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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Hulk Hogan

Sensing an opportunity, Hogan begins to shout at Accelerator with the intention of distracting him" YOUR NOT WORTH MY TIME, BROTHER! I EAT GUYS LIKE FOR BREAKFAST, YOU VANILLA MIDGET! I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT AND THERE IS NO ONE WHO CAN STOP ME, DUDE!"

The Giant

Taking advantage of Hogan's distraction, the Giant wraps his right hand around Accelerator's neck and lifts him up with the intention of choke slamming him.


Revan was intrigued by what the man before him was speaking of. An entirely limitless amount of alternate universes parallel to his own, each different in some way from the last. He was also confused as to how these alternate universes existed. The idea just seemed a little perplexing for the old Jedi. "So, if I'm interpreting this correctly, there could be millions of other universes, all separate from each other and different from each other? This all seems...confusing."
Accelerator just snarled as four tornadoes erupted from his back. He grabbed the Giant's hand with an iron grip and flew upwards. He didn't go up for long as he maneuvered himself above the giant and then started flying down towards the ring at high speeds. Laughing like a maniac Accelerator went to slam the Giant full force into the ring, being careful not to break anything important in the man.

"Oh. I guess he couldn't handle a little vanilla midget like me then eh? The NWO must just be full of giant muscle bound babies."
Warrior looked down. Some kind of Dingo was using dark magic? It reminded him of his childhood in Parts Unknown. Good times.
Vance stepped through the tear and popped on to the street behind the police's barricade. A couple men who were examining the tear stumbled back in surprise. They began to yell but he had already ran past. Vance easily jumped over a car and bounded off down the street. He could hear the police cocking their guns back. But it was too late to stop him. Vance jumped up and crashed through the first floor window of a building. He bounded straight across the floor and crashed through a window at the other end. Vance landed on his feet and put up his hood. He walked inconspicuously down the street as police cars tore by. It was time to see the old man.

Outraged at being called out by a small guy, Hogan and the remaining N.W.O members enter the ring and surround the Ultimate Warrior and Accelerator while Randy Savage jumps from the top rope towards the stage dingo.
Stevie yelps and dodges Randy Savage's initial attack. She shoots off a Shadow Ball at the new attacker before jumping away for more distance.
Accelerator just laughed. "Alright wrestlers! Let's put you to the test! I'll use these bloody hands of mine to see if you're worthy of your titles!" He stepped forward, the ring groaning from the pressure he exerted on it. He held his arms out wide and purposely lowered his auto reflection to the level of merely stopping blows. He would finish this himself rather than letting some automatic ability do all the work.

Harley glanced over at Caim as he continued to light the body on fire. Normally, she would have become angry at the idea of someone taking what was hers there seemed to be something about this man, although she couldn't put her mind on it. She glanced back at the Hellhound and smiled.

"Who are you?" She asked



"Oh no, not just millions or even trillions." The Doctor replied, his tone still ecstatic "A countless number."

Tesla walked forwards, taking little notice of Revan and admiring the ship instead. He'd learnt about parallel dimensions from Lovecraft and so the words of The Doctor were words he had heard before.

"What genius was able to design such a machine?" Nikola asked, resting his left hand against it.


Blüdhaven, Arkhamverse

The librarian appeared behind Vance, holding his suitcase.

"Hello there, Vance." He smiled

The last of his pack had killed themselves off. Harden watched as the unidentified man walked toward another growing rip in his world. "Wa-wa-wait man!" he yelled out, trying to catch up to him. It was a lot better than hanging around Caim, who seemed to be rather disturbed and becoming chummy with the openly deranged female. As the man disappeared Harden made a split second decision. Pushing off with his unmarred foot, he followed behind the mysterious guy--and he was followed by the brunette slayer.

Meanwhile, the blonde one arrived on the scene, brandishing a sword. "What the hell?" she murmured, slack-jawed, as she watched the rip instantly pop back out of existence. "Willow's gonna be so pissed." she groaned, noticing the two maniacs in the vicinity.

(Will make a Buffy Sheet, for good measure)

Blüdhaven, Arkhamverse

With little hesitation, the Brunette lifted Harden into a fireman's carry without much effort. And, that earned a string of expletives that would make a parent shamed to show their face. "So, tell me why you decided to come now, Faith?" Harden yelled, not really attempting to break free. "I got...busy." Faith said in her usaual carefree tone. "Pssh, doing a biker-kind of busy." Harden sneered, earning a light kidney punch.

"We're chasing the werewolf, right?" Faith asked, making a sharp right turn. "Yes, and OW!" Harden replied, beginning to heal his wounds to avoid more pain. This world had magic, which was a good thing. 'If you were Willow...' he began to think, but stopped himself. Now wasn't the time. The two came up behind the wolf-man and saw another person appear out of nowhere, with a briefcase. "Hello, Vance." the stranger said casually.

"Hey, bub, who are you?" Faith yelled out at either one of them, placing Harden on the ground lightly. "Get yourself, five-by-five, k?" she told him before walking in the direction of the two otherworldly-interlopers.
Caim glanced back to Harden just in time to see him jump through the portal. 'Oh nice, thanks for running asshole. Whatever he sucked anyway.' Caim responded to Harley's question by sticking his tongue out to display the pact tattoo once more before stabbing the hound and starting to write his name on the ground with it's blood. His work finished he pointed to the red scrawl on the ground with his sword before gesturing to himself with his other hand.
Vance looked at the old man and raised an eyebrow. Before he could speak a voice broke out. He turned to see that one the men from the other universe had followed him as well as a strange brunette. Vance let out a sigh at this. "Its a slayer and a witch. Can we do this later? This meeting is very important."

Warrior snapped back to realty. "SAVAGE! YOU DARE TO CALL YOURSELF A MAN?!" Warrior lifted the small animal and aimed at Savage.
Stevie yelped as she's lifted off her feet. "I'm not a gun! Ask me befo--" She saw Savage charging in and started sending out Shadow Balls as fast as she could.

Revan used the Force just to move Tesla back a few steps so he wasn't touching the Hawk. He didn't feel comfortable with this scientist-type gazing at his ship like it was some sort of lab specimen. He himself had stolen the ship from a crime boss on Taris, but he had come to like the ship over time.

"I...appropriated the ship from a crime boss on another planet, right before a Sith Lord, who was my former apprentice, destroyed the city."
Randy Savage

Amused by the tiny dingo's threats, the Macho Man dodges the shadow ball before attempting a drop kick on Warrior. "Oh Yae, you must have some brain damage, Warrior! Because no one in their right mind would think they could take on the Macho Man!"

Hulk Hogan

Not wanting to seem weak against a small guy, Hogan and the N.W.O near him begin to attack Accelerator.
Accelerator let out a roar as he met the attacks head on. Blocking a punch with his left hand and changing it's vectors to rebound the fist. He multiplied the strength of a shove and pushed someone hard enough to send them flying out of the ring. Then he set his sights on Hulk Hogan. "I don't have any more time to waste on you." He lunged forward, leaping forward with a speed his lanky body should not be capable of producing. He moved to clothesline Hogan and send him flying with his power.
Warrior went flying into the ropes, where he flew right back at Macho Man. "YOU WEREN'T A KING BACK THEN AND YOU AREN'T NOW!"

He attempted to knock the Slim Jims right out of Savage's mouth with a series of punches.
Still clutched in Warrior's hands, Stevie got flung around as Warrior flew into the ropes. When Warrior went after Savage to punch him, Stevie cried out, "OH ARCEUS LET ME GO PLEASE LET ME GO!"

Mutism. Harley realized, reading the letters now carved into the Hellhound's body "Caim" can't speak. She had managed to hold onto some of her skills in

psychiatry, even if that was the "old her"

"Don't worry, I can do the talking for ya!" Harley shouted enthusiastically, offering Caim her left hand "Harley, Harley Qunn." She smiled


Blüdhaven, Arkhamverse

"You have no place here" The librarian muttered bitterly at the slayer and the witch, stepping forwards "Leave while you still can."



Nikola was taken aback by the mild force push but quickly straightened himself up.

"Magic." He muttered, recalling how Lovecraft had been able to move things with his mind. He looked at Revan, then back at the ship but kept his distance "You said your former apprentice destroyed an entire city... I had hoped that weapons capable of such destruction would have been banned in the future."

"Sadly, no." The Doctor butted in "Although you did design a death ray."

"I made that to prevent violence, a weapon with such raw power that I would use to threaten, not to destroy." Tesla defended "Hold the governments to ransom and tell them that unless violence ceases, unless they agree on ceasing wars their cities would burn."

"But you were never going to fire it, were you?" The Doctor asked


Tesla backed even further away from the ship, turning to face The Doctor.

"I am an inventor, not a murder. I create things rather than destroy them..." These words brought a smile to the Doctor's face

Caim nodded and shook Harley's hand. He did enjoy the way she murdered. Perhaps it would be fun hanging around with her for a little bit. 'Kind of like old times, eh dragon? All we need now is someone to replace the golem brat and magus bad touch.' Caim gave an off grin before letting go of Harley's hand and scanning the area. Just to make sure there weren't any more corpses that needed a few extra holes in them. He noticed the blonde at this point. She must have been one of the ones his potential Leonard replacement had called. He'd take her over either of them if she could murder well. He pointed to Buffy and motioned her over. 'Might as well knock out all this meet and greet business so they can lead me to more shit to murder.'
Hulk Hogan

Falling to the mat after being clotheslined, Hogan lays on the mat as Kevin Nash attempts to Jackknife Accelerator.

Randy Savage

Unable to dodge the attacks, the Macho Man falls to the ground repeatable after the series of punches before falling to the ground unconscious while saying something about a slim Jim.
As soon as Kevin Nash laid a hand on Accelerator's reflection pushed him away slightly. The Small boy wrapped his arms around the wrestler's waist and moved to pick him up only to attempt to slam him back down right on top of Hulk Hogan.

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