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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

"Insignificant? I'm the insignificant one?" The woman replied bitterly "YOU ARE TINY!" She screamed angrily and in multiple voices. With all the strength delivered by Angron, the responding shockwave was massive in scale


Nikola Tesla

Tesla reached for his shotgun but did not raise it at the SHIELD agents. "I'm sure we can resolve this peacefully. Put down your weapons, or my associate and I will be forced to use violence." He spoke in a calm tone

"We don't want violence either." The agent who was shouting responded, now he was trying to speak in a calmer tone "Our weapons are stun guns. We do not want to hurt you."

"I find that hard to believe." Tesla replied "What do you want?"

"We want to put you through processing. You two stepped through from other universes. We wish to learn about them so that we know what we're up against."

Tesla looked at the Ultimate Warrior, then back at the SHIELD agents "And how do we know we can trust you?"


Harley Quinn

Harley saw the shiny golden eyes from a distance and heard the roar.

"Go!" She shouted at the driver, leaning inside "Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" In response, the driver stepped on it, quickly increasing the speed of the car in an attempt to get away.

"Hopefully it'll go for the police instead of us." The driver tried to reassure himself

"What happens when it comes after us though?" The goon sitting in the passenger seat asked in a fearful tone

"Then we kill it." Harley replied "We pump it with bullets until it's dead."
Warrior tried tow whisper, which was really just talking at a normal volume. "They have something to do with these supermen. They organized them to fight criminals, aliens, rogue gods."

He proceeded to shout "LET US DISCUSS THIS PEACEFULLY!" And handed them all Slim Jims. He bought a lot of Slim Jims. Ludicrous amounts of Slim Jims.
Upon being hit with the massive shock wave, Angron is thrown into a wall across the room. Picking himself off of the ground, Angron resumes attacking the women as he is consumed by rage.
Vance shifted back to human and ran out of the darkness. He saw the red armored van speeding away but was more focused on himself. A car swerved onto the street but lurched to a stop. Vance ran up next to the car and looked back. The slayers were regrouping and assessing injuries. He turned to the driver who was freaking out. Vance pulled the man out of the car and got in. He pressed the gas and turned around. In the mirror he could see the slayers running and switched into drive. Vance slammed the gas down and sped off. He turned sharply to the right and let out an excited yell.
Location: New York, 2015 (MCU)

Accelerator was incredibly annoyed by this turn of events. He had a plastic bag full of canned coffee hanging from his left hand as he hobbled along the side streets of a city he did not recognize. It was a bit less advanced than his home of Academy City, perhaps 20 years behind technologically? He was thankful he at least still connected to the Misaka Network. With a yawn he turned a corner and spotted two odd men being accosted by what appeared to be a group of sharped dressed people with guns. Perhaps it was some dark side organization of this city he found himself in. "Aaaaah. Well, I guess I can start with these assholes." Accelerator sighed as he approached the muscled man's group, advanced cane making a clack with every step. "What the hell is going on here?"
Tesla sighed in relief, he hated violence but he was still prepared to use if it the agents turned hostile. As Warrior handed the agents Slim Jims, they lowered their weapons.

"We need to process you." The Agent spoke

"And what does that process consist of?" Tesla asked in a suspicious tone

"Just an interview or two, some blood samples..."

He was cut off as Accelerator approached. The agents turned their attention to him, raising their weapons.

"Don't fight them." Tesla pleaded "We're trying to resolve things peacefully!"


Harley Quinn

The armoured car had managed to escape in all the commotion, but both the driver and Harley kept an eye out for both the police and the creature they had seen. The car pulled into an alleyway with a garage at the end where it stopped in the middle. Harley and everyone apart from the driver stepped out, each carrying their bags of money and walking towards the garage doors.

The driver left the alleyway to dispose of the vehicle as the garage doors opened. Two goons were waiting on the other side, both armed with assault rifles. Inside the garage were more goons, at least thirty along with stockpiled weapons but in the middle of the room were several tables with electronic scales on them. Each goon dumped the money out of the bag and onto the scales, followed by Harley who emptied the bag with the same smile on her face.

At this point, she thought little of the creature. The hiest had been successful and that was what mattered. In the back of her mind, however she felt afraid that the creature might come back.


"You can't win, just give up." The woman sighed. She rolled her eyes and made another attempt to reach for Angron's face.
Warrior looked to the youth. It was clear he wasn't from around here either.

He held his hand out to Accelerator. "Tell me your name, child. We're dealing with ALTERNATE UNIVERSES, and you aren't from around here...OR A NORMAL!"
Wanting to to brutally kill the annoying women, Angron continues to attack the barrier with his sword while trying to shove his left hand into the barrier with the intention of grabbing her throat." I only have one master, worm! You have no power over me! "
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Accelerator glanced at the people now pointing guns at him and decided to ignore them. Seriously? Guns? Who did they think they were trying to threaten? He turned his attention to the man now extending his hand to him and scowled. Scowled a bit harder than he had been before that is. "What are you even talking about? Alternate universes..." The notion was silly but he couldn't shake the strangeness of suddenly being in this primitive city within the space of a blink, "Accelerator. The One Way Road." His hands were full, one with the grocery bag full of canned coffee, the other was grasping his cane.
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"We're trying to find our way back to our home realms." He pointed back to the agents "So, NORMALS! WILL YOU JOIN THE ONE WARRIOR NATION?! WILL YOU GUIDE US ON OUR PATH BACK TO PARTS UNKNOWN?!?" He was circling, putting his hands to the sky.
At this point Accelerator was already starting to dismiss the other man as a raving lunatic. He placed the grocery bag down and pulled from it one of the dozen or so canned coffees contained within. He knew this was going to be a long day so he decided he'd be prepared for it at the very least. After taking a long swig he placed the can at his feet and reached up to his electrode, left hand hovering over a switch so that it could be pressed the moment this barbarian pushed the people with guns a bit too far, or more likely, when they realized that Accelerator was the threat of the three being accosted. "Yeah sure whatever you say buddy. Information would be nice though. The hell are you idiots planning to do here?"
San Fransisco (Terminatorverse)

As his sentries are fighting some of the terminators. Ultron tried to hack the Terminators, slowly turning them one by one into his sentries. As the battle ensues he recognized someone or something behind the terminators, who was known by the name Skynet.

He then proceed to locate Skynet by using the signal from the hacked terminator, but before that he saw some human soldiers are running to him and the Terminators
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"I came here to explore." Tesla replied in a calm tone "The tear back to my own universe still lies open, but I would like to help both of you get back to your own universes. Perhaps that way I can study these tears and discover just what caused them to open to begin with."

In his eyes, the Accelerator was just a child, a lost child.

"Where are you from, my boy?" He asked in a friendly tone "My associate here is from the nineteen eighties, I am from the year nineteen and four. The difference is that we are from alternate universes. What about you? Wherever it is, I would like to help you get back there."

"After processing." The SHIELD agent butted in



Mil continued making it's way through the streets of San Francisco, running into two T-600 units. Mil cloaked itself and reached for it's shotgun, getting into a position behind a burnt-out car where it flanked the terminators, blowing both of them to pieces. Mil noticed a man wearing clothes designed for cold weather and wearing a large sack on his back walk towards the scene of the battle.

"It's not safe." Mil spoke "You need to find shelter."

"No, no I don't Geth." The man replied, smiling before he continued walking "Focus on finding those scientists of yours."

"How did you know about them?"

The man replied to this by tapping the side of his nose "Call it a tool of the trade." Before Mil could catch up with him, the man began to levitate into the air and approach the battlefield. As he approached multiple Terminators and Sentries attack him but all seemed to hit a barrier.

"Ultron!" He shouted, trying to get his attention.


Gregory Nelson

Gregory made his way to the log cabin and sighed in relief. He'd finally found shelter. Gregory didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself so would not break and enter. He approached the door to find that it was half-open. The snow under the door also had traces of blood so much so that the snow had turned a deep shade of red.

"Hello?" Gregory asked, his accent was a rough Cockney one. He pushed the door open to find fingernail marks leading up to the door, as if someone was dragged outside "What the hell happened here?" Gregory asked himself, out loud.

"I could ask you the same thing." A voice spoke, prompting Gregory to turn around and face the door. On the other side, stood Connor.


The Doctor

The Doctor continued running. He had been searching for people for the last hour but had found no traces of people, only their belongings. His assumption was that the bearded man and the lack of people were connected. Just as the Doctor was about to run back to his TARDIS he ran into a man dressed in military gear, wielding an energy weapon. He was standing next to seven other soldiers behind a barricade of sandbags.

"Where is everyone?" The Doctor asked, sounding out of breath

"What are you still doing here?" The soldier demanded "The whole city has been evacuated!"

"Evacuated, why?"

"The rips. The rips in reality, something came through them and we've been trying to fight them off!" There was fear in the soldier's voice

"What came through?" The Doctor asked.

"Get down!" The soldier shouted, pushing The Doctor to the ground. The Doctor was able to peer up to see a small platoon of Sontaran soldiers.

Just as the humans and Sontarans were about to fight, a tear opened behind the Sontarans, getting the attention of everyone.


Syeron Hunwess

Location: Earth, 2196 (Mass Effect Universe)

Syeron opened her eyes to find herself on the other side of the tear. She has sensed an unusual but extremely powerful force from it as she approached it. She turned around, looking back at the destruction it had caused before looking across the street, seeing a man with cybernetic legs who was wearing a hat. He had a shocked expression on his face.

"You've never seen a Jedi before, have you?" Syeron asked in a humorous tone

"Jedi? What's the hell's a Jedi?" Max asked

Several soldiers, all dressed in Alliance uniforms approached the tear.

"You need to come with us." They spoke "Both of you."


The woman sighed in response to the attack.

"The only thing stopping me from killing you is that I simply don't want to. I have a plan in mind for you."

Both attacks resulted in further shockwaves being unleashed. "Just give up." The woman sighed "This is getting tedious."
"ARE WE GOING TO STAND AROUND TALKING ABOUT PROCESSING OR ARE WE GOING TO DO IT?!" He skronked while in the face of one of the agents.
And he was being patronized by what appeared to be another scientist. If experiments on his ability started becoming a thing that people wanted to do Accelerator was just going to abandon this group and strike out on his own.

"Academy City, December 2015." He gave as curt an answer as possible to the man who had yet to even give his own name. He shot a glare at the agents once more, "Processing sounds like a fancy word for being studied, and I've had damn near enough of that back home."

Strangely he found himself agreeing with the insane muscle man. "If you're just going to point those things around at people and shout words without doing anything then I'll take the initiative. If the three of us aren't where we were before then where the hell are we and how the hell did you find them?" He jerked his head towards the two men beside him. Accelerator's hand never left the side of his electrode. He would meet any form of hostility with the overwhelming might of the strongest Esper of Academy City.
Warrior attempted to whisper again. "It's just a few questions and some blood tests. It's not that serious, one way Road Warrior." He tried calming him down in an attempt to get everyone home. He walked over to the agents "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! JUST DO IT!"
Continueing his assault on the barrier, with his sword, Angon begins to slam his left fist into the barrier while he attacks it with his sword." I will tear you to pieces, you cowardly worm!"
Ultron hear someone calling his name, and as he hear that he use his Anti-Gravity tech to lift himself to the air to met him face to face with the man. "Who the hell are you and what do you want ?" Said Ultron as he have his weapons charged
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"Easy now." The agent replied "No one said anything about experiments. We just want to learn about the universes you came from. We need to know if anything in those universes is a threat to our own universe!"

"What's your name?" Tesla asked the agent

"Agent Stevenson." The agent replied, nodding "We work for SHIELD. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

Tesla nodded as a means of telling the agent he understood. He turned his attention the Accelerator "There is no need for violence."


"You're a stubborn piece of work." She sighed

The woman blocked Angon's attack with her barrier but rather than create a shockwave, she went on the offensive. She channelled energy that gave off a golden light into her left leg and delivered a powerful kick at Angon.


The trader continued to make his way towards Ultron, levitating with both of his arms outstretched.

"I want something, something that belongs to you." He answered "Now, I want to do things peacefully. But that is up to you, child of Stark."
"I See" said ultron as he uncharged his weapon "but remember one thing" Ultron then fly towards him until their distance only an inch away. "Don't compare me with Stark, he's a sickness"
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"They get what they give. They're the one pointing guns, I'm just responding in kind," Accelerator snapped back to the man before turning his attention back to the agents. They were clearly ignoring his questions at this point. If they wanted blood samples he'd have to decline, violently if it came to it. He wasn't about to let what happened to the number 3 happen to him. Although, he could think of a few things that might be a threat from his world. A few things indeed. "Feh. This is such a pain." He refused to lower his hand until the agents themselves stood down. Which was unlikely considering the loudmouthed idiot was still yelling at them. Accelerator wondered if he'd be able to make it over to the guy before the agents could fire on him if they turned hostile.
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"Lower your weapons." Agent Stevenson ordered his men. He looked at Tesla and nodded, if he wanted to get these people on his side, he had to cooperate with them "What is it you want to know?" He asked Accelerator


"I am not comparing you to Stark. I am merely stating that you are his creation, his child. That is a fact, not your opinion." The merchant stated in a cold tone.
Flying into the wall across the room a second time from the force of the attack, Angron begins to stand up until a large piece of metal falls off of the ceiling right on top of him, causing him to be momentarily trapped.
The woman took the opportunity to fly towards Angron and reach both hands out towards his face.

"This might hurt a bit..." She muttered, smiling.
Wanting to rip the annoying women to pieces, Angron attempts to stand up in order to free himself from the large pile of ruble .

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