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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Revan and Goku in ACU

Revan got rid of one of the Beserkers and readied himself as more would come to take him out. Another one lunged at Revan, which he sidestepped to dodge. Revan turned and sent a surge of white Force Lightning at the Beserker, frying it inside its armor. Two more lunged at him, and he sent them flying back at Angron with a Force Blast. The others hesitated before approaching Revan, to which he tried to convince them to back down.

"If you surrender and drop your weapons, I will show you mercy."

Meanwhile, Goku glared down Angron. As he stood, he began charging his Ki. A golden aura blazed around him, creating a small gale of wind and electricity to arc across his body on occasion. He would try to intimidate this one into submission first. Goku knew if he got too carried away in this fight, he might level the area.
Destiny Universe

"And who told you it was your job to conquer in the first place?" The Woman asked "Did some kind of higher being swoop down one day and say Hey Oryx, you know what sounds fun, genocide! You should totally try it!" She continued, sarcastically "No." She knelt down so that their faces met "You don't get to take the moral high ground...My associates and I are a bunch of assholes. That's obvious. The difference is we don't play the victim, or at least I don't..."

She stood up, looming over Oryx "I'll give you back a fraction of your army but in return, like I said I want something of yours. It's the way these deals work. I give you something, I get something in return. Balance."



"The clown? The Joker's been dead for a while" The cop replied "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the day I heard the news that the murdering scumbag was dead I was so happy I cried. He'd killed people I knew. Fellow officers. Turns out his girlfriend is just as crazy....I didn't see where she and the fire guy went....Wait, why are you looking for them?" He asked "If you're looking for revenge or something I don't think that's a good idea. There's a few SWAT cars heading to where they believe her holdout is."

As he spoke, a platoon of cars sped past on their way to Harley's base of operations.

"Oh look, there they go now. I hope they get that bitch." He spat bitterly


Terminator Universe

"This is going to be a bit difficult for you to hear." Syeron began "But you've stepped through into another dimension through what some are calling a tear...It took me a while to wrap my head around it too, but I sensed a great power in these tears. One I can't even comprehend."

She began to slowly approach Sting "See these robes? It means I'm a Jedi Knight, you can trust me." She attempted to reassure him "Right now, you need to get out of sight, this place is crawling with robots designed to kill anything remotely human and I'm in the middle of a rescue mission. If they spot you, your life will not be the only one unnecessarily lost. Follow me."
Not intimidated by his opponet's threat, Angron readies his blade before quickly lunges at Goku with the intention of stabbing him in the stomach.

Ignoring Revan's words, the Berzerkers charge at the jedi with their chainswords ready as the Butcher's Nail implant drives them into a murderous rage.
"Later, officer!" He jumped off in the direction of the SWAT Vans. Normally, the fuzz weren't this cooperative. His friends got arrested a lot. He also wasn't really afraid of the mannequin in hippie clothes, which was odd, but that didn't matter, man! He had a lead!

He jumped onto the top of the SWAT vans, barely making a sound upon landing. He was fairly light weight, after all.
Oryx snapped back at the attack, "And who told you to help Angron slaughter senselessly? Why did you not help me when Gilgamesh slaughtered all of my armies? I do not care what is right or wrong, I care for my people, my world, my allies, my friends. I gave countless worlds the chance to surrender, I spared lives, and you just warp time and space so my efforts are in vain. The Light killed my child, have you ever had that pain? Gilgamesh slaughtered millions, nearly destroyed my home and all of my spawn, and after Gilgamesh's attack I lost some of my power already! My Echoes could form and hurt, they could assimilate those into the Taken, I could warp space and steal beings into the Taken from a large distance away, from Saturn to Mars! My court was filled with the strongest warriors, and now they lay dead in graves! Besides... its not genocide when I killed less then their last rulers."

Oryx turned his back against the Woman, using his wings as a cowl, before stating, "I have no forces now, but they will rebuild, and I will endure. If I endure, I have proven myself to this reality that I can continue on. But the Light uses to much trickery. Did I revive the dead to slaughter endlessly? Oh fuck this.." Oryx turned around to the Woman, and stated, "I don't need an army. Is there anything else I can trade you, so that in some form I may finally fight and defend my children better, my worlds? Millions are not enough, and that Human with the glowing aura destroyed my Dreadnought before the blast did! I need to be able to fight against someone who could do that, otherwise... you have nothing I want. Name your price, though I wouldn't be half surprised if you killed me prior. Something I would actually need? The ability to teleport to whatever dimension I wanted like these Tears, or control them. Is that something you can offer me?" Oryx sniffed the air, the Tear energy, yes he could smell it. It still clung to the remains of the Dreadnought he held in his pocket. He sniffed the air to see if he could smell it off the Woman, but tried to keep it subtle.
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Revan and Goku in ACU

Revan sweeped one Beserker of its feet before picking him up with the Force and tossing him into another, knocking them both back. After another charged, Revan quickly parriedits slash and countered with a stab into its stomach, bringing the blade up to parry another strike and slashing with his second blade. Revan jumped back and unleashed a torrent of white lightning upon the beserkers, hoping to immobilize them. If he put more power behind the lightning, he'd be giving more into the Dark Side.

Meanwhile, Goku caught the blade as it was being thrust at him, but he was still being somewhat pushed back by Angron's charge. He kicked the blade away with his left leg then thust his right hand forward. He fired a beam of Ki energy directly at Angron.
Terminator Universe

Coming out of a tear near Sting with their theme song playing, Hulk Hogan and the other N.W.O members accompanying him. Looking around their new environment, Hogan and the rest of the N.W.O begin to cut a promo a Sting." STING! THE N.W.O HAS COME FOR YOU, DUDE!"

Assassins Creed Universe

Stumbling backwards after being struck by the blast, Angron sends a strike with his left fist aimed at Goku's face while attempting to slash him across his chest.

Sting smiles as the points his Baseball Bat at Hogan. "It's showtime, folks." Sting charges at Hogan swing his bat at the nWo members especially Vincent...

Revan and Goku in ACU

Revan then unleashed a huge Force Wave, knocking back the Beserkers. Eying Goku's fight with Angron, Revan unleashed a torrent of white lightning at Angron to create an opening for Goku. As his back was turned, however, a Beserker kicked him about 10 feet away, interrupting the torrent 2 seconds after he started it. Revan cried out in pain as he hit the ground, his back in pain. He worked his way back to his feet and readied himself for another bout with his sabers. Lunging forward, he impaled the Berserker with both blades and slashed both blades in different directions across the Beserker's chest.

To avoid Angron's attack, Goku Instant Transmissioned behind him. Goku kicked him up in the air, then followed him up. He side-kicked Angron forward, then teleported in front of him and kicked him up once more. Following this, Goku teleported once more above Angron and slammed his elbow into him, sending him crashing down to the ground with an impact that created a large crater. Goku shifted himself in the air so he was facing the ground and assumed the same position he did when preparing his Kamehameha against Oryx's ship.

"Kaaaameeeeehaaaameee..." he chanted as the glowing blue orb formed between his palms.
Leia and her squadmates hopped out the back of the transport as it stopped at the location they were supposed to be heading to, the homestead it was called, where Yeuzen had ordered the squad to set up a line around the Type-97 to keep a watch on anything outside the homestead's fences, and boy were those watchers needed, as a large group of men riding horses just simply appeared out of no-where, well not anywhere that Leia could see anyway, the squad as always turned to Yeuzen for guidance, who himself didn't seem to have an idea of what to do, which didn't exactly help the squad's nerves, given Yeuzen always knew what to do, but then the others that they had met all began planning or something similar, only for more unknown forces to appear from the sky, now engaging with the men on horses already on the ground, Yeuzen simply ordered his squad to fire at anything that wasn't one of the people they'd already met before, the crew in the Type-97 using it's turret on the top to begin firing at the airborne enemies above as they decended.

"Quick, what do we do?!" She asked in as calm a voice as she could, but it was still rather panicked, she of course hadn't been trained for situations like this, uprisings, sure, urban combat, of course, mountain trekking, you guessed it, but whatever the hell was going on here, certainly not, and her thought process had been stopped completely as a projectile, she didn't know if it was a bullet or not passed straight through her stomach, yelling in pain as she dropped to the ground, Yeuzen and Lauzo instantly sprinting over to her and cradling her for protection and support, Cho and Lang providing cover fire for them, her face was scrunched up in pain and her eyes squeezed shut, her hands were clutching at her stomach as blood poured out of the wound in the boatloads, but after less than a minute of agonising pain, it began to..dim down? She heard the astonished gasps of her squadmates, as she opened her eyes, she noticed that even Yeuzen#s eyes were widened, and she looked down at her `wound` only to see her stomach in one piece, the projectile had torn a hole in her uniform and so she could see the skin clearly, but it was perfect, it was like nothing had ever touched it, Leia herself being lost for words and breath at the sight, she looked back up at her peers to see their astonished faces, all being knocked out of their trance like state at Leia's extraordinary recovery as Lee, the squad medic ran over to help her iwth her now non-existant wounds, upon noticing the absense of any wounds he simply yelled "來吧,我們正在火!讓我們繼續前進!" (Come on, we're taking fire! Let's go!) Yeuzen regaining his composure as he nodded and jerked his head, the other 3 nodding and running back to behind whatever cover they could find, firing in return to the enemies attacks towards the manor. Leia was rubbing at her stomach, still in awe at what had happened. How could I..how does this--what..? Grabbing her GZ-03 from the ground now and flicking the safety off as she kept the assault rifle close to her, getting on her knees as she began to fire back at the enemies, to the best of her ability as he was still strucken by what had just happened to her.
Destiny Universe

"I will never give you that kind of power...Shit, I don't even have that kind of power." The woman replied in a bitter tone "Do you think we can control the tears? Fuck no! If so, we would send anyone who crossed us into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy. We would open and close them at will. We would eventually turn on each other, becoming mad with the power of the Multiverse itself!"

She stepped away

"No one should have that kind of power. As for being able to teleport to other universes at will, no. Genocide is not about how many people you can kill, it's about targeting specific races or groups in the intent to kill them all. I have witnessed genocides measuring in merely the hundreds to ones measuring in billions. That was when we had an oath of non-interference. We broke that oath and that's why we're here, making deals." She explained in a grim tone "I gave the Red Angel back part his army because I wanted something from him. That was the deal we made."


Terminator Universe

"Stand down! All of you!" Syeron commanded, trying to take charge of the situation. She used the force to push Sting and the NWO away from each other but it was too late. The commotion had already caught the attention of a group of around thirty Terminator T-600 and T-700 units who quickly opened fire. Syeron used the force again to push the wrestlers behind her.

"You boys play nice while I deal with these droids!" She smiled, drawing her lightsaber and blocking the lasers of the Terminator units. "Is that all you've got, you worthless pieces of trash!" She shouted at the Terminators, continuing to deflect their lasers.

Max, upon seeing the commotion below opened fire with his laser rifle, taking out several Terminator units with well-timed head shots.

"Bishop you stay out of this shit for now." He commanded his canine companion, causing Bishop to stand guard behind Max. "Well what are y'all standing around for?" He asked the Alliance Marines "Suppressing fire or some shit. Medics, keep tending to your man."

"Valentine." Mil spoke over the radio "I have located the scientists."

"Is it really you this time or is it another trick?" Max asked, firing another shot

"Tell Admiral Hackett I want a fucking raise!" Max heard the voice of an angry scientist. He had a thick Scottish accent "It's us, I'll buy you a drink when we get back! Are ya a cider or beer fella?"

"Now I know you're not a robot..." Max smiled "Beer, I guess."

There was a brief brake in the Terminator's fire as they stopped to try and focus on other targets, judging that Syeron would try and defend the other humans. As they switched to target the building, Syeron noticed a window of opportunity.

"My turn." She muttered, smiling before releasing a strong force push that disorientated some of the Terminators and lunged forwards, slicing five of them to pieces within seconds.


Assassins Creed Universe

"What the 'ell?" Gregory muttered, taken aback by Leia's healing "I'll ask later, we need to go. Now! Stop firing and run!"

A Bezerker broke in through one of the windows and attacked. Gregory stood in the way, blocking it's blade with his own. Connor hit it from behind but found that his tomahawk was not able to pierce through the armour. He opted for dropping a smoke bomb instead as the Bezeker turned around to fire at him. Gregory was able to see through the smoke and used to his advantage, drawing his revolver and shooting the Bezeker in the head as he spun around. The armour piercing bullet was able to pierce through the armour and killed him instantly.

Gregory's relief was short lived as two more were able to breach the manor, opening fire. Gregory dived to the ground, taking one of the civilians, a large bearded man with him. As the bullets whizzed over their heads Gregory contemplated who the invaders were, but quickly drew his attention back the situation at hand. One of the Chinese soldiers attempted to shoot at the Bezerkers but was quickly ripped apart by their gunfire.

Gregory took this diversion to take the civilian and run to the back of the house with Connor and the others behind him.

"He's gone!" Gregory shouted "We need to leave!"

A group of five Khorne Cultists emerged from behind the trees at the back of the manor and charged at the group. They were quickly ripped apart by gunfire from both the muskets and the more advanced weaponry of the Chinese soldiers. Connor led the group forwards, taking several glances back at the manor. His home was not in flames yet, as his old home had been but he feared that it would be soon.
Oryx snorted, his rage no longer on her, but on the Doctor. Oryx spoke himself, "Every story is genocide now adays isn't it? Light vs Dark, Good vs Evil, Hive vs Fallen, et al." He waved his hand forward to emphasize the point before continuing, "What do you want from me? I am merely durable, without my armies, its not like I can do much. But..." He hesitated a moment, and stepped forward towards her. "...You can create life and matter out of nothing, forge complex things with such ease. You seemingly can teleport and warp space, that is how I see it! Your more powerful then these damned Tears, and you arrived mere minutes after I came out of a tear. You seem connected... but I will lay off that. Pray tell though, what can you offer me, and what do you want, plus for whom?"

Brother Power relaxed on the roof of the van, philosophising about his place in the grand scheme of things and what-not.

And then he realized what the cop said; "...Wait, the Joker died?..." Was this one of his wacky plans or did he really kick the bucket?

A Certain Universe

After a while, Warrior realized something. "At night, when our enemies fill the streets, where do we stay? WHERE DO WE GO WHEN THOSE WHO WOULD HARM THE SMALLER AND WEAKER OF US?!" He pointed to Stevie, who he assumed was the weakest of the group. "...where?"
A Certain Universe

Stevie narrowed her eyes at Warrior. "If I'd just evolve, I wouldn't be so weak. Besides, you're the one who needs a place to crash. I've been wild for a while."

Although, she wondered which evolution she could get. She doubted she could find an evolution stone since even those were hard to come by, but a moss stone and icy stone would be even more difficult. The only remaining options were Espeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon, which either took high trust or high affection. They might be achievable if she got adopted as a pet.
"I'm from Parts Unknown...I AM wild...THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR IS OUT OF CONTROL!" He looked over at Accelerator "Which leaves you, Accelerator. As our brother-in-arms, do you have a place to return to from battle? Do you have a cottage to come back to after slaying the beast? This is your homerealm, after all."
"They put me up in an apartment. I don't exactly know how I'm going to explain you two to my guardian. Or Worst. Or Last Order." He got a bit quiet. If it was just the dingo it would be so easy but the Warrior is as out of control as he said he was. "I wonder what the fuck that hero is doing, I bet he can put you idiots up for a day or two..." For now though he decided they should probably head to his place. At the very least Yomikawa was Anti-Skill and could probably put Warrior up in a holding cell or something for the night. "Come on." He started to hobble down the sidewalk.
"The Last Order...are they connected to the New World Order?" Warrior walked along his chum. "And should we tell someone about these tears? These holes in reality? These holes that any threat could crawl out of and threaten this world?"
"Everyone important probably already knows. This place should be clammoring with students right about now. The fact that it isn't means that there's already something in place," Accelerator said offhandedly before turning towards the Warrior slowly. Death was in his eyes, "Last Order is a little brat and if you so much as breath something that might hurt her I will introduce you to the wonderful world of being reduced to plasma from friction with the air alone."
"What do you take me for? A killer? A HOMICIDAL SUICIDAL GENOCIDAL MANIAC?! DO YOU THINK I WOULD BETRAY ALL THE WARRIORS OUT THERE LIKE THAT?!" It wasn't clear if Warrior was angry or simply just a little madder than usual.
Seeing the sparks fly, Stevie quickly asked, "Who's Last Order? Does she like Pokemon? Think she has any fur allergies?"
"I don't take chances when it comes to her," Accelerator's stare was not diminished by the Warrior's yelling, "She is the one thing I will protect above all else. That enough for you?" He glanced to the Dingo. "She's someone precious to me. I don't know what a Pokemon is, and no she doesn't."
He nodded "Just take us to this apartment of yours. I won't hurt her." It was clear that Accelerator was protective of Last Order. He really could've just said that she had nothing to do with the nWo, but I guess those are the breaks when it comes to emotional teenagers.
GFW Office (Global Force Wrestling office)

A Mysterious figure watches the monitor... He observes Sting's "adventure" in the Terminator-verse... The Figure smiles then laughs...

"That Jurassic Slapnut doesn't know what's gonna happen next... and once Terry ((Hulk Hogan's real Name) and his nWo Goonies gets him... Ain't nothing stoppin'..." *Figure turns around revealing himself as Jeff Jarrett* "THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN! JEFF JARRETT FROM CONQUERING THE MULTIVERSE AND MAKING IT A PART OF PLANET JARRETT!" Jeff Jarrett Laughs as his minions laugh along with him... "HEY, SLAPNUTS! WHEN THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN LAUGHS! HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO LAUGH WITH 'IM!"

Jarrett then talks to himself. "Dang, minions... don't know when to shut the hell up! A bunch of Slapnuts, they are."
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Terminator Universe

Seeing that Sting was busy attacking the other N.W.O members, Hogan waits until Sting's back was turned before attempting to hit Sting's back with a steelchair.

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