an exit prepared the patriot just in case.

Somewhere else

"You think you can lead me there?" Booker asked Punk.
Jervis: The Dapper chap walked up to John Cena. "Oh, It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cena." He embraced him in a friendly hug. "It's always nice to meet a fan." Cena replied, awkwardly returning the favor.
ryanpk200 said:
Titan Towers
Elizabeth said "I don't care. I want out and your now going to stop me." Elizabeth looked for an exit prepared the patriot just in case.

Somewhere else

"You think you can lead me there?" Booker asked Punk.

"Uh-Oh! Looks like we need someone to get rid of that icky, robot..."


"And Monaca knows just the one to do it!"


"OH BOY! You don't mean..."

Pyrotechnics surround the Patriot...

"YAY!" cheered the masked child.

The Demon Kane sporting a Monokuma themed Outfit, appeared and delivered a Chokeslam from Hell to the Patriot, some how destroying the automaton




"You made Monaca cry! and that's gonna knock you down on my TOP 100 most Adorbs List!"


"And that... That's not Cool"

Somewhere in WWE City

"Sure..." said Punk as he leads Booker to the only safe route to Titan Towers... "You okay with beating up kids?" Punk asked Booker in a surprisingly frank manner

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"It is you who cannot get their own orders, their own tasks correct! He is their leader, of course but we told you not to corrupt or kill anyone apart from the World Eaters! The soldiers! The cannon fodder! Not the leader! We never told you he was open season!" The Librarian shouted in a demanding tone

He descended to Oryx and blasted him with another handful of golden energy, knocking him down. "Know your place, worm." He muttered bitterly "I am your master and you will obey my orders without question. Or die. I don't give a shit about the suffering of your species. If they die in battle, a battle we sent you into we can bring them back from the grave. If you are to die in battle we can do the same."

"Wait." The Woman butted in "Don't kill him, we will need him in the wars to come. I love it when you pretend to get mad, though. It's adorable."

The Librarian shot her a playful smile in response "All just for show."

He knelt at Oryx's side "This was a test of your abilities. Gathering a force under our orders but without taking out someone we are interested in. Had we not intervened, you would have failed in that test."

The Woman snapped her fingers, bringing Angron back into the universe.

"You are both capable leaders. Your armies have destroyed and conquered entire species, entire worlds." The Librarian spoke as if he was delivering a speech to his troops "Now, I want you two to do what you may deem impossible. Work together. Under our constant observation of course but still. Work together. I have lived long enough and seen enough of the Multiverse to know that nothing is truly impossible. Can the Devil himself be beaten? I can show you multiple universe where someone was able to kill or defeat that universe's version of Satan." He paused for a moment and half-smiled

"One of my favourites involved two brothers who said screw fate and defeated Lucifer by having one of them possessed by him, regain control after noticing a toy soldier that sparked fond memories before jumping back into the cage."

"What about the time The Doctor tossed the Beast into a black hole?" The Woman asked

"No. Part of me still hates that man." He muttered, clutching his fists. He turned his attention to the two rulers "I've taken the liberty of restoring most of your armies. If you go against our orders in any way, I will take them just as quickly and your atoms will be scattered."

The Librarian looked upwards before continuing to speak "You hear it, I know you do. The fact of the matter is, so do a couple of other universes. What you're hearing is something on the other side of a tear, something old, something powerful. We already have people we're sending into that universe so your job is to wipe out an army or too heading for that tear."

"We have the Sontarans approaching. Members of the sixteenth." The Woman explained "I'm sure you can handle a bunch of oversized potatoes with laser guns." She smiled

"The real challenge is working together. If you two break protocol, you will die. I think that's a pretty good motivator."





"It's not a theory." The Doctor explained in an enthusiastic tone "A simple computer corporation isn't capable of this, well not in the early twenty-first century anyway and your Fsociety buddies couldn't have done this either."

Tesla ignored the conversation and instead went back to work. The Doctor could deal with the sceptic as far as he was concerned. Using that word made him smirk slightly. If someone was to tell his younger self that the undead existed, that alternate universes existed he would have told them they were mad.




"Where are these warriors you speak of?" Merlin asked, stroking his beard as he studied the image


WWE City

"I've been to Hell, it isn't metaphorical." Constantine replied in a grim tone "Is this Hell in a cell a fight to the death or just a fight until you draw blood or knock the other guy on his arse?"
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WWE City

"I've been to Hell, it isn't metaphorical." Constantine replied in a grim tone "Is this Hell in a cell a fight to the death or just a fight until you draw blood or knock the other guy on his arse?"

"Mostly the latter for the 3 count or submission... but the other two are optional." said Cena, Leader of the Cenation
Titan Towers

(Because of course Snake/Big Boss is right in the thick of it.)

"Boss, come in." Miller's voice called over the I-Droid (that's what they called it in Phantom Pain).

Snake pulled out his communicator. "Yes?"

"Have you successfully infiltrated the tower."

"Yes, of course. I've got the perfect camouflage."

"... You aren't inside a cardboard box are you?"

"Um... No?"

D. Dog peeked his head down a hallway while Snake argued the merits of the box as an infiltration device with Miller. Sometimes they could get a bit silly. Seeing the coast was clear, D. Dog padded back to his own, smaller box, and hopped inside.
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TommyGun15 said:
Titan Towers
(Because of course Snake/Big Boss is right in the thick of it.)

"Boss, come in." Miller's voice called over the I-Droid (that's what they called it in Phantom Pain).

Snake pulled out his communicator. "Yes?"

"Have you successfully infiltrated the tower."

"Yes, of course. I've got the perfect camouflage."

"... You aren't inside a cardboard box are you?"

"Um... No?"

D. Dog peeked his head down a hallway while Snake argued the merits of the box as an infiltration device with Miller. Sometimes they could get a bit silly. Seeing the coast was clear, D. Dog padded back to his own, smaller box, and hopped inside.
((You don't know how happy am I for this))


TommyGun15 said:
Titan Towers
(Because of course Snake/Big Boss is right in the thick of it.)

"Boss, come in." Miller's voice called over the I-Droid (that's what they called it in Phantom Pain).

Snake pulled out his communicator. "Yes?"

"Have you successfully infiltrated the tower."

"Yes, of course. I've got the perfect camouflage."

"... You aren't inside a cardboard box are you?"

"Um... No?"

D. Dog peeked his head down a hallway while Snake argued the merits of the box as an infiltration device with Miller. Sometimes they could get a bit silly. Seeing the coast was clear, D. Dog padded back to his own, smaller box, and hopped inside.
As Snake and THE BIG DOG, D. Dog walk through the corridors of Titan Towers they hear music


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Star Wars Universe

Lana continued sitting at her desk typing a report about the Sith that just came in. Suddenly the holocommunicator went off.

"I'm busy... Can you please call back later." Lana was very annoyed by people not allowing her to get her work done.

"But ma'am... There is a rift in Voss' atmosphere." The one calling was frantic.

"And?" Lana replied.

"It leads somewhere almost like another universe." The one calling suddenly hung up and Lana was left sitting there.

Lana quickly got out of her seat and office and ran to an imperial shuttle and told the pilot "Sith intelligence business. I need you to head to Voss immediately."

"Whatever you say, the pilot said reluctantly."

(Where is everybody)
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Seth Rollins then notices Snake



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