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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
"I thought we'd gone over the fact that this isn't the same reality you're used to."
"No, this is different you see..." The Doctor spun around with his sonic screwdriver to scan the building. "The building and the soil says 2016 and the air tastes like 1986. Any stable universe should not disagree with itself this much, also would you find it hard to believe me if I tell you, I think Monaca's behind this whole mess?"
theManCalledSting said:
"No, this is different you see..." The Doctor spun around with his sonic screwdriver to scan the building. "The building and the soil says 2016 and the air tastes like 1986. Any stable universe should not disagree with itself this much, also would you find it hard to believe me if I tell you, I think Monaca's behind this whole mess?"
"Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. She's probably from a place that's a few decades ahead of our universe, if her tech is anything to go by. Whatever these robots she has are, they look like improved versions of Walker Gears. No technology like that should exist, yet I've seen at least 3 of those things."
TommyGun15 said:
"Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me. She's probably from a place that's a few decades ahead of our universe, if her tech is anything to go by. Whatever these robots she has are, they look like improved versions of Walker Gears. No technology like that should exist, yet I've seen at least 3 of those things."
"And she was their creator... I should know..."
theManCalledSting said:
"And she was their creator... I should know..."
"This is a personal opinion, but I think all of her technology should be destroyed before this is over. The last thing we need is any of it falling into other wrong hands."

Snake paused for a moment.

"Oh, and let me head off this comment at the pass. Yes, Diamond Dogs counts as the wrong hands too."
TommyGun15 said:
"This is a personal opinion, but I think all of her technology should be destroyed before this is over. The last thing we need is any of it falling into other wrong hands."
Snake paused for a moment.

"Oh, and let me head off this comment at the pass. Yes, Diamond Dogs counts as the wrong hands too."
"Figured that out when you said "Zoo Platform" a while back. First things first... why has time gone all too wobbly?"

The Doctor ran down the corridors

((It's obviously because of StarDust))
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theManCalledSting said:
"Figured that out when you said "Zoo Platform" a while back. First things first... why has time gone all too wobbly?"
The Doctor ran down the corridors

((It's obviously because of StarDust))
"Well, we've got to keep the rare animals somewhere while the wildlife preservation people drag their feet finding a place to relocate them to. Can't let albino grizzly bears wander the base. As for time, I'm not sure. There was this weird guy talking funny earlier who pointed me towards where Junko was. He might have something to do with it."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, we've got to keep the rare animals somewhere while the wildlife preservation people drag their feet finding a place to relocate them to. Can't let albino grizzly bears wander the base. As for time, I'm not sure. There was this weird guy talking funny earlier who pointed me towards where Junko was. He might have something to do with it."
"Weird guy; weird fellow... know who he is?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Yes, but I need to find out where was she building these robots... I'm going to throw a wrench in cogs."
"Hold on. I'll talk to my intel team."

Snake had the intel team look over the parts of the robot they'd captured for serial numbers. After running some traces, they were able to provide an address, which Snake forwarded to The Doctor.
TommyGun15 said:
"Hold on. I'll talk to my intel team."
Snake had the intel team look over the parts of the robot they'd captured for serial numbers. After running some traces, they were able to provide an address, which Snake forwarded to The Doctor.
"WWE City? That's in Connecticut..."
apoliseno said:
"I know a thing or two about this Stardust, but drop your weapons before I speak. You have my word that I won't hurt you," he said with his voice modifier.
"Well, hello there!" The Doctor greeted their new 'friend'.

TommyGun15 said:
Snake sighed and holstered his gun.
"Great... more trouble."
The Doctor nudges Snake, "Come on, he's friendly... And I know this because he's not shoot us on sight."
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, hello there!" The Doctor greeted their new 'friend'.
The Doctor nudges Snake, "Come on, he's friendly... And I know this because he's not shoot us on sight."
Snake shrugged.

"That's fair I guess."
Reborn World

The Merchant approached Yami and grabbed the demon by the throat, lifting him into the air. "In return for her soul, you get to live you vile piece of filth." He spoke in a bitter, threatening tone.

"Wait, he took her soul?" Gregory asked

"Let me handle this." The Merchant told Gregory, still looking into Yami's eyes

On the ship Mil helped JoJo to his feet as Syeron entered the ship, wanting to check on their conditions.

"I am not so sure." Mil spoke "I have travelled to three universes separate to my own within the past day. One was an Earth overrun by machines determined to destroy what was left of humanity, another was the universe we recently visited...Yet another universe where a rogue AI was determined to wipe out organic life, and later to rule it."

Mil turned away from JoJo, almost in shame "My species once had similar intentions, or at least specific members did. The Heretics, those that served the Reaper known as Sovereign."

"Reapers?" Valentine asked, sitting up in the bed "I heard about those bastards while I was in yer universe."

"Tell me, Valentine, JoJo...Are you open to the concept of redemption?"

"What?" Valentine asked "Well...I suppose. I mean yer people, from what I read..."

"Not of species, of the individual." Mil replied

Max stood up and approached the Geth "What's got you like this? I haven't known you for long but...

"I suppose these latest events are causing me to question my own mortality." Mil explained

"Shit." Valentine muttered "As a fella that's been on too many suicide missions, both personal and assigned that ain't a good thing."

Syeron walked in, having heard the conversation and rested a hand on Mil's shoulder. "The answer to your question is yes." She shot it a reassuring smile. In response Mil walked out of the room while Syeron remained, leaning against one of the walls with her arms folded.

"Feeling any better?" She asked

"What about you?" Max asked "You took a good number to the legs."

"Ah, nothing some medic droid can't heal." She shrugged "Hand didn't take much damage though." She glanced down at her cybernetic hand "It would be a nightmare to fix."

"Prosthetic?" Max asked "Shit me too. Legs and everything. Bastard I pissed off chopped them off, cut out me eye." He pointed to his cybernetic eye "You?"

"Lucky shot." Syeron muttered, almost sounding embarrassed by it "Took my hand clean off."

"What about you JoJo? You got a robot limb or somethin'?"


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TommyGun15 said:
Snake shrugged.
"That's fair I guess."
"Well that's the usual when you hang around the Doctor," the Doctor said.

The Doctor then turns to the Arrow, "So, tell me everything you know about Stardust and why you think he's responsible for what ever it is going on around in this universe. Make it quick because we need to head to Connecticut."



"The Following Contest is a Dallas Texas STREET FIGHT! And it is for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!" said the WrestleMania Ring announcer Howard Finkle

The Lights go out except for the main stage lights

Rose petals descend from the rafters

Ruby Rose with her hood draped over her head was kneeling down as the beginning of "Red Like Roses" plays

"Red Like Roses Fills my dreams..."

The Lights flash red while Ruby kneels down infront of a tombstone

"and brings me to the place you rest"

The tombstone crumbled

Ruby stood up and slowly made her way down the ramp as rose petals blew

"White is cold and always yearning..."

The Lights switch to a pure white color as Ruby continued down the Ramp

"Burdened by a Royal Test..."

Smoke line the sides ramp and then...

"Black the Beast Descends from Shadows..."

Holograms of what appear to be Beowulves are shown

"Yellow Beauty burns..."

Ruby took out her weapon, Cresent Rose, and with one swift slash sliced the "Beowulves" as the Dallas Texas Crowd cheered Louder.


During the twirl, Ruby managed pull back her hood and do her signature pose with Crescent Rose as Yellow pyro blazed along the the Main Stage with the titantron was featuring the silhouettes of Team RWBY...

Her Name Plate popped up, it bared her emblem and scattered rose petals

"This will Be the Day" then plays as She then continues her walk down the ramp...

"Introducing first: The Challenger..." said the Ring Announce Howard Finkle

"From The Kingdom of Vale... Ruby Rose!!!"

Ruby walked up the ring steps and erged the crowd to cheer louder as she made laps around the ring apron. Ruby enters the ring by jumping over the top rope in an impressive display of her athletic ability.

"I am not a fan of hers but I have to admit she knows how to make an entrance..." said JBL the Heel Commentator.

"Well, John. This is her Chance... a chance to prove to her critics... that she can beat one of the toughest competitors that the WWE has to offer..." said Michael Cole on Commentary

"She's the One Diva Revolution, Maggle! And she aims to make history here tonight!" said JBL "By being the youngest superstar to be Intercontinental champion."

"Yes, indeed she does, the Fifthteen year old has caused a buzz on Social Media ever since she debuted on NXT answering Baron Corbin's Open Challenge and actually beating the Lone Wolf."

"This lil' red riding hood was the woodsman that cut open the lone wolf..." expounded JBL.

Ruby now in the ring waves to Weiss and Blake who have front row seats.

"You better not get yourself killed, YOU DUNCE!!!" yelled Weiss while Blake waved a small flag with Ruby's name on it.

"The Dunce... It's like she's trying to impress someone..." pouted Weiss as she slightly blushed with her arms crossed...

"Really? I wonder who?" said Blake with a small smirk.

"Blake... we agreed to not talk about that in public..." Weiss said as she tries in vain to hide her embarrassment from the cameras.

"It is now I would like to remind you all to use the Hashtag 'RubyvsOwens' and 'ICTitleMatch' to catch up on all the action!" Cole shilled for Steph who was mercifully not on commentary.


Kevin Owens' theme plays but he doesn't show up.

After a few moments some does appear on stage... or rather thrown on to the stage...

It was Coco, later Fox, Yatsuhashi, and finally Kevin Owens appeared, dragging an unconscious Velvet by her ears dropping her forcibly on the stage... mockingly timed to Owens' theme music.

"Oh my God, is that Team CFVY?!" Weiss said in shock...

"How did they get here and more importantly how did he beat all of them, they're one of the best teams?" questioned an equally shocked Blake

"Come on, Ruby, don't let him psyche you out... I know you can beat him!" thought Yang who was a few good rows away from Weiss and Blake.

Kevin Owens surveyed the Stadium with a smug smirk and held up his Championship belt and with his free hand simply pointed at the defeated team CFVY and then to Ruby.

Owens shouted, "That's gonna be you, Red! That's gonna be you!"

He then placed his championship on his shoulder and walked towards the ring, he made sure to give Velvet's head a small kick once he made his way down the ramp.

"Yeah the ears were real... who knew?" Said Owens as he scarcastically gave a shrug.

"Talk about making a statement!" said Michael Cole.

"Nothing too fancy but Straight to the point... Kevin Owens knows how to make an impact!" said JBL

"Making his way to the ring, from Marieville, Quebec, Canada... weighing in Two Hundred and Sixty-Six Pounds... He is the Intercontinental Champion... Kevin Owens!" said Howard Finkle

Owens casually walked to the Ring as if the his assault on Team JNPR never happened or even bothered him.

Ruby continued to Stare at him with fury in her eyes... Kevin Owens simply shakes his head in a mocking way and wagged his finger.

Owens enters the ring and shoves Ruby before handing over the belt to the referee

The Crowd was electric to say the least

Dueling Chants of "Let's Go Ruby" and "Fight Owens, Fight" began

Ruby could not help but feel flattered by the crowd and was then given a swift punch to the face by the defending champion, Kevin Owens, for her troubles.

"Kevin Owens, giving his challenger no time to rest." said Michael Cole

Owens continues to hit Ruby with lefts and rights until she was backed to a corner... Kevin Owens backed away and gave her a running clothesline at the corner causing her to crumble down on said corner.

Ruby tries to regain concisousness as Owens charges at her from across the ring with his Cannonball manuver

"Welcome to the big leagues, kid, I hoped you enjoyed your fifthteen minutes of fame!" said JBL.

While awaiting for his loyal servant to finish negotiations with the newly discovered settlement, Sauron detects the presence an intruder with his dark powers. Sensing an opportunity, Sauron orders his Orc guards to be alert as he waits at the top of Barad Dur.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.b3605ff78a4f3afa8d389c77eb351b02.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.b3605ff78a4f3afa8d389c77eb351b02.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Owens then pulled her to the middle of the ring and went for an early pin which only granted him a one count. Owens only smirked at her resilience as he then ran to the ropes and performed a somersault leg drop causing the Crowd to cheer.

"Amazing agility being desplayed here by the Interconinental Champion." praised Cole.

"Wow, for a big guy, he can sure move." said Yang in amazement over Owens' agility.

"My, my, having doubts of your sister's chances of winning?" teased Suigintou

"He might be fast... but my lil' Sis is faster." countered Yang.

Owens instead of going for the cover simply kicked Ruby's head that caused the Dallas Crowd to boo him.

Owens then grabbed a leather belt from the ring rope and used it to whip Ruby's back causing her to scream in agony.

Owens then made his way to the time keeper and forcibly pulled a chair from the time keeper and he returned to the ring.

Instead of hitting the prone Ruby with the Steel Chair he opened the Steel chair slightly and jammed her Head inbetween the folds.

"Oh my god... What's Kevin Owens planning on doing here?" said Cole with worry in his voice.

"He's doing what ever it takes to win, Maggle! That's why he's our Intercontinental Champion!" defended JBL.

Owens backed away from Ruby and then charged at her and flipped himself over her and hit the legs of the steel Chair with his back, the move was refered to as a running senton!

The weight of Kevin Owens caused the steel chair to snap around Ruby causing her to spit out Blood.

"Red Like Roses!" mocked Owens as Ruby began coughing up blood from the "Pillmanizing".

Weiss covered her mouth in shock.

Yang watches the action from the top monitors with a worried look on her face as the cameras zoom in on Ruby on the matt in agony.

Owens then kicks Ruby's stomach to worsen her injury and placed his foot on top of her as the referee began his count


"KICK OUT YOU DOLT!!!" shouted Weiss.


"DO IT FOR ME!" Weiss continued.

Ruby against all odds manages to kick out.

Owens annoyed by this rolled out of the ring searched for a weapon under the ring.

"Owens now, looking for a Weapon that may aid him in this No Disqualification match!" commentated Cole.

Owens found another steel chair and tosses the weapon into the ring.

Kevin Owens climbed back into the ring not before making eye-contact with Weiss and saying, "This was all your girlfriend's fault, princess!"



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As Ridley was walking past, he looked around and saw his Space Pirates fall. Weaklings... thought the dragon as he walked along his way. He then talked in his radio. Send the Torizo Guards. This group of humans are getting on my nerves. But don't kill them. I want them alive. said the captain before heading off into another part of H.Q
Reborn World

The Merchant tightened his grip "Do you want to see if your spear survives being tossed into a collapsing universe?" He asked "How about I hand it over to the Devil himself? Or at least the cruellest version of that bastard I can find, anyway. I don't give a damn about the deal you made with her. Give me her soul or I will tear you apart until I get it." He gritted his teeth


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