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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Accelerator snorted, "Teleportation isn't that complicated. I know schoolgirls back in Academy city that can do it." He'd never done it himself of course, he never needed to. He hobbled over to Stevenson and gave a glance to the wound. "You'll be fine. I guess I'll just have a chat with those alien idiots when they bring us in." He continued hobbling back over to the Warrior. Despite being older, most of them seemed to be of a pacifistic mindset. He wondered what they thought of a highschool boy capable of such brutality as he glanced at the chunks of flesh left behind in his wake. "Tell me. Do they have any non physical attacks? Any attacks that don't have vectors behind them besides that brainwashing shit?" He asked the Doctor.
The Warrior thought on the subject, and came to a conclusion. "I CAN ALWAYS TRY!" If he failed, they had people for it, so he might as well go for it.

He then attempted to whisper again. "So who are you going to get to fill this TOURNAMENT OF WARRIORS AND CHAMPIONS, SUMMERSLAM, Stevenson?"
Oryx looked down at the King and then up to Angron charging him, and he bluntly stated, "If you must, witness my might!" Oryx abuses the physics of his home dimension, where his shield technology was not like the average rock-paper-scissors. His shield was resistant against the light, but it still shattered in a single swing. The blade dug slightly into his flesh, but drew barely any blood. His next attack however, would possible draw boths' blood. Oryx screamed, "DAEMON!" He raised his hand up to grip Angron's blade and pull him closer, and with his other hand held his cleaver out, so if Angron stabbed him, he would fly straight into the blade. He could handle this, if he had Taken to much damage, he would simply retreat back into his dimension...

The Dreadnought dropped down four other massive Crawlers, all of them firing out homing rockets that swarmed the armies. Vanguards unleashed thin walls of flame throughout the entire battlefield, while explosions of gravity were unleashed from the Leviathans. Gremlins stalked the ground behind the Leviathans, multiplying and leaning over their moving wall but trying to survive the fighting. Barons leaped into the fray, fighting with their four shock sabers while unleashing orbs of blinding force. The Taken have a extreme amount of verity from being forged from four different alien species, and Oryx's main battle plans always abused that fact to Hell and back. A Skiver abruptly fell to it's knees, with the darkness around it opening into a rift above it. The Thrall screamed in pain, suffering and agony, clawing at the ground and trying to hold on, but was forced back into the rift. Both armies only held a few moments to permanently kill a Taken, which ironically was only a single hit after how tough they were in shadow, before they would be taken back into the dimension to heal for a fourth of a day.
Gilgamesh, noticing the temporary lull in violence directed his way, held Merodach up above his head and brought it down, a destructive wave of light reaching around him and clearing the nearby area of opponents. He only had a few uses of this blade before he'd need to switch out for something less Prana intensive. Or perhaps... He glanced to his side and saw that the ritualistic kris was indeed still there. If all else failed he could drain one of the soldiers nearby. They weren't exactly human so their Prana would not be of a high quality, but it would be enough to remind these fools who their true king was.

He turned his gaze to Oryx and chuckled, "Not a very impressive might if Merodach can breech your shield. If you cannot even stand against this blade, you are not worthy to face Ea."
Devils? Demons? Souls? This man was far more powerful than he had thought. Vance was highly unnerved and stopped pacing. A favor for a favor? He could do that. In fact, he had done it before for supernatural conflicts. "What you want me to do?" Vance knew that no matter what this knowledge was important.

Seeing that his opponent was pulling him by his blade, Angron quickly aims his plasma pistol at Oryx's head and begins to fire it repeatedly with no though of it overheating. As the Angron assaults Oryx with his plasma pistol , Angron twists his Deamon blade before attempting to stab it into Oryx's chest." Your skull will be a worthy offering for Khorne!"
Revan, flying the Ebon Hawk, suddenly passed through a rift of sorts and suddenly found himself gliding in front of a massive dreadnought that was dropping mechanized six-legged walkers, all glowing white with a ghostly aura. Revan felt a surge of dark energy eminating from the dreadnought itself. He attempted the investigate, but he found the Ebon Hawk's systems were all shut down by the rift, save the secondary engine boosters and the life support. He leaned back in the pilot's seat of the Hawk and waited for the power to kick back on. "If only T3 was here. He could get the power back on," Revan remarked to himself.
Marvel Universe (earth)

Kidpool was sitting on a building in new york swinging his feet and enjoying the view of the avengers fighting some bad guys while he ate an ice cream cone. Kidpool was currently debating on wether or not to help the bad guys without pissing off the hulk.
Oryx screamed, as a purple barrier formed around him, blocking the shots of the Plasma Pistol! A Taken Troll stood there, forming a barrier around Oryx that healed the shallow injury, and then healed the injury of the puncture wound. Oryx chucked, and stated, "My army is stronger then both of yours combined! But now, I will use a might even stronger..." Oryx slammed down his sword, and almost immediately Tombships ripped out of the dimensional barriers of reality! They rained down orbs of power that were primed to explode violently with a horrific chill. Thrall that seemed to never end poured from the ships, while Witches and Warlocks flooded the air. Rifts in the sky opened even wider to reveal more Swarms and for the first time in combat, Dragoons. Oryx was summoning forth his entire army, that was until a giant hulking atrocity slammed into the ground, quivering the land. A Ogre, even bigger and more monstrous then all of its brothers, yet was covered in pus and dripping with vile fluids. It looked like a younger brother to a Great Unclean One, but either way it was still a powerful atrocity.

Gulrot, the Unclean lumbered forward with his stomach churnching, unleashing bursts of energy from his eyes while all the members of the army did their thing. They were flooding the village and trying to overwhelm Gilgamesh and Angron, with all the ones focusing on Gilgamesh trying to keep a safe distance. With all the chaos going on, Oryx ripped Angron from him, and tried to hold him down. Magic seeped through Oryx, as his mighty will, one that was close to Tzeentch himself, tried to influece and take Angron into the Taken! Oryx tried to kick Angron down to his knees, grip his head, and screamed, "BOW TO ME!"

Able to shield himself from most of Oryx's influence due to his blessings of Khorne , Angron waits until Oryx grabbed his head before thrusting his blade into Oryx's arm with all of his strength in an attempt to impale it with his blade. While preparing his attack, Angron notices that his plasma pistol was overheating and precedes to throw it into Oryx's face.

"Apart from their energy whips, no." The Doctor replied "Teleportation may seem simple for you but for someone from the...Wait, what century is it where you're from?" He asked Tesla

"It's the dawn of the twentieth century." Tesla replied "What year are you from?" He asked in a curious tone

"Well...I sort of just travel around. Apart from my blue box I don't have a home. Never did." He lied

Stevenson stepped forwards "This isn't a tournament." He spoke in a serious tone "This is you fighting the leader of these aliens..."

"Sycorax." The Doctor butted in

"Don't care what they're called, Doctor. This is about you." He pointed at the Warrior "Fighting their leader for the sake of the human race!" He shouted before turning his attention to The Doctor "What happens if he loses? What becomes of the human race on this planet?"

"Enslavement." The Doctor answered grimly "They keep the species the have conquered as their slaves. Men, women, children. There are no exceptions."

"Monstrous..." Tesla muttered


"I want you to go back to the universe you ran from." The Librarian spoke "The tear that opened there is attracting the attention of supernatural forces. I want you to fight those forces, alongside the other people in that town."


As the Librarian spoke, more Hellhounds descended on the town.
Accelerator scoffed. "It's not like it'll be the end if he loses. Just let him have his fun." He was still there after all. The 'throw them in the sun' option was viable no matter how the match turned out. And if the Doctor was right about their capabilities, there was nothing for him to be afraid of. He'd prefer to be involved directly but if worst came to worse it wasn't like he wouldn't be able to interfere at the last second. There was always more than one way to deal with a problem, especially with a power like Accelerator's.
"You want me to help a town fight off supernatural creatures?" Vance asked a little surprised. People needed help, so he would go. This was also a chance to become stronger. "I'll help them fight off the creatures and return for the information." Vance walked over to the door and stopped. "How do I know you'll deliver the information?"

"Wait, you're seriously going to walk all the way there?" The Librarian asked, a confused look on his face "You do realize that that mad woman has people looking for you, the police and those slayers are looking too. The tear is crawling with cops, especially after that mad woman led a team of her goons inside."

The Librarian stepped forwards, getting even closer to Vance.

"I can send you there without having to pass through." He explained "It'll hurt a little bit, but you'll live."
"I have gotten into a bit of trouble here..." Vance said to himself and shook his head. "Alright. Send me to the town." He was wary of what the old man would do. But, swallowed down his slight nervousness.

Oryx roar another time, quivering the world around him while magic flames burned all over his body. He glowed like a unearthly god, and his body was covered in the power of the Taken. He took the blade like it was nothing, and simply stepped through the pain. Oryx was cold and silent, all of his power behind his attacks with no more mere mortality. He had the power crush through feet of Graphene, he could tear through gods! He wouldn't be stopped by no mere follower of Khorne! He no longer cared for what was right, wrong, or just! He simply grabbed Angron with his sharp talons, and tried to relentlessly thrust his cleaver into him, moving and slashing at strange angles that would chop open his flesh and muscle as wide as possible. His body's only features were his three glowing eyes, and the edges of his armor like a low light image. Millions of voices escaped Oryx as he spoke during his attempt at carnage, whispers or screams of all the damned he has taken, with his voice slightly louder and more prominent then the rest, "WHERES YOUR GOD NOW?!"

The Taken were coming down harder and harder, retreating safely into the Troll domes while raining hell on their foes. Now that Dragoons hung high in the sky, raining down blasts, no place was safe from the Taken's onslaught. Large green lights escaped the side of the Dreadnought as pod doors, opened, and the dreaded thought finally hung through the air, the Taken were nearly endless
Trying desperately to free himself from Oryx's grip, Angron can only watch as his armor his body his is hacked apart by the massive cleaver. Desperate, Angron begins to stab his blade into Oryx's hand in am attempt to free himself.
Gilgamesh decided then and there that he'd had well more than enough of these armies coming against him. He plunged the ritualistic kris into the side of a nearby soldier, he didn't care who it belonged to, and drained it of all it's Prana. It was filthy but it needed to be done to show these people that gods did not matter and that there was only one king.

Dismissing Merodach, Gilgamesh pulled a golden key like blade from the gate. Countless red circuit like structures erupted from it, stretching high into the sky, well past the continual rain of invaders. Of the seemingly infinite pathways, one was followed by a small light, the structure collapsing as it filtered down to Gilgamesh's hand. The blade that emerged from the Gate of Babylon was perhaps not properly defined as a sword. It had existed long before the concept of "Sword" and thus appeared strange. It had a handle and ornate hand guard, and was the length of a long sword but the blade was a black drill like cylinder divided into three segments.

"Exterminate them Ea." At that command the blade began to spin. Streams of red and white energy coiled around the weapon. The Sword of Rupture. The blade that had originally split the heavens from the earth. It had no equal and could be wielded by no one other than Gilgamesh. There were no tales of it's legend because it had existed before words and even before man. Fully charged, there was nothing this weapon could not destroy. However, Gilgamesh would not let it reach that level. He throttled the energy whirling around the blade. These armies were an simply an annoyance so he would not meet them with his full might. He would show them that they could not stand up to the true king even if he was holding back.

"Enuma Elish." At that command the blade struck the entire battlefield. It was not swung, but to be outside the range of it's attack was simply absurd. Not even the sky was safe as a red cyclone of energy tore it apart at the seams. The earth he stood upon split and the town they were all squabbling over was reduced to nothing.

"If any of you have survived, you might just be worthy to stand in my presence. However, you must remember your place beneath me." He was winded but he did not dare display it. He'd burned through nearly every bit of Prana in him. He had enough to maybe summon a single noble phantasm should they rise again, but he sincerely doubted they would even think of charging him with Ea still in his hands. He doubted he had the power in him to use it again. If he tried he would likely burn out something important.
The seed of death and destruction was planted with the Sword of Rupture's attack. The ground shattered and spewed out its most molten energy, liquefying the ground after a certain distance to lava. The vile lava spewed from the cracks, but cooled rather quickly since it was merely a burst. The Taken around Oryx were obliterated, their very skin melting off, and only mere shards of existence, the rawest ashes of life, were all that remained. Oryx was sheltered behind his Void shield, the Troll's healing dome for its last ten seconds of life, and his very wings. Though in the end, his wings were ripped clean off, disintegration yet sheltering himself and some of Angron. Plus, with the onslaught of carnage, he could have easily used Angron as a shield, but the raw explosion made him forget if he did or didn't. Either way, he walked away from Angron, his blood and shards of Angron's armor coating the King of the Taken. He walked towards Gilgamesh like the attack was nothing, just giving him a cold and silent stare as sparks jutting from his blade scraping the floor.

Oryx howled a song of despair in requiem for all that fell, which felt like something that existed from a long forgotten world. The primal song was more felt then heard, sorrow echoing across the now barren plains. The sky was burning, with the massive Dreadnought falling down with the rest of the fleet. Burning ships spiraled out of control, their thrusters still turned on, yet everyone inside long since dead. The Dreadnought itself was a living thing, the ancient metals of the Hive giving it cursed life. The ship was slowly sliding back into the Taken Dimension, but all of Oryx's men were out of this fight. But, without having to use anymore of his will, Oryx now was complete and whole! Oryx ranted as he charged faster and faster towards Gilgamesh, intending to end this here and now! Oryx add a spin to the blade, while using his magic to accelerate, becoming the living incarnation of bladed death approaching the True King. Oryx screamed with ten million voices, each of them filled with such complete and absolution hate it was intoxicating, "I WILL NOT BOW!"

(Oryx was in such a perfect position prior xD . He is bleeding and weakening, but at this point I think he is so much more energized from raw emotion that he doesn't care about odds)
The army of demons had been reduced to ashes, apart from one dying Greed demon. It looked up at Gilgamesh with bitter hatred in it's eyes. "The true God will end you..." It uttered with it's final breath.


The Librarian touched Vance on the forehead, transporting him to the Buffyverse not too far from the town. The sounds of gunfire would fill Vance's ears as Harley and her goons battled the Hellhounds, as did others in the town. A group of at least ten ran towards Caim and Harden, growling and bearing their already blood-stained teeth.

Sensing the massive amount of energy heading towards him, Angron can only watch helplessly as he is thrust deep into the ground and buried by a massive amount of ruble. Waiting until the attack stopped , Angron begins using his Deamon sword to dig himself free while the numerous wounds on his body heal.
Leia had began translating, although with difficulty everything the other strangers were saying, however the difficulty wasn't due to her language skills, as they were nearly flawless, but she just felt like an idiot saying what she did, Yeuzen then reminding her of customs, as she corrected the hooded man with "You mean the Liberated States of America." With a bright smile and a happy demeanor, it always filled her with a sense of pride to remind herself of how much good she was being allowed to do for the less fortunate, in her thinking too long had the citizens of the United States been victim to corporate greed, and their government was a danger to themselves and the world, so she and her comrades in the PLA had stepped in to give them a helping hand, which they refused, but she knew that they'd learn that this was a good thing eventually. "United Nations Security Council you mean?" She asked to the armoured woman curiously, was she a peacekeeper on deployment? She hadn't been told of the UN having a say in their occupation of America, were they giving aid?

Looking to the English sounding man as he began speaking about time travel and travelling dimensions, she stifled a laugh and shook her head, saying "Such things are impossible surely." Then again she and her squad had just battled the things of mythology and urban legend, so perhaps it wasn't too outlandish after-all, plus her vehicle and squad had suddenly went from Austin, Texas to the middle of no-where within a second. Along with the girl's strange glowing power of transformation, she had the need to ask about it. Directing her question towards the younger girl wearing shorts. "Excuse me but..how did you do that?" She asked politely, but really Yeuzen was attempting to probe them for information, as he felt uneasy about having these newcomers, all being very odd to say the least in his vehicle, with his squad. Which was understandable.
Gilgamesh let out an annoyed sigh as he spent the last of his Prana on something to meet Oryx's charge. 'How disgusting. He's lost himself in rage. Utterly unfitting of a king.' A golden portal revealed a large golden drill like weapon that was just big enough to where it would be incredibly difficult to get around to attack Gilgamesh from Oryx's fatal charge. The weapon began spinning and spraying projectiles at his oncoming foe. Blades, bullets, cannonballs, all flew to meet Oryx.

"Heh. If your tiny child of a God wishes to battle someone who existed thousands of years before humans even dreamed of him, be my guest," Gilgamesh gave a last aside to the Greed Demon before steeling himself to meet Oryx. He would have to make do with what he had. He refused to steal Oryx's Prana, and he refused to bow to this assault. He offered no words to Oryx. He did not need to belittle him any more. Everything had already been stripped away. If Oryx continued beyond this, he would be worthy of Gilgamesh's respect.
Oryx revealed his true might then and there, revealing just how powerful he was in the previous world. The bullets that slammed into him or his shield did pathetically small amounts of damage, his weaker son required five rockets to the face just to destroy his shield from the strongest weapons of humanity! The cannon balls were going to be an issue, plus the swords had a higher piercing power from their blade points, but that could easily be used against it. Oryx embedded his blade into the Earth and unleashed a wave of sand and dirt up, ending his storm of blades. He then gave off the gaze of the damned, and walked straight at Gilgamesh. The blades flew through his shield but his tough flesh held against the blows. The cannonballs exploded against his shield, missed, or were blasted by Oryx's magic, the left over energy shredding bullets.

Oryx had enough of this, so when his shield finally began to buckle, seconds before it would shatter, he vanished into the Taken Dimension. The sky turned blood red as the Dreadnought began approaching the surface of the planet faster and faster. Flames lashed out from the bottom of the ship, with the four main plates of the ship started to turn crimson from the heat. Back to the ground, Oryx appeared at sword's length from Gilgamesh, and shoved the golden drill away like a mere toy if he could. Oryx removed the Taken cloak around him, before bluntly stating, "You use weapons made by others for your own power. You rose the ranks of another, and follow the laws made by another and modified by yourself. You steal and cobble together what you can from the very bowels of Heaven, the vermin of light. I, however, am the shadow you should fear. My blade of corruption reaches deep in your ranks, stealing and warping many before you even realize I am there, and that is merely my will! I will fight you to the grave and beyond it... but since you have your nobility, your pathetic sense of honor... I shall honor it."

Oryx took three paces back and placed his sword against his heart sideways. He said, "Unguard..." before beginning his assault. The ritual was based on the way of the knights from way prior to the Golden Age, yet it was one ritual he had a fondness of.

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