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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Oryx, finally had his chance. Teal flames jetted out of the slit wound, sealing the skin as Oryx charged like a football player... but towards his ship. He slammed the ground with his talons, and began to fly at speeds just under the sound barrier. Most of his forces should be healing in the Taken Dimension, plus he still has at least 25% of his crew still alive for that ship to have any readings what so ever, but that was maybe pushing it. He's going to need a bigger army, maybe even two, nay three more Dreadnought sized fleets alone. No matter, Oryx unleashed his will, forcing himself and the Dreadnought to vanish back into the Taken dimension to heal, whatever was left of his army would do.
"This way!" The Doctor shouted, directing the humans to the TARDIS while the SHIELD agents provided covering fire. Not all of them were able to make it, with some escaping humans being cut down by their Sycorax captors. Through the chaos, gunfire and swords they were able to make it to the TARDIS as the agents cleared out the Sycoax. Tesla allowed an injured captor, a young man in his twenties to lean on him for support as he made his way back to the TARDIS.



The woman approached Angron and placed both hands on his face "This might hurt a bit..." She muttered. A glowing yellow light coated her hands as she stripped Angron of a part of his abilities. The process took several seconds, but for someone involved it would feel like minutes or even hours depending on their pain tolerance.

She stepped away from Angron, the yellow energy fading.

"And now for my part of the deal..." She muttered, snapping her fingers. The Space Hulk appeared in the skies above the planet, on-board was a fraction of what had been Angron's forces. On the ground two hundred of his space marines surrounded Angron, ready to serve him.

"Remember this, Angron..." The woman spoke in a serious tone, adjusting her glasses "I resorted your forces, I can just as easily take them away. Do not cross me."
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Turning away from the witch, Angron and the Space marines surrounding him teleport into the newly restored Space Hulk just as it flies into a new portal.
(( Re-doing Revan's intro )) The Ebon Hawk was adrift in the Outer Rim with Revan in the pilot's seat and no-one else on board. A strange rift appeared right in the middle of Revan's flight path. With no time to evade, he and the Ebon Hawk slipped through the rift and ended up flying above some floating fortress. The only operational systems on board the Hawk were secondary engines and life support. Revan cursed in Mando'a as he stood up out of the pilot's chair and ran back to the engine room. The hyperdrive was sparking, but the engines were gently humming. He thought it most odd.
Berserk World

Gilgamesh scoffed as Angron's army was restored and Oryx fled. One man had effectively stood against three armies and come out completely victorious minus a few scrapes and the vast majority of his Prana. He checked his reserves. He had just enough for another Noble Phantasm should he need it. He had grown bored with this endless conflict and instead began seeking out another tear. He was bored of this world and wished to lay claim to another, and the tears were just his vehicle to do so. He came upon one quickly and entered it without a second though.


Accelerator realized that he'd left his precious canned coffee back in his interview room. "Feh. I had some back with me when I was getting processed. If you wanna go back we can grab it." He'd probably need to add hearing loss to his growing list of concerns when he got back home. If there was one thing Warrior was, it was loud.
Warrior jumped from ship to ship, preparing promos in his head, just to get coffee when he noticed a new ship landing on the helicarrier.

"WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE NWO?!" He landed and tapped on the glass like a child on a goldfish bowl.
Vance watched as his plan became a success and grinned. The numbers were definitely thinning out in their favor. He run behind and took aim once again. Vance gunned down the hell hounds injured by the explosion with precision. His eyes had turned a luminescent blue to help him see his targets better.

After waiting for a while, and getting no response, Warrior gathered the coffee, and then to Kidpool.

"Keep an eye on this newcomer...BE WARY OF CHALLENGERS! BE WARY OF THE NWO!" He proceeded to jump back to the mothership and get Accelerator his coffee.
While in the Ebon Hawk's engine room, Revan could've sworn he had heard someone screaming from outside the ship. He was most assuredly hearing things. Although redeemed to the Light, Revan still spent time as a Sith Lord. He continued to work on the engines. "Blast it! I wish T3 was here."

The Doctor and Tesla led the final captors back to the TARDIS, at least those who had made it through with the chaos. The captors, at least two hundred scattered into the deeper parts of the TARDIS, allowing The Doctor to look at a console to check for life-signs. There was still one living human on board. The Doctor looked outside to see a lone SHIELD agent continuing to fire at the Sycorax.

"Come on!" The Doctor shouted, prompting the agent to turn around and run back to the TARDIS. Just as he was about to grab The Doctor's hand, he was hit by an energy whip and was killed instantly, leaving behind nothing but a pile of bones. "No!" The Doctor yelled angrily. He looked up to see several warriors approach the TARDIS before he shut the doors with a grim look on his face.

The TARDIS demilitarized and arrived back on the Hellicarrier.

"Accelerator!" Stevenson shouted "Whatever you're going to do, do it now!"



Harley laughed gleefully as she gunned down even more Hellhounds, even when it appeared that some of her goons turned to flee back through the tear to Blüdhaven Harley remained on the spot, gunning down as many Hellhounds as possible. She ran out of ammo in the assault rifle and threw it into the swarm, drawing her pistol and continuing to shoot. As one Hellhound got too close she kicked it in the face, stunning it for several seconds before finishing it off with a bullet to the skull.
"Doctor you are back! How did it go saving all those people? See not everything was that bad and I didn't doom the human race to death and enslavement." Kidpool smiled and hopped around feeling pretty happy about the days events since he had killed someone, participated in the human race being saved and he might be able to travel with someone he would understand. @Some_Bloke
Accelerator responded to the command with a smile. "Fucking." The beep of his choker signified Esper mode's activation. Four tornadoes sprouted from his back as he flew down below the mother ship. "Finally!" He punched it. All that happened was the clang of his tiny fist against the ship's hull. For the first few seconds anyway. Calculations for moving such a massive object were hard even for Accelerator. With another resounding clang the ship was launched. It shot straight up in a direction not meant to handle extreme speeds. The friction from the atmosphere alone began to tear at it, extraneous parts flaking off in a haze of fire as the ship began to buckle. The sheer stress from being launched at the impossibly high speed Accelerator had sent it resulted in the ship sustaining a bit too much damage. It never made it to the sun, exploding just after it left the atmosphere.

"Close enough" Accelerator said to himself as he landed back in the Helicarrier, turning his choker back to normal mode. By his count he'd used about 3 minutes of his charge today.
Accelerator stared at Warrior before taking the coffee, "Er. Thanks," He muttered before he took a sip. He hadn't exactly been serious when he'd asked Warrior to get the stuff but he appreciated it none the less. "Anyway, what else did we have on the agenda. I remember five or six things going wrong at once. Don't we need to deal with that Hulk maniac?"

Harden had been so caught up in trying to reason with Buffy on why she needed to come down to his location that he barely had time to react to the set of teeth that clamped down on his leg. A sharp shriek escaped his lips before he turned and saw the pack that had aimed itself on him and his visitor. "Holy shi-" he gasped as the Hounds converged. "Boom." Harden said, gesturing toward the pack with a small wave of his hand. Instantaneously, the area exploded, blowing gristle and sinew onto the boys. That was the nice thing about new magic was the fact that you could use it with the thought of the affect you wanted. Harden's problem lay in accuracy and execution, leaving 4 out of the pack of 9 to be dealt with--not to mention the gushing wound that was leaving him more lightheaded as time went on. "Caim...you got any suggestions?" Harden asked, hearing faint laughter in the distance.

@Some_Bloke @Zerodeath98
Vance ran out of bullets as well and smashed a hell hound on the head. It looked there were only a few left. He turned to see one creeping behind Harley and ran towards it. The hell hound had leaned back to lunge and he tackled it to the ground. Vance managed to pin it down and looked back at the mad woman. "Would you shoot this thing?"

Caim drew his sword and smiled like a madman. 'RIP AND TEAR!' A shower of fireballs launched towards the remaining hell hounds. One made it through the gap in Caim's array of blasts and lunged at him, only to be met with bisection as Caim's sword tore through the air. It stopped dead before the end of his swing allowing the gore to fly off of it, incidentally allowing it to fly in Harden's direction. One of the now burning hellhounds came up from Caim's side, opening it's mouth to take a chunk out of him only to be met with Caim's fist going down it's throat. It was run through a second later as Caim ripped it's entire lower jaw off. With the creature still stuck on his sword Caim raised it over his head and swung, allowing a shower of viscera that used to be a hell hound to fly forward.

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Warrior's mind was set on track. "HULK HOGAAAAAAAAAN!" He ran into the ring Hogan created, pumping his fist the whole time.

The sudden transfer of information was not unlike the flood of memories that came with Angel's awakening. Though the throbbing sensation was the same though, enough to bring the young Siren to his knees. Claptrap raised it's robotic arm to lift him up, but Damon brushed him off callously. "Get the scientists, secure Mil's position, regroup with team one and try not to die." Damon looked up to his mistress, shrugging at the thought. "I'll need some better gear, but other than that...Beam me out, Lady."


The flick of gore in his face was rather disturbing. "Tha--ugh--Thanks..." Harden said, standing up tenderly. He'd been able to stop the worse of the bleeding with his magic alone, but not all of it. Healing was not his forte. Ripping a sleeve off his hoodie, he tied off two inches above his calf. "There is someone else nearby. Let's see if they need help." he suggested, the thought being punctuated by a wail of gunshots. The witch nodded in that direction for Caim to follow.

@Zerodeath98 @Eagleye415 @Some_Bloke
Caim clicked his tongue and shrugged. 'If helping people means finding more things to stab I guess I'll roll with it.' He flicked the remaining gore from his sword before sheathing it. He briefly wondered if this idiot wanted Caim to sear his wounds shut, the though of it bringing a smile to Caim's face. Either way there were loud noises ahead and he wanted to greet them with lots of murder. He charged towards Vance and Harley's location and, upon seeing a Hellhound about to pounce on Vance, charged. The creature was less cut in half and more reduced to a fine mist at Caim's powerful swing. He pointed the tip of his blade at the hound Vance was holding down as if offering to stab it for him.

@AlwaysYours @Eagleye415 @Some_Bloke
Vance was still holding the hell hound when he felt some spray over his back. A sword came over his soldier and he took in a deep breath. "Stab it." Vance said simply forcing the hell hound to lie still. More people had arrived which means this situation could be resolved quickly.

Caim happily obliged, stabbing the hell hound directly in the neck. He then stabbed it again. And again. Even though it had died from the first strike, Caim saw fit to lop it's head off with a final flick of his blade and then stab the head itself. 'Not as good as stabbing empire mooks but this is still fun.' Caim thought as he gave a quick chuckle upon flicking the blood from his sword once more. He didn't know how many more there would be and he wasn't sure if he should just go ahead and stab everyone else or let them live for now. At the very least the one that had held the hell hound down lived for now. He had basically gift wrapped that kill for Caim.

Catching up with the mute after he sped ahead of him, they'd reached another duo. One of them was completely pale and extremely bewildering to look at. But she had a shotgun, and that was just fine. The witch kept his eyes trained on the sword brandishing warrior and sighed as he watched another hound become evenly eviscerated. The wildman was enjoying himself to the point of missing a hound behind him. Harden sent a quick bolt in its direction, causing it to pop like kettle corn. "Call me idiot again," he sneered to the mute, "And I start to act like one."

@Zerodeath98 @Eagleye415 @Some_Bloke
Finally restoring primary power to the Hawk, he wiped the congregation of sweat from his forehead and walked back to the portside bunk, where he doned his armored robes and his mask. He flipped up his hood and grabbed his lightsaber, clipping the weapon to his belt. The main ramp of the Hawk lowered and Revan stepped onto the runway of the helicarrier that he had landed on.
Warrior turned to the person coming out of the ship. It wasn't someone from the NWO, as far as he knew. Hulk Hogan might be able to no-sell reality and jump through dimensions, but rocket science seemed like a bit much for the Hulkster.

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