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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

A few of the soldiers turned around to see the English sounding man get dragged down to the edge of the cliff by one of the creatures, Yeuzen running over to help the boy up, but then suddenly and from out of no-where, literally. A grenade burst into flames, it being an incidenary grenade, the PLA squad jumping back so that they were out of the fire's reach, one of the creatures clawing at the younger looking girl, before Cho and Lang took it upon themselves to began stabbing at the creature with their flaming sticks, sending it squealing in pain away from the girl. Someone in very bulky armour, nothing Leia had never seen before ran out from behind cover and grabbed the English boy up, saving him from certain doom, Yeuzen having fought off a number of the creatures single-handedly with his own flaming stick to protect the unknown stranger from helping up the English boy, which she'd have to learns name.

The Type-97 sped up towards the PLA squad, the back doors opening as Yeuzen yelled "獲取!我們要走了!" (Get in! We're leaving!) As the squad complied, pointing to the group of strangers and jerking his head, a sign to get them in as well, it was going to be a tight fit but it could work. Cho and Lang had suddenly become white knights, pulling over the younger girl towards the vehicle, reassuring her, or trying to in their own Mandarin language, to which the girl probably didn't even speak. The two young soldiers were kind hearted that way, and Leia respected that. Now yelling "Citizens! We are leaving, you may come with us!" As the squad got into the armoured vehicle, fighting off the remaining creatures, most having died from the flames as they secured their extraction point.
Gregory nodded in response as the Spartan rescued him and helped him up. Any questions he might have would have to wait for later. He walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, seeing that the Wendigos he and Connor had managed to knock off were climbing back up. Fast

Gregory turned away from the side of the cliff and started running, only looking back a few times to check on the others.

"Move! Move it for fuck's sake!" He shouted, no longer trying to hide his fear. Connor drew an arrow and fired, although the arrow hit the Wendigo in the face and knocked it slightly off balance, it still managed to hold onto the cliff and climb up.

"Come on!" Gregory shouted "All of you, get to the transport!"

Connor fired one final arrow before turning to run, glancing over at Oregon and signalling her to run as well.


The Doctor and Tesla

As the ship continued it's path towards New York city, an alarm was sounded throughout the Hellicarrier.

"We'll have to pick this up again later." The agent explained to Accelerator "I need to get to the bridge." He closed the file and left the room. The agent in Warrior's room, on the other hand had her eardrums burst by his shouting and took longer to respond, noticing the red light of the alarm rather than hearing it.

"I need to get to the bridge!" She shouted as it was the only way she could even remotely hear herself speak.


The librarian smiled in response. "Taking some holiday snaps?" He asked somewhat sarcastically, yet there was also a sinister tone in his voice "Can I ask what you intend to do with those photos, Vance?"
Accelerator gave an aggrieved sigh. He probably could just wait this out but. If these people were in trouble... It wasn't like anyone explicitly told him to stay put, they just said where they needed to go and that they'd start the interview back up later. He left his precious bag of canned coffee in the room, that he would definitely come back for. To his surprise he found the door still open and began hobbling out into the halls. He was tempted to use his power to block out that annoying ass alarm but he'd already decided to try and conserve it. After all he wasn't sure how long it would take him to get home to charge his battery.
Destiny Universe


Thousands of ships swarmed the space of Saturn, all of them approaching the Dreadnought. The massive diamond shaped ship effortlessly flew through the ring of Saturn, and in it's wake was a fleet of smaller ships similar to the Dreadnought. Oryx watched from his throne room, witnessing the Awoken trying to fight him. Pathetic. The weapons blasted at the ship, but the shield was to thick, let alone the armor. Missiles scattered and slammed into the hull of some of his smaller ships, which did cause one to explode. Oryx immediately snapped opened his eyes, hearing their screams of pain.

Oryx gracefully dropped from his throne and lumbered to the greatest weapon of the Taken in space combat. He thrusted his hand open, where teal flame escaped the Taken dimension. His sword materialized into the world to fight for it's master again like it has for so long. Oryx twirled the blade, and embedded it inside the alter, forming the ghastly flames across the ship. It rushed down the armor of the ship, and became trapped inside the ring of the alter. Oryx watched the flame coat the outside of the room, and with the confirmation in place, he twisted the blade.

The dimension tore open for a split second, before the weapon exploded. The entire fleet vanished from the alternate dimension, before realizing that their dimensional power had accidentally formed a rift! They were approaching a new dimension, which filled Oryx with some semblance of hope and wonder. What will this dimension bring?

(If anyone wants Oryx to appear in their world, he is open! It seemed like a proper spot for Oryx to vanish, right when the ultimate weapon would fire.)
Vance smiled at the librarian and lied completely smoothly. "Photos? What photos?" He knew this wouldn't work on this old man. Something was really wrong with him. "Tell me why do you care so much? This book is on the tears which leads me to believe you know something about them. Tell me. I like to know what's going on and what i'm dealing with." Vance kept the book under his arm and paced slightly. "It seems to me that whatever is going on..." He turned and looked the old man dead in the eye. "...requires balance."

Warrior ran up to the others after finishing his sick promo. It took him a second to realize something was up, but it didn't matter, something was happening! He greeted Accelerator with a skronk. "What was the beeping?" He asked in his calm voice, which was, is, and will always be a bit offputting.
Oregon and Zeta

A moment after I turn to look, I see that my grenade did indeed turn the Wendigo into a bonfire. Good. It may have only taken out one, but hey, everyone knows that one is better than none.

I also see out of the corner of my eye that the guy I helped is up and fine, and just as tense as I. When he nods in response to me, I don't do anything, because, well, my response was already given.

As I look back to the larger group of enemies, I see a girl get attacked by one of the monsters. She appears to be wounded pretty bad, and since she has minimal armor compared to most of us, it does appear to hurt. I take a step to run over and help her, but one of the other soldiers comes to her aid first instead. I ease back, knowing that he can handle it.

I also begin to truly notice the outfits that everyone is wearing. The girl is wearing, I'm guessing, mythical looking armor; the guy I saved is wearing this..more civilian looking garb, but nothing I've seen before; the other guy is wearing a large hooded cloak over his clothing; and the large group of soldiers all appear to be wearing military armor. Almost like the Marines I knew back when I was still an ODST. The problem is that I only recognise that it is armor due to its shape, but I have never actually seen the armor. Never, at all. In fact, the armor looks way more outdated, and I just don't recognise any of the clothing that anyone is wearing. It all seems like it is from different periods in human history. And none of it is anything like my armor, or anything else that I used to see on a daily basis.

It all makes the question of where I am blare all the louder in my mind, making my skin crawl. But I push it to the back of my skull, knowing it will be safer to mull it over when we are out of this mess. Also, it will probably be easier to do when I can actually sit down and talk with these people. That cannot happen right now.

After a few seconds to think about all of that, I quickly reach back down and grab my last firebomb grenade. Might as well use it on these creepy shits before I lose it. I'm about to set it cooking when Zeta says something that stops me in my tracks.

"Oregon, the Wendigos knocked off earlier are climbing back up, and they are almost back up here."

"Already?!" I blurt as I stand in still shock, surprised and frightened again. No way they could have climbed back up that fast! But, sure enough, I turn and jog back to the cliff, and there they are. Barely thirty or forty feet below, climbing strong. One of the guys shoots an arrow at one, but it only stops it's ascent for a moment before it begins climbing again. This takes me by honest surprise, and makes me all the more nervous.

My attention is driven away from the climbing assholes by yelling from the larger fight. What appears to be a military vehicle with cover on the back rolls up through the snow, its doors open. Some of the soldiers start to load in while bringing the injured girl with them, and others yell things to us. I don't understand what the hell they're saying, though, and all it sounds like is a bunch of gibberish. Probably another language. I turn towards them and away from the cliff after a last glance below, but I don't get closer until one of the soldiers finally yells something in English. It sounds like she is telling us to get our asses to the vehicle, and quick. That is confirmed when the two men closest to me start to run for the transport. One of the guys even stops and motions for me. I was definitely planning to go, I just had one little worry in my mind.

In the UNSC, ground transport usually consisted of two primary, common vehicles: a smaller, two person vehicle similar to a buffed, heavily armored, and faster version of a civilian four-wheeler, which is called a Mongoose. One person drove, while the other latched onto the back and fired at shit. The other is like a beefed up, military enhanced and modified truck, kinda like a combination between a Jeep and Ford F-150 in size (I guess. First thing to pop into my mind..my family were huge Ford fans). Of course, it was way stronger and faster than either vehicles, with similar modifications as a Mongoose to make it useful for the military. It also had a machine gun turret stationed on the back, a smaller or larger canon, or just a small area for transport with no gun attached. That was technically called a Warthog, but also sometimes a jeep. Those were extremely strong and resilient vehicles, meant for going fast and off road easily, as well as taking lots of gunfire to their armored sides. Not very protective, but a good way to get around quickly. They were also kinda made to carry us Spartans easily.

Now, that might not seem important to say. But I mention it because, even though we can move very easily in it and look very agile, all of the pieces and parts of Spartan armor add up to half a ton. That's 1,000 pounds of heavy weight, focused to one little area and not spread out in a wider area to cause less of an impact to whatever it beneath the armor. Now, due to our augmentations, our bodies can handle that weight just fine. In fact, the armor feels light as a feather; no heavier than clothes. In fact, it almost feels like we aren't wearing anything sometimes. Like its just a second skin. It's that light in weight to us, and we are very used to it. But when it comes to being inside a vehicle? Yeah, not so much. They take on all that weight, and if they are not reinforced, that could be bad for the vehicle. And since this here transport does not look like any UNSC-grade shit, I get slightly worried for a moment at how it will handle that weight. Especially with all of those extra people crammed aboard. Will I slow us down and jeopardize us all? Will I even fit? Or will I make no difference on the performance of the vehicle? I really, really hope it's the latter.

I process that for a hesitant moment, then I clip my grenade back to my hip and sprint for the transport anyway. Well, fuck it. I guess we will just have to find out to quick way.

"I hope this will work out fine," I mumble to myself.

"I'm sure it will be," Zeta comments reassuringly. "That thing isn't an old clunker; it can take some weight."

"I sure hope it can," I huff quietly as I jump aboard, last to get on. I have to stop myself from landing on anyone, but once I'm inside, I find a clear spot in the back corner and hunker down. It feels cramped already, and I doubt my size helps. But I'm thankfully in. The last thing I do is peek out of the door before it closes, then we begin to move on through the snow and hopefully to safety.
After gathering his army in front of the heavily fortified city, Angron removes his Deamon sword from it's sheathe before charging toward Doldrey with his warriors following him with the intention of tearing the wall apart so that he could begin taking over the city.
Accelerator shrugged in greeting to the Warrior, "Fuck if I know. It's just annoying as hell." He proceeded towards a nearby group of agents, hobbling slowly the whole while, "What the hell is going on over here?"
"An alien ship just entered the atmosphere..." One of the agents replied in a shaken tone "It's huge."

The Doctor ran onto the bridge and was greeted by a familiar site as a Sycorax ship descended, breaking the windows on hundreds of buildings in the process.

"Tell your men not to panic. I know how to beat them." The Doctor attempted to reason with the agents but found that a number of them did not reply. Instead, they stood on the bridge like drones.

"Blood control." The Doctor muttered grimly

The agents near Accelerator and Warrior also stood like blank, emotionless drones.


Connor and Gregory

As Oregon made her way towards the transport Gregory continued to shout at her to get a move on. As the door closed and everyone was inside Gregory hit on the inside of the truck.

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" He shouted in a fast-paced and panicked tone. Although the driver did not understand English, he was able to pick up on what Gregory was trying to say and sped off.

"My Homestead is not too far from here." Connor spoke "Perhaps we could take shelter there" Connor was not only offering a helpful suggestion but also an excuse to check on the people who lived there. If Wendigos were real, he was worried that they might attack the Homestead and he had promised the residents he would protect them.

It also contained weapons they could use against the Wendigos.


From behind Angron's army an army of Lucifer marched forwards, the sheer number of demons was so great that it resembled a swarm more than an army, with millions of demons marching over the hill. One lone Greed demon stepped forwards, outstretching his arms. Due to Angron's appearance, he mistook him for a demon but noticed the humans in his army.

"This is our city to sack as are the mortal souls inside..." He spoke in a bitter tone "Stand aside or be destroyed."

Above the planet, near the remains of Angron's ship Oryx's fleet appeared from a tear.


The librarian frowned in response. To most, it would be a regular frown but to those who had met the librarian it was unsettling. He slowly stood up from the chair and pointed at Vance's phone.

"Those photos..." He muttered in multiple voices before snapping his fingers. The photos were erased from Vance's phone and the book was now back in the librarian's hands.

He sat back down and put the book under the desk again before his frown disappeared, being replaced with his smile again.

"Oh I know plenty about them." He spoke "And you can too." He pointed at Vance "For a price of course..." His smile became sinister and almost crooked in shape.
Vance was unnerved by this man. He was much more than he seemed. "Who are you? You know my name and you know what's going on. Which means you must know what I am and where it is I come from." Vance was disturbed by the grin on the man's face and took a step back. He thought it over for a few long moments and stepped forward once again. "Tell me. What is the price for this knowledge?"

Oryx watched as the Dreadnought formed out of the Tear, and came to the realization they were in low orbit of a planet! Oryx immediately ran a diagnostic check, on the entire fleet, and got his fast replies. Some of his ships didn't make it, and his annihilator was damaged, but 97% of the entire fleet was alive. Oryx witnessed two armies, with one definitely being more of a swarm, but they stood off silently from his place. He decided to go down to the surface of the planet, and see just how powerful his army was compared to the normal species, plus see if they are intelligent.. He flew through the Taken Dimension with three of his Tombships following closely behind him, and a corrupted tank behind them. The giant titan slammed down to the side of both armies, and deployed his own strike force for defense.

The ground rumbled around the site as a massive tank embedded itself into the earth. Six etheric legs unfolded from the main armor, and lifted the main battle tank up. The Crawler became surrounded by three hulking Ogres, and a small swarm of Thrall. The small force was almost nothing compared to either Angron's forces, let alone Lucifer, but it was something. Oryx spoke calmly, boldly, and clearly, "I am Oryx, the King of the Taken. What world is this?" Oryx's presence weakened the dimensional barriers in a decent area, helping to tell that his form of deep-striking was close to the way of the Chaos Daemons.

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Sayaka Miki-Magical Girl

Sayaka frowned and shook her head as she was pushed inside the vehicle. "Hey, wait a minute, what are...." But they were insisting something to her, and she assumed it was get in the vehicle. Which she did, but almost reluctantly. What language were these people speaking, anyway? It wasn't one that she could understand, nor a lot of other people. Nonetheless, the people began to drive to safety.

She then winced, remembering the gash she had received from a few Wendigos. She attempted to let the magic flow into the wound to heal, but it wasn't working for some reason. She frowned, then felt her magic leave her completely. A small little flash of light came and went within a second, and she was back into her yellow t-shirt and black shorts. She panted, realizing she had used too much for one fight;
way to much. Now it took its toll on her body.
Everyone had gotten into the Type-97 now, the doors automatically closing as the last two PLA soldiers injured one of the Wendigos before hopping in, the armoured personel carrier then speeding off, albeit much slower than usual do to the unexpected weight of the armoured woman. To which all of the squad were now eyeing at curiously, Leia asking the hooded man as he spoke of a homestead. "Give the drivers directions and we shall go there." Leia now taking the take to inform Yeuzen of what the new plan was in Mandarin, Yeuzen then telling the rest of the squad that they were going to be held up in a `small settlement` in his words. The crewmen in the front of the vehicle had began attempting to contact Red Dragon, their commanding unit back in Austin, Texas, overseer of the occupation of the state also. Speaking of.

"So, where are we located currently?" Leia asked the hooded man, as given his current wear he seemed to be a native to the area, they surely must've still been in America though, the entire PLA squad practically jumped out of their seats when they saw the light emmit from the younger girl before she was suddenly wearing new clothing, looking towards Yeuzen in a panic to which he simply nodded and said "?????????????????" (Given our day, I wouldn't be surprised.) To which Leia really had to agree with. It had been pretty out of the ordinary. He then jerked his head towards the heavily armoured woman, Leia getting the gesture (He was really good with them) And asking in English "So miss, where did you aquire your armor, and what organisation or country do you belong to?"


Type-97, Infantry Fighting Vehicle - People's Liberation Army, standard camouflage for woodland areas.

Accelerator scoffed at the unresponsive agents. "Feh," He turned to hobble away. There seemed to be some kind of commotion outside so he figured he'd go investigate. "Can't even keep their shit together long enough to interview a few people." He wondered briefly if this was some kind of trial by fire deal, where they were testing Accelerator and the Warrior's true character but he seriously doubted they'd be able to pull something like this off. He'd witnessed their startling lack of competence first hand after all.


Berserk World

Gilgamesh scoffed as two new armies arrived. Someone daring to call themselves a king as well. Today was nothing but endless foolishness. "Utter folly." He said as he began to laugh jovially. "What say you to these challengers Primarch?" Angron's answer would decide what Gilgamesh would do. At his current level Gilgamesh could conceivably win. After all, there was one treasure in his armory which stood above all else and he currently had enough power to use it once. However he'd need to see if his opponents were truly worthy of even seeing such a blade.
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Warrior followed Accelerator. Staying inside with a bunch of silent jabronis wasn't getting him anywhere. "So, WHAT IS THIS about?!"

"Hell if i know. But it looks like these idiots are gonna need some help," Accelerator said as he passed a nearby window. "Oh." He said after glancing towards it and seeing the ship flying nearby. "Eh. That's probably not supposed to be there. I guess we could knock it into the sun if it's hostile..."
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Not amused with the demon's command, Angron orders his army to stop advancing before turning around to face the Greed demon while his army of World Eaters stand wait for new orders." Do you honestly believe that you can defeat me, worm. If you continue to mock me with your presence I will tear yout apart!" After speaking, Angron prepares to order his to attack before being disrupted by the new arrival.
Berserk World

Gilgamesh just smiled to himself. Good, Angron was making the right choice. He'd laid claim to this town and therefore the only option available to him was to crush all opposition. The King of Heroes was a little proud of the mongrel. It didn't really matter to him though, he was going into his town regardless of how many armies were in his way. Turning back to the fortified walls, Gilgamesh opened the Gate of Babylon and fired Vajira from it, the noble phantasm easily tearing through the wall. He was still in dire need of prana. Replacing Kotomine's Orphan farm was going to take quite a few lives but it's not like they were going to die in vain. They were serving their king after all, what greater purpose was there for their lives.
The Doctor ran towards Accelerator and Warrior, he had been running around the Hellicarrier attempting to find someone other than Tesla and a handful of agents who weren't affected. "I have a better idea." He butted in "I've faced these creatures before and I know exactly how to defeat them." He smiled

As the Doctor was about to explain his plan, a small platoon of Sycorax warriors teleported onto the bridge, while three other platoons teleported onto the lower decks and one final platoon teleported into the corridor. Upon seeing Accelerator, The Doctor and The Warrior they drew their swords and prepared to attack.


Connor and Gregory

"My people call it Anowarkowa, or Turtle Island." Connor explained "It's name is now the United States of America." There was glumness in Connor's voice. He had fought for the creation of this country only to have his own people driven out of their home

"Are you a Mohawk?" Gregory asked with sympathy in his voice.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"The name Turtle Island rings a bell."

He turned his attention to the soldiers and removed his helmet, revealing his face. As he did this Connor tried to explain as best as possible direction to the driver.

"Gist of it is, you travelled back in time, or from another dimension... I'm not quite so sure meself. Based on the technology you have, I'm going to say you lot are from either the twentieth or early twenty first century." Gregory tried to explain to Leia, knowing that she was the only one who understood English "I am from the twenty third century."

He cleared his throat before continuing to speak.

"Then again, today you fought Wendigos so...Maybe this won't be so hard to take in."


The Greed demon simply laughed in response.

"We will claim the souls of the mortals in your army. You, on the other hand will become our prisoner and taken back to Hell to be tortured for eternity. Such is the fate of those demons who defy the true God!" He spoke in multiple voices and in a threatening tone

As Gilgamesh fired into the city's walls, the swam charged forwards.


"I'm a businessman of sorts." The librarian explained, leaning forwards "And I know about you Vance." He continued, pointing at him "Because you came across a tear, hell you stumbled through one...That puts on you on my radar of possible customers."

He lowered his arm and stood up, walking around the desk and leaning on it.

"The price depends on what you're willing to give. Some may offer specific riches, others their loyalty. There's multiple ways of doing it. So what are you willing to offer me, Vance?"


Harley Quinn

Location: Buffyverse

Harley led a small force of twenty goons through the tear, stepping into the Buffyverse. The police cars were still scattered but there was no sign of any cops.

"Where the hell did those pigs go?" A goon asked. As the group stepped forwards, Harley noticed that one of the police cars was smeared with blood on the inside. An arm was on the ground, still clutching a pistol.

"What could have done this?"

"Santa Clause." Harley answered sarcastically "How the hell should I know!? Keep a lookout, it could be that creature again."

From the shadows, a group of six Hellhounds waited to make their move.
Eager to spill some blood in Khorne's name, Angron shouts out a battle cry before leading his Space Marines into battle." Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!" After shouting his battle cry, Angron charges toward the Greed demon with his Deamon sword ready to chop the demon's left arm.

"What a pain. How good are all of you at fighting?" Accelerator ventured, hoping to conserve his power for when it actually mattered. "And I fail to see how it wouldn't be easier just to fling these guys into the sun." If none of them could deal with the bladed opponents, Accelerator would be happy to oblige. Physical swords against one such as him barely even registered as a threat.


Berserk World

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed as he glanced back. If there was anything he hated more than false kings, it was gods. He wondered how much divinity the leader of this force actually had. He planned on teaching the demon a harsh lesson if there was anything left of him after Angron was done. Dismissing the charging forces, he entered the town and began to scan the structures for humans to drain of Prana. "Mongrels! Your true king has arrived. I demand you offer tribute to me! Bring forth the most magically capable of your kin and I will spare the rest from those who would wish to take dominion over you!" He announced grandly to the townsfolk. In truth he had no interest in saving them. This town was already his just by being there of course. With tribute he could hold the town. Especially if it let him push beyond his incredibly limited state.
Warrior looked at Accelerator, to the swordweilding something-or-others, and then at the giant propellers. "I can fight..I CAN KILL..I'M THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!" He ran into battle, pumping his fist.
Several warriors approached Tesla, who reached for his shotgun. One charged at him but he drew his weapon just in time and was able to fire, incapacitating the warrior. He aimed his shotgun at the rest and remained silent, waiting for the next warrior to step forwards. One attempted to attack from behind but Tesla spun around just in time and fired.

"Wait, don't fight them!" The Doctor shouted, realizing that one of the warrior was carrying a whip. He had seen what it could do to a human body. Just as the Sycorax was about to use the whip on the Ultimate Warrior, a gunshot went off and the Sycorax fell. Agent Stevenson stood there. He was concealing a wound on the left side of his stomach with one hand and wielding a glock in the other.

"Well don't just stand there!" He shouted at the three "Get them!"


The Greed demon screeched in agony as Angron sliced it's left arm clean off.

"KILL THEM!! KILL THE HERETICS!!" It screamed before trying to claw at Angron with it's right arm, aiming for his face.
Vance thought it over. What could he offer? There were many supernatural creatures in his world. "Hm. I could offer you forces from my world. There a Kanimas in my world. They are snakelike shape shifters who seek a master. Their durable, able to take several bullets at a time and continue to fight on. The venom in their body can paralyze victims for hours at a time and climb walls. The best part? That's only the beta phase. You get your hands on an enhanced version..." Vance let the sentence hang in the air. Up to this point, he had doubted that the old man would even be able to acquire a Kanima. But, he took a second look at the man and realized he might actually be able to become an enhanced Kanima's master. Vance had run into one and only managed to escape as an entire pack of werewolves attacked it. It had a master who couldn't use it properly. But with a master like this old man... Vance pushed that out of his head and began to pace. "Whatever is your doing. Whatever your involvement with these tears is. It doesn't really matter to me. But if you need to gather soldiers... I know a man. He's a werewolf who slaughtered his entire pack to gain more power. He's a demon wolf and he leads a pack of alphas just like him. I've heard of them and met them. They are incredibly powerful no matter how you look at it."


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