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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

"YOU CAN DO IT, ACCELERATOR! TEAR NASH'S QUAD!" Warrior cheered on Accelerator, as he grabbed Macho Man's Slim Jims. "SNAP INTO IT!"
Kevin Nash

Not wanting to be picked up, Nash begins to repeatable strike Accelerator's head before suddenly yelling in pain after tearing one of his quads.
Warrior attempted to cheer the dingo up with a Slim Jim and set 'er down.

"Worry not, small dingo. The blood of the warriors flows through you, too."
The blows all glanced off Accelerator's head. His vector manipulation keeping his skinny teen body from harm. "Warrior! Finish Hogan off!" He'd distracted everyone else. The ref was a non issue. With one last push He flung Kevin Nash away from him and moved to keep the rest of the NWO busy by flinging the very air itself at them.creating a small whirlwind barrier around the ring to keep anyone else from entering. He felt like it wasn't his place. Someone as powerful as him couldn't be subbed in for someone like Warrior. He could barely be touched by these guys, much less threatened. "Show him the power of the One Warrior Nation!" He didn't know what he was saying. He worried that he'd gone a little crazy from hanging out with these people. Well a little crazier.
With her feet finally on the ground, Stevie collapsed to her side, dizzy from all the wild movements. "Just... let me... catch my breath..."
Warrior ran over to hogan, lifted him up, and did a gorilla press. He then proceeded to run into a rope and splash onto Hogan, attempting to get the pin.
Just as the ref is about to count to three, Hogan shoves Warrior off of him before standing up. Shaking his head and hands up and down as he gathers the power of all the citizens of the N.W.O, Hogan points at Warrior punching Warrior, Accelerator, and Stevie repeatable while no selling their attacks.
Accelerator No Selled Hogan's attacks right back at him. "Alright time to go." The NWO gave Hogan power but Accelerator was The One Who Wielded the Power of God. Something on the level of a nation was nothing to him. He could bring down entire militaries by himself and had in fact done so before. The whirlwind roared around them as Accelerator charged, altering the vector of his strength to the point of being able to punch through steel and delivered a blow to Hogan's sternum.
Consumed by the power of the N.W.O, Hogan is barely by Accelerator's attacks and simply looks at him with his mouth wide open while shaking his head before delivering a powerful big boot.
"I don't think you quite get how Auto reflection works. Any force that acts on me I automatically redirect outwards with my power. Now if you have anything you'd like to try I'm gonna go lethal next move alright? This is your one chance to give up before I crush you within an inch of your life." Accelerator stopped, Hogan's attack glancing off of his body once again. At these levels Accelerator couldn't hold back. He couldn't keep wasting his charge so he'd crush this foolish man.
Ignoring Accelerator's threat, Hogan runs backward and bounces off ropes before delivering a powerful clothesline.
Clicking his tongue Accelerator allowed his auto reflection to go unhampered. If struck Accelerator would now send the the force attempting to touch him back several times over. Simply punching him would probably lead to breaking every bone in one's arm. He also stopped giving a fuck entirely. He slammed his foot down and with it enough force to pulverize the entire ring into scrap.
Vance watched cautiously as the man approached the two. He stepped toward him and spoke. "Let's not do anything hasty. I'm sure we can travel somewhere else or you can transport us somewhere?" Vance offered this tentatively this man still had an unknown amount of power that was greater than his. So he had to be cautious.

Oryx finished healing within the Taken Dimension, and awoke with a loud deep yawn. He breached the dimensions from the Taken Dimension, forming directly above the mighty vessel of Humanity, the Traveler. Even IF Angron and Gilgamesh were his foes, they gave him the biggest boon of them all, direct access to the home world of the Guardians! Now that his army could be fully expended and he would win without a single doubt, he unleashed Hive Seeders against the unbeknownst foes. The burning seeders slammed through buildings, shattering stone and concrete before unleashing Wizards, Thrall, Acolytes and Knights. Vortexes of energy exploded all over the Last City, dragging civilians up and out of the dimension to become the slaves of the Darkness...

Cayde-6 lifted up his golden gun, happy to finally be able to fight, yet terrified of the Taken. Eris Morn grasped her head and fell to her knees, unable to comprehend the raw Darkness around her, before being dragged straight into it. Zavala charged under the flaming shots of Cayde-6, smashing in the face of a Knight with his shoulder charge, and then began fighting the Hive. Ikora roared in outrage, glowing with a teal coat of electricity before unleashing her lightning all over the Hive that dropped from the skies. Unfortunately, Cayde-6 was killed by a Hive Seeder crashing straight through the Traveler's Walk, crushing the Exo. The Hive began to overwhelm Zavala, slashing and blasting him while abusing his small area of effects. Wizards unleashed their darkness clouds, nearly freezing Zavala down to a near halt. He starred up in horror as a Knight approached to him, and everything went to black as the Knight chopped his head off. Ikora's stormcall ended before the Hive got their advantage, and as soon as the Hive moved to take their advantage, Guardians leaped into the mix!

Sunstrikers stroke the forge, forming the Hammers of Sol and unleashing their artillery of flame! Voidstalkers leaped in waves with Goldengunners, unleashing tangling arrows before causing the vast explosions of flame. Void orbs dropped and coated the battlefield from armies of Voidwalkers, winning the skirmish on the Tower for then and there. The Guardians and Ikora quickly ran to the Tower Watch, seeing the city burn and flood with Hive. Tombships choked the sky, firing off void blasts while constantly supplying the outside of the City. Boomers fired near constantly, sieging the edges of the city while ripping through buildings. Oryx decided that it was time to cause the agony of the Guardians, and unleashed the new Civilian Taken. They twitched around violently like Skivers, clawing at the Guardians who began their disciplined fire. However, the Civilian Taken also had the power of the Taken Psion, splitting their bodies every 15 seconds! The vast army flooded the Tower, stealing to many bullets and light from the Guardians. One by one they were consumed by the horde, and then used to fight the Guardian forces. Dark hammers flew forward, instantly murdering Guardians just like in their Crucible. The Ghost and Light of the Guardian were stolen within mere moments, and like the Sunstrikers more Guardians flooded the field.

Oryx personally arrived behind the Guardians, sweeping his blade to kill a large number of them at the Tower. He gave off a satisfied before impaling Ikora Rey through the skull, instantly tainting her light and taking her to the Darkness. Oryx has won, he finally won! The Traveler screamed in pain and agony silently, dropping down to the ground before exploding into raw Light. Oryx's ambush was so perfectly placed and timed, and now he held a fourth of all the Guardian forces. Most of them were still fighting at the Mars-Saturn area where his ship was just prior. This dimension saw it as only a few moments, while for him it was.. a day? He was going to bring this fight back to those pathetic swines! Gilgamesh had to use the light of the Traveler to obliterate his army, even then they all just simply had to heal! Only with Oryx's death would the Taken end, and they were never going to end! Oryx, now infused by a rush of Darkness formed a Taken version of his fallen minion, Sardok, Eye of Oryx. The Taken would watch over the new conquest, using the Hive that fell from the Dreadnought to fight. Oryx, with only 35% of all the forces he started with, escaped into the Taken Dimension and appeared next to the Tear. The Light was all that stopped him, and thanks to the Tear, it denied the Light! Now... Oryx flew through the Tear to any dimension, waiting and hungering for his new Taken Army...

Harden picked himself up, back to at least ninety percent. He overheard the older man telling Faith what to do. No one tells Faith what to do. He cringed as she drew the Scythe. It was the weapon designed for a Slayer, which worried Harden a little; Faith was a ruthless angel of death when it came to those kinds of things. "NOPE!" he yelled, flinging his hands out. The weapon practically flew to him, familiar with the power that liberated it.

"Okay! You." he pointed the weapon at the wolf-boy. "This is the thing that took out our big bad. Make another sound and I'll make sure it's sticking out of you." He wouldn't be able to decapitate him, but he could give Faith an opening. It annoyed him that she had her hands on it, but he put that aside for the moment.

"Old man. Who the fuck are you? And be honest, because I have been bitten, chomped at, insulted by a daft mute who can only think about dragons and blood, and I just hopped though a portal." The witch gave the man a side glance that would chill the bones of the First, itself. "Talk. Now."


Revan clutched his head in pain with both hands and dropped to his knees before he could rebuke the inventor, Tesla. His face showed pain, but he made no loud screams. He had just felt, across a universe, the simultaneous deaths of many of those who served their own variation of the Light Side of the Force. The Dark just completely overwhelmed it, and he felt that Darkness would soon be upon him. After all, he was the strongest source of Light in his current universe. A cold sweat formed on his brow as he contemplated this mass extinction.
Vance sucked in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. Why did these 2 gung ho assholes have to follow him? "I don't give a fuck about your big bad. And you definitely don't get to disrespect me." He paced a bit and looked at Harden. "I don't know why it is you followed me. But, this man is not someone you can mess with. Can't you sense it? His power? Its greater than mine or yours. I can't determine how powerful he really is. So If I were you I would calm down and think this through before messing with people you know nothing about." He finished his small speech with eyes that beheld many things but none as strange and powerful as this.

Not expecting the ring to collapse, Hogan falls unconscious after falling to the ground due to the ring breaking.

Harley saw a lot of potential in Caim and she wondered about how she could use this potential ally. She wouldn't need those useless goons anymore if she had someone with Caim's strength and abilities. The goons she had brought with her had either been killed or fled back through the portal, Caim on the other hand had stayed and fought the hounds by her side.

"How would you like a job?" Harley asked Caim "There'll be a lot of murdering involved..."



The librarian smiled in response to the threats of Harden and Faith.

"Are you seriously trying to threaten me?" He giggled "The things that scare me are far beyond your comprehension..." His tone switched to serious and threatening as he stepped forwards, putting himself in front of Vance. He kept looking at the two, even as Vance gave his speech.

"The wolf-boy as you call him is right you know." He pointed at Vance "Leave us be, and I'll let you leave here alive. That's a promise..."


Destiny Universe

Amongst the destruction of the tower, a lone figure walked through the flames, watching Onyx's fleet leave. The Merchant frowned as he looked upon what had been left behind.

He approached a dead Guardian, knelt down and shut his eyes. He looked up and clenched both fists tightly. With the massacre of so many who had fought for the forces of light and with the death of the traveller, the Merchant felt a great imbalance in not just the universe but within himself. He clenched his chest, letting out a grunt in pain. A look of fury was in his eyes as he stared up at the tear.

"Oryx!" He screamed



The Doctor approached Revan and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone, catching the attention of Tesla. He ran towards the two and rested a hand on Revan's shoulder "Let me help." He spoke in a soft tone
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Sardok raised his mighty head, only slightly shorter then his master. The giant Knight had glowing green lines all over his body that gave off a unholy feeling from the monster. It lifted up a weapon forged from the core of a dying star, the Hive Boomer, but this one was easily the size of a full grown man. The giant roared out commands in the tongue of the Hive, which the monsters did nearly instantly, respecting their sub-commander. Thrall leaped straight off the edge of the Tower into the wilderness, and began to hunt the Fallen. Acolytes got to vantage points, and surveyed the land to make sure not a single soul escaped the Taken. The Knights patrolled the streets while ripping down doors, finding any survivor and dragging them alive to Sardok for conversion. Skivers lead the Thrall, zooming way ahead of them and scouting for the Fallen. Sardok roared in a horrific English that quivered and shook the soul, "TAKE.... THEM.... ALL..."

Oryx unleashed his magic all over the Tear, forcing his immense will into it. The magic was trying to corrupt the Tear to show Oryx it's secrets, and let him guide this new dimensional rift. The Tear allowed him to move in his dimension almost 8 times faster then the speed of light alone, so he hoped this would work. Otherwise, he was just simply waiting until he exited the rift...

Accelerator, his work finally done leaped from the ring and grabbed his cane before turning his electrode back to normal mode. That had been a huge waste of time and now he wasn't quite sure what was really going on anymore. He'd gotten a hell of a lot more absorbed in that wrestling fiasco than he'd planned and had lost track of that Doctor guy and the rest of them. "Feh," He let out as he scanned the ship, eventually seeing them over by a docked vessel talking to some new guy. "You know what, I don't think I really care anymore."



Caim raised an eyebrow. 'More murder? You have my interest.' He just gave a toothy smile and nodded. This would be a good distraction and perhaps a chance to learn skills that he could apply back home. Skills that could help him free a certain red dragon. 'This new world is looking way better than that last monochrome pile of shit. Wait...' Again Caim's memories trailed off to something he was definitely sure had not actually happened. Dismissing the thoughts he again tried to communicate his agreement to Harley's deal with an affirmative thumbs up.
Stevie pulled herself out of the collapsed ring. Her fur was ragged and her body ached all over. She hated Fighting-types.

The Eevee walked to the coffee can she previously scoffed at, her legs throbbing with each step, and she knocked the can over to spill what little remained. Stevie slowly lapped at the tiny, lukewarm coffee puddle. Something about a "slim jim" lingered in her mind. Maybe she should search the rubble of the ring once Hulk Hogan was gone.

Revan stood, shrugging off the two strangers. He glared up at the space in the air from which he came through. The Dark energy he had sensed earlier flowed through the rift, and he felt it. It seeped into his thoughts, trying to awaken the Sith in him. He closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts to the Light. This Light energy crept into the rift and back to the Dark's source: Oryx. Revan opened his eyes once more, under his mask.

I'm fine. I just felt...unbelievable darkness across a great distance. A strong source of Light energy has just been completely overwhelmed. I fear its next target will be here. Me."
Warrior approached the spacem'n, looking directly at him. "Is it the NWO? DO THEY SPAN GALAXIES NOW?!"

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