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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Accelerator landed with an undignified flop on the ground. "You people do know my motor functions aren't exactly great right? I use a cane for a reason!" Accelerator pulled himself up from the floor using the nearby wall. "Does anyone mind if I just sort out the alien thing while he's getting ready? It shouldn't take me too long to get rid of them..."

As the two wrestlers prepared for battle, Tesla, Stevenson and several SHIELD agents fought against approaching Sycorax warriors.

"There's too fucking many of them!" Stevenson shouted, reloading his glock.

"I might have a way of dealing with the aliens..." Tesla spoke, incapacitating two warriors with his shotgun

"I'd love to hear it..." Stevenson replied.

"We would need to travel back to my own universe..."

"Fine." Stevenson replied, firing another shot "Doctor, go with him."

"I can't just leave you here..." The Doctor replied with a worried expression on his face

"You two, take The Doctor and Mr Tesla back to his own universe. Take on the Quinjets."

Stevenson looked back at Accelerator as the agents escorted The Doctor and Tesla away "I can take you above deck. What is it you plan on doing?" He asked "Will it risk New York city?!"

He turned his attention to Warrior as he shouted

"The showers are crawling with those alien bastards!" He shouted


Assassins Creed

"Ancestor?" Connor asked in an confused tone "Are you from the future as well?"

Gregory ran towards the manor, pushing past the new Assassin

"Inventory. We need to go through every last weapon we have. Anything we can use against these arseholes." He spoke in a fast-pace, getting a nod from Connor in response.



"Sure!" She smiled in response at the idea of setting off an explosion. Harley had bombs of her own, but this seemed a bit more exciting. She took an assault rifle from one of her goons and aimed it in the direction of the Hellhounds. "Ready when you are!" She shouted
"I'm going to toss their ship into the sun," Accelerator replied flatly, "Everyone else got the chance to try their dumb plans so I figured it was my turn." He regarded the remaining aliens with some contempt. He turned his electrode back to esper mode and kicked a little of the debris from the wall, launching it at a speed surpassing that of sound towards a few of the remaining Sycorax. Turning the electrode back to normal he waited for Stevenson's ok for some reason. Even though he believed SHIELD, and indeed this much lauded Doctor, were nothing more than bumbling fools, this was still their world and not his. He didn't really have much of a stake in events currently considering the Sycorax weren't an active threat to him.
"Accelerator, what do we do about the aliens INSIDE THE HELICARRIER?" Warrior's basic understanding of physics, including loading the ship with the rocket fuel, taught him a hole in a thing that's in the sky would result in everything being sucked out, indiscriminately.
"Fuck if I know. If you want me to deal with absolutely goddamn everything round them all up somewhere and I'll deal with it," Accelerator sighed, taking on the tone of an aggrieved nanny. He wondered how badly their command structure would suffer if they weren't getting orders from their mother ship. He doubted they'd be able to teleport away if he destroyed it but he also doubted they'd want to deal with him either. Accelerator was unconcerned with the damage to the ship. He'd apparently correctly assumed they weren't quite high enough for the pressure differential to have a tangible effect. Plus if worst came to worst he could control the vectors of their decent himself and land it with his power. He'd certainly used his abilities on bigger things.
Vance ran over to the motorcycle. He searched the bike for the keys but didn't find them. Where the hell are they? Vance caught the smell of blood and looked near a nearby store. A dead man was leaning against the door and a pile of keys lay a few feet away. This is getting out of hand. Vance needed to get a handle on this situation and fast. He quickly scooped the keys up and ran back to the bike. After trying 3 keys, Vance found the correct one and started the bike. He pointed it in the hell hounds direction and slammed down the gas pedal hard enough to break it. "Shoot it now!


"What about the Sycorax in New York?" Stevenson asked "I don't think they'll just surrender at the sight of their ship being destroyed."

"They will." The Doctor replied grimly, over the radio "With their leader dead and their ship destroyed the warriors will throw down their weapons." He hated that it had come to this, but the child dressed in red had destroyed any chances of things ending peacefully and when it came to it, the Doctor would choose the human race over the Sycorax

"Oh shit..." Stevenson muttered "There are potentially hundreds of people on that ship...Humans the Sycorax have taken from the streets of New York...Doctor!"


"Tell Tesla we're going to have to save his invention for a later time. We need you to get on board that ship and rescue as many people as you can. As many as the TARDIS can fit." He ordered in a fast-paced tone

He turned his attention towards Accelerator

"Don't throw them into the sun until I give you the word!" He ordered, sternly "This man has saved billions of civilizations in his own universe. Give him time."



Harley laughed as she opened fire on the motorcycle, causing it to burst into flames and explode, taking a large group of Hellhounds with it.

"Burn baby burn!" Harley sang, continuing to fire on the oncoming Hellhounds.

Assassins Creed

"Damn..." Gregory muttered "Well, Jakob meet your great, great..."

"Not now." Connor interrupted, sternly "Like you said, Gregory we need to take inventory." He turned his attention towards Jakbo "I welcome your help." He nodded

"We're sure as hell going to need it." Gregory muttered
Accelerator clicked his tongue. Unbelievable. However, the Doctor had relayed an important piece of information. "Then I don't have to wreck the ship I just have to wreck their leader? That'll give you all the time you need to clear your people out and we wont have to kill all these stupid bastards while we're at it." He walked a path of bloodshed but he definitely didn't mind taking one that had less of it if the opportunity presented itself. He no longer cared for the titles of hero or villain, so it didn't matter as long as he could save people. He could walk down a path this Doctor never could, and in doing so perhaps save countless lives.
Jakob nodded expressionlessly. "It's a pleasure to meet a great ancestor. Now... Let's hurry and take care of the threat."

"There's no guarantee killing their leader outright will stop them." The Doctor replied in a grim time "It would have before, but..."

"That options longer on the table." Stevenson butted in "Is what he's trying to say." He turned his attention to Kidpool with a bitter look in his eyes "Thanks to someone."

The Doctor approached his TARDIS, pushing the door open to find that the lights were back on. He remembered what the bearded man had said, that he could no longer travel in time, just in space. A group of ten SHIELD agents and Tesla followed him inside as the doors shut and The Doctor approached the console. He sighed, telling himself that things could have been resolved with a lot less bloodshed and pulled a lever, causing the TARDIS to de-materialise.



The woman approached Angron, outstretching her arms.

"I'm sorry about your army..." She muttered "I could have used them. You know, originally I was going to take away your resistance to magic but...Now just look at you. Your army, dead. Your armour, broken. Your ship, destroyed...Face it, Angron you've been beaten."

She snapped her fingers, making a chair appear out of thin air and sat down.

"Unless you make a deal with me, of course..." She smiled "I can restore a part of your army but in return I want something from you."
Warrior sat there, waiting for Accelerator to do his job. Considering he didn't follow the others, and the only people left to talk to were the NWO and the mad murder midget, it's really all he could do.
Accelerator sighed, glancing out back at the alien ship. Where was the line. At what point was it appropriate to take matters into his own hands and deal with this problem in the simplest possible way. "Either way, let's start rounding up these fuckers that are here. I can't waste time running around the place on full blast and I doubt you have the time for me to hobble from deck to deck," Accelerator glanced to Stevenson who was injured and then to the Ultimate Warrior. "I either need transport or I need you guys to get your heads out of your asses and start lending me a hand."
Warrior ran to Accelerator lifted him, and sat him on his back. He decieded that the fastest way was up.

He jumped up like (the giant green) Hulk and landed on the top of it. "ARE YOU READY?!"
"What about the Sycorax in New York?" Stevenson asked "I don't think they'll just surrender at the sight of their ship being destroyed."

"They will." The Doctor replied grimly, over the radio "With their leader dead and their ship destroyed the warriors will throw down their weapons." He hated that it had come to this, but the child dressed in red had destroyed any chances of things ending peacefully and when it came to it, the Doctor would choose the human race over the Sycorax

"Oh shit..." Stevenson muttered "There are potentially hundreds of people on that ship...Humans the Sycorax have taken from the streets of New York...Doctor!"


"Tell Tesla we're going to have to save his invention for a later time. We need you to get on board that ship and rescue as many people as you can. As many as the TARDIS can fit." He ordered in a fast-paced tone

He turned his attention towards Accelerator

"Don't throw them into the sun until I give you the word!" He ordered, sternly "This man has saved billions of civilizations in his own universe. Give him time."



Harley laughed as she opened fire on the motorcycle, causing it to burst into flames and explode, taking a large group of Hellhounds with it.

"Burn baby burn!" Harley sang, continuing to fire on the oncoming Hellhounds.

Assassins Creed

"Damn..." Gregory muttered "Well, Jakob meet your great, great..."

"Not now." Connor interrupted, sternly "Like you said, Gregory we need to take inventory." He turned his attention towards Jakbo "I welcome your help." He nodded

"We're sure as hell going to need it." Gregory muttered

"I can help too I have a teleporter and worst case scenario I call the deadpool corps and they can swing around and help us." Kidpool was a little less than happy with the way things were going today, sure there had been multiple deaths but that would pass maybe it was tie for him to try being the good guy not just the constantly new brain.
"Make sure not to touch me after I turn this thing on. My auto reflection will do as much damage to you as it will do to them," Accelerator said as he took stock of the Sycorax raiding this level of the ship. He set his mind on a quick calculation that would probably wipe them off the face of the ship and wriggled free of the Warrior's grasp. With a beep, Esper mode was active. He again took control of the air's movement, firing several tornadoes at the invading forces while being exceptionally careful not to catch any of the agents in his attacks. Through exceedingly precise control he managed to tear every foe in sight apart within seconds while keeping his impromptu allies safe. With another flick of his electrode he dropped out of esper mode. "Next."
"Heh, They're probably feeling something," Accelerator said as he cleared out another area. All and all each assault took him about 15 seconds due to the complexity of the calculations involved. "You have any idea how many more of these idiots are here?" He asked as he prepared himself for another leap to the next area. If they started teleporting more of the bastards in behind them Accelerator wasn't going to bother clearing them until he dealt with the source.
"We don't have to kill every single one...We just need to kill the core..." Warrior thought of what NWO would become without Hogan.


He cringed at the thought.

He proceeded to jump from ship to ship in search of the mothership.
Suspicious of the strange women, Angron questions the woman." And what would that be, witch?"


While waiting for the Ultimate Warrior to return, Hogan and his five team mates enter the ring while they wait for the handicap tag team match to begin.
"Yeah that's what I said but no Accelerator, don't throw it into the sun they said. There's people inside it they said. Heaven forbid a few hundred people die to save an entire planet. I guess that's how people bound by the terms Hero and Villain see things." Accelerator rolled his eyes as he rode on the Warrior's back. He gestured to the main ship, "That one. It's the source but apparently we're not allowed to take it down till everyone else gets off their ass."

The TARDIS materialized on the Sycorax ship and was instantly surrounded by warriors, all armed with swords. The leader also approached, he recognized the vessel. Behind him, hundreds of humans were being taken deeper into the ship.

"Doctor!" He shouted "Step outside, or be destroyed!"

The Doctor straightened his tie and smiled, opening the doors and stepping outside "Yes!" He shouted in response, mocking the Sycorax leader.

"We agreed to terms..."

"There was a mistake." The Doctor replied "A third party intervened, sorry."

"A third party?!" The leader shouted

"Do you need your ears looked at?" The Doctor asked mockingly "Listen, on the planet below is a man capable of destroying this ship." He nodded at one the SHIELD agents who presented The Doctor with a datapad, showing a live feed of the inside of the Hellicarrier. The Doctor showed this to the Sycorax leader "Now, I'm going to give you one chance...Just one to hand back the humans you captured and leave this planet." He spoke in a serious tone "I will not give you another."

The Sycorax leader laughed in response and charged at The Doctor, armed with his sword. The Doctor quickly stepped out of the way, tripping up the leader and disarming him in the process. Two SHIELD agents held the leader at gunpoint as more stepped out of the TARDIS and The Doctor picked up the leader's sword

"Your leader had his chance, but what's the point in two hearts if you can't be a bit forgiving?" The Doctor spoke in a humorous tone "I will give the rest of you the same chance. Surrender, hand the humans over and leave this planet!" His tone switched to a threatening and serious one

Not convinced by The Doctor's threat, more warriors began walking towards the TARDIS. The Doctor threw the sword to the ground and ducked, prompting the SHIELD agents to open fire.

Tesla stopped forwards and raised his shotgun, releasing a blast of UV light that blinded some of the approaching Sycorax. He and The Doctor ran forwards, pushing towards the location of the human prisoners while accompanied by some of the SHIELD agents. The Doctor saw a familiar site, a blood-control device and ran over to it, hitting the button and deactivating the blood control in the process. This prompted a large number of the humans to realize where they were and fight back against their captors, creating even more chaos on board the ship in the process.



"I can't always get what I want." She replied "A client of mine, however does still want that ability of yours...But seeing as how things seem to be going my way, today I'm in a pretty good mood." She smiled "I won't take away your ability to resist magic outright, you can still defend yourself against petty students and wizards. Someone who's mastered the arcane arts however, will probably be able to hurt you."

She stood up "In return, I shall restore a fraction of your army and even throw in your spaceship for free. How's that sound?"
"Well, we'll just WAIT there. You KNOW I'M LOUD ENOUGH FOR THEM TO HEAR ME when they get back! We need something to fill time before SUMMERSLAM!" He landed on the big ship. "Hope you brought coffee, because we're going to be here for a while."

Thinking over the proposal for a few moments, Angron accepts it." I agree to your demands, witch. Take what you want and fulfill your part of the bargain."

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