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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Revan ACU

Revan, having mastered both the Soresu defensive style, the Niman blaster deflection style, and the Jar'Kai dual fencing style, Revan was able to parry the Red Angel's sword thrusts and reflect the plasma shots. Switching to the offensive, Revan took charge with elaborate swings from the Makashi fencing style while using the partially agressive Juyo form to put more power behind his saber movements.
Oryx pulled through the veil of time and space, reaching into the past to steal the most valuable thing ever back. Oryx's talons reached to moments before the Blade of Crota slayed it's master, and the body formed within Crota's realm. Crota's body was there just like before, and he will reforge his domain, but his soul would take another few decades to reform. Oryx's crimson eyes finally died down, and he shed a tear of joy as he in a way saved his son. But now, it was time to rebuild his forces! Now... all those elites that the Guardians killed in their travels? He spread his essence over time through the Vex machines, trapping the essence of the bosses right at their weakest moment. no, he had to pull even further to stop this stupidity, he reached into even those killed by the Reef, the Nine, even the Humans prior to the Guardians! A giant dragon ripped from the portal, covered in the darkness of the Taken. Auditory illusions dripped and bled from it, oh master of mine.

Skolas, Kell of Kells, dropped to his knees and grasped his own body. He couldn't believe he was alive! He screamed in despair and rage that he failed the Fallen yet again, but then starred in disbelief as Oryx gripped his head. Skolas screamed helpless to the Taken king, still weak from his 'death'. Oryx snickered, and said, "Your plan worked Kell of Kells... become Kell of the shadows..." Skolas was corrupted into the Taken, and vanished into the rifts once more. The Taken started to pluck and impale the minds of the dead and fallen, seeing what they know. Oryx returned Sekrion, the Nexus Mind to below the Ishtar Academy to finish turning the world into a machine. Ancient heroes and villains of the Light were brought back and infused. Villains like Osiris or Dredgen Yor, which only brought a smile to Oryx's face.

Oryx was bringing forth an army of immense proportions, one that no force would ever be able to stop if he unleashed it all at once. He held no desire to do so, but instead to conquer it all! Multiple confluxes flew from the sky and planted around the portals to the past and future, teleporting his armies to their docking positions. A few more hours until the first waves would go through, but time? Time was on his side for once, and nothing could stop him now... he hoped.

Using his massive blade to block Revan's attacks, Angron attempts to slash Revan's chest with his sword while firing his plasma pistol three times.

Revan and Goku in ACU

Revan switched back to the defensive as he narrowly blocked the swing from Angron's massive cleaver and deflected the three plasma shots. He hopped back and slammed his right palm into the ground, creating an eruption of Force energy that would push Angron up level with the top of the crater. After doing so, Revan unleashed a torrent of white Force Lightning onto Angron to immobilize and/or disable Angron and take him out of commission.

Goku was still gathering the energy for a Spirit Bomb, and the bomb itself was about as large as a person. Goku reached out with his Ki and spoke in the minds of Gregory, the assassins, and the Chinese soldiers.

"Please, raise your hands in the air and lend me your energy! I need more to defeat these guys!" Goku requested.

Crawling to his feet after being thrown from the crater, Angron slowly walks towards Revan with his Deamon sword ready while his power armor blocks most of the force lighting attack." Do you think you can defeat me with a few tricks, sorcerer! I will claim your skull for Khorne!"
Assassins Creed Universe

Connor continued to lead the group towards Gregory's tear only to be surrounded by around forty Khorne Cultists of the World Eaters, all were armed with melee weapons. The Cultists surrounded the group from all sides and charged towards the group. Connor and Gregory looked at each other before drawing their weapons and taking defensive stances while the soldiers opened fire, tearing into some of the Cultists.



The SWAT team, upon realizing that Brother Power was not there to help continued their assault. The garage door was blown open and the team opened fire but to their surprise there was no one inside, nor was there any equipment. On the floor lay the goon Harley had killed, surrounded by what appeared to be Christmas presents. The goon had been further mutilated, his eyes had been cut out and a permanent smile was carved into his face.

"Jesus Christ." One of the SWAT team members muttered.

"Stay alert, this might be a trap." Another member stated

Music suddenly began to play.

"One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock

Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock rock

Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock rock

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight." Harley sang in a cheerful tone. In response to the singing, the bombs were triggered as a beeping could be heard from inside the presents as well as on the dead goon. One SWAT member lifted up the goon's shirt, revealing Harley's message.

"Christ!" One shouted "It's a trap, get the hell outta here!"

"Put your glad rags on and join me hon'

We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one

We're gonna rock around the clock tonight

We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'till broad daylight

We're gonna rock, gonna rock around the clock tonight." The recording of Harley continued to sing as the SWAT team tried to flee the base as it exploded.
"Woah!" He jumped into (nonviolent) action and tried to rescue the remaining SWAT members. The Geek landed flat on his ass next to the commotion. "What was that about? The place exploded..."


Revan: Sneaking a glance up at Goku, his eyes widened under his mask at the size of the orb of energy Goku had accumulated over his head. Hearing more sounds of battle, Revan reached out and felt the presence of Gregory, the assassins, and the Chinese soldiers. They were surrounded and needed help. As he was about to launch a counterattack, Goku shouted at Revan to move. Keeping the giant ball of energy in mind, he made ready to leap out of the crater.

"You won't be claiming my skull for anything, monster." Revan goaded. Bending his knees, he leapt out of the crater with support from the Force while Force Pushing Angron to the ground. As soon as he landed, he gave a thumbs up to Goku.

Goku: Seeing Revan's thumbs up, Goku lowered his arms down towards the ground as if pulling a lever. The Spirit Bomb, now twice the size of Goku, was launched at its slow pace down towards Angron on the crater. Goku kept his hands in place to keep the bomb on track.

Turning his attention from Revan, Angron sees Goku heading in his direction with a large ball of energy. Angron puts his plasma pistol away before moving aside at hypersonic speed in an attempt to get behind Goku.


Revan: Dashing towards the small group of soldiers and assassins, Revan arrived by cutting through two of the cultists and blasting a third away with a Force Push. He dashed between cultists, slashing his sabers to cut them off from the group of others. He had hoped to take their attention from Gregory's group so they could get away.

Goku: Before Angron could charge him, Goku turned Super Saiyan 2 as the energy collected from the Spirit Bomb was being absorbed into him as he began charging his energy up. The Spirit Bomb shifted into a blinding golden shade as the energy shifted towards Goku.
Oryx had a great idea that would put the nail in the coffin forever. He slammed down a single fist, and screeched to the air as Taken appeared in the Vault of Glass. Atheon was reformed, Taken, and placed back into the heart of the Vault. The Templar was reformed as well, whom formed the Oracles once again. The Fallen machinery were still there, but now they had no purpose except for understanding. The Oracles processed the data, the Taken would require a large influx of weapons, easy to know but the vast scale of it? The strongest weapons were to be used from all the factions, they were to be used. Gorgons flooded the main chamber of the Templar, and their gaze started the formation. They made weapons and armor real, things that shouldn't be, turned into reality. Fallen Vandals acquired Line Rifles, while Dregs took their Torch Hammers and Slap Rifles. The Captains... were sent back to the Tower with Exotic Shards.

Skolas' dream of weapons and freedom were partially true at least, his house would truly become great! The Captains replicated the exotic weaponry from the Tower, forming the weapons of legend. The first Captain who claim her weapons, was Drevis, the Wolf Baroness. She claimed two exotic blades, both known as the "Raze-Lighter". Their ornate design burned with flame, and it demanded ashes. She claimed dual Dreg's Promises for her other hands, which all the other Taken did before her. Some were given different load outs to keep the foes of the Darkness on their toes, but it didn't matter. All of the Taken used the other machine, the exotic armor machine. They were forged and manipulated with Servitors to work with any race, and so it did. They stole the weapons of Light, but one of these weapons was hand crafted. A upgraded version of the Thorn, one designed to gnaw away at the Hive, was given to the creator of the Rose. He lifted up his newly created weapon, gave a smile, and then proceeded to lead the first group of Taken into the New World. A conflux was dropped in the Tower so that the Taken could invade the MC universe... and take their revenge!

As Sting dodges the gunfire from the Terminators... A Tear appeared behind him. Seizing the opportunity, Sting jumped into the tear, not knowing where it may lead him.
Terminator Universe

Syeron looked back at the tear as Sting jumped in. She turned her attention back to the Terminators, noticing that they were currently distracted by the tear. She took the opportunity to tear into them, only to notice that three T-700 units had managed to follow Sting through the tear.


Assassins Creed Universe

"A Jedi?" Gregory muttered, instantly noticing the lightsabers and use of the force. He drew his attention back to the fight as he blocked the attack of a cultist before decapitating him.

"Jedi?" Connor asked, kicking a cultist to the ground before he brought his tomahawk down upon the cultists head

"One of the good guys." Gregory smiled under his helmet

Connor and Gregory went back to back, surrounded by cultists as more swarmed into the area.

"Jedi!" Gregory shouted, trying to get Revan's attention as he killed another charging cultist by decapitating him "I have an idea!"

"Then do share it!" Connor shouted, blocking the attack of a cultist and finishing him off with a blow from his tomahawk



"That crazy bitch set a trap!" One of the SWAT members spat "That's what happened! You want to be useful, help us get some of our guys out!"


Revan: After cutting through one more cultist, Revan turned his head towards the group of soldiers after hearing his title of "Jedi." He really hadn't expected to hear that while in such a rustic universe. There must be someone like the Doctor he had met in the previous universe, which he hoped to return to in order to help repair it after the damage caused by Oryx's assault on that planet. He threw the saber in his off-hand so it impaled a cultist charging at Gregory. Charging after it, he cut down another cultist that attempted to stop him. Blasting two more out of his way with a Force Push, he pulled his missing saber back into his empty hand before activating it. He stopped right in front of Gregory and Connor.

"You called?"

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Vance took in all that he'd heard and stood up. "So we need to separate the universes again? From what you've told me if we continue to let this happen the Multiverse will be destroyed. Do you have any ideas on how we can do that? Or even where we can start."


Confused as to why his opponent's hair changed, Angron leaps at Goku with the intention of stabbing him in the stomach.


Goku: After absorbing enough energy from his Spirit Bomb, he outstretched both hands and placed the tips of his middle fingers at the edges of his eyes, turning Super Saiyan 3 as he charged up all the energy for a combo that he hoped would cripple this opponent.

"Solar.....FLARE!" Goku shouted. A bright flash surged from behind Goku that blinds most opponents that he uses it on. Next, he Instant Transmissioned under Angron and flew straight up with an oustretched fist, attempting to land a blow and take this...uh....demon...thing....out of the fight.

Final Fantasy Universe


Location:Lunar Whale

Dark violet eyes peered impassively into the spacious darkness of space from the bridge window of the Lunar Whale. The ship hummed quietly moving toward no specific destination.It had only been hours since the now empty ship had been full of friends, comrades and family, celebrating the defeat of The Creator. Hours since he left his birth home, the Blue Planet, though he was offered to stay he declined, it was for the best,after what he had done, he no longer belonged there..Hours since he left the Red Moon, where he returned to briefly to make sure his uncle had lived from the attack of the Mysterious Girl's attack,thankfully he had found his uncle resting in a stasis pod.with nothing keeping him here,he moves on,to where? he does not know,perpahs he can find a new home for the lunarians,or maybe he will never return.
Oryx unleashed the horde, as all over planet Earth in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Oryx's Echoes formed. The shadowy abominations told the tale, "I will not falter, and I will not surrender! The Time Lord shall pay, and if he doesn't? Well... there is no one protecting you anymore! Form from the Void my minions, I raise thee from the ends of Time itself! Rise Taken, rise from the tombs of this world, and consume it all!" The conflux fired beams of light and information deep into the tear, that flooded the world. The beams of light would hover and form a thick electric fog, before spewing out Fallen Taken with their new weaponry and armor. Hive Seeders flew in from the Tear, this time in even greater number then before. This attack other then it's orbital force made the last assault look like a scouting crew!

Then, the Darkness all over the world began to grow and strength, bubble and boil. Wakanda and New York were some of the few that had none, but everywhere else? The Darkness birthed forth the Echoes of Oryx, which began a planet-wide siege! Hive burrowed into the Earth, tunneling and hiding from the main fighters while forming the assault stronghold. Bathing in Darkness has given Oryx his true powers back, and now? Now he was FIRED UP!





Temporally blinded by the flare, Angron begins to swing his blade in all directions before being knocked back by Goku's strike. Enraged, Angron repeatable swings his blade at Goku at hypersonic speeds with the intention of chopping him into pieces.


Goku: Dodging Angron's attacks by the skin of his teeth, he began moving so fast he created an afterimage. He began evading Angron by dashing around him in a circle at extreme speeds, the afterimages making it seem like there were a dozen Gokus all around Angron. The real Goku was internally charging his energy in preparation for a Kaio Ken.
Assassins Creed Universe

Gregory half-smiled under his helmet and pressed a button on the side. His visor flipped up, revealing his face under a layer of protective, yet see-through material.

"If you use the force to throw a few of these guys into the air, I can shoot them down." He suggested, the half-smile still on his face.

He checked the ammo in his revolver. Eleven bullets. He loaded another bullet into the chamber and looked back at Revan.

"How does twelve sound?" He asked, only to recognize the mask. Was this really Revan? "Connor, watch my back. The last thing I want next to another viewing of the Prequel trilogy is to be attacked from behind."

"I don't think I'll ever understand you, Gregory." Connor smiled


Unknown Universe

"Oryx has returned. He intends to kill the Time Lord." The Merchant stated in a grim tone

"Shall we intervene?" The Woman asked

"No, I have something else in mind." The Librarian buttered in



The Doctor and Tesla were carrying out repairs on the Hellicarrier when the Darkness descended across the globe.

"I thought we destroyed his fleet..." Tesla muttered in a grim tone

"Doctor, do you have any more ideas?" Stevenson asked "I'd sure as hell like to hear one of them."

In the last invasion, they had used up the planet's supply of nuclear weapons as well as the enhanced death ray. Apart from agents, troops and Avengers on the ground, the planet was all but defenceless.

"What do we do?" One of the agents asked, his tone shaken and fearful

Gilgamesh was teleported into the skies above London by one of the three.



Unknown Universe

"It's just a theory, one of many we have, Vance" The Librarian explained "Unfortunately if this is the case, then there is nothing I or the other three can do. It is far beyond our power. I do hope this theory is wrong, as I would be destroyed too." He spoke in a glum tone.

He opened his briefcase and handed Vance a cocktail glass containing a green liquid. The glass had ice cubes, a fancy straw and a little umbrella

"There are of course, other theories, a being of higher power doing this is one of these theories. It's a bit less glum than the apocalypse of the entire Multiverse, but it still scares me, and you shitless."

The Librarian reached into his briefcase and pulled out a cocktail glass for himself identical to Vance's

"That is Dragonfly grey. A popular drink in another universe." He explained "If we are dealing with the death of the Multiverse I'm going to miss it."



Final Fantasy Universe

The Librarian appeared on the Luna Whale and approached Golbez.

"I want to talk to you."

Golbez was,startled slightly by the sudden appearance of the man on his ship.warily he eyed the strange man, "who...might you be?" he asked calmly.it was clear this man had appeared on his ship through other means.Golbez gestured for the man to proceed with his question.
Oryx slammed his talons down in outrage. Gilgamesh couldn't teleport, he could form his own material from that golden shimmering void, but he himself never teleported! Oryx snickered though, if he used that sword once again, it would never reach all of his minions, and if it did? He would have to destroy the entire planet or rupture the core to get to it that fast... so he had time. He could replace all the losses, and reinforce easily. Though... Dredgen Yor was warped into the battlefield. The dark Hunter was dripping with shadows, though held a helmet of gold and silver. Yor starred down to the helmet, and claimed the new armor as his own. It snapped on easily, and its name echoed in his mind, "Celestial Nighthawk". It will help him burn Gilgamesh dead, and as such Yor and his army waited for him.

Hive seeders flew from the Tear like meteors into a planet, though one seeder was aimed specifically. It aimed to embed itself into the SHIELD Hellicarrier, spawning forth orbs that would expand and bulged with darkness. It would birth forth swarms of Taken, while Hive awoke and attacked any thing they could. Oryx would not be defeated by these MONGRELS!

The Doctor approached the Taken swarming the Hellicarrier and put his hands up.

"I request an audience with your King." He spoke in a serious tone "Tell him it's The Doctor. Take me to your leader." He smiled



"Who am I is of little importance." The Librarian replied "What I want is not. As I speak, another world, another universe is at risk of being torn apart by a false God and I am looking for soldiers to fight him. You caught my interest."

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