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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Oryx felt the power surge back into him as tributes began to awaken once more. Oryx looked at the Librarian and Woman, simply stating, "...You own everything I have, you should have simply told me not to harm Angron. You simply told me to take the World Eaters..." Oryx raised himself, and unleashed his power into the sky as he, Crota, Ir Halak, Ir Anuk, Golgoroth, and finally the Warpriest communicated to the Void. All the way back when the giant time rift opened before Wrath invaded, Oryx had summoned his throne dimension that had grown and repaired in the alternate dimension. It was the last Taken dimension Oryx had prior to being given back his armies, and as such hid the thing away.

The sky screamed as emerald energy poured through, and a ship around 3,175 miles ripped through the sky. The ship was the size of America from sea to sea! The enormous ship held Oryx's minions, all of which were giving him power and tribute. Oryx looked at Angron and stated bluntly, "I will provide assistance if you are close to death..." Oryx slammed his sword down, being called from the ship to it.

Oryx lumbered into his throne, starring straight off the ship's core into the space towards a entire fleet. The Dreadnought protected the Tear with it's massive size, looming over the entire fleet from it's immense strength. Oryx lifted up a single hand as his super weapon began to charge, forming energy at the start and end of the ship. The burning tides began to fly towards the core of the ship.

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
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The Librarian rolled his eyes and appeared on the ship. "By work together, I meant to form a strategy. The Sontarans are child's play next to what you might be facing in the wars to come so even if they are, compared to your Taken and compared to his World Eaters weak, I need you two to demonstrate to me your worth as a collaboration."

He handed Oryx a communications device and folded his arms "Call him up and discuss a strategy." He commanded "Or I will take away your army."


WWE City

"I felt just how powerful he is." Constantine replied "I'd be able to stop him, but a couple of kids wouldn't stand a bloody chance."

WWE City

"I felt just how powerful he is." Constantine replied "I'd be able to stop him, but a couple of kids wouldn't stand a bloody chance."

"Well Hell in a Cell Matches have no holds-barred and they also have the Demon Kane working for them..." said the Wonderful leader of the Cenation, JOHN CENA!!!


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Oryx silently accepted the communicator, and stated to the Red Angle, "...Angron, what do you wish to do for this combat, your specialties?"


Elizabeth began to panic when she saw the patriot get destroyed. She took a couple steps back and considered her options. There wasn't many tears she could open in here. She opened a random tear out of the blue and didn't know what was on the other side. One of the many Big Daddies from the city of Rapture came through the tear. The Big Daddy's programming caused it to treat Elizabeth like it would treat a little sister. By killing anyone whe would hurt her. The daddy charged Demon Kane and knocked him too the ground.

Somewhere else

Booker followed Punk and replied to his question. "Hurting kids? That's not the worst thing I've done." He continued to follow Punk and they eventually reached Titan Towers. They walked in and bumped into the New Day. "Hey! We just need to pass through here." Booker hoped they wouldn't start a fight but his luck he prepared himself just in case.
Standing near a tear as Oryx speaks into his communicator, Angron replies to Oryx's question.

" My only goal is too charge into the enemy'sarmy ans slaughter anone in my way !"


"They are known as Thunder Warriors. Although they lack the restraint and life span of my Space Marines, they make up for it with their incredible strength and loyalty."
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ryanpk200 said:
Elizabeth began to panic when she saw the patriot get destroyed. She took a couple steps back and considered her options. There wasn't many tears she could open in here. She opened a random tear out of the blue and didn't know what was on the other side. One of the many Big Daddies from the city of Rapture came through the tear. The Big Daddy's programming caused it to treat Elizabeth like it would treat a little sister. By killing anyone whe would hurt her. The daddy charged Demon Kane and knocked him too the ground.

Somewhere else

Booker followed Punk and replied to his question. "Hurting kids? That's not the worst thing I've done." He continued to follow Punk and they eventually reached Titan Towers. They walked in and bumped into the New Day. "Hey! We just need to pass through here." Booker hoped they wouldn't start a fight but his luck he prepared himself just in case.
The Demon Kane was knocked down by the Big Daddy who proceeded to pick Kane up and deliver a Jackknife Powerbomb! as the two monsters fight...

Monaca slowly turns her head to Elizabeth and gave her a sly smile...

Outside of Titan Towers

"BOOKER DEWITT! YOU ARE DENIED PASSAGE THROUGH FOR YOU MUST FIRST FACE THE WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! THE NEW DAY! AND FEEL THE POWER!!!" proclaimed Big E while Xavier Woods played the Final Fantasy Victory theme on his trombone.

"Onee-chan... don't you want to get to know your new friends???"

The Demon Kane continued his battle with the Big Daddy... the Masked Child gave Kane a Steel Chair to use and Kane delivered a chairshot to the Big Daddy causing the metal beast to stumble...


The Woman facepalmed to The Red Angel's words "That might work on Sontarans, yes. Overpower them with sheer force and numbers. But that isn't always an option and it will not be an option in the wars to come. Try thinking outside of the box and picture the Sontarans as a superior force. How would you deal with them?"


WWE City

"How powerful is this demon?" Constantine asked "Have you faced it before?"

He had to be sure of what he was dealing with. The more information Constantine gathered the more chance he could have at stopping it.


Reborn World: Camelot

"You're suggesting we craft these Thunder Warriors out of people in this domain?" Merlin asked before turning his attention to the Knights standing with him. There was a moment of silence before one finally spoke up

"We have prisons full of those who betrayed us for The Black Knight. We could use them." Ser Lancelot suggested, getting a shocked response from Ser Galahad

"You can not be serious. Enemies or not, they are still human!"

"I have seen too many Knights die as a result of their treachery. This way they can be used in our favour."

Arthur stepped forwards "I am sorry, Ser Galahad but Lancelot has a point. If we are to win this war, we need all the assistance we can get."

"Who will these warriors be loyal to?" Merlin asked "Will they follow us, or only you?"
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WWE City

"How powerful is this demon?" Constantine asked "Have you faced it before?"

He had to be sure of what he was dealing with. The more information Constantine gathered the more chance he could have at stopping it.

"There's only one thing you need to know about the Demon Kane... Can you Rise Above Hate!" said the Leader of the Cenation THE MARINE JOHN CENA!!! "If you can then you can accomplish anything... except beat the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar..."

"Constantine... if you are going to challenge either of the Brothers of Destruction, The Undertaker and the Demon Kane... then you better watch their matches to get a feel for their style... only on the WWE Network only for 9.99 a month!" said JOHN CENA THE FACE OF THE WWE LEADER OF THE CENATION AND A 15 TIME WORLD CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAPADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not wanting his new allies to be worried that he would betray them, the Emperor removes the image before speaking.

" You have no need to fear, every single one of you will have control over the Thunder warrior army . Besides, once they fulfill their purpose they will be replaced by a more efficient army that will serve more of a peace keeping force."

WWE City

Drake: Looking at his gauntlets to see if they were still red, Drake groaned out of annoyance when he confirmed they were still inoperable. All he was good for now was a strategist, and a gunman.

"Great. Well, I'm pretty much useless without using these gauntlets, so you're going to have to face the Ultimate Despair without me. I swear, the time limits on these things suck," Drake complained. He sat down on a rock and watched Constantine converse with the Marine John Cena, leader of the Cenation.

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando

Mass Effect Universe

Revan: To Revan, both options seemed plausible, but he wanted to explore this area a bit more to see if he could find a trace of those scientists. After all, they were experts in these tears, supposedly, so they were valuable.

"I say we at least try to find a trace of those scientists before we leave. After all, seeing a mission through is a soldier's duty."
apoliseno said:

WWE City

Drake: Looking at his gauntlets to see if they were still red, Drake groaned out of annoyance when he confirmed they were still inoperable. All he was good for now was a strategist, and a gunman.

"Great. Well, I'm pretty much useless without using these gauntlets, so you're going to have to face the Ultimate Despair without me. I swear, the time limits on these things suck," Drake complained. He sat down on a rock and watched Constantine converse with the Marine John Cena, leader of the Cenation.

@theManCalledSting @Some_Bloke @Crenando
theManCalledSting said:
Seth Rollins then notices Snake


(Hope you don't mind.)

Titan Tower

Snake pointed at Seth and whistled. D. Dog shot towards him like a dart, reaching into the small pack tied to his suit. He leapt at Seth. There was a flash of steel, a spray of blood, then Seth fell to the ground, blood running from a gash across his neck.

D. Dog landed on the ground behind him, knife clenched in his teeth.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c1f2d84_ddog.jpg.e68dd0902d4a256c28c2cdaf611a4fd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4c1f2d84_ddog.jpg.e68dd0902d4a256c28c2cdaf611a4fd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He flicked the blood off the knife, and placed it back in it's sheath. Then he returned to Snake.

"Good boy." Snake scratched D. Dog behind the ear.



  • d dog.jpg
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"Kid, you don't need those gauntlets or that gun... if you believe in the virtues of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect then you can Over Come the Odds... Except maybe beating Brock Lesnar..." lectured Cena, to Drake @apoliseno


TommyGun15 said:
(Hope you don't mind.)
Titan Tower

Snake pointed at Seth and whistled. D. Dog shot towards him like a dart, reaching into the small pack tied to his suit. He leapt at Seth. There was a flash of steel, a spray of blood, then Seth fell to the ground, blood running from a gash across his neck.

D. Dog landed on the ground behind him, knife clenched in his teeth.

View attachment 171689

He flicked the blood off the knife, and placed it back in it's sheath. Then he returned to Snake.

"Good boy." Snake scratched D. Dog behind the ear.
Seth Metal no sold the neck wound as he is now a Cyborg Ninja like Raiden... Also the fact that he's SETH METAL!!


((Was hoping for Snake to get info out of Seth))
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(Okay. I got one better.)

While he was getting up, Snake ran forward and stuck a strange package to Seth's chest, then threw him out a nearby window. After Seth fell a few feet the package burst open and a balloon emerged from it, stopping Seth's descent. He hovered in midair for a moment, then was jerked into the sky as the balloon shot into the air.

"Target extracted. We'll bring him back to Mother Base for interrogation." Miller reported.
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((Plus Seth's a new Character seems to be a waste to kill him off so early especially since

TommyGun15 said:
(Okay. I got one better.)
While he was getting up, Snake ran forward and stuck a strange package to Seth's chest, then threw him out a nearby window. After Seth fell a few feet, the package burst open, and a balloon emerged from it, stopping Seth's descent. He hovered in midair for a moment, then was jerked into the sky as the balloon shot into the air.

"Target extracted. We'll bring him back to Mother Base for interrogation." Miller reported.
Snake placed the Package on Seth and grabbed a hold of him and directed him to a window. "HEY! WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Snake tosses Seth out of the window a balloon emerged saving Seth form plummeting to his death... "PUT! ME! DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he cried has he was jerked up into the sky
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WWE City

Drake: Giving a look that said "are you f*cking serious," Drake tucked his Glock back between his belt and jeans. He spat his gum out onto the ground. He decided to look over the events that happened since they got into this universe: Undertaker died and came back to life, the Ultimate Despair was in league with several WWE wrestlers, and Elizabeth was being kept somewhere around here. He didn't have a layout of the area, sk he couldn't formulate any plans. This was a tricky situation. Drake looked deep in thoght while he sat on the rock.
apoliseno said:

WWE City

Drake: Giving a look that said "are you f*cking serious," Drake tucked his Glock back between his belt and jeans. He spat his gum out onto the ground. He decided to look over the events that happened since they got into this universe: Undertaker died and came back to life, the Ultimate Despair was in league with several WWE wrestlers, and Elizabeth was being kept somewhere around here. He didn't have a layout of the area, sk he couldn't formulate any plans. This was a tricky situation. Drake looked deep in thoght while he sat on the rock.
"Hey, Drake... 'Rise Above Hate' tho..." said Yang with a sly grin.

WWE City

Drake: Before turning around to continue his thought process, Drake gave Yang the Bird.

"Yeah, shut up," he stated plainly.
Mother Base

Seth awoke tied to a chair, in a room of steel walls. The cut on his throat had been bandaged. Before him was a table made of stainless steel. A man with long, greying-blond hair walked in carrying three revolvers. He set two on the table, then opened the cylinder on the third. He loaded a single bullet, then spun the cylinder. Then he picked upt he two remaining guns and began to juggle them.

"Okay big guy, I want to know who you work for. So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to play a little game..."

Ocelot quickly cocked and pulled the trigger of one of the revolvers as he juggled them.


"and you're going to talk."
Armando managed to catch up to the group, still dizzy and head still hurting. He jumped off his horse nearly collapsing to the ground. He picked himself back up, took his helm off and held his head were there was a minor gash. When he touched it it burnt a little so he winced to the pain. "Have i missed anything strange lately?", he asked. Of course far away but still in seeing distance was Strage in shadow form, in this state he could only watch. So Strage could only look down and observe the situation, and Armando has taken a minor head injury.

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