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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


"Oh good another one." Accelerator hobbled over towards the person coming out of the ship. "Lemme guess you came through a dimensional rift thing too eh? You can't have my coffee just to let you know." He took a sip of his own can before gesturing to the bag full of cans he had clearly placed a bit too much value in. He wasn't quite sure if he was going to have to move the contents of this man's circulatory system outside of his body but for now he was maintaining as non threatening an air as he could manage. Which, as a skinny albino teenager walking with a cane, wasn't too difficult even despite his glare and sour expression.



Caim scowled at the witch man. He'd reversed his grip on his weapon to give the oncoming hell hound a big friendly bisection but Harden had apparently assumed Caim was not paying attention to the battlefield. Clearly he did not realize that the battlefield was just about the only thing Caim actually paid attention to. 'Kill stealing jerk.' Caim shrugged before turning his attention back to the hell hound he'd decapitated, stabbing it once more to alleviate some of his annoyance. 'What do you think dragon? He more useful than that child eating elf chick? I wonder whatever happened to her. She was great...' No answer. Whoever he was directing those thoughts to was either not being reached or could not reply.
Seeing that the Ultimate Warrior has arrived, Hulk Hogan stands on the ring's apron with the other four members of the N.W.O with Kevin Nash standing inside the ring as he waits for the match to start.

Upon seeing the destruction of their ship, the Sycorax left in New York city threw down their arms and surrendered. Upon hearing this news from Stevenson, The Doctor approached Kidpool, as did Tesla

"So much bloodshed could have been prevented..." The Doctor muttered bitterly "Had it..."

"You can't dwell on what might have happened, Doctor." Tesla butted in "It won't bring them back, the innocents taken or their captors."

The Doctor took one final glare at Kidpool before walking back into his TARDIS. Every last human being they had managed to rescue stepped out, flooding the Hellicarrier. Two agents assisted Stevenson, taking him to the medical centre amongst some of the freed humans. As they scattered amongst the Hellicarrier, Revan's ship landed catching the attention of the Doctor.

"Magnificent..." Tesla muttered, admiring the ship. Several SHIELD agents pushed past the scientist and approached Revan. "State your name, rank and intention." One asked in a demanding tone.



Harley frowned as Caim stabbed the Hellhound she had intended to shoot but this smile quickly disappeared as another Hellhound ran at her, prompting Harley to shoot it multiple times in the face. Others were joining the party, but she would have to deal with them later. The demonic dogs took priority. Only seven Hellhounds now remained, turning their attention to the group and bearing their teeth, growling threateningly. Harley let out a growl in response, mocking the hounds.

"Well what are you bozos standing around for!" Harley shouted at the Hellhounds, reloading her pistol "Come and get me!"

The Hellhounds charged at the group.


"Your own gear should be good enough." The woman replied "Corrosive rounds will be effective against some of Skynet's forces. Again, this is a rescue and retrieval mission. I'm not asking you to go up against the entire Skynet army." She explained "You'll arrive not too far from Max and Syeron. I'd suggest uniting with them, but remember they want to take the scientists back to their home universe." She reminded him sternly "Once you get a hold on the scientists, I'll be able to get you out."

She touched Damon on the forehead and he found himself standing on the outside of a run-down and grey building. Max and Syeron, as well as the Alliance marines were inside.


Max noticed Damon and Claptrap instantly, signalling them inside with a wave of his hand. He was currently keeping a lookout with his laser rifle, watching the area for approaching Terminators.

In the battle that Damon had seen, the team had taken a few blows. One marine was hit and the medic was tending to his wounds, assisted by Syeron's R2 unit.

Accelerator sighed. Apparently Stevenson had this covered. Turning his attention back to the Warrior, he let out a small grumble, "Yeah yeah I'm coming." He hobbled over ring side and struggled to climb inside it.



Caim's smile grew wider as two hell hounds broke from the group and charged him. He let out a manic laugh as he met their charge. He took a single step forward, the ground buckling as he planted his foot, and swung, splitting both of his aggressors with one strike. They flew past him in chunks showering the warrior with gore anew. He waited at the ready to see how the others would work in a fight. He already liked this new girl. And her boomstick. 'Dragon where do you think I can get one of those?' Silence. He sighed. 'Ah well wouldn't want to neglect my sword.'

Harley emptied a round into a Hellhound that charged at her. Even after it had fallen with several bullets in it's brain she continued shooting just to be sure she told herself, smiling and laughing manically. Another Hellhound charged at her, attempting to bite at her ankles. She kicked it in the face and began to bash it over the head with her bat, turning it's head into nothing but a pile of bloody mush and brain matter. She continued to laugh and hit the remains of the Hellhound, not stopping for anything.

The other Hellhounds were attacking the rest of the group.
Caim set the remains of the hell hounds he'd dealt with on fire. He knew they were dead but that didn't really matter to him. He glanced in Harley's direction and watched as she unleashed violence on a similar level to his and just gave a smile and thumbs up to her. 'This one I like. Dragon what do you think?' He thought to himself and his pact partner. He was met with a mental roar which communicated nothing but madness and pain. 'Damn skippy.' He responded in silence.

He wondered if they'd compete in a murder off and briefly considered her chances at out murdering him. As they stood there was no contest. Caim had murdered several species of Troll, Ogre, Goblin, and giant space baby to extinction. 'Wait. Giant space baby? When did I murder those?' He mentally tripped over his own thoughts. Memories of something he had never experienced flooding into his mind before they disappeared just as quickly.
Vance's eyes widened as the largest hell hound ran at him. It looked especially vicious. He cautiously led it over to a car and it tackled him. Vance grunted as he was slammed into the car. The hell hound let out a predatory growl and he realized why it attacked him. It could tell he was a werewolf. Vance brought his elbow down on the hell hound's back. It let out a low growl and he kneed it in the face. Vance went for a right hook but the creature got out of the way. His arm went through the window of the car and he let out a low yell. He felt pain rip through his shoulder and saw the Hell Hound biting into it. Vance pulled his arm out and slammed his elbow into its chest. Vance felt the teeth leave his shoulder and smashed the hell hound's head on the car. He wrapped his arm's around its waist, lifted it up, and dropped it face first on to the hood of the car. Vance jumped on to the hood himself and grabbed it by the head. He lifted the hell hound up, pressed it over his head, and sent it crashing to the ground.

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Stevie the Eevee watched this strange group from the shadows. With all the chaos going around, her best bet was to follow a powerful group as best as she could and pick off any scraps of food they didn't watch quite carefully enough. With this... colorful cast of characters, monsters wouldn't stand any chance around them. Camping near them would be safe enough.

Maybe if she was lucky, they'd tear their eyes away from that opened coffee can just long enough...
Revan was hesitant to answer the man before him's questions, especially after the first one to speak to him seemed semi-hostile.

"My name is Revan, a Jedi of the Republic. As for my intentions, you could say exploration."

Damon entered the building with his Claptrap, immediately noticing the group of downtrodden looking folks. They seemed battle worn, and things did not look favorable for them. "Where the hell did I just land?" he questioned, walking his way to the one who waved him in. "I was told you needed me?" he announced casually, taking his corrosive weapon out and cocking it,

"Seems you came at a good time then." One of the marines spoke "We followed what we thought was a signal from one of our own, but it turned out to be a trap. These bastards can replicate anyone's voice!"

"The person we're looking for is held up in that house over there." Max explained, pointing across the street "We've been signalling them with morse code"

"He's hiding something from us..." Syeron butted in "I can sense it."

Max approached one of the windows at the sign of a small light "Terminator platoon...On it's way...Get ready." Max muttered, a worried expression now on his face. He signaled back to Mil with a mirror "how many?"

"Well that's not so bad..." He muttered, the worried expression disappearing

"How many?" Syeron asked in a demanding tone

"About ten standard units, one of those flying ones and a tank."

Syeron half-smiled in response "We can take them." She then turned her attention to Damon "Who are you?"



Harley turned around, seeing Vance struggle to deal with one of the hounds and sighed. She walked over to it, dragging her blood-stained bat across the ground and proceeded to bash the Hellhound over the head with it, a massive grin on her face.



The SHIELD agents looked at each other and lowered their weapons. The Doctor approached Revan.

"A Jedi." He muttered "I thought they were just a story...But I suppose, alternate universes allows an infinite number of possibilities." He drew his sonic screwdriver "Don't worry it's not a weapon." He reassured Revan before scanning him.
Vance look at the woman for a moment before facing the other hell hounds. He inner wolf raged a little bit at her interrupting his battle. But, he took control of it. Another hell hound charged towards him and Vance focused in with shining blue eyes. He easily tripped the wolf and dropped it to the ground. Vance punched it in its throat and elbowed it in the face a few times. He stopped when its eyes were rolling back and he hopped back on top of the car. Vance went to the top and waited as the hell hound got up. He jumped off of the car when it was on its hands and knees and brought a foot down onto its head to smash it into the ground. There was a sickening crunch and it moved no more.




Revan was about to draw his lightsaber, but he sensed truth behind the man's words and allowed him to use the small device.

"Alternate universes? And Jedi are told about in other universes?" Revan asked, puzzled.
What in the Force is he talking about? he thought.

Harden watched as the three sucessfully bashed the heads of the hounds. Caim, though callous, was pretty adept with that sword. And the other guy was a freaking werewolf. The only were-folk Harden had ever seen was Oz, and he didn't even know the guy was a Super at the time. The fight seemed to be going nowhere though and Harden couldn't fight anymore--well, he could, but he didn't want to.

"Oh, enough of this." he said, rubbing his hands together. He was about to cast a spell that was a bit more intricate then just saying "Boom". He made sure to feel for only the dogs and not the people involved. It'd be terrible if he got one of them crossed in the path of what he was about to do. Once every one of those dogs were linked, he Cast his spell, using only the word "Obey". He could only get a few, but it was enough to do damage.

"Kill." he said with a bit of grit, concentrating so that he didn't explode every head present.


"Giles, I see him." The woman slid a hair tie into her strawberry blonde locks, a habit of sorts. It was always hard to get bits of anything out that wasn't shampoo. A slender brunette appeared out of the shadow like a mist. "You're here too?" the blonde asked, stretching out her limbs. The Brunette let out a war-cry, turning to the blonde girl and sneering. "Yeah, ya stuck up bitch. Let's go save Rosenberg, huh?" she jeered, taking off through the trees first.

"Asshat." the blonde murmured, following after her.
Caim split yet another hell hound in half with his large blade, another lunging at him. It's teeth caught his leather bound left forearm, only barely managing to puncture the bracer with it's teeth before it's entire lower half was ripped away. Caim tossed the upper half into the air and reduced it to ash with a large fireball. He loved it. He loved the smell of burned flesh. He loved the smell of a gore splattered battlefield. He loved the sounds they made when they died senselessly at his hands. The hell hounds were dwindling by this point. He'd savor this field of death for a little longer before he'd move on to the next one. 'I wonder if these guys have any human enemies. While this is fun and all, there's nothing quite like watching the life leave a person's eyes. Plus humans definitely burn better. Right Dragon?' His idle thoughts went unanswered.
Waiting for the bell to ring in order for the match to start, Kevin Nash charges at the Ultimate Warrior and sends a big boot aimed at his face.
Warrior got knocked to the ground and climbed to his feet almost instantly. These were standard heel tactics. Maybe the Jedi was set up by the NWO.
Forming a smug grin on his face whold doing a taunt after knocking the Warrior down, Nash walks towards Warrior and begins to grapple him.
Accelerator finally pulled himself into the ring, allowing himself to remain tangled in the ropes to keep himself standing as he'd left his cane ringside. He freed his left arm so he could reach his choker if he needed to and simply waited to be tagged in. At least that's how he assumed it worked, he was a Japanese teenager who was subject to horrific experiments his whole life, he had no idea how wrestling worked at all. He just assumed he'd just hit them until they broke as usual.

Damon flicked the switch on his amp shield before responding to Syeron. "Ma'am, I'm your trump card. But you can call me Damon." Acknowledging the fact that contact was eminent, he braced himself near the door and waited for further instruction. It was just like training at the Hyperion moon-base. They were, after all, trying to perfect the Siren genome as a weapon. "Should we hold ground or take it to them?" he asked, not really sure of who was in charge of assult.
Warrior reversed it into a whip and sent Nash into a turnbuckle. He took this moment to regain his footing. He couldn't hurt Nash worse than he hurt himself.
Slamming into the turnbuckle with more force than needed, Nash oversells a back injury as he begins to walk around the ring before tagging in Steiner. Once tagged in, Steiner charges at Warrior and attempts a belly to back suplex on Warrior.
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Finally getting the chance, Stevie snuck for the abandoned coffee can. The commotion in the ring caught her attention every time someone landed a hit, but she continued onward. When she got to the coffee can, she carefully tipped it to check its weight...

Near empty.

Stevie snorted and left the coffee can. It might be time to start begging for food. If there was a kitchen nearby, Stevie certainly didn't know where it could be. As if she could figure out where the hell Palkia dumped her.
Warrior took the suplex, got up, and shook it off. He then attempted to clothesline the genetic freak, knocking the phenamena towards the rope. It didn't him very far, but still. It's worth noting.

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