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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Vance accepted the drink and thought about the end of the multiverse. It would be an end to all things. But, there didn't seem to be a way to end it. He raised the glass into the air. "To the end then."

Oryx did the strangest thing, all of the Taken all over the planet, vanished! The Human Taken that were stolen from all over the world were in the millions. But, Oryx had realized something, the Black Garden truly would be his greatest weapon in this case. This second Black Garden would unite the Vex across all time, planting them all over the galaxy and raise them to a state of being that would ravage history! Plus, the Hive were fortifying their caves and caverns with magical charms to stay undetected. Even if Oryx continued fighting all over the planet, he wanted this world for how these Humans unlike the Guardians made so many heroes. They would be the greatest warriors in the Taken army! Some Vex vanished from the now complete portal at Antarctica to start building the Crimson Terrace.

All across time, the ripples of the creation of the Crimson Terrace could be felt. It did nothing, but any who could feel the time stream, which Oryx knowing the term Time Lord hoped the Doctor would feel, knew that the Crimson Terrace was linking time all over the universe.
The squad was holding their own for the time being, whilst quickly making their way over to the tear that Gregory had no so calmly told Leia that they were heading to, the Type-97 had drawn the attention of some of the much bulkier armored foes and Yeuzen had ordered the squad to defend it at all costs, they had noticed a fight that was ongoing between a powerful looking man with a full blown set of blond hair and whatever the hell it was that he was facing, Leia had no time to ask questions as the thing had fired a barrage towards their comrade but Leia wasn't close enough to get him out of the way, instead Lang had taken the inititive and had tackled Sauzu out of the way, the barrage just barely missing them by an inch, smiling down at Sauzu as he got back up and continued to fire his assault rifle towards the attacking forces.

"這是很勇敢的你。" (That was pretty brave of you.") Leia said somewhat casually, despite the circumstances to Lang as he nodded with a smirk, Lee tapping the two on the shoulder and jerking his head as the Type-97 had began reversing towards the tear now, the rest of the squad closely following it as Yeuzen jerked his head to Leia, Leia picking up on it as always and yelling over to the English sounding man. "Are we going through it now?!" The squad of 8 had formed a semi-circle around the Type-97 as they defended the tear fiercely. Yeuzen yelling in his stern, Chinese accent, and in the best English he could possibly manage. "We, are, leaving!" To the `Jedi` and the blond haired man, along with the others.
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Destiny Universe

Kaiden: Kaiden was quick on the draw with Hawkmoon after he first heard the Merchant speak, but he lowered it after he heard of the chance to find Oryx. He clipped Hawkmoon on his lower back and approached the Merchant.

"Where?" he asked. "Where is the monster that killed my family and friends?"


Revan: Watcing that beam slam into Angron, Revan had thought that would finish the job. Evidently not. Revan also watched as Goku fell from the sky, reverted back to his base form. Revan assumed that the energy he used was too much to retain his form. He could not let Goku die, as he was the only hope against defeating Oryx in the other Universe. He collected as much Force energy as he could and Dashed towards Goku, using the Force to slow his fall and guide him towards Revan. Once he had slowed down enough, Revan grabbed Go,u, turned around, and bolted as fast as he could back to the Hawk
Seeing that Goku was retreating, Angron leaps out of the crater and begins to chase after Revan while randomly firing his plasma pistol." Come back and face me, you honor less dog! "


Revan: After hearing Angron shouting in rage behind Revan, he halted directly in front of the crashed Hawk. He laid Goku down on the ground and turned to face Angron, deflecting the plasma shots with his hand using Tuteminus. He grabbed both of his lightsaber hilts and clipped the pommels together, twisting them so they locked into place. He ignited his now double-bladed lightsaber, its blade a green hue. He stood ready with a different Jar'Kai stance.

"Then stop screaming, monster. Your rage will be your downfall."

Goku: Laying half-conscious on the ground, Goku used his Ki to grab a Senzu bean out of the small pouch tied to his belt with Telekinesis. The bean floated out of the loosened bag and into Goku's mouth. He chewed it with what little strength he had left. Now he just had to wait for the effects to kick in and his energy to come back.

Eager for a fight, Angron puts his plasma pistol away before charging at Revan. Upon reaching striking distance, Angron unleashes a fury of attacks on Revan." Only the weak view bloodlust as a weakness!"
Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory ran towards the tear, ahead of the Type-97. Underneath his helmet, a look of joy and relief was on his face. He wondered just how he'd be able to break the news to the crew of the Valkyrie. The idea of multiple universes was something they had discussed before and something Mirus believed was possible. If there were alternate universes, perhaps there was one where the Caelum genocide never happened. One where he was able to stop it. After stropping the Exen, he would help Seeker and Kennedy find the closest thing they had to a home.

Tears began to fill Gregory's eyes. He had only been away from his crew, no his family for less than two days but it seemed like forever to him. If there were other tears in his universe, perhaps he could find allies to fight the Exen. He could explore the multiverse with his family and maybe even find a place to call home.

However, as the Type-97 approached the tear's position it appeared to shrink and wither in size, eventually closing. Gregory stooped in his tracks and approached the location where the tear hand once been, looking back at Connor for some kind of explanation. He found that Connor was taken aback himself. Gregory pulled off his helmet and dropped it to the ground.

His only way home had been lost. His only way back to his ship, his family, his friends had been lost. Gregory continued to stare into the forest for several seconds before falling to his knees in front of where the tear had once been. Gregory held back tears and sobs as he reached for his revolver, intending to put it in his mouth.

Upon noticing the gun, Connor dived at Gregory, knocking the gun from his hands and causing him to misfire. This appeared to be a wasted effort as the group was surrounded from all sides by more of the Red Angel's forces, who began to close in. Connor offered Gregory his hand, helping him to his feet.

"We're going to die anyway..." Gregory muttered, picking up his gun.

"Then we will take a few of them with us." Connor offered Gregory a reassuring smile before the two charged forwards. Connor drew his sword, placing the blade in his left hand while his tomahawk was in the right.



Three Agents escorted Tesla to a Qunjet and flew towards the tear to his universe while The Doctor remained on board the Hellicarrier. The only thing the Time Lord could do now was wait. He watched screens on board the Hellicarrier bridge, seeing that the fight back was taking a new turn as a new ship had entered the fray, the Lunar Whale only for it to vanish.

"It must be using a cloaking device..." The Doctor muttered

The Librarian jumped onto the same building as Globez and shot him a half-smile. As more and more Taken approached, swarming the building the Librarian simply simply snapped his fingers, incinerating a large number of Taken but managing to leave the civilians unharmed. If he wanted to, the Librarian could wipe out the entire army with a snap of his fingers but he decided to hold back. The more destruction he caused, the higher chance he had of being discovered. Just as the Librarian was about to deliver another blow, all of the Taken vanished.

The Doctor noticed this development as well "Oryx is planning something." He suggested.


Destiny Universe

The Merchant stepped towards Kaiden. "In another universe." He explained "That version of Earth is under attack and I fear that he may be able to conquer it. You are the last Guardian, so I believe you can give us a fighting chance." He offered Kaiden his hand "I can take you there."

The Merchant took a step back, realizing that not only had the majority of Taken and Oryx himself vanished but he also felt the affects of the Crimson Terrance.

"He's planning to set up another Black Garden on that Earth. He's gone for now but destroying the gate should bring him and his Taken out of hiding." He offered Kaiden his hand again "Together, we can bring him down."


Unknown Universe

"To the end." The Librarian toasted before taking a drink from the glass "Do you have any more questions, Vance?" He asked, leaning forwards "I know a lot and you fought Hellhounds for this information, so ask away." He smiled



Parallel Earth/Tesla's Earth

The Quinjet flew through the tear and landed outside Tesla's Colorado Springs laboratory. Inside would be the man Tesla was looking for, the man he said could help. Tesla walked inside to meet the writer HP Lovecraft, the man who had helped bring down Dracula using his knowledge in nightmarish creatures and multiple types of magic.

Before Tesla could even open his mouth to speak, Lovecraft uttered two words in a grim tone "I know."

"So you'll help?" Tesla asked

"Of course."

In his left hand, Lovecraft held the Necronomicon, a book that he would not allow anyone else to open. Lovecraft had warned Tesla multiple times that if he were to read any of the book's forbidden pages the inventor would lose his mind.
Golbez looked at the Librarian as the Taken suddenly vanished,There were more then enough of these aliens to cause more harm,yet they were pulled back."This can not bode well." Golbez muttered.Something big was in the works,he could tell that much.He sheathed his sword and looked at the city,then to the Librarian."can I be of assistance else where?"
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Oryx smiled as the Librarian appeared, and in response a Echo of Oryx appeared in front of him. The Echo chuckled and said, "How pathetic, you need to intervene like the Woman? As soon as I start winning, you get your panties in a bunch and start ripping apart my minions? Yet you have only helped those against me, what have I done? Exploited the technology and magic of everything in my system? Please, kill them all! They only make him get closer... they only tempt his hunger. Someone even stronger then me... with enough sacrifices I will bring forth my other sons and daughters, the gods of the Hive! with more sacrifices, I will bring Atheon into this world and make reality what I see fit! So go on, kill as many as you want... but with each death comes a fraction of their power returned... and with each, my legion grows!"

The Three Psion Flayers were reborn, and began moving Mercury into a new planetary position. It's aim... was to crash into the Tear in front of Earth. If it reached, it would crash through and hit Earth within a mere minute of escaping the Tear, causing the entire planet Earth to go into an Apocalypse!

The Crimson Terrace was forged completely, a new dimension made from the chill. Unlike the Black Garden, the Crimson Terrace held a much larger core of Darkness inside it. A giant spire of semi-liquid Darkness seemed to be the core of the entire dimension, going for what seemed to be forever. Vex structures floated and were build into the Darkness spire, overlooking below and above two forming planets. Oryx personally appeared in the dimension to aide the growth of the Darkness, gathering Darkness from all both his dimension, and the MCU.
Terminator universe

Shepard was walking down a street when he heard gunfire. He drew his Carnifex and modified it for incendiary ammo. He noticed a group robots fighting another group. When the robots began to fire at him he took a few potshots at them and dove into cover. The Commander wanted to get to the other group. Shepard yelled to friendly group "Some covering fire would be nice!"

Seth was in a motel room in Buffalo. He had recently been working a job near the outskirts of NYC. He had completed it just 2 days ago. He had to deal with a small goblin group of about 5 tearing up a farmhouse in the outskirts. He negotiated with them, sending them to a nearby cave. The motel room was small, but just enough for a bed, coffee table and drawer with an old TV from the 1980s. He payed the manager his stay along with a tip before riding off on a rented motor cycle to an airport to get back home in Massachusetts. He had bought a small apartment there as he also worked as consultant for the police there. On the road, Seth noticed a tear on the barren highway. Huh, what is this... Asked Seth to himself, pulling over towards the tear. As he walked closely, he had his two daggers strapped to his waist. As he approached, it glimmered flashing colors. He then took another step, being about a meter and a half away from it, it suddenly sucked Seth in. He woke up on the field of what looked like a 1780s mansion of some sort. He was a bit dizzy and had a sore head but other then that he was fine. He didn't know how long he was out for but just to be safe, he stuck his finger in his packet of walrus butter and licked his finger, just in case. He then saw some of Angrons forces coming and seeing s they were much stronger then him by just look, he ran towards the forest, hoping he would find someone. He ran as fast as he could. Being one of the best track runners and soccer players in his old highschool, he was a fast runner.

@AC Universe People
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"Oryx has opened a portal in the Arctic. We need to go there and destroy it." The Librarian answered but before he could move the ship, the Echo appeared and spoke to him.

"What have you done? Well, I don't know how about the mass genocide?" The Librarian scoffed "The invasions, the conversion of millions into your minions? How about damaging the fabric of reality in this universe? That is where I draw the line...You call me pathetic and yet I could kill you with a single punch. You think that Atheon is powerful?" He let out a brief chuckle before continuing "Guardians could defeat him. You see Atheon and yourself are Gods? I have seen real Gods! You are nothing more than an insect!"

The Librarian appeared in front of Mercury and held out his hands, ready to stop the planet.

"We possess this power and yet, have you ever asked yourself why you are still alive? Why we haven't just killed you yet?! One of us has plans for you. That is the only reason you still breathe. Do not tempt me, Oryx. Stop this invasion...Or else."

The Quinjet flew back through the tear and into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, carrying Tesla, H.P Lovecraft, several SHIELD agents and the dreaded Necronomicon. It docked at the Hellicarrier.

"I'm gathering a team for a full-frontal assault on the portal Oryx has opened in the Arctic." Stevenson announced over the radio "Everyone, meet me in the bridge in five minutes."

"Portal?" Lovecraft asked Tesla

"I do not think it is the same as..." He attempted to answer, but was cut-off by Lovecraft

"Even so, this false God must be stopped."


Terminator Universe

Syeron ran to the Commander's position and began to block the lasers aimed at him with her saber, shooting him a playful wink.

"Is this good enough for you, baldy?" She asked in a humorous tone

With several lucky shots, Max was able to bring down a HK Ariel unit, aiming for it's engines. It crashed down on top of some Terminators, engulfing the units in flames. Another three HK Ariel units simply flew towards the building and began to open fire. Syeron responded to this by jumping behind cover with Shepard and focusing on them.

"Cover me a second. I'm going to bring this big bird down." She shot the Commander a cocky half-smile

Destiny Universe

Kaiden: Kaiden irked an eyebrow under his Light Beyond Nemesis at the notion the Merchant brought up about an other universe. While he couldn't completely write it off as fiction, it sounded just a bit far fetched. But he needed any chance to stop Oryx he could take. If this was just another Black Garden, he had better weapons now than he did the last time he destroyed it.

"Alright, count me in. What do I need to do?" Kaiden asked hesitantly.


Revan: While Revan was severely outmatched in terms of physical strength, he was overpowering in his connection to the Force since his opponent had no sign of Force Sensitivity. Curious, he hadn't seen any other Force Sensitive beings in his travels across the universes. Nevertheless, he held his own against Angron, beong pushed back slightly due to the gap in physical strength. Revan often utilized the Ataru form, leaping and flipping over Angron as he left small saber cuts in Angron's shoulder pads.

Goku: Laying on the ground waiting for his strength to return, Goku felt his divine Ki strengthening him. He worked his way to his feet, his eyes and hair turning a dark crimson color and his aura a fiery orange and red. He had utilizes the power of his divine Ki to become a Super Saiyan God once more.
Assassins Creed Universe

As Connor, Gregory and the others battled the hordes of Cultists, Gregory saw Seth running towards them and waved at him, trying to get his attention. Gregory then turned around and sliced a Cultist's head in half, leaving only his jaw and cheeks while his brains scattered across the ground. Noticing that Seth was carrying daggers and wearing a black hood, Connor wondered if he was another Assassin but he thought it was unlikely.

One of the Homstead residents attempted to stab a Cultist with the bayonet of his gun, only to be overpowered and knocked to the ground. Gregory quickly fired a bullet into the Cultist's head and nodded at the resident before going back to fighting the other Cultists. Connor and the former mercenary stood back to back, surrounded by the horde.


Destiny Universe

"Oryx has opened a portal in the Arctic of that planet. His actions are now damaging the fabric of reality in that universe." The Merchant explained a fast-paced yet grim tone. "As I speak, a group of fighters are preparing for a full assault on the portal. You and I are going to help them."

The Merchant took Kaiden by the hand and teleported them onto the Lunar Whale. The Librarian and the Merchant stared at each other for several seconds in total silence.

"Kaiden." He spoke, gesturing to the Librarian "This is an associate of mine."

Golbez nodded and took to a wall of the Lunar Whale to lean against arms crossed causally.The sudden appearance of two men caught his attention, but they seemed to be allies of the Librarian,he observed them as he waited.
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Irritated that his opponent kept dodging his attacks, A thrusts his blade at Revan while attempting to grab the Jedi's head with his left hand.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]As Connor, Gregory and the others battled the hordes of Cultists, Gregory saw Seth running towards them and waved at him, trying to get his attention. Gregory then turned around and sliced a Cultist's head in half, leaving only his jaw and cheeks while his brains scattered across the ground. Noticing that Seth was carrying daggers and wearing a black hood, Connor wondered if he was another Assassin but he thought it was unlikely.
One of the Homstead residents attempted to stab a Cultist with the bayonet of his gun, only to be overpowered and knocked to the ground. Gregory quickly fired a bullet into the Cultist's head and nodded at the resident before going back to fighting the other Cultists. Connor and the former mercenary stood back to back, surrounded by the horde.

HOLY SHIT! Yelled Seth as he dodged some cultists. He then got next to Gregory. What are those things! Yelled Seth, taking out his daggers, in case one of those bastards tried to get near him. He emitting some magical fear towards the cultists. Not enough to paralyze them but just enough to make them to fear their enemies. He wasnt sure if this would work because they looked like complete maniacs but even the most courageous can fall to fear. He held his daggers close to him, scanning the area to see if there was any particularly dark spots.
The Echo of Oryx straightened his back and flapped his wings once. His eyes flashed crimson, and he spoke much more coldly and with much more anger. He spoke as if he was royalty, but not a stuck up snob, more of a devil who is willing to burn the world, "Think of this "God". Without you..." He took a sharp breath, and finished his sentence with raw malice bleeding from his words, "...they are mine." He changed to a more soft spoken monster, but the abrupt change seemed to be from the energy in this world. He had expended so much will and so much power with the Taken breaching the world and now that he had time to catch his breath, his mind was focused sharply.

The Echo slowly twirled around the Librarian, while all other Echos all over the planet vanished void for one. The Echo was dripping with a mist of raw Darkness, choking the world around it of Light and making it harden and free. The Echo spoke again, "Your fighting their battle..." He spoke softly yet the words held enough malice to pierce through flesh. His three eyes burrowed into the soul of the Librarian, letting the words try and open cracks in his defenses. "Genocide is a powerful accusation when you and these..." He slowly twitched his head to Globez, "....Humans... who slaughter themselves. Their faith and mind..." The Echo leaned in closer, almost grabbing Globez's head with it's leaking talons before swiping his hand at the air, "make Gods from NOTHING! We are gods to our species... but you?" The Echo slowly floated to the Librarian, the jaw opening wide as his cheeks came apart, revealing his quad-jawed maw, "You Librarian, have no House to call your own.... So you steal it from those you 'save'."

The Echo pointed to himself, "I... I am a true god, for I build my house from ash." He formed from the Void a sword of glowing fire to symbolize the next, burning the very veil of reality around himself, "Crota protects his house..." The blade vanished and was replaced with a glowing hour-glass, "Atheon thinks for his house..." The Hourglass smashed open and turned into a light teal rich fluid that seeped and fell from the Echo's talons, "Septiks Prime feeds his house..." His demonstration vanished as he placed a single talon against the Librarian's chest, "The Librarian threatens and breaks these Houses.... they are not what he wills so they are void...." The Echo claps, vanishing away before another one replaced him behind the Librarian, placing it's large talons on his shoulders, whispering into his ear, "The Librarian destroyed his own House and became alone.... The Woman and the Merchant followed his new House. They do as they please... for it their House of Flies to do with what they whim, even when they shouldn't."

Crimson Terrace


The true function of the spire of worlds was revealed, for it wasn't the second Black Garden. No, it was a dimensional fracture of raw Darkness that bled through both dimensions. The Crimson Terrace was the Darkness connecting both Black Gardens, that he was trying to trick everyone into believing was the true second Black Garden. He may not be able to connect multiple dimensions directly, but the Black Gardens were a place outside of Time and Space that could be connected. The first world above was completed. where the universe flipped to a different angle. The entire spire became instead of a skyscraper, a bridge between both worlds. From the white void, came a very weak yet beautiful fog that let go of snowflakes that cascaded down all over the Crimson Terrace. Oryx let a shiver ripple up his back as he flapped his wings. His eyes flashed a dark crimson before returning to light bluish teal color he always holds. His will dripped and escaped his dimension, and flooded back to the MCU.



Mercury will take... 34 days to reach the portal.

Golbez Moved his left hand to rest on his sword, not appreciating the closeness of Oryx."And what is it you do exactly?force others to your will who do not agree? Conquering other's homes for your own purpose? that makes you no more than a common tyrant" Golbez leaned against the wall and scoffed "Recourses and difference of opinion often lead to war with most creatures,we do not need any help with that,thank you."


Kaiden: Kaiden randomly appeared in the interior of some ship above a ravaged city crawling with all sorts of Taken scum. He looked at the Merchant and the Librarian with confusion in his eyes under his helmet, then to the Echo that stood in front of the Librarian. He recognized the three dot eyes as the same ones Crota bore. This was Oryx. He felt uncontrollable anger upon seeing Oryx. He reached for the Hawkmoon he kept behind his back.


Revan: Not expecting to be grabbed, Revan couldn't do anything but watch as Angron grabbed his head. The shock caused Revan to drop his lightsaber. He was too tired from all of the Force energy he had expended helping not only the group of soldiers, but Goku as well. He gasped for air under his helmet. Meanwhile, Goku was preparing his energy to ascend to his ultimate Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form to disable Angron for good.
"Do you have any leads at all to how we can stop this?" Vance really had no other questions. He felt stronger since the battle with the hell hounds and walked over to the wall. Without thinking much, he flicked his wrist and his hand crumbled a large part of the wall. No doubt about he was becoming more and more powerful as he went through these worlds. Soon Vance would have enough power to stand up against an Alpha. "Seeing as I don't want the end of this universe to come just yet. How about we work together? You are the only person i've met that acknowledges the seriousness of the tears.'


Wanting to finally finish off Revan, Angron raise the jedi in the air and precedes to stab him in the chest with his sword before repeatable slamming Revan's head into the ground at superhuman speed." Your death has arrived, coward!"


Revan: Revan was left on the ground, in intense pain and barely conscious. He bled from the wound in his stomach, and his face was bruised from being smashed into the ground, and his mask slipped off. He was inches from death.

Goku: From the area in which Goku stood back up, a blinding blue light covered much of the area. When it subsided, Goku stood in his Super Saiyan form, but his hair and eyes were both a deep cobalt blue with a similar aura surrounding him. He took a step, then vanished, reappearing in front of Angron. He reached out and grabbed Angron's arm, then launched him up into the air. Following him up, Goku landed a solid kick that launched him evem farther upwards. Goku Instant Transmissioned in front of him and caught him in the air, holding him just barely under the stratosphere.

"You slaughter those in your path and crush all who try to stop you. You deserve to be destroyed, but I won't lower myself to your level."
Still a little grogy by the attack combo, Angron waits until Goku finishes speaking before thrusting his sword at Goku's stomach." You weak pathetic welp! Who do you think your talking to? I will make you suffer for your insolence, xeno!"

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