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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Vance landed on the road and stumbled forward. He caught himself and heard gun shots coming from the town. His eyes turned blue as growling reached his ears. They really did need his help. Vance ran towards the town, following the gunfire. He came around the corner and saw the woman from the highway and some of her goons. 2 men were off to the side. The hell hounds had yet to notice his arrival and ran up behind one. Vance ran up behind a hell hound and grabbed it roughly. He yelled ,slamming it into the floor. Then, Vance brought his claws out on one hand and stabbed it in the chest. He rolled out of the way of another jumping at him and retracted his claws. Vance knew that once the woman found out ,that he was the 'monster' she was so afraid of, that she would try to kill him. So, for the time being he wouldn't shift completely. He took on a boxing stance as 2 more hell hounds stalked towards him.
Sending both Ea and the drill weapon back to the Gate, Gilgamesh drew a long sword of excellent make as his last summon. "Who do you think united a kingdom large enough to contain so many treasures. There are no others who could do what I have done for I am the only king. I purged the land of the interference of gods and brought prosperity to my people. I bound the Bull of Heaven who wrought countless destruction on my lands for seven years. I did not die in battle. I died from old age in a bed surrounded by my treasures and my kingdom. Your corruption cannot reach that which has already passed by and so I continue to stand above you as you boast meaningless drivel."

Gilgamesh was a Heroic Spirit. Assuming his strength was on the level of a human was erroneous at best. He chose the long sword to increase his reach and give him enough thrusting power to get through that meddlesome hide. He chose a weapon that had no abilities despite the fact that he could easily pull a lesser Noble Phantasm to meet his opponent on an equal ground. His pride dictated that he would crush his opponent with the exact kind of strength they used against him and he would do so without effort.

"What is your name, False King?" Gilgamesh asked before the violence could start again. He might have said it before a few times but Gilgamesh had not been paying him any heed. Now that he had survived an attack from Ea, this creature's name was worthy of being stored in Gilgamesh's memory.
Oryx chuckled at the might and boasts of Gilgamesh, they truly were mighty for his kind, but for him? Oryx spoke of his legacy, "I am Oryx, the Taken King. I have been conquering and converting for the longest time, and within the last century alone I have conquered a sixth of my Galaxy! I conquered hundreds of planets, and now over a million, nay, over a trillion sentient beings bow to me. I have conquered fleets of ships capable of destroying planets, I have brought entire planets to the brink of ruin and the brink of pure life! I am the Darkness, I am royalty, I am a Titan! Let us dance..." Oryx walked casually, aiming his cleaver to parry the swings of Gilgamesh, while using his overwhelming force to make his own slashes. He highly enjoyed making up some combos as he went, forcing his foe on the defensive before relenting, and trying to find a way to counter and continue the slaughter.
Assassins Creed

Gregory, still trying to wrap his head around two people who's very existence seemed impossible to him heard Leia talk about the "liberated states".

"What do you mean by liberated?" He asked "And it's not impossible. Think about it, you battled Wendigos before coming across a Native American man with bows and arrows, me, a little girl with strange powers and a woman in advanced battle armour. All of this is impossible, unless..."

"Unless what?" Connor asked in a confused tone

"Well...The Multiverse theory." Gregory smiled "Considering that according to the theory, every possibility exists. Universes where what is fiction in my universe, is reality for another." His tone was eccentric

"I still don't understand..." Connor replied

"Consider this, Connor. Imagine that there are a countless number of other universes, each one similar to your own but also different."

"I once saw a vision of a world where Washington became a tyrant king..." Connor muttered grimly

"I remember. I saw it." Gregory nodded

"That was an alternate universe, an alternate dimension? But it was only a vision..."

"You were seeing an alternate timeline. There is a universe out there where that vision is a reality. Every possibility exists."

"I think I understand." Connor spoke

Gregory let out a loud sigh in relief.

"Well at least I know I haven't completely lost my mind!" He spoke in a humours tone "Try explaining that to your soldier buddies." He joked at Leia.



The woman descended onto the battlefield, levitating in the air

"That is enough!" She bellowed "All three of you stand down!"



One of the goons ran out of ammo and reached for another round. As he tried to reload, however a Hellhound leapt on top of him and proceeded to tear out his throat as he screamed in both fear and pain. A goon standing close to Harley threw up in a nearby bin.

"Oh lighten up!" Harley shouted "You've seen worse."
"It must be hard," Gilgamesh said as he met his opponent's bladework with his own. He met Oryx with a surprising amount of strength for a human. "To feel so inadequate in my wake that you must reach so far beyond your own sight to compensate. How many of those trillions are unnecessary? How many of those you rule over are extraneous, serving only to hamper you in the long run?" He met one swing with his left arm. His armor groaned under the mighty blow, denting slightly but preventing harm from Gilgamesh. He forced the arm outward in order to create an opening and thrusted. He stopped mid step as that annoying wench again interfered with his glory.

"Tell me. Do you enjoy making a mockery of combat you witch? Do you realize that you are so greatly outclassed by everyone around you that you simply must stop every glory you see for you fear it will detract even further from your miserable existence?" Gilgamesh said, venom in his words. He would deal with Oryx later, however he had spent his reserves. The sword in his hand, the kris at his side, and the armor he wore were all he had to fight with.

"King of the Taken," Gilgamesh spoke his opponent's proper title as a nod of respect. "I will not fight this woman. She is too far beneath me to even consider. However if you wish to meet her insolence with great violence I will gladly postpone our duel."
Oryx watched his blade embed into the armor of Gilgamesh, just barely touching the flesh of the Human. The Human thrusted his blade to meet Oryx, yet the broadside of the blade caught it. The impact made cracks form on the blade, which Oryx simply put a magic hole through to reduce the overall damage. He thrusted back, but Gilgamesh tipped his other sword with venom. Oryx responded now almost completely calm, almost like this was nothing, "My existence is a long one, filled with much strife and many wars, but I always come through. But you, your beneath her? Let Angron or your pitiful self handle it, for a serpent is only as strong as his bite, and your venom has strung dry! My might is unending, only death can stop me! Your still miles, even millenniums of years behind the killing blow, but I? Mere moments, mere seconds."

Oryx pressed on the assault, relentlessly slashing to remove Gilgamesh any opportunity of recovering. Oryx aimed to kill, and his frenzy would only stop by a few circumstances. He screamed out to the flying woman, "Who and what is your purpose here?" Oryx tried a spin slash to chop the King's ankles open, before thrusting his blade at his foe's chest.
Gilgamesh scoffed, "Me? Beneath her?" He jumped up to avoid the slash coming at his ankles and let the thrust strike his armor. Since he was in the air the point of the blade could not pierce Gilgamesh's magic armor before the force of the blow send Gilgamesh backwards. . He aimed a slash at the Taken King's wrist just before he got outside of range. The King of Heroes skidded back and did his best to deflect a few more blows with his long sword before continuing. "Perhaps your hearing has taken significant damage from Ea's might. I am not beneath her. She is beneath me. She is not worth my time. And I suppose, as someone I respect, she is not worth yours either."
Oregon and Zeta

As the woman corrects the man about the name of the USA, I snort in mock amusement. It's more of a combo between annoyance and amusement, really. I naturally do this as a reaction to her comment and her cheery smile that kinda seems forced, just to help the statement travel down our throats.

"No, I'm pretty sure he's right," I say to her, shaking my head slightly with the same combined emotions as before emitted a bit in my voice, sitting back and folding my arms across my chest. "Its only ever been called the United States of America as far as I'm concerned and know of, and I'm sticking to that."

What were these people playing at, giving that comment? I'm not from Earth, but I have only heard this country leading the current subject being called the United States of America. None of this..liberated bullshit.

"And, again, no," I continue, now in more of an informing tone than a mocking one. "I am not from that...security council crap. I was referring to the United Nations Space Command. Are you guys a splinter group of the Insurrection in the outer colonies or something? And how in the hell did you get a hold of the US without the UNSC or ONI stomping you out?" Without waiting for an answer, I say, "Even though I don't believe it, I commend you for doing it if it's true. Doing that would be some really hard shit to do, no matter how much I would be against it."

As I finish talking, the man starts to talk, spewing his crap about me being from this "Halo series" and how I - of all the people here! - is fictional. I have heard talk of the Forerunner halos thrown around, and how they were destroyed by the Master Chief to save humanity. But why would it be called the Halo series? That makes no sense. And his fictional comment? What the fuck was even that?

I just stare at the guy with an accusing look on my face as I feel Zeta peer at him with a curious one. I know he can't see shit of what my expression is, but I do it anyway. Zeta expresses it for me better, giving the man an expression as his elegant and calm hologram creates a soft light in the gloom.

"You're one to talk!" I spout, a shout barely stifled. "First you spew a bunch of bullshit about traveling in time and across dimensions, then you claim that we are the fictional ones here? That we aren't real? Huh, yeah. Okay."

"I find it rather curious," Zeta adds quietly to the man as I glance over at him, "that you claim you know of our world, but you don't think it is real. If we are here, right now, in front of your face, wouldn't you think that that means we are real, not fictional or fake?" He ends in a slightly challenging tone, cocking his head at the man.

I glance over at Zeta, then look back at the man and nod sideways at Zeta. "I agree with my A.I. here. How do you know of "our world" but don't believe that we are real?"

Then the man gives his last amount of information, about all the different universes that are both similar but different or what not. I still don't want to believe it, but, the more I think about it...

"Oh, good god. This is so fucking weird..." I say quietly to myself after a sigh, biting down my own previous loud words while shaking my head again and looking down. I don't want to believe it, because it sounds like some crazy horseshit thrown around to uselessly scare us all, but it..it makes sense. It regretfully makes at least some sense. And I don't like it.

As I sit there, slightly nervous and wanting to just leave this crazy place, I feel a prick of emotion in my mind that isn't mine. I glance slowly up at Zeta, knowing it's him, and find him smiling at me in a slightly sympathetic way. He seems to be accepting this way better than I am, since he is more open to new ideas than I and technically just a piece of technology. He also seems to be trying to calm me down and get me to accept this new idea.

I blink at him once, then look back down.

"It does make sense, Holly," Zeta says calmly to me and me alone, still showing his hologram but not projecting his voice to everyone else. I just close my eyes, really feeling the need to just get off this crazy train. Or to kill some shit. That always makes me feel at least somewhat better when I'm in a bad mood.
Assassins Creed

"You misunderstand..." Gregory replied, attempting to reassure Oregon "In my universe, your world is fictional. For you, what is considered a work of fiction in my universe is in fact reality. Perhaps in your universe, my world is a work of fiction. But for me it is reality. It's...Jesus Christ it's pretty stupid but hey, that's the multiverse for you. Every possibility exists."

"I'm just as confused as you are." Connor addressed Oregon "But I may understand what he is trying to say."

The transport stopped at the Homestead and the doors opened. Connor was the first to walk outside, pushing past the soldiers with a panicked look on his face. He sighed in relief seeing that the Homestead still stood exactly as it was. He focused on the situation at hand, defending his home and ran towards some of the houses, shouting at the residents to get to the manor.



The woman descended onto the battlefield, stretching out her arms.

"I said that's enough!" She bellowed, unleashing a shockwave that shook the ground to such a degree that cracks began to show in the earth itself.



Four Sycroax warriors teleported in

"You are to come with us and face our leader." One of them spoke, approaching Warrior.
"Face my fist you crazy teleporting freaks!!" Kidpool called out as his teleporter malfunctioned and teleported him next to the Sycroax. Kidpool wasn't sure what they were but he could tell they were warriors and they would be fun to fight he drew one of his lightsabers and a gun. @Some_Bloke
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Vance quickly rolled aside as the hell hounds charged. He sprung to his feet and punched the more aggressive hell hound in the face. His punch had a decent amount of effect but since he hadn't shifted it was less than his full strength. Vance grunted as the hell hound slashed him and drove his knee into it's face. He threw the more aggressive hell hound into a car and was tackled by less aggressive hell hound. It growled at him and he released his claws for a moment. Then,, he stabbed it in the stomach with his claws and kicked it off of him. During the course of this battle, Vance felt himself becoming more powerful as it went on. He watched as one of the woman's goon's was ripped apart and let out a sigh. Vance ran over to their position and ducked behind a car. He picked up the fallen goon's gun and stuck the fresh clip into the gun. "Been a while since I used one of these." Vance said more to himself than anyone else. He rose out of his hiding spot and opened fire on the hell hound who had ripped the man apart.

Peter flinched as he opened his eyes,He opened his eyes and was facing a giant hole in the sky It was moving around a little Peter touched the ground and stood up,He looked around His suit was teared up and he was covered in blood,"Peter...Peter Wayne" He said,it was the only thing he can remember Peter looked up again,The giant hole was still moving around Peter walked around a little and his feet touched a body...It was decaying,Its eyes sockets were empty,It's shirt was torn and its mouth was covered in blood Peter put his hands on the body's wrist to see if it was...alive But sadly,It wasn't Peter looked around a bit more and saw a man He was running towards Peter waved at the man but the man didn't wave back he was running towards As the man neared him Peter realized it wasn't a man it was a zombie like creature Peter couldn't run as the man has already grabbed his head He was trying to bite him As the Man's mouth neared Peter's wrist Peter used his other hand to click a button in his suit causing a big explosion nearly destroying the surrounding buildings

"No!" The Doctor shouted "Don't fight them!"

One of the Sycorax warriors was cut to ribbons by Kidpool's lightsaber, while the other teleported away.

"What have you done?!" The Doctor shouted in an angry tone "We were going to resolve things as peacefully as possible!"

He didn't like the idea of a dual for the fate of the planet to begin with, but it was the way of the Sycorax. Only one person, their leader would have to die instead of their entire tribe. He ran a hand through his hair and approached the body of the Sycorax warrior.

"I'm sorry." He muttered "I'm so sorry." Shutting the eyes of the Sycorax before looking up at Kidpool with anger in his eyes.


Assassins Creed Universe

Connor turned around to face Jakob, recognizing the uniform instantly. He was shocked to see another Assassin but felt that it was not the most unusual thing he had seen all day. At least he knew he could trust him, however Connor reminded himself that the time for questions was for later and now he had to focus all of his attention on defending his home.

"I need you to get as many of these people inside the manor, can you do that for me?" Connor asked, his tone fast-paced.



Harley looked over at Vance as he fired the rifle and was caught off-guard as a Hellhound leapt at her. As it attempted to tear out her throat she drew her dagger and stabbed it through the left eye, killing it instantly and pushing the body to the side.

The Slayers in the town knew exactly how to deal with the Hellhounds and were able to easily take a group of them down.
Jakob nodded. "Yes." Then, he started rushing about, gathering them all into he manor. "What now?" He asks as he arrives back at Connor.
(shit I forgot about what they were and how bad it was) "Aha! They were aliens! it is a good thing you had me here to save the day!" Kidpool was oblivious to the look as the voices in his head were having a conversation "So I think this man would look great in a fez because fez's are cool." "I think we should get this man a taco and ask him about his hearts." "what do you mean his hearts?" @Some_Bloke
Warrior looked to Kidpool. He was preparing for battle with alien warriors and this goober came out of nowhere and killed his heat.

"uuuUUUUUUUUUAAAH! YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE?!?!! YOU HAVE DOOMED THIS EARTH AND EVERYONE ON IT!" He skronked, directly in what he assumed was a midget face. "THE LAND WILL MEET THE SKY! DEATH WILL REAP THE LIVING! CATS AND DOGS, LIVING TOGETHER! MASS HYSTERIA! YOU CAN FEEL IT, DUDE!" He proceeded to lift him above his head and shake him violently.
"woah sounds like a mad hallucination I had before." "dude this guy sounds like a bigger basket case than we are." "can we appreciate that he assumed we were a midget and then began to wave us violently about." "speaking of which put me down before I get a concussion and start taking off your arm with my lightsaber!" Kidpool yelled in a tone of indignation while his voice babbled in his head. @Crenando
Vance flinched slightly as he saw the slayers. But, he hid it well. The hell hound he had shot at was dead and he opened fire on another. This situation seemed to be coming to a resolve. Vance wondered if the old man would hold true to his word and tell him about the tears. He shook his head and finished killing the hell hound. His gun had run out of bullets and he prepared to use it to bludgeon his enemies. He couldn't shift in the current fight.

Finally nearing the surface after digging for an unknown amount of time, Angron thrusts his sword arm out of the ruble before pulling himself free. Examining himself and the surrounding area, Angron notices that his power armor is heavily damaged and that the witch from earlier has returned. Growing increasingly annoyed, Angron waits to see what the witch wants.
Kidpool stood up and shook his head then seemed to listen for a moment then said "wait who is the Haiti kid? one of them said that you thought about that? He said something about... nevermind you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Kidpool reached in his pouch up to the elbow and then pulled out a pistol. "Hey wrestlemania what is stopping me from shooting you in the arm for swinging me like that?" @Crenando
Warrior looked to the wee lad and said in a very matter-of-fact voice "Being trapped in an alternate universe with no contacts from the outside world. YOU'RE ON A HELICARRER!"

He then walked over to Accelerator. "...I need you to wrestle that red abomination..."
"I am not trapped you may be though and this is my home universe." Kidpool then shot Warrior in the arm and aimed at his leg before deciding against it. "You just shot a pro wrestler who seems as whacked out as we are you should be careful about that one." "This guy is a freak kill him." @Crenando

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