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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Crenando said:
Hurricane: "You just threatened an innocent with a glock? Wasap wit dat?" Hurricane wuwd'd at Drake.
Jervis: The man got up with his cane. "No no, it's quite alright. I didn't introduce myself properly. I am Jervis Cottonbelly!" He held his hand out in a dandy manner, preparing for a handshake
"Umm, hi? I'm Yang!" replied Yang as she shook Jervis' hand... "Well he seems nice..."

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Rolling his eyes at Flareup's comment, he cracked his knuckles as well.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Constantine may be right. Whatever those things were, they could come back."

MCU Universe

"Parallel Worlds?Tears?What the fuck is happening?" Elliot thought as he looked at The Doctor "Parallel Worlds?What is happening?Did Fsociety do this?" Elliot asked The Doctor before He noticed Nikola Tesla "Isn't that the name of a famous scientist?" He didn't want to answer their questions,He wanted his questions to be answered first.

apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Rolling his eyes at Flareup's comment, he cracked his knuckles as well.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Constantine may be right. Whatever those things were, they could come back."
"I'm still waiting for the apology mister," said Flareup her arm pop out of her motorcycle mode to waggle her finger.

"So... This is awkward... hey Kirigiri, you know where we need to head to before 'Drake' and the 'fruitcake' kill eachother?" asked Yang wanting to move things along.


"Of Course I do... but we best wait for Constantine..."

"Yeah, I think your boyfriend's busy with the weirdo over there," said Yang. @Some_Bloke


"And of course the demon took interest in him... I almost feel sorry for the hellspawn..."


"Also John's far too old for me."
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(Unfortunately, Constantine made the mistake of approaching Strage when Strage knew well what Consantine was, Now Constantine is being choked out at the moment because i couldn't think of anything better to do xD )

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Ignoring Yang's snide comment and Flareup's finger wagging he looked over to see a demonic entity choking Constantine by the throat. While he did not care much for him, Drake still needed him, for now, in order to find the Ultimate Despair. He raised his Glock at the entity, thinking of a bluff. He slowly, very slowly, approached the entity with his pistol raised.

"You has better drop him before I pump you full of Holy Water-dipped, blessed, silver bullets," Drake warned, hoping his bluff would work.
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(I guess that what you do when you rule the most boring place comprehensible and you have freetime.)

Hurricane: Helms tilted his head. This guy just had a extensional crisis in mid-air, and now he's pointing his gun around at anyone or anything that shows up?
Strage could tell Drake's bluff but he could tell Constantine was other worldly, so he would be watching him. He then dropped Constantine and made turned the machete back to shadows. He then stabbed the ground and carved, "BE WARRY", with an arrow pointing towards Constantine. Apparently Constantine was getting VIP treatment as if he had something important. Strage turned around and walked away, only to later degrade into shadows.


Bioshock Universe

Drake: As he lowered his pistol, Drake internally sighed in relief as he believed his bluff had worked. When he got back to his own universe, he had to make rounds like that so he wouldn't always have to bluff. He stuffed the pistol back under his belt behind his back and under his jacket.

"Alright, now that the demon's gone, I believe Mr. Constantine has a few answers Miss Kirigiri needs right about now. So make with the conversation. Better yet, let's not. Let's take the whole day! Just get a day to rest..."

Waiting until the Khights finished speaking before suggesting and idea regarding their forces dealing with the tears.

" I am afraid they are right, Ser Galahad. It would be unwise to waste resources on a foe we know solittle about while our forces are already stretched thin as it is. Though I think I may have a solution for dealing with any hostile force that emerges from the tears . "
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Age of Ultron

Gregory tried to remember where the facility was. Ultron's fortress would be in New York, but it would be swarming with Sentinels and even if they somehow managed to get to New York, fight through the hordes of Sentinels and somehow kill Ultron himself he had a self-repair mechanism. No, Ultron could not be stopped, not with their current numbers. They had to either find help or find a way off of the planet. As Gregory tried to figure out a plan, five Sentinels flew towards the rest of the group, breaking off their attack on Morbus. "Oh fook me..." Gregory muttered

Upon noticing the approaching Sentinels, Harley continued to talk to Yami "If you're here to help me, then do something!" She shouted in a fast paced and panicked tone. "Of all the ways to go out I don't want to be killed by robots!"


Age of Ultron

That's all the go ahead I need.

"Alright." Yami said, cracking his neck. "I'll do something."

Yami stretched his neck, cracked his knuckles, and snapped his finger. Spears made of solid shadow rained from the heavens, impaling dozens of Ultron's robots. Of course, only Harley could see the spears, to the rest they seemed to simply fall out of the sky.

(Sorry I've been absent today. Lots of unpacking to do.)
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apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: As he lowered his pistol, Drake internally sighed in relief as he believed his bluff had worked. When he got back to his own universe, he had to make rounds like that so he wouldn't always have to bluff. He stuffed the pistol back under his belt behind his back and under his jacket.

"Alright, now that the demon's gone, I believe Mr. Constantine has a few answers Miss Kirigiri needs right about now. So make with the conversation. Better yet, let's not. Let's take the whole day! Just get a day to rest..."

"Drake, calm down. If you don't you won't be able to survive in the universe we're heading to find the Undertaker... You don't want to end up like Mass Transit..."
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: He looked over to Kyoko after he had his his mini panic attack. He took a few deep breaths and popped a stick of gum in his mouth from a pack in his jacket's pocket. He held up the pack, offering a stick to amyone else.

"Alright, alright. I'm calm. Don't want to get hysterical...Anyone want a stick of gum? It's a brand new pack..."
Crenando said:
Hurricane looked at the others. "So...where's Armando?"
"You mean the crazy looking guy with the mustache?" asked Yang.


apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: He looked over to Kyoko after he had his his mini panic attack. He took a few deep breaths and popped a stick of gum in his mouth from a pack in his jacket's pocket. He held up the pack, offering a stick to amyone else.

"Alright, alright. I'm calm. Don't want to get hysterical...Anyone want a stick of gum? It's a brand new pack..."

"Wisecracks? Not as good as John's or Cody's were... but if anything was like the time I was there you'd need them more than any of your forms..."
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Armando heard his name called an he was sitting behind the group. "Over here Cazzo.", he said with a loud voice. He had been sitting next to his horse. He was covered from the chest- up in blood. And he did have his helmet on.

Morbuskid said:
Armando heard his name called an he was sitting behind the group. "Over here Cazzo.", he said with a loud voice. He had been sitting next to his horse. He was covered from the chest- up in blood. And he did have his helmet on.
"Somehow not the weirdest guy I've seen today..." said Yang

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake sat down on the ground, sliding the pack of gum back into his pocket. His hands were shaking a slight bit from the pain earlier.

"It's a little hard to start wisecracking again after the infuriating events of earlier, Miss Kirigiri. If you just wait a day before we assault the Ultimate Despair, my gauntlets will be recharged."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake sat down on the ground, sliding the pack of gum back into his pocket. His hands were shaking a slight bit from the pain earlier.

"It's a little hard to start wisecracking again after the infuriating events of earlier, Miss Kirigiri. If you just wait a day before we assault the Ultimate Despair, my gauntlets will be recharged."

"To quote a... 'friend' of mine... 'are you ready?" Kirigiri said as she prepares for their departure of the Bioshock Universe. "Because we're about to go to the strangest universe of them all... A Universe where all foreign entities' powers are stripped away... Where weapons are merely for show..." Kirigiri said waiting for the response from her team
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Jervis: The gentleman looked at Kirigiri.

"The 'Big Dog' Zone, per chance?"
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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Sighing deeply, he stood up and took the Glock from behind his back and pulled back on the slide, releasing it in dramatic fashion.

"Well, let's get this over with. I suppose I got nothing better to do."
Crenando said:
Jervis: The gentleman looked at Kirigiri.
"The 'Big Dog' Zone, per chance?"
"As long as I find my team there, I'm willing to go through hell and back." said Yang


"Trust me, it will be hell at first... also... do you guys know of WWE City..."
Kirigiri activated the device causing them to teleport to the universe of WWE City...

they all fell into a large dump site... full of random knick-nacks...

"Well that's a thing..." said Flareup now shrunken down to about the height of two people...

"Hey, that's my line..." said a slightly dazed Yang

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