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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Bioshock Infinite

Bray was the kind of guy that would kill someone, but he'd never call it a petty squabble. "I'm just asking to see if I could turn it off...like this." He proceeded to blow on the armor.


Braun closed his eyes, and accepted his fate.

He was already dead.
Booker jumped from the round fired at his foot. "Oh, to answer your question we walked in a fight between the two biggest factions in the entire city. There's the Founders. They created and control the city. They are also racist against anyone who isn't white. I'm also sort of their version of the Anti-Christ. One the other hand there's the Vox Populi. They are made of the oppressed people who rose up and started a revolution to take the city. They don't really care much rules and due to the multiverse thing, I'm supposed to be dead in this world. When I bumped into their leader, I was declared to be a ghost or an imposter." Booker explained.
The Soulscape

The gargantuan maw snapped shut on Braun. In the darkness of the soulscape, another glowing red eye blinked open.

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Not really appreciating Bray blowing on his clothes, Drake grabbed him by the head and flipped him over his shoulder and into a building, through that building, and into another building. Dusting his clothes off afterwards, he looked back to the group, calming back down.

"Sorry about that. Nobody touches the clothes, except the ladies. They can touch."

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Oryx laughed as his shades were slaughtered, for they had bought him enough time. He extracted from his sword a orb of Taken energy, and screamed to the air, "You may have the might of Mountains, but do you have the WRATH of a God?!" Oryx revealed his true power by slamming the orb into his chest, where his wings disintegrated off. He floated into the air, before being Taken himself. Mere moments would pass before a tremendous rift began to quiver the ground. It was immense, larger then even three tombships! He stomped down onto the ground, quaking the Earth around him as he looked down to Angron's attack on his feet. Oryx just decided to use his strongest move, and end all of this now! His giant toothy maw on his stomach jutted open, spewing forth vast volumes of essence as he calls upon the Deep. His hands reared back as he prepared for his devastation...

Terminator Universe

"The soldiers call them Terminators." Syeron explained "I just call them target practice." She shot Revan a half-smile

"We need to leave." Mil spoke "My sensors indicate that every Terminator unit in this entire city is heading for our position."

"We can take them." Syeron replied "They're just droids...No offence." She shot the Geth a reassuring smile

"We are both outnumbered and outgunned." Mil continued "And none taken, I am far more advanced than these machines...Five units approaching."

"Only five?" Syeron asked

"Approaching fast, more advanced than the others we have encountered..."

Mil, Syeron and Max looked in the direction of the approaching enemy as five T-1000 units charged towards the group.



"We must've really pissed this Skynet thing off." Max muttered, drawing his laser revolvers.



Reborn World

"Are you sure about that, Dallas?" The Woman asked "And I never claimed to be a God, just an opportunist."

She snapped her fingers and a chair appeared behind her as she sat down "Are you going to hear me out or are you just going to stand there and bitch?" She asked

"You murdered her." Gregory muttered bitterly

"If you're going to stand there and bitch, maybe I'll have a little fun with Mirus..." The Woman smiled, shooting a playful wink at Gregory. He clenched his fists in response "Fine." He muttered "I'll listen." He turned his attention to Morbus as if he was asking for help. Gregory could not stand up to a being of such power, but Morbus was a Fallen Angel of some kind, that had to count for something.
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Morbus only looked at the setting sun and smiled, "Oh yeah, SNAP YOU FINGERS AND BURN ME!", he said, his disrespect at it's maximum right now. "Makes no sense for a girly to be powerful, so who died and made you god?" he was throwing all sorts of disrespect at her, only wanting to nudge her into that one direction. He was stalling until the moon had risen. Just to make it even worse he snapped his fingers and made several shadow men appeared who started yelling "OOOOOOOOOOOH", as if something amazing happened.

(example of said shadow men: [media]

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Bioshock Infinite

Sting watches as Drake seemingly no-sells Bray's ability to turn off Electrical devices with his breath... This act of defiance has triggered something in the dark warrior... Sting hits Drake in the back of the head with his baseball bat. Sting continued to assault him with his baseball bat as he rants about how much Drake wanted to laugh.


((Sting turned TNA Joker Sting))
Reborn World

The Woman rolled her eyes in response and snapped her fingers, causing Morbus to explode. His blood scattered everywhere, turning the grass red and spraying the rest of the group in his blood. As the blood approached Harley, she pulled out a small cocktail umbrella.

"If I do as you say, will you stop killing innocent people?" Connor asked, stepping forwards

"I make no promises." The Woman smiled

With another snap of her fingers the blood was removed and Morbus was instantly reformed, alive and well but in extreme pain. "I am not a God. I never claimed to be." She muttered "But I make you look like a rat by comparison. Now hear me out!..Well, unless you want me to do that again."

Seeing that Oryx has grown larger was preparing to attack, Angron leaps in the air towards Oryx's head with the intention of stabbing his sword into his opponent's right eye.
Bioshock Infinite

Sting continued to assault Drake. Sting's face paint contorts to a horrid pattern...


"Having FUN YET?! ISN'T THIS FUN, DRAKE?!" Sting said as he delivered a Scorpion Death Drop on Drake... Sting then turns to Booker and Armando, "The only thing for sure about Sting is that... Whatever..." said Sting as he left the scene with his comrades in Shock.

@apoliseno @ryanpk200 @Morbuskid
Oryx let the blade sink into his flesh, for he was so much more powerful then before. When that sword would have taken a small amount of his essence, now? His only weak spot was the maw of light, otherwise most weapons dealt next to nothing. Oryx without even stumbling from the attack claped down on the ball of Darkness, causing a wave of pure Darkness to drown all the surviving members of Angron's attack. All of the Daemons and Space Marines in a rather large radius, able to hear and see the Darkness form, were consumed. They all screamed in agony as they melted away, becoming Taken and forced into the vile dimension. A near drowning amount of force and energy smashed into Angron, enough to even lift him into the air for a few moments if he lost his grip from the attack. The blade of Angron itself was turning, infected with the Darkness and beginning to obey another master.

Oryx took a long, silent breath before pleasently saying, "Even the ground below me is now infested with Darkness... I can see your warp fading Primarch! Nothing you can do now can stop me. Ironically, if you had managed to route me instead of Gilgamesh, I would never have lost the Dreadnought! But with all these events out of the way, and your armies taken..." Oryx called upon all the Darkness he spawned, forcing it to crush down and try to drown Angron into becoming a Taken. Oryx roared out, "Give... Your... Will... To... ME!"

Enraged that the xeno would dare to try to make him betray his master, Angron hurls his Daemon blade with all of his strength into the ball of light within Oryx's chest.
Bioshock Infinite

"OOPS! I FORGOT!" yelled the now Insane Icon. Sting walked to the downed body of Drake and lifed his head and said, "You're no better than Terry (Hulk Hogan). But don't you worry, I'll give you something to laugh about." Sting then placed a Sting mask over Drake's face. Then Sting turned to his companions and said "TTFN! TA-TA FOR NOW!" as he leaped into a Tear that appeared behind him



@TehFanzyMetroid @Crenando
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apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Annoyed by Sting's attempts at hurting him, Drake catches the baseball bat with his right and, with Sting still attached, throws them both after Bray through the enormous hole. Drake rubbed the back of his head and cracked his neck and knuckles.

"Jeez, what a dumbass. Anyways, if they don't knock it off, I'm gonna kill em both. Now Booker, seeing as how Elizabeth is always at your side, where did she wander off to?"
((Dude, don't no sell my posts only @Barbas can and that's because he's Hogan))

Bioshock Infinite


Jeff Jarrett Appears behind Booker and Wacks him over the head with a Guitar

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Oryx roared as the blade pierced the maw on his stomach, but it was not enough. He could swallow volleys of rockets to his weak spot! A Daemonblade was still a blade, even if enchanted by the essence of a Daemon. Unfortunately, that also meant he could bend the will of the essence, also known as the blade. It quivered and became engulfed with Darkness, before flying out and trying to impale Angron. Oryx opened his maw and unleashed large blobs of Darkness at the Primarch, trying to beat and pelt him down into submission. Oryx yanked his giant hands into the air, if he could not take Angron, he might as well just destroy him!
apoliseno said:
(( When my post posted, I saw yours right after. Plus, a Spartan II wouldn't get knocked down by a wrestler with a baseball bat, even without the armor ))
((Dude you were no-selling Bray's super power of blowing out the power out of tech))
Hurricane sat there, waiting for his friends to return, when all of a sudden bearded fedora man flew through a wall. He ran up to him and asked "Are you okay, citizen?" Bray just looked up, smiling. "The knight has taken my pawn...that man with the mustache killed Braun.."

Hurricane ran to the scene of the crime as fast as possible! "WHOOSHHH" When he arrived, he saw a corpse with a spear buried in it, and...Jeff Jarrett! "Holy Slap Nuts!"

(Also, these are SUPERPOWERED Wrestlers with dumb super-strength. Like in WWE All-stars! That game was the shit.)
Crenando said:
Hurricane sat there, waiting for his friends to return, when all of a sudden bearded fedora man flew through a wall. He ran up to him and asked "Are you okay, citizen?" Bray just looked up, smiling. "The knight has taken my pawn...that man with the mustache killed Braun.."
Hurricane ran to the scene of the crime as fast as possible! "WHOOSHHH" When he arrived, he saw a corpse with a spear buried in it, and...Jeff Jarrett! "Holy Slap Nuts!"

(Also, these are SUPERPOWERED Wrestlers with dumb super-strength. Like in WWE All-stars! That game was the shit.)
"Guess what! Jeff Jarrett's workin' with the Founders!" proclaimed Jarrett as the Founders took off their shirts to reveal they've been all wearing nWo shirts


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Bioshock Universe

Drake: Standing up from a knee, Drake was now even more pissed. He had a few bruises from the baseball bat, and the mask was just insult to injury. He ripped it off and crushed it in his hand. He felt done with everything now.

"Clear selection," he said. His Hawkmoon vanished and his Spartan-II form shrunk back down to normal Drake. Given there was a minute cooldown time on his gauntlets, he was vunerable for a bit. He also remembered that he only had one more use on each gauntlet, so he had better make this one count should he get in trouble again.

"If I ever see that guy again, I'm gonna rip his damn head off."
apoliseno said:

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Standing up from a knee, Drake was now even more pissed. He had a few bruises from the baseball bat, and the mask was just insult to injury. He ripped it off and crushed it in his hand. He felt done with everything now.

"Clear selection," he said. His Hawkmoon vanished and his Spartan-II form shrunk back down to normal Drake. Given there was a minute cooldown time on his gauntlets, he was vunerable for a bit. He also remembered that he only had one more use on each gauntlet, so he had better make this one count should he get in trouble again.

"If I ever see that guy again, I'm gonna rip his damn head off."
Jeff Jarrett then turned his attention to Drake and said "What the heck is that Cosplayin' Mark talkin' about?" still not noticing that the Founders are not on the Side of Planet Jarrett but rather the nWo @Barbas
Luke Harper looked over, nodding his head and saying "Yeah yeah yeah yeah!" He noticed that the guy that resisted Bray's spoopy breath powers was unmorphed, and decieded to go for it.

Hurricane looked at Jeff Jarrett. "You thought these random founders sided with you without checking first? Wasap wit dat?" and crossed his arms and said in the most Hurricane-ish way possible.
Crenando said:
Luke Harper looked over, nodding his head and saying "Yeah yeah yeah yeah!" He noticed that the guy that resisted Bray's spoopy breath powers was unmorphed, and decieded to go for it.
Hurricane looked at Jeff Jarrett. "You thought these random founders sided with you without checking first? Wasap wit dat?" and crossed his arms and said in the most Hurricane-ish way possible.
"What in that heck are you talkin' about Slap Nut?" said Jarrett.

Jarrett turned around and realized the error and cursed "DAMN IT, TERRY!" @Barbas

Bioshock Universe

Drake: Drake hesitantly started backing up as the wrestlers multiplied, and incapacitated Booker, his only semi-ally in this universe. He pulled a Glock 17 9mm from the back of his pants and took of running in the opposite direction, popping any Vox and Founders that happened to get in his way.

"Time to get the hell up outta here, f*ck this sh*t I'm out!"

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