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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Braun carried the spear. He didn't say much. He was visibly scared, however. He was a simple man, but he knew enough that demonic artifacts shouldn't be held for too long. He lifted Armando with his other hand, and got to the other islands, getting from island to island using the spear. He dropped the mustache man and ran to the others, hitting Shovel Knight with the blunt end of the spear.
Hmm... seems I was correct. Boring.

"You seem to be a man of few words." The voice said. The eye followed Braun as he moved fro island to island.
"That's quite a story." Ser Ismay replied "And I only call you a child due to my own age. I am one hundred and seven years old."

"But you don't have that old lady smell." Harley spoke in a confused tone

"Reduced ageing and cybernetic enhancements." Gregory muttered, smiling "Either that or the Grail's magic."

"Very good." Ismay nodded "Regular knights are not allowed to drink from the grail."

"Why not?" Connor asked

"Why, we are not worthy of it's power. Only those who sit at the Round Table may drink from the grail."

"And what does it do?" Connor asked, still curious. This entire world was completely alien to him

"Eternal youth, immortality." Gregory explained "That's at least what the legends say."

Morbus appeared before the group, prompting Ismay and the other knights to bow before him again.

"Angel, would you accompany us to Camelot?" She asked "The Table will wish to speak with you."


Bioshock Infinite Universe

Ugh... this isn't going to do at all.

"Either way, perhaps you'd care to listen for a moment." The voice continued. The red eye watched as Braun attacked Shovel Knight.


Drake: While Angron's teeth couldn't get through the metal of Drake's armor, his punches hit hard. Drake coughed up, as the wind had temporarily been knocked out of him. When he recovered, he rammed an armored knee into Angron's gut, followed by a spin kick. As Angron got sent back down, Drake's wings folded up in front of him. They swiftly unfolded and sent an array of red-hot feather shaped daggers flying right at Angron as he fell, aiming for areas that would injur him severely, but would leave him alive.

At the same time, huge columns of ice erupted in the distance, freezing thousands of demons. At another area, an enormous skeletal serpent blasted away more with an energy cannon. Farther away, an enormous storm of deadly pink blossoms cut down thousands more and blocked the portals through which they were coming. The Shinigami were gaining control over the demons.

"You fool! Khorne doesn't exist here! The only source of his false power here is you! Now just face your defeat with honor, you monster!"


Not receiving any severe wounds from the knifes due to his extreme durability and healing factor, Angron picks himself off of the ground and faces Drake with his sword ready. Feeling that the battle has gone on for long enough, Angron focuses all of his power and uses it to completely turn the planet into a Daemon World, causing the land scape to violently transform into barren wasteland as the planet became one with the Warp. As a result of this violent transformation, any soldier in Drake's army with weak mental defenses became raving lunatics with a thirst for blood due to either losing their minds madness or Daemonic possession.

" Your defeat is near worm! Khorne's power grows as this battle continue! Once you and your army is defeated, this planet will become a staging point for Khorne's forces!"


Drake: Drake stood in absolute rage at Angron. The humans in this universe were less advanced then those in other universes, and he just annihilated them all. Drake rushed straight at Angron with amazing speed, readying himself to run him through with Fenikkusu. As he grew near, however, a tear opened up and he spilled into the Bioshock universe, right outside of the graveyard. His real body was also dragged through. When Drake stood up, he looked around to see his enviornment had changed, and given the setting he instantly recognized that he was in Columbia from the game Bioshock Infinite. Seeing that he no longer needed to be in his Shinigami form, so he powered down and entered back into his body.

"Clear selection," he said in order to remove all changes he made. Again, he had a mini seizure of intense pain as his DNA shifted back to his own. "Equip object: infinite ammo Hawkmoon." In his hand appeared the intricately designed hand cannon from the video game Destiny famous for its OPness. He walked to the entrance of the graveyard and peered in to see what was going on.

At the same time, the Ebon Hawk hit a tear in space above the Earth in the ACU that took them to the Terminator universe. As always, the Ebon Hawk lost primary power after exiting and hit the ground, skidding to a stop just a ways from Shepard and the others. Goku, Revan, and everyone else on board lost balance and fell down.

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Oryx roared as he straight up used his Hive arcana, engulfing the land around him in raw emerald energy. He lost his powerful Taken transportation, but he still had the one the Wizards used for long distance teleportation. Oryx roared to the air as he vanished from one dimension to another... following the hive essence that Angron and his World Eaters stepped on in their escape. Following the orders of the Librarian, Oryx flew into the Daemon World...



Pitch black dimensional cracks abruptly scattered the battlefield around Angron. In the small zones, gravity seemed to be zero, floating objects in mid air while looking like a place more damned then the warp. Pitch black orbs formed, tossing out tendrils of raw energy and will that burned into Chaos Space Marines and Daemons, yanking them upwards into the rift if they were careless enough to get trapped by the ambush.

A green rupture through dimensions, one with a core of raw hate and darkness grew for a few moments, before spewing out Oryx. The Tyrant stood there with his wings around himself like a cowl, his teal eyes staring at Angron. Oryx lifted up his dreaded sword that crackled the air with flame and shadow, the Willbreaker. The blade aimed straight at Angron, and Oryx announced out loud, "Remember me beast?!" He followed his orders, no matter these damned odds. He will honor both pacts he made, for even this world was better then the Fundament!
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Armando picked himself up, enraged now. He put his shield and sword down, and charged Braun. He wrapped his arms around Braun from the back, and by either the grace of god or pure luck, with almost all of his strength, picked Braun up and slammed Braun down on the head. The stregnth came from him having to be able to take off armor in a certain amount of time, and the strength he must have in battle.

Morbus simply shook his head, "I would gladly accompany you, but you must understand, i don't wish to be bowed to because i feel i don't deserve it, i feel a sense of un-fairness in it, besides this is your home, i should be bowing to you!", Morbus explained before he bowed back to them.
Only a few hours after Oryx left, The Space Pirate's fleet flew through a tear that was near Mars, big enough for Ridley's armada to enter. They saw the only inhabitable planet with any prominent civilisation was Earth, so they decided to set up camp on Mars for the time being. Meanwhile, Ridley set out a drop ship full of Space Pirate scouts and spies to survey the planet and gather info on what is most valuable and what not. His pirates also started to hack into the satelites surrounding earth. Soon, they would attack. Soon...


Turning around to face Oryx as he announced his presence, Angron readies his Daemon blade and attempts to taunt Oryx." You truly believe you can challenge me here? I will make you suffer for your arrogance, xeno!"
Oryx cackled, the worm inside him feeding him with strength. Oryx stated, "With pleasure, Ammonite!" Oryx started to form signs of raw power and Darkness, one that bended law to his will. The Darkness was a thing for the Worms, but when he was Aurash and made his pact, he learned. His blade slew a hundred of his own, the very universe itself shrunk to his display of might! He was betrayed so many times, he lived through so many deaths. His eyes burned as the memories were the replacement for the voices, tempting him back to the crypt he came from. He gathered himself, and unleashed the might of the Darkness in bursts against Angron.

Terminator Universe

Revan: Standing back up after the Hawk crashed, Revan wondered where they ended up now. Leaving Goku and the woman, who were knocked against each other on the way down, he wondered up to the bridge to find an unconscious Bastilla slumped against the controls. He looked out the viewscreen to see an apocalyptic landscape with skeletal droids fighting against humans and....a Jedi? Finally, something Revan could handle. No more gods and demi-gods, only droids.

Putting his mask back on, he raced to the emergency hatch and slid down the ladder, hitting the ashy dirt and dust terrain. Igniting his green lightsaber, he Dashed as fast as he could towards the battlefield with anticipation.
Braun got up. He listened intently while repeatedly hitting Shovel Knight. Bray continued going on about spooky things. Luke Harper was not deterred by either of these factors and kept on with his job. Taking the Shovel Blade.
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Morbuskid said:
Armando picked himself up, enraged now. He put his shield and sword down, and charged Braun. He wrapped his arms around Braun from the back, and by either the grace of god or pure luck, with almost all of his strength, picked Braun up and slammed Braun down on the head. The stregnth came from him having to be able to take off armor in a certain amount of time, and the strength he must have in battle.
(Wait, so is Braun on his feet, or did he get slammed? Because whichever one is what happened will drastically affect what I post next.)
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Seeing the bursts of Darkness coming towards him, Angron charges at Oryx while using his massive Daemon blade to block the incoming attacks. Once within striking distance Oryx, Angron swings his blade at Oryx's chest while striking the xeno's face with his left fist.

As the battle between Angron and Oryx continues, numerous Chaos Space marines, Bloodletters, and surround the combatants as they watch the battle taking place.
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Unfortunately, when Braun got up he discovered that the spear had somehow slipped from his grasp. It slid across the ground coming to a stop at Armando's feet.
Oryx cackled as the Darkness began to swallow some of the Space Marines, Blood letters and Shinigami into the Taken, they were sent into the Deep to become his, for he was the slayer of Akka, the worm of the Secrets. His son had made the Vex, yet he killed and slaughtered his way from the grave! Oryx parred the blow from Angron, and with his magic formed a storm of Darkness that boiled and burned the flesh of those inside it right above Angron. Oryx said, "This is the law of the universe! If you fall, you deserve to die!" Oryx formed a new form, a Shade of Oryx, that held a blade instead of magic. It was the shade, but stronger. It swooped in to bash in the spine of Angron as the world itself revolted under their feet, while Oryx was feeding his quest for knowledge. He learned from these things as he danced and carved, using the sword logic to make it all his! His tablets of ruin have fortold him this, and now with the blessing of his sister Xivu Arath, he will carve his name into yet another Deep! The Warp!

Nearly losing his balance from the force of the blow, Angron quickly swings his blade at both of Oryx's legs and his sword arm. After attacking Oryx with his blade, Angron lunges a Oryx in an attempt to tackle him to the ground.

" It will take more than a few cheap tricks to beat me, coward! "
Armando quickly kicked the spear up and grabbed it, while Braun was confused Armando jabbed the Spear through his spine. Then Armando kicked Braun in the back of the leg making Braun fall, then Armando un-sheathed his sword and decapitated Braun.

(If you were planning something with him, let me know and i will edit it to were i wound him instead of killing him, but i assumed you would let me do this since he is not a main character.)
Reborn World

"There is no need to bow before me, Angel." Ser Ismay replied "I am just a simple Knight."

"You survived, good." The Woman smiled "Mr Nelson, I have a job in mind for you."

The voice caught Gregory, Connor and Harley's attention, as well as that of the Knights. They turned around to face the Woman.

"Who the bloody 'ell are you?" Gregory asked

"She looks like a shrink. Are you here to try more therapy, lady?" Harley asked sarcastically

"No. I said I have a job in mind for you. All of you. Do any of you listen?"

"How do you know my name?" Gregory asked

"I've been watching you..."

"Looks like you have a crazy stalker..." Harley joked, causing the Woman to roll her eyes

"Anyway..." The Woman continued

"Tell me something only a crazy stalker would know."

The Woman stepped towards Gregory, causing him to reach for his katana.

"Your ancestors changed their name from "Ahuva to Nelson in nineteen thirty nine to escape the..."

"You'll have to do better than that." Gregory smirked

"Your mother died in your arms, as did Angela Miller. One of the children April murdered. As you clutched the lifeless body of a toddler, you told yourself that you had failed her. Your father did things to you...That I'll not mention but we both know what I'm talking about, don't we Gregory?" She smiled "I could go on."

Gregory threw a left hook aiming for her face, only to hit a barrier The Woman had generated, it threw him into the ship.

"Now, would you like to hear about the job I have in mind for you? For all of you...I suppose having a Fallen Angel as muscle could help, and Seth will have his uses too."



Terminator Universe

Syeron looked across the battlefield to see Revan charging towards the Terminators. She sensed something from him instantly, he wasn't just a Jedi he was a very powerful Jedi. The mask was familiar as well. Was this really Revan? It seemed impossible but then again, she was dealing with "alternate universes"

She charged towards Revan and drew her lightsaber, cutting down a T-700.

"Get back to the tear!" Syeron shouted at the group "We'll deal with these droids!"




The Doctor and Tesla had been trying to rebuild the damage done to the planet by both the Sycorax invasion and the two invasions by Oryx.

"Doctor?" Tesla asked, as he was repairing a console "Do you think that Oryx will come back?"

"No." The Doctor replied, using his sonic to scan another console

"What makes you so sure?"

"Well...Self-preservation really."

"He had his army destroyed within minutes by demons." Tesla muttered "He's afraid of dying himself."

"Exactly, although I don't think they were demons."

"What makes you say that?"

"I met the Devil, or at least what claimed to be Satan. I threw him into a black hole to stop him."

Stevenson entered the room before Tesla could reply.

"Doctor, we've got a problem."
Reborn World
"There is no need to bow before me, Angel." Ser Ismay replied "I am just a simple Knight."

"You survived, good." The Woman smiled "Mr Nelson, I have a job in mind for you."

The voice caught Gregory, Connor and Harley's attention, as well as that of the Knights. They turned around to face the Woman.

"Who the bloody 'ell are you?" Gregory asked

"She looks like a shrink. Are you here to try more therapy, lady?" Harley asked sarcastically

"No. I said I have a job in mind for you. All of you. Do any of you listen?"

"How do you know my name?" Gregory asked

"I've been watching you..."

"Looks like you have a crazy stalker..." Harley joked, causing the Woman to roll her eyes

"Anyway..." The Woman continued

"Tell me something only a crazy stalker would know."

The Woman stepped towards Gregory, causing him to reach for his katana.

"Your ancestors changed their name from "Ahuva to Nelson in nineteen thirty nine to escape the..."

"You'll have to do better than that." Gregory smirked

"Your mother died in your arms, as did Angela Miller. One of the children April murdered. As you clutched the lifeless body of a toddler, you told yourself that you had failed her. Your father did things to you...That I'll not mention but we both know what I'm talking about, don't we Gregory?" She smiled "I could go on."

Gregory threw a left hook aiming for her face, only to hit a barrier The Woman had generated, it threw him into the ship.

"Now, would you like to hear about the job I have in mind for you? For all of you...I suppose having a Fallen Angel as muscle could help, and Seth will have his uses too."


Seth was shocked at the woman's words and Gregory's past. He then heard something about a job.So, what is this job. Asked Seth, hearing about "how he would have his uses".
Oryx gave off a nightmarish smile with his three sets of razor sharp teeth, the blade slashing his feet but doing almost nothing. Guardians have pumped over a thousand rounds of bullets into his skull and still did not take him down! They have cut him with his own blade, and he stood through undefeated! Though, he must admit this fight started to make his old heart beat with love. The centuries and death and rebirth with his sisters, fighting to carve the sword logic, mapping death itself! Oryx straight up gripped Angron's sword, and tried to snap it with his might. Oryx tried to kick Angron away, before approaching and cutting from below into the throat for a decapitating blow, at least he hoped to. Oryx kept on talking as if Angron was still taunting him, "You have the strength to turn a planet, I have the strength to obliterate them! You will be a sacrifice to rebirth my Throne World... and then I will finally begin feeding the Hive once again!"

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