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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Reborn World

Oh great, here again. Mumbled Seth as he mentally rolled his eyes.

So, you're friends with that b*tch. Well, that mission was a complete failure. Said Seth hatefully.


The Space Pirates had docked onto the Mother Ship. Ridley's ship arrived by the docking bay soon after. They entered the main room.So. You're the prick who wanted to see me. To stop me, perhaps. Said the Purple Space Dragon to the Doctor, armor still on.

JoJo was still unconscious with injuries like:

  • Broken Nose
  • Cut cheek
  • A few broken ribs
  • A cut elbow
  • A bruise on his stomach
  • Also; missing an arm, but it's fine because that happened way before this and it's a robotic arm now.

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Reborn World

Mil administered medigel, healing JoJo of his wounds, minus the arm he had lost, waking him up in the process.

"You might still feel some pain." Mil explained "But your wounds have healed."

"I am sorry for your losses." The Merchant bowed his head in response "Connor was a good man and Harley was a troubled young woman."

"Manipulated by a psychopath into risking her life." Gregory butted in "I wonder how that feels." He spoke in a bitter, sarcastic tone "If you lot have all this power, why didn't you use it to save us!?"

"The entity..." The Merchant tried to explain, but was cut off

"I don't give a fook about the entity!" Gregory snapped "That bitch is threatening my family! If this is the only way I can save them..."

"It isn't, Mr Nelson." The Merchant explained

"Well it's pointless now! Ultron's got all that power."

"I believe your friend needs medical attention." The Merchant pointed out, gesturing to two Knights to climb aboard the ship

"Your friend killed one of them." Gregory pointed at the Knights

"Ser Ismay?" The Merchant asked "Not dead, I mean she did die but my acquaintance brought her back. She is currently in a pocket universe." He explained "Just say the word, and I will restore her to her rightful plain of existence."

"Do it." Gregory muttered, taken aback by the words.

The Merchant waved his left hand, displaying a hologram of Ser Ismay arriving on another colony with Ser Dougan, Lancelot, the Emperor and their army of Thunder warriors.

"Done." He spoke "She felt as if she needed to get her point across, she can be over dramatic sometimes. Morbus on the other hand...He threatened my family so I had him killed...I would never allow any harm to come to your family, Mr Nelson. Or any of your families. Connor's soul is already in the afterlife, Harley on the other hand..."

"Afterlife?" Gregory asked "You mean death ain't the end?"

"When you die, you become one with the force." Syeron explained, lowering her head "I see them sometimes."

"What was it Gandalf said?" He asked "Gregory, you've seen that film and read that book dozens of times. You should know this."

Gregory remained silent, still comprehending the idea of an afterlife. Was it really possible?

"End? No, the journey doesn't end here." The Merchant smiled reassuringly "Death is just another path, one which we all must take. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it...White shores and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise."

He approached Gregory and rested a hand on his shoulder "I have seen it. It..." He stopped himself and turned his attention to where Yami was standing "Harley's soul, give it back." He spoke, only to Yami with anger in his eyes





Alpha team followed them into the main room. "When they said dragon, I wasn't sure to expect but this guy definitely wasn't what I was expecting. The X-Rays back home were never that big." Said Alpha-2. In case of fight Alpha team put a fresh clip into their weapons. "I'm really glad I brought an extra rocket." Alpha-5 muttered. Alpha-4 programed a path for a grenade from his shoulder mounted gernade launcher. Alpha-3 grabbed a ghost gernade from her belt in case they needed to disappear. "Ready when you are." Alpha-1 said to the others.
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Nikita put her helmet back on, preparing for a fight. She nodded at The Doctor, indicating that she was waiting for his signal. The Time Lord put his hands in his pockets and stepped forwards.

"I've seen a lot of people die today." He spoke "I have to ask you, what for? What's the point? You don't seem to be after resources as you're not going for the oceans or the oilfields or even the people."

"People?" Stevenson asked

"As slave labour." The Doctor replied grimly "Seven billion human beings. Every slave trader in the universe has thought about Earth at some point. Most of them have turned away."

The Doctor paced around the room, hands still in his pockets.

"I won't ask again." He spoke in a grim, threatening tone "Because there's a reason all those slave traders turned away."




ryanpk200 said:
Alpha team followed them into the main room. "When they said dragon, I wasn't sure to expect but this guy definitely wasn't what I was expecting. The X-Rays back home were never that big." Said Alpha-2. In case of fight Alpha team put a fresh clip into their weapons. "I'm really glad I brought an extra rocket." Alpha-5 muttered. Alpha-4 programed a path for a grenade from his shoulder mounted gernade launcher. Alpha-3 grabbed a ghost gernade from her belt in case they needed to disappear. "Ready when you are." Alpha-1 said to the others.
The ship's force fields would let no one enter and would fire shots at those who wished to penetrate in.

Ridley looked at the DoctorWe don't need slaves. And, we are already harevesting. If you hadn't noticed. The main ships are heading to other points of interest and your hardest metal's are gone. Oil is useless, you know. Wait, you give me an idea. But now, I must go. Have fun. Guards, take care of them. Said Rildey as he walked away and the guards cocked their guns, surrounding the Doctor and clearly outmatched.

[Don't worry, I won't kill them.]
theManCalledSting said:
"Well now, let the show go on..."

"What shocking end to that match!" said Michael Cole.

"I know it was, Maggle! But up next we're having what might be the match of the night!" said JBL to his partner.

"That's Right, John!"

The Screen shows the next matchup a Dallas Texas Street Fight for the Intercontinental Championship.

"The Next Match is a Dallas Texas Street fight for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!" said Cole with excitement.

"And this Rivalry tells the tale of a fast rising Superstar... So let's how how all of this started." continued Cole as we are then presented a video package to detail the rivalry between Ruby Rose and Kevin Owens.

The Video Package

It started with Ruby's debut in NXT, all the way back when the tears started appearing.

'Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for Baron Corbin's Open Challenge.' said a play-by-play commentator as we see Baron Corbin waits for his new opponent. Who is revealed to be Ruby Rose.

Corbin was taken aback by his opponent but then laughs it off saying, 'Look, even though the rules of the Lone Wolf Open Challenge is to see if any 'no-name' can knock me off of my feet... and looking at every pass week everyone fell to the 'end of days'.' ((Which was the name of his Finishing move))

'So sorry, lil' red riding hood so how's about you go back to grandma's house and leave this to the real men?' said Corbin in a very mocking tone.

Ruby answered with a superkick to the face of Baron Corbin knocking him down and making her the winner.

'Am I seeing what I'm seeing?'

'Did she just knock out the Lone Wolf Baron Corbin?'

we then see that a match up screen between Ruby Rose and Baron Corbin at "NXT TakeOver"

We see clips of the event including Ruby's entrance with Cresent Rose.

Ruby hit her superkick and pinned Baron Corbon and won the match.

'The winner by Pinfall! Ruby Rose!'

We are presented clips of Ruby's matches with various Superstars and Divas with all of them falling to her Superkick.

We then are shown a clip from the WWE Pay-per-view Event "Fastlane" where Monica announced that Kevin Owens will be facing a surprise opponent.

'Who could that be?' said Michael Cole.

Ruby Rose runs to the ring and begins her fight with Kevin Owens.

While the fight was very close and even.

Ruby was about to his Owens with her superkick but Owens ducked and whipped her to the ropes causing her to bounce back at Owens who tossed her up in the air and delivered a "Pop-up Powerbomb"

'Sorry kid, but there's no such thing as a 'Happily Ever After'.' said a voice over of Owens as we see an unconscious Ruby.

We now see a clip from NXT of Ruby asking for a rematch at Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens accepted the challenge after knocking her out with his championship belt.

On Raw we are told that Ruby sustained minor injuries from the attack from Kevin Owens on NXT and cannot make an appearance.

Instead Weiss appears backstage to interrupt an interview with Kevin Owens.

'What you have done to my Teammate, what reprehensible. I won't stand for it.' Weiss said as if she was scolding a child.

'Is that so? What are you gonna do about it, Lil' Ms. Divas Champ?' retorted Owens

'You and Me... Champion vs. Champion...' she said staring dead-on Owens' eyes.

'You're on.'

Owens, in a word demolished Weiss in the match and was about to deliver a piledriver on the ring apron before we hear "This Will be the Day" and Ruby charges in the ring and fends of Kevin Owens. In a valiant attempt to protect her Teammate, Weiss.

Ruby with micphone in hand calls out to Kevin Owens, 'If you think you can take on my friends like that then how's about we make the match, a Street Fight!'

Kevin Owens smirked as his voice over is heard once again saying, 'You're on.'

Snake crouched and followed the Doctor

"Alright Doc. You're calling the shots, so what's the plan?"
TommyGun15 said:
Yami looked back at Gregory impassively. He reached up to his face, and dug his fingers into his left eye socket. With a sickening ripping sound, he tore his eye out, and held it before Gregory. If one looked deep into it's pupil, one could see Harley asleep, curled up in a fetal position.
"What will you offer me in return?" He asked.
Seth looked at Yami ripping out his eye with disgust. He knew the nature of demons like him and had an idea. We'll offer you an object of power! Great power, actually.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
The ship's force fields would let no one enter and would fire shots at those who wished to penetrate in.
Ridley looked at the DoctorWe don't need slaves. And, we are already harevesting. If you hadn't noticed. The main ships are heading to other points of interest and your hardest metal's are gone. Oil is useless, you know. Wait, you give me an idea. But now, I must go. Have fun. Guards, take care of them. Said Rildey as he walked away and the guards cocked their guns, surrounding the Doctor and clearly outmatched.

[Don't worry, I won't kill them.]
(I'm confused. Is the force field only for Ridley or for all space pirates?)
ryanpk200 said:
(I'm confused. Is the force field only for Ridley or for all space pirates?)
[The Force Field is only dissipated when the ships enter since it's their ships. And even if they do enter, guards and droids constantly patrol the docking bay.]
TehFanzyMetroid said:
[The Force Field is only dissipated when the ships enter since it's their ships. And even if they do enter, guards and droids constantly patrol the docking bay.]
(I'm having a brain fart. The group can still fire and kill the Space Pirates that surrounds them?)
TommyGun15 said:
Snake crouched and followed the Doctor
"Alright Doc. You're calling the shots, so what's the plan?"
"First, let's see if Monaca did in fact find the time to make a Dalek during our interrogation sessions with Junko..."
theManCalledSting said:
"First, let's see if Monaca did in fact find the time to make a Dalek during our interrogation sessions with Junko..."

Snake called Miller on his I-Droid.

"Miller, I want you to mark the location of Monaca's comm signal."

A minute later, a blip appeared on the I-Droid GPS.

"This is the location she's been broadcasting from. We should go in slow in case there's a trap."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake called Miller on his I-Droid.

"Miller, I want you to mark the location of Monaca's comm signal."

A minute later, a blip appeared on the I-Droid GPS.

"This is the location she's been broadcasting from. We should go in slow in case there's a trap."
The Doctor stopped in his tracks and bore a smile, "I love traps."
theManCalledSting said:
"To be frank, if Monaca actually does put me in a trap... she's making the biggest mistake in the universe..."
"Well, that's reassuring." Snake mumbled.

"Well, better get moving. I'll cover you."

Snake ducked into the shadows.
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, that's reassuring." Snake mumbled.
"Well, better get moving. I'll cover you."

Snake ducked into the shadows.
The Doctor roamed the stadium looking for any anomalies...

"Strange, Time seems to have stabilized... but... the air feels very 1986-ish..."
theManCalledSting said:
The Doctor roamed the stadium looking for any anomalies...
"Strange, Time seems to have stabilized... but... the air feels very 1986-ish..."
Snake contacted the Doctor over radio, somehow.

"Well yeah, that's what year it is."
Reborn World

JoJo glanced at his formerly wounded areas. They were all healed. He looked over at Mil and mustered up "Thanks." He took one more look at his hand and... "Oh, shoot!" He exclaimed. He got up quickly and frantically searched around, muttering something like "Oh, Suzie-Q is gonna kill me..." He finally checked where he was sitting, and picked up a golden ring. He breathed a sigh of relief and put the ring on. JoJo then drooped his head down and muttered "Oh. My. God..." and breathed another sigh of relief, then it was wash, rinse, repeat for about three more times. Afterwards, he looked back over at Mil and said "Anyways... Where are we?"

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