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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

"I didn't need those eardrums..." Accelerator muttered, "Who the hell is Hulk Hogan anyway?" And how had this man managed to yell at an even higher volume than before.
"His name is Doctor Banner." Stevenson replied, slightly confused "Not Hulk Hogan. Hulk is just what we call the giant green monster he turns into.

"He experimented with gamma radiation?" Tesla asked

"Bombs. Gamma bombs."

"Jesus Christ.." Tesla muttered, going pale "Tell me that kind of technology was destroyed following the failed experiment!"

Before Stevenson could reply, the pilot butted in

"This is Alpha seven-zero. Are we cleared for docking, over?"

"Alpha seven-zero you are cleared for docking." A woman on the radio replied

The Quinjet docked on-board the Helicarrier. It was currently hovering several miles away from New York city. The doors to the Qunjet opened and they were greeted by even more SHIELD agents.


The Doctor

The Doctor raised one arm, shielding his eyes as the tear opened. A platoon of SHIELD agents all wearing kevlar armour charged through, gunning down the Sontarans as they were caught off-guard. The Agents then turned their attention to the Doctor and the human soldiers.

"Get down on the ground!" One demanded

"Do as he says!" The Doctor pleaded with the soldiers as he put his hands up and got on his knees.


"All three of you stand down now!" The woman demanded, lowering herself to the ground. In both of her hands she charged an energy with a golden glow. She turned her attention to Damon and smiled "I a a travelling businesswoman, nothing more." before clapping her hands together, unleashing the powerful golden energy in an attempt to incapacitate all three at once.
Warrior lifted the small child and helped him out of the quinjet. "SHIELD! WE AGREE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS, BUT NOT TO BLOOD TESTING!" Last time a wrestler got a blood test, it didn't end well. "MY BROTHER-IN-ARMS, ACCELERATOR HAS SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!"
As Angron waits go hear what the women wants, the Devourer of Stars arrives at it's destination and begins to orbit around the Berserk planet.
Accelerator let out an undignified grunt followed by a series of colorful swears as he was hoisted from the Quinjet, "Put me down you idiot!" He finally managed a roar. "And no I'm not doing any damn blood tests. Nobody gets my DNA map!" He gestured at the shield agents with the cane in his right hand.


Gilgamesh's Auto Defensors dealt with the golden energy flying his way. A couple of disks dropping from the air. He now had a third of his initial amount hovering around him still. "Feh," He would pay this woman no heed. Instead he regarded the world they'd arrived. "Hm. A world that does not know it's proper place. What say we descend upon it and conquer it after we settle our differences over drink warrior captain." He had addressed that last bit to Angron with his usual smug smile. If this woman persisted further he would move to strike her down again, but for now she was merely a passing distraction.
Standing motionless as his armor blocks the wave of energy, Angron listens to what Gilgamesh is saying while preparing to defend against anther attack." We should deal with this witch first before we invade that planet."
Gilgamesh regarded the woman in question and nodded, "I suppose." He glanced to the sword in his right hand before taking stock of his remaining mana. He'd need some rest after this fight to regenerate all the prana he'd been spending. "Would you like to kill her or should I?" Gilgamesh asked out of courtesy. Neither of them had been terribly effective at damaging this woman, but if she attuned her barrier to Angron while fighting, Gilgamesh could probably slip a portal inside it while she was occupied. A barrier was useless if you were attacked from the inside of it after all.
Thinking of a way to dispose of the witch, Angron charges at the women at an extreme speed and begins to savagely attack her barrier with his sword with the intention of distractING so that Gilgamesh could find a way to break her sheild.
Stevenson nodded at agents approaching the jet and stepped forwards.

"If you would like to follow me, gentlemen we'll just ask you a few questions and then you can be on your way."

Stevenson led the three of them further into the Hellicarrier. Tesla looked out of the window to see that they were above ground.

"Twenty first century technology..." He muttered before turning to face Stevenson "In my time we could get a man or two men off of the ground...You managed to get an entire base into the air. It's fascinating."

"I'll tell you more about it later, but for now we'll get you interviewed."


The woman shrugged as Angron attacked her barrier. This time however, no shockwaves were unleashed. Instead she continued to stand on the spot and stare at Gilgamesh, anticipating his next move.
He'd allow this. Yes. He would indeed. "Mongrel boy," He glanced to Damon, "If you wish to actually survive this encounter, open fire as soon as the barrier breaks." Without waiting for any acknowledgment Gilgamesh flew forward with surprising speed. It would take a miracle to break her barrier with even Durandal, as peerless and unbreakable as it was. Thankfully the noble phantasm supplied him with three such miracles. Golden disks hovered in close to Gilgamesh to protect him from counter as he expended one miracle, thrusting his weapon forward into her barrier. If the legendary blade connected with the barrier, it would miraculously shatter the shield. It didn't matter if she'd attuned the barrier to him, Druandal functioned without the mana of it's user. It would pierce her barrier just as easily as it would pierce his armor.
Druandal broke through the barrier and stabbed the woman through the chest. She gasped and looked down at the blade before lifting her head and laughing, staring deep into Gilgamesh's eyes. To any normal person it would feel as if she was staring into their soul. Rather than say anything, she just continued to laugh but eventually stopped, wiping a tear from her eye.

She looked down at the blade, then up at Gilgamesh.

"My damn mortal form is going to be a pain in the ass to fix after this." She muttered

She reached for Gilgamesh's face with both of her hands, now with anger in her eyes.
Two golden disks moved in front of her hands releasing lightning to repel them. Several others moved between Gilgamesh and Damon in preparation for an eventual rain of bullets. Gilgamesh's smile never left his face. He was jovial. "You are not in a position to make demands witch." Indeed, now that he knew she had some kind of mortal form, and was possibly of godly descent, he would need a miracle to strike her down. He still had two left. "If you do not wish to suffer further damage I will let you stand down as long as you swear your absolute undying loyalty to me." Her stare did not even phase him. He was a man who had stood down all 6 billion curses of the Holy Grail's corruption. He met her anger with casual indifference. He was not trying. It would be beneath his station to meet her with his full force, so he would not.
Vance let out a strangled roar Croc wrapped his hand around his throat. He managed to slash Croc's arm, but he couldn'y to hold his neck. Vance kicked Croc in the stomach with both feet and slashed his arm again. This time Croc let out a yell of pain and tossed him into the wall.Vance was disoriented but locked eyes once again with his opponent. They both charged in at the same time and collided. They began to roll along the platform vying for control.
She was a super-badass. Literally, with the blinking title above her head in Damon's hub. His health was also low and he was running out of ammo.

'Seems like your best bet.' His sister quipped, earning g a frown from the man. "Lady! What does me swearing my loyalty to you mean for me? Cause, honestly...I'm probably about to die." He admitted, standing up now. He'd help her if it meant getting him off this ship and putting the Two Terribles in thier resprective places.

And better gear, of course.

The Witch

Watching the wayward warrior sheathe his weapon, Harden lowered his guard a bit. "I'm Harden Rosenberg," he stared, "And currently, you're standing on the opening to...Hell. . He walked over, holding his hand out. The newcomer felt wrong, bent in some way. He glimmered in a familiar way. Like Glorificus did--at least the way Willow saw her. "What plane of existence are you from?" He asked the man, a speculative look on his brow.
Caim watched as the boy continued to badger him with questions he could not answer. Besides what he was talking about sounded ridiculous. Opening to hell? As if the world itself wasn't already hell. Maybe the sky was just as thin in this place as it was back home, only barely managing to hold back horrific creatures from beyond. This wasn't getting anywhere fast he could tell so he took the sword, scabbard and all, from his side and began making marks in the dirt. After a little bit of work he pointed to it with the sheathed blade.

In crude scrawl on the ground was "Name Caim" Strangely it was in English. Perhaps Caim's world and Harden's weren't too different from one another. Perhaps one catastrophic event 1000 years ago was the only real difference at all.
/>"主銷,命令在這裡,你有什麼ETA?"</ (Kingpin, Command here, what is your ETA?) Was the transmission that had come through from Command, Leia sitting in the back of a Type-97 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, with several other PLA soldiers equipped with the usual QBZ-03's sitting in with her, the two drivers in the front communicating with command in their usual Mandarin, their convoy was of 3 Type-97 IFV's, travelling through the occupied city of Austin, Texas, the city was having an unsually gray and dull day, with the pit patter of rain being heard pinging off the vehicle as they drove through the wet city streets, with consistant reminders being played over the speakers placed strategically around the city like "Do not fight, we are here to liberate you." or "The People's Liberation Army is here to help, do not resist." all of which were completely true, in Leia's eyes, but for some reason the Americans continued to resist their peaceful rule, such as..now?

The drivers at the front of the IFV panicked and began yelling at each other as the vehicle began to shake violently, a bright green light emitting through the open slits to see ahead at the front of the vehicle, the squad of 8 now holding onto their seats and weapons tightly to stop themselves from being taken out of their seats, the vehicle then crashing as the shaking stopped, red lights now bleeping on and off inside the vehicle as the drivers began arguing with each other. Two PLA soldiers, Cho and Lang manually opening the two back doors, hopping out with their assault rifles raised as what was outside was..surprising to say the least, Leia's eyes widened and her mouth damn nearly dropped as she saw that they were now in the middle of a forest, completely covered in show. The two young soldiers that had already hopped out now panicking at something, Yauzen, the squad leader, an older man, hopping out before he raised his assault rifle. Ordering them to fire.

Leia and the other 5 soldiers jumped out of the Type-97, all very surprised to see what was there, it was some kind of hidious creature, it was like a skeleton that was alive, it looked like death, she swallowed and her hands had nearly begun to shake, however the creature had spotted what appeared to be a group of 3, all people. As the squad and herself began to unload their automatic weapons at the creature, it howled in pain and began to make it's escape, Yauzen raising his hand as it disappeared out of range yelling. "停止射擊!" (Stop shooting!") Leia and her squad then turned their attention to the group of 3 that seemed ready to attack the monsterous creature head on before they had showed up. The squad raising their weapons again as Yauzen jerked his head, a que for Leia. "Attention citizens, I am Private First Class Leia Yeung, and this is Sargeant Lao Yauzen of the People's Liberation Army, we require your cooperation." She said, her strong Chengdu dielect coming through as she spoke.


Harley Quinn

Upon hearing Croc yell in pain, the goons picked up their pace, eventually meeting with Vance and Croc.

"I recognize that smell, you're Harley Quinn's goons." Croc muttered, grinning "I've got this..."

"The lady's orders." One of the goons replied "Sorry but she hasn't been too forgiving to people who have broken their orders...Not after what happened with the Joker."

"I heard that." Harley's voice replied over the radio in a bitter tone "If you use his name again, I will flay you alive!"

Croc nodded at the goons "Fine." He complained prompting all of them to turn their guns at Vance.


Connor and Gregory

At first, neither men replied to the soldiers. The name seemed familiar to Gregory but he couldn't put his mind on it.

"What the 'ell was that thing?!" Gregory shouted

"Bullets shouldn't have hurt it..." Connor muttered with fear in his voice

"You know what that thing was!? That thing was straight from a kiddies nightmare!

"It's a fictional monster my people dreamed up." Connor explained

"Was that...Was that a Wendigo..." Gregory muttered fearfully "A fucking Wendigo!"

"I think so. We should get going."

Gregory finally looked in the direction of the soldiers but noticed something behind them as three more Wendigos approached. Connor realized that It had not been howling in pain, it had been calling others for feeding time.

"Run!" Connor yelled, trying to get the attention of the soldiers. He did not know if he could trust them, but did not believe that anyone, not even a Templar deserved the fate of being taken by a Wendigo. Not if the myths were true. As a child, before his mother had died he would often have nightmares about the creatures.


The woman turned her attention to Damon and smiled

"Join me and I take you from this place, take you somewhere safe where you can train to best of your abilities whilst being safe from the chaos."

She turned her attention to Angron.

"Fight this one for me, but do not kill him. The other one, you can leave to me."

She aimed an open palm at Damon, shooting him with a golden light. It did wound or even hurt him, instead it restored him. She turned her attention to Gilgamesh.

"Do not mistake me for a simple witch, a cheap conjurer of tricks...." She spoke bitterly "And do not mistake me for someone who bows to lesser beings!"

She raised her hand again and unleashed a swarm of powerful hands blasts, glowing a red energy rather than gold.
The Siren

Damon felt something change within him with the blessing from the Office Lady. His hud glowed with an all too familiar message:


A few stat changes followed, causing the Siren to smile widely. "Ma'am," he called out to her as she charged toward the one called Angron, "You now have a siren in your corner."

He spun around and swung his cutting PhaseRend at the golden armor guy. The action was like normal, but the result was totally different. Instead of one singular slash, another followed after it creating a cross pattern of light. "Cool." he whispered, bracing for impact.
"MONGREL WITCH!" Gilgamesh roared, expending the remaining disks of his Auto Defensor to only barely shield himself. A stray blast ripped straight through his armor and into his left side. Tearing the peerless blade from her form and took a step backwards, expending his second miracle. "I am the greatest of heroic spirits and the one true king! There is nothing that stands above me!" He swung. The slash was meant to rend this vile temptress in two.

The Durandal let out a terrible amount of energy which surged forward towards his most hated opponent. He did not bother to see if his attack would hit anyone else, they were unworthy. He did not bother to check to see if his body could withstand the blow itself, he was a king, he could not strike himself down. His right arm broke in three places as the sheer might of his own attack blasted him backwards, through a wall and into one of the various tears that had opened up in the ship.


Location: ???

On the other side of the tear Gilgamesh landed with an undignified thud as his blood stained the ground. He quickly stood and expended his final miracle to cut the pathway he'd used. The tear was still present, but the specific pathway had been cleaved, linking the tear he'd come through with another to prevent them from giving chase. That woman had seemed interested in finding him after all.

The Durandal cracked before he returned it to his armory. He gave a look around and, finding no one, opened a golden disk above his trembling left hand. Pain. Pain was tearing at every part of him right now. A small bottle full of a green substance emerged from the portal. He drank it and let out a sigh as his wounds began to slowly patch themselves up. He would need rest. Rest or a Master. Yes. A Master. Someone who could supply him with more Mana than he was capable of generating on his own. But who could be worthy enough of Gilgamesh's servitude. For now however. He needed to figure out a way to kill the three who had dared cross blades with him. Especially that woman who felt she was superior to him.
Vance was standing across from Killer Croc, when the goons pointed their guns at him. He growled lowly as they opened fire. A bullet ripped into his stomach and he charged toward Killer Croc. Vance drop kicked Croc into the wall and stuck his claw into his stomach. The goons continued to fire at him, but he dove out of the way making the bullets hit the reptilian. Vance held his stomach as he bounded over to the wall. He jumped up and pulled himself into a sewer tunnel. Vance bounded down the tunnel and hid in a pipeway. He looked at his wound and groaned. Vance used 2 of his claws to dig the bullet out and dropped it onto the floor. He could feel the healing process starting slowly. The wound would heal but that didn't mean it didn't hurt or that he couldn't have died. Enough normal bullets and that would have been it.
Realizing that he was outnumbered, Angron sets his ship to self destruct before using a nearby drop pod to escape . As Angron's drop pod flies down to the nearby planet, all of Angron's warriors use the pods to follow their leader to the Beserk planet.
The Witch.

'Caim, we'll speak this way.' Harden projected, assuming the man was mute from the blatant action that just occured. 'I have someone who needs to see this.' He then pulled a earpiece from his pocket. Usually, he hated speaking with Buffy. They had an understanding that they would not contact each other unless it was of dire importance. And, this seemed to fit the bill. Placing the device in his ear, he pressed the button and was introduced to a dial-tone. When he was answered it was indeed the blonde Slayer. "Buffy. It's Rosenberg. I need you and Giles here pronto." He gave the stranger a friendly smile. "You won't believe this shit."
The woman turned her attention to Damon as the ship was set to self-destruct. She rested a hand on his shoulder. She was disappointed that both Gilgamesh and Anagron were able to escape, but there would be other opportunities for her to take their abilities.

"This might feel a little...Weird."

A strange blue glow surrounded the two and they disappeared as the ship self-destructed. This rendered Damon unconscious and he would find himself waking up in the inside of a traditional Japanese house.


The Doctor

Location: Hellicarrier (New York), MCU

The Doctor had been taken by the SHIELD agents who were under the command of Agent Stevenson while the human soldiers had been left alone. His TARDIS had also been taken but he had a backup plan. The Doctor was led down a corridor and encountered three other beings from different universes, a teenager, a face he recognized and a large, muscular man.

"Nikola Tesla!" The Doctor shouted


"This is brilliant. Really, this is!" The Doctor shouted, excitedly, shaking the scientist's hand. Tesla simply shot the Doctor a confused look in response.


Max and Syeron

Location: San Francisco, Terminator Universe

The two entered through the tear, accompanied by a platoon of Alliance marines. Syeron shut her eyes and shook her head.

"I sense something...This land is full of destruction and death. We must be cautious." She opened her eyes and a determined look was now on her face

"Shit..." Max muttered "Bishop you stay close." He looked down at his canine companion.

"If your Spectre survived this..." Syeron turned to one of the marines "We can too. Stay close and try not to get yourselves killed."

One of the marines attempted to make radio contact.

"Mil. This is Private Boyle, of the Alliance. Please respond."

"Private Boyle, I am currently pinned down...Requesting assistance.

"I thought Hackett said he never asks for help." Syeron butted in

"In that case the situation's obviously gone a bit tits up." Max replied, trying to inject humour into the situation.

"Mil." Max spoke into the marine's radio "Can you give us a fix on your location?"

"Yes. I'm you the coordinates now. I will stay here as long as I can, but I cannot make any promises."

The battle between the Resistance, the Sentinels and the Skynet forces continued to rage as the Merchant battled Ultron by himself.

"Oh good more clowns..." Accelerator murmured, still hanging from the Ultimate Warrior's hold on his shirt collar. 'Wait a second Tesla? Nikola Tesla? Well... The time period he mentioned matched up.' Confused thoughts raced through Accelerator's head before he struggled a bit, "Would you put me down!" He called out to the man still hoisting him up.


Caim's eye twitched. This idiot kid didn't need to project. 'Mute doesn't mean deaf dumbass.' Caim wasn't sure if this meant he could hear his thoughts but in the end it didn't really matter. He put his sword back on his side and narrowed his eye at the device Harden was using to communicate. Clearly some sort of base for a kind of telepathy. Whatever. It didn't really matter to him. Giving the boy no heed at all he kicked the troll carcass and brought his foot down on its shoulder, resulting in an incredibly satisfying crunching noise. 'Ah, that's better. Hey Dragon, looks like I'm in the middle of fuckoff nowhere again.' No response. 'I wonder if this idiot is empire scum.'

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