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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

After being knocked back a little by the clothesline, Steiner flexes his muscles in front of Warrior before attempting to shove the Ultimate Warrior into the N.W.O's corner.
Warrior pushed back, pushing Steiner back. He proceeded to punch him in his face, knocking him near Accelerator.
Accelerator looked to the wrestler knocked in his direction and quickly flipped on his electrode. He used the increased processing to really get his footing and brace his right arm against the ropes. If the wrestler so much as touched Accelerator he would be bounced right back to the Ultimate Warrior. The teen made sure to tone the force of his reflection down to non lethal levels manually. He was pretty sure, even with his extremely limited knowledge, that wrestling a sport and not some kind of death game. Mostly sure anyway. Probably 50/50 chance of not being a death game.
The fight in the ring caught her full attention. Stevie approached the ring and sat her furry butt down nearby. Why push this scrawny teenager--who was clearly more about Special than Physical--into a fighting ring? That question wasn't important, though. Stevie knew better than to ponder over someone else's strategies.

It was nice to be a spectator to a battle for once, though. Humans watched far too often while pokemon did the fighting.
Warrior grabbed the flying Steiner and slammed him into the ground, followed by banging his chest. If he slammed Andre, he could slam Big Poppa Pump!
With no more men coming his way Accelerator turned his choker back to normal to conserve battery. He hoped he wouldn't have to use too much more on this contest but at least Warrior seemed to be having fun. Or degenerating into lunacy. They looked roughly the same on this man Accelerator figured.
Nearly knocked out by the force of the slam, Steiner slowly crawls towards the N.W.O's corner and precedes to tag Hogan in before rolling out of the ring. Not wasting any time, Hogan repeatable attacks Warrior's head with powerful blows before attempting a body slam.
Stevie groaned and lied down. No Special moves. There wasn't much she could learn from this fight, and Fighting-types weren't exactly her favorite. She looked at the group questioning the Jedi and found them still talking. Stevie then shifted her focus to the teen next to her and found him just as interesting. She felt very out of place since those around her seemed far more invested in the fight than she had at the moment.

Only one Hellhound remained. It slowly crawled towards Harley, injured from fighting.

"Bad dog..." Harley muttered, raising her bat above it's head and proceeding to smash it's head in. She continued to hit it even after the Hellhound has stopped moving, just as she had done with the other one. This time, there were no distractions and she was able to hit the mush that was once the head of the hound for as long as she wanted. Harley had a giant grin on her face and laughed gleefully, almost in some kind of trance state.



"I'll move up and hit them from the right." Syeron replied "Mil will him them from his side and the rest of you hold ground and hit them here."

"You're going alone?" Max asked

"Trust me, I can handle myself." Syeron smiled, winking at him.




"In my universe you're just a story, the Jedi." The Doctor explained "But that's the thing, with parallel universes. An infinite number of possibilities." His tone became more enthusiastic and fast-paced as he spoke "Imagine a universe where the only difference is that your lightsaber is a different shade, or even where the only difference is that you overslept." He paused for a second before continuing "Then imagine more...Varied differences. Take for example, one of your enemies is born on a planet your friends call home instead of a twin planet in a different part of the galaxy...Or a story is fact rather than fiction."


Assassins Creed

Connor nodded at Jakob as he led the future Assassin and the others inside the manor. As several soldiers kept watch, Connor took Jakob and the others to the armoury. Along with multiple Assassin outfits was a large number of weapons. Connor took every arrow he could carry, storing them in his quiver.

"Ammo check." Connor spoke, taking control of the situation "We need to know how much we can throw against these things."

"I haven't fired a single shot." Gregory stated "Not since I got here."



@1stLt HChurch

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Caim, feeling left out now that all the hell hounds were dead, decided to stab one of the dead ones near him. Something occurred to him and he approached Harley pointing his sword at the one she was hitting and trying to get her attention. When he felt he'd achieved his goal he held out his left hand and a small fireball formed in it before popping. He then pointed to the hell hound with his sword again. 'If she's cool with this it's gonna be sweet as hell!' Caim couldn't contain his own manic smile as he again repeated the small fire ball popping in his hand while poking the corpse with his blade.
Warrior put his own up to Hogan's hands, attempting a test of strength.

"THE GRECCO ROMAN KNUCKLE LOCK!" He proceeded to push Hogan with all his might, towards Accelerator,
Not wanting to seem weak, Hogan applies all of his strength to the hold as he tries to push Warrior towards the N.W.O's corner." IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO FACE THE FULL POWER OF THE N.W.O, BROTHER!"
"What the fuck is even going on anymore? I fought aliens like less than an hour ago and now I'm doing this." Accelerator watched as the two men struggled, hand hovering over the switch at his neck as he tried to piece together what they were saying. They were speaking English, at least Accelerator assumed they were, but it still came out as incomprehensible gibberish to him. He needed more coffee.
Needing a free hand, Warrior loosened his hand from Hogan's, He then grabbed the rope, and punched punch Hogan in the jaw."THE ONE WARRIOR NATION IS STRONGER! ALL THE WARRIORS OUT THERE GIVE ME THE POWER TO TAKE YOU ON!"
"I don't know what's going on either. I think it's just ego, though," Stevie blandly stated. "It should be over soon." She then looks up at Accelerator while trying to conceal her hope. "Soooo... wanna ditch these guys? Get something to eat? Something with lots of protein?" Then, though, Warrior made her jump. "WHY THAT ROPE? WHAT'S HE DOING?"
Nearly knocked off his feet by Warrior's punch, Hogan signals Scott Hall to distract the ref for a few seconds before delivering a low blow with his right foot. After delivering the low blow, Hogan repeatable strike the Warrior's head five times with his right hand before attempting to throw him into the N.W.O's corner." THERE WON'T BE A WARRIOR NATION ONCE THE N.W.O IS DONE WITH YOU, DUDE!"
Warrior fell to the floor, crawling to the other end and held his hand out for Accelerator. "Feel the power of the One Warrior Nation flow through you..."

He thought back to his old tag team partner, Sting, who also fought the NWO.
Seeing that his low blow was effective, Hogan goes to his team's corner and tags in the Giant.

The Giant

Eager to get some revenge, the Giant grabs the Ultimate Warrior's angle and precedes to drag him to the middle of the ring before delivering an elbow to the Warrior's back.
One last time then. Esper mode flared back to life as he barely managed to tag in before Warrior was dragged out of reach. He glared at Hulk Hogan. Clearly by having his companion distract the ref this man had done something underhanded. Probably. It's entirely possible that it was a legal strategy, it's not like anybody had stopped Accelerator from bringing his gun into the ring.

"Hey big guy, it's you and me. I think." Accelerator said with some uncertainty. Remembering he was on a rather strict time limit, Accelerator lunged forward and made to grab the Giant. He multiplied his strength several times over and made to lift and fling the Giant out of the ring. Ring outs were a thing right? He wasn't sure but if he threw him a ways out of ring he'd be able to focus on Hogan and end this farce.

Just before Accelerator could enter the ring, the ref gets in his way and begins to repeatable tell him to get out of the ring.

Hulk Hogan

Taking advantage of the distracted ref, Hogan quickly enters the ring and kicks Warrior in the back of the head before returning to his corner.
Accelerator replied to the Ref being in his way by simply removing him. "Fucker, out of the way, I got tagged in," he swung his left arm, knocking the air it touched towards the ref to throw him back. He then went to Warrior's side. He'd clearly gotten hit again. "Alright that's it! All of you guys are going down! You first Hogan! It's about time you learned that your life from here on out is a one way road! It's best you tuck your tail between your legs and run back to whatever corner you came from!" He put up his fists and assumed what he figured was a fighting stance. He was still just a scrawny albino teenager essentially mimicking what he saw on the covers of magazines. It didn't look terribly convincing.
Warrior sat there. It was pretty good for a first timer who'd never cut a promo. It was clear that the blood of all the warriors out there was flowing through him.

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