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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
"If your 'Boss' knew anything about the Daleks would he..."
"No. Something like that would quickly replace soldier on the battlefield, which is exactly what Diamond Dogs was founded to prevent. We are a military nation founded for the purpose of giving soldiers a place where their skills may be put to use."
TommyGun15 said:
"No. Something like that would quickly replace soldier on the battlefield, which is exactly what Diamond Dogs was founded to prevent. We are a military nation founded for the purpose of giving soldiers a place where their skills may be put to use."
"In other words, you're war mongers... Human Sontarans."
theManCalledSting said:
"In other words, you're war mongers... Human Sontarans."
"We don't start wars. We just fight in them. We're the people the governments of the world call when they don't want to get their hands dirty. It's not a pretty truth, but would you rather have over a thousand highly trained and somewhat unstable soldiers wandering around among the civilian population?"
TommyGun15 said:
"We don't start wars. We just fight in them. We're the people the governments of the world call when they don't want to get their hands dirty. It's not a pretty truth, but would you rather have over a thousand highly trained and somewhat unstable soldiers wandering around among the civilian population?"
"No, I rather we help them... than have good men go to war... Whatever war your boss has ever been in... it's nothing to the war I've been in... What I've done for my whole universe... I killed my people... all of them... Miller, There's only one reason why I don't want you to kill Junko... Because when you're so very old and the last of your kind... You don't want to see anybody else die..."
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theManCalledSting said:
"No, I rather we help them... than have good men go to war... Whatever war your boss has ever been in... it's nothing to the war I've been in... What I've done for my whole universe... I killed my people... all of them... Miller, There's only one reason why I don't want you to kill Junko... Because when you're so very old and the last of your kind... You don't want to see anybody else die..."
"With all due respect, I think the Boss has some idea of what that's like. But I will respect your views on the matter. So, what shall we do with her? We can imprison her for now, but we both know that isn't a permanent solution."
TommyGun15 said:
"With all due respect, I think the Boss has some idea of what that's like. But I will respect your views on the matter. So, what shall we do with her? We can imprison her for now, but we both know that isn't a permanent solution."
"Well, her little group caused a ruckus in my home universe... And now she's wanted by the Shadow Proclamation... Anything solution they will have would involved killing her... But... Let's hope she doesn't meet the Daleks themselves... She's a genius... And if she becomes one herself..."
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, her little group caused a ruckus in my home universe... And now she's wanted by the Shadow Proclamation... Anything solution they will have would involved killing her... But... Let's hope she doesn't meet the Daleks themselves... She's a genius... And if she becomes one herself..."
"You wouldn't like it, but we could always put her in a drug induced coma."

JoJo shook himself awake and gripped his head. He looked around and saw another unfamiliar sight... He closed his eyes and sighed. The sad part was that he was pretty much used to the whole idea of unfamiliarity. He heard over the radio "Alright everyone, we're approaching the tear." It sounded like the guy who's cohort died. Did that mean he was on that guy's ship? "Oh well." JoJo thought "Might as well try to see where exactly I am..." JoJo got up and walked towards a door, prepared for whatever may lie beyond. Then he felt dizzy as a headache came on. "Aw, shoot..." He mumbled, as he fell over, unconscious again. A loud WHAM noise could be heard as he hit the floor.

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TommyGun15 said:
"You wouldn't like it, but we could always put her in a drug induced coma."
"Well, I almost lobotomized the last Star Whale... But then again... are there any powerful psychics? Because they may be able to read her mind regardless!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, I almost lobotomized the last Star Whale... But then again... are there any powerful psychics? Because they may be able to read her mind regardless!"
"Well, we know of one. A young man by the Codename Psycho Mantis. We believe him to be working with XOF at the moment. However, if Junko's as smart as she appears, Mantis might not be able to read her mind. Last time it happened he started ranting about the man "Using the other port". We still have no idea what it means, but we assume he isn't mentally stable."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, we know of one. A young man by the Codename Psycho Mantis. We believe him to be working with XOF at the moment. However, if Junko's as smart as she appears, Mantis might not be able to read her mind. Last time it happened he started ranting about the man "Using the other port". We still have no idea what it means, but we assume he isn't mentally stable."
"Well, currently you're taking orders from a Mad Man who hides in a box... And Junko may try and Open up her mind to any Psychics... just so that the Daleks can be created in this world..."
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theManCalledSting said:
"Well, currently you're taking orders from a Mad Man with a box... And Junko may try and Open up her mind to any Psychics... just so that the Daleks can be created in this world..."
Miller grit his teeth when The Doctor insulted the Boss.

"We have confirmed that Psycho Mantis requires line-of-sight to read a person's mind. And we have soldiers that are capable of combatting him. However, we have season to believe Junko may have a mental link with Monaca. I recommend collecting her as soon as possible."
TommyGun15 said:
Miller grit his teeth when The Doctor insulted the Boss.
"We have confirmed that Psycho Mantis requires line-of-sight to read a person's mind. And we have soldiers that are capable of combatting him. However, we have season to believe Junko may have a mental link with Monaca. I recommend collecting her as soon as possible."
"Well, then no time to waste then... WreslteMania, Dallas Texas..." The Doctor said as he returns to the TARDIS.

"Handles, we're going to Texas..."

"Setting coordinates to Dallas, Texas..." Handles, Cyberman head said.

The Doctor placed his hands on his hips and said, "And Me with out a Stetson..."
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Egypt, 1989.

DIO sat in one of the many chairs of his new mansion, which was acquired a little over a month ago. He had already sent two rather strong stand-wielders, the wielders of Hierophant Green and Silver Chariot, on their way to Japan to stop Joseph Joestar and his grandson Jotaro Kujo. He pulled a book off of a nearby shelf and began reading. After a few minutes, he looked up from his book. It had been a little over three days since the hole had appeared. It wasn't just any hole, from what DIO could tell. He could feel a Joestar's presence through it, but it wasn't time for him to face them himself. Besides, he had attempted to send simple zombies, created from his vampiric essence, through this... Tear, although they all got torn to shreds as they entered. Or so it appeared. DIO simply believed they were not strong enough to withstand crossing through, and he believed that in his current state, he wouldn't last either. He had to wait for the right time to come. Until then, things would not go so smoothly. DIO continued reading and grinned. He couldn't wait for that day when his grudge would finally end...
theManCalledSting said:
"Well, then no time to waste then... WreslteMania, Dallas Texas..." The Doctor said as he returns to the TARDIS.
"Handles, we're going to Texas..."

"Setting coordinates to Dallas, Texas..." Handles, Cyberman head said.

The Doctor placed his hands on his hips and said, "And Me with out a Stetson..."
Big Boss walked into the TARDIS with a Stetson.

"You're not leaving me here with the crazy girl." He said.

"Let Ocelot and Miller watch her. Besides, I have to see if the rest of those kids are dead. If they're still alive, I'm not leaving them to be executed when the UN rolls in."
TommyGun15 said:
Big Boss walked into the TARDIS with a Stetson.
"You're not leaving me here with the crazy girl." He said.

"Let Ocelot and Miller watch her. Besides, I have to see if the rest of those kids are dead. If they're still alive, I'm not leaving them to be executed when the UN rolls in."
"Welcome aboard the TARDIS, a ship that's well, much bigger in the inside..."

"Greetings, Visitor."

"Oh and that's Handles, He's a Cyberman's head." The Doctor Gestured to his new Companion Handles. ((Handles))

"And, also before we take off... Snake... Do you have a Stetson?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Welcome aboard the TARDIS, a ship that's well, much bigger in the inside..."
"Greetings, Visitor."

"Oh and that's Handles, He's a Cyberman's head." The Doctor Gestured to his new Companion Handles. ((Handles))

"And, also before we take off... Snake... Do you have a Stetson?"
Snake smirked and put the Stetson he'd been carrying on The Doctor's head.

"You mind if I smoke?"
TommyGun15 said:
Snake smirked and put the Stetson he'd been carrying on The Doctor's head.
"You mind if I smoke?"
"Yes I would, it'll mess with the TARDIS' smoke alarms... Besides...

The TARDIS lands in Dallas, Texas

"We're here!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Yes I would, it'll mess with the TARDIS' smoke alarms... Besides...
The TARDIS lands in Dallas, Texas

"We're here!"
Snake stepped out of the Tardis.

"Damn. Just... Damn. Alright, I'll leave The Patriot here, don't screw it up, it's all I have left from The Boss. That's the deal I'll make with you. I'll leave everything but the tranq gun on the TARDIS, you don't screw with my stuff. Deal?"
TommyGun15 said:
Snake stepped out of the Tardis.
"Damn. Just... Damn. Alright, I'll leave The Patriot here, don't screw it up, it's all I have left from The Boss. That's the deal I'll make with you. I'll leave everything but the tranq gun on the TARDIS, you don't screw with my stuff. Deal?"
"Don't you worry, Handles will keep a good eye on it, won't you, Handles?!" The Doctor reassured Big Boss.

"I shall guard it with my life, Doctor." the Cyberman head replied.
theManCalledSting said:
"Don't you worry, Handles will keep a good eye on it, won't you, Handles?!" The Doctor reassured Big Boss.
"I shall guard it with my life, Doctor." the Cyberman head replied.

Snake dropped his knife, The Patriot, his grenades, his C4, and his directional mines at the TARDIS.

"Okay, I've got my tranq gun, some smoke grenades, my fulton balloons, and a flare in case we need the Pequot to pick us up."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake dropped his knife, The Patriot, his grenades, his C4, and his directional mines at the TARDIS.

"Okay, I've got my tranq gun, some smoke grenades, my fulton balloons, and a flare in case we need the Pequot to pick us up."
"Well now, let the show go on..."


"What shocking end to that match!" said Michael Cole.

"I know it was, Maggle! But up next we're having what might be the match of the night!" said JBL to his partner.

"That's Right, John!"

The Screen shows the next matchup a Dallas Texas Street Fight for the Intercontinental Championship.

"The Next Match is a Dallas Texas Street fight for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!" said Cole with excitement.

"And this Rivalry tells the tale of a fast rising Superstar... So let's how how all of this started." continued Cole as we are then presented a video package to detail the rivalry between Ruby Rose and Kevin Owens.

The Video Package

It started with Ruby's debut in NXT, all the way back when the tears started appearing.

'Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for Baron Corbin's Open Challenge.' said a play-by-play commentator as we see Baron Corbin waits for his new opponent. Who is revealed to be Ruby Rose.

Corbin was taken aback by his opponent but then laughs it off saying, 'Look, even though the rules of the Lone Wolf Open Challenge is to see if any 'no-name' can knock me off of my feet... and looking at every pass week everyone fell to the 'end of days'.' ((Which was the name of his Finishing move))

'So sorry, lil' red riding hood so how's about you go back to grandma's house and leave this to the real men?' said Corbin in a very mocking tone.

Ruby answered with a superkick to the face of Baron Corbin knocking him down and making her the winner.

'Am I seeing what I'm seeing?'

'Did she just knock out the Lone Wolf Baron Corbin?'

we then see that a match up screen between Ruby Rose and Baron Corbin at "NXT TakeOver"

We see clips of the event including Ruby's entrance with Cresent Rose.

Ruby hit her superkick and pinned Baron Corbon and won the match.

'The winner by Pinfall! Ruby Rose!'

We are presented clips of Ruby's matches with various Superstars and Divas with all of them falling to her Superkick.

We then are shown a clip from the WWE Pay-per-view Event "Fastlane" where Monica announced that Kevin Owens will be facing a surprise opponent.

'Who could that be?' said Michael Cole.

Ruby Rose runs to the ring and begins her fight with Kevin Owens.

While the fight was very close and even.

Ruby was about to his Owens with her superkick but Owens ducked and whipped her to the ropes causing her to bounce back at Owens who tossed her up in the air and delivered a "Pop-up Powerbomb"

'Sorry kid, but there's no such thing as a 'Happily Ever After'.' said a voice over of Owens as we see an unconscious Ruby.

We now see a clip from NXT of Ruby asking for a rematch at Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens accepted the challenge after knocking her out with his championship belt.

On Raw we are told that Ruby sustained minor injuries from the attack from Kevin Owens on NXT and cannot make an appearance.

Instead Weiss appears backstage to interrupt an interview with Kevin Owens.

'What you have done to my Teammate, what reprehensible. I won't stand for it.' Weiss said as if she was scolding a child.

'Is that so? What are you gonna do about it, Lil' Ms. Divas Champ?' retorted Owens

'You and Me... Champion vs. Champion...' she said staring dead-on Owens' eyes.

'You're on.'

Owens, in a word demolished Weiss in the match and was about to deliver a piledriver on the ring apron before we hear "This Will be the Day" and Ruby charges in the ring and fends of Kevin Owens. In a valiant attempt to protect her Teammate, Weiss.

Ruby with micphone in hand calls out to Kevin Owens, 'If you think you can take on my friends like that then how's about we make the match, a Street Fight!'

Kevin Owens smirked as his voice over is heard once again saying, 'You're on.'

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Having stabilized Max with some medigel, Mil approached the unconscious JoJo and helped him back into one of the beds in the medical bay, scanning him for wounds

"Is he going to make it?" Max asked

(going to let you decide how beat up JoJo is @TehFanzyMetroid





The Doctor gestured for the rest of the group to follow him. He told himself that they were walking straight into a trap, but he had come prepared.
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The Doctor gestured for the rest of the group to follow him. He told himself that they were walking straight into a trap, but he had come prepared.
Unknown Universe

W-we finally made! I can't believe it... Where are we, exactly. Asked Seth, amazed. He still thought about the people who died. Harley, Connor, plenty of others... This mission was a failure. Nothing even remotely productive aside from people dying happened there...


The group of about 50 fully armed Space Pirates and Mother Brain lead themselves to the docking bay and boarded a small ship. All guns pointed at The Doctor and his crew asthey flew to the Mother Ship, docked at Mars.
Reborn World

The Curabitur ship and the Hawk flew towards the nearest planet, one of the outer-rim colonies in the Reborn World universe. As they touched down on the planet's surface, the two ships were surrounded two platoons of Knights of the Reborn order.

"We have been expecting you." One of them spoke "He spoke of you."

"Who?" Gregory asked, stepping out of his ship

The Merchant stepped forwards "There is no need for guns, gentle Knights." He spoke "I need to speak with these people urgently."

"Who are you?" Syeron asked

"An acquaintance of that vile woman who send you on that suicide mission to begin with." He explained "Don't worry." He raised both hands "I am not going to harm you...Although I cannot say the same for Yami. I would not trust that demon."


The Doctor stepped out onto the station on Mars. Being on the red planet, even if this was a different universe filled his mind with memories of his battle with The Flood, of The Time Lord Victorious. He remained silent with a serious expression on his face as the group was led to the Space Pirate leader.







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