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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
"If you're not cocky, then what makes you think power is enough to save people? If power were all you needed, I would still be human."
"I..." Gregory stooped himself, looking down as the ships escaped "Depends on how you use it, I suppose." He shrugged I would literally tear planets apart if it meant keeping my family safe. If you were human once, Yami. I don't think you remember what it feels like. It's not just a species you see, it's a state of mind. Learnt that from an AI."

He leaned back in his chair and sighed deeply "Alright everyone." He spoke over the radio "We're approaching the tear."



theManCalledSting said:
"Human... if the anti-matter dimension was not enough to contain me... what makes you think that will..."
"But this chest is even stronger than that. It's walls are too strong to crack, and it can only be opened from the outside. The chest looms over you, and snaps shut with you inside."
TommyGun15 said:
"But this chest is even stronger than that. It's walls are too strong to crack, and it can only be opened from the outside. The chest looms over you, and snaps shut with you inside."
theManCalledSting said:
"You said it yourself. Junko will be easier to stop than you. Now Junko, I want you to imagine that this chest that Omega is in is getting smaller."
TommyGun15 said:
"You said it yourself. Junko will be easier to stop than you. Now Junko, I want you to imagine that this chest that Omega is in is getting smaller."


"The mind and knowledge of the Greatest Timelord... Monaca's plan worked despairingly well..."

(Told you I have a trick up my sleeves to keep Junko)
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theManCalledSting said:

"The mind and knowledge of the Greatest Timelord... Monaca's plan worked despairingly well..."

"And now as the chest is shrinking, every bit of knowledge from the mind inside is being forgotten. The box is the size of a thumbtack, and you can't even remember what was inside to begin with."
TommyGun15 said:
"And now as the chest is shrinking, every bit of knowledge from the mind inside is being forgotten. The box is the size of a thumbtack, and you can't even remember what was inside to begin with."

"UH OH! You gotta BEAR with me! I kinda Memorized them when I was chatting it up with your boss!"
theManCalledSting said:

"UH OH! You gotta BEAR with me! I kinda Memorized them when I was chatting it up with your boss!"
Ocelot frowned. This wasn't good. But Omega is also a threat, and it was best to get rid of at least one threat.

"Alright then. The box is the size of a thumbtack. And it's being buried, as all treasure chests are."
TommyGun15 said:
Ocelot frowned. This wasn't good. But Omega is also a threat, and it was best to get rid of at least one threat.
"Alright then. The box is the size of a thumbtack. And it's being buried, as all treasure chests are."

"Alright! Uploading Dimensional Travel to Monaca right now!"


"Imagine all the despair I can cause with those adorable Daleks!"
theManCalledSting said:

"Alright! Uploading Dimensional Travel to Monaca right now!"


"Imagine all the despair I can cause with those adorable Daleks!"

(Wait, how's she uploading data? She's handcuffed to a table and doped to heck.)
TommyGun15 said:
Ocelot pulled another needle out of his case and filled it with more anesthetic. He injected it into Junko's arm.

"Timelords and their mental connections with empathetic beings reminds me of that despairingly adorable Mantis!"
theManCalledSting said:

"Timelords and their mental connections with empathetic beings reminds me of that despairingly adorable Mantis!"
Ocelot reluctantly injected more LSD and anesthetic into Junko's arm. This much should've killed her already, but she seemed fine. But everything had a limit.
TommyGun15 said:
Ocelot reluctantly injected more LSD and anesthetic into Junko's arm. This much should've killed her already, but she seemed fine. But everything had a limit.
A British Police box crashes into the room behind Ocelot.

((Had Edge and Christian fix the TARDIS... now it can at least travel through space...))


"Yo, guys you better go inside that thing a shoot whatever is in there! You never know what's in there!"
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theManCalledSting said:
A British Police box crashes into the room behind Ocelot.
((Had Edge and Christian fix the TARDIS... now it can at least travel through space...))


"Yo, guys you better go inside that thing a shoot whatever is in there! You never know what's in there!"

Ocelot had four soldiers look inside the Tardis while he watched Junko.
Augustus Ophis Konna - MCU


The colossal Hunter came in like a flaming asteroid. Seemingly a alien coming from the invading pirates, Augustus came from the fracture of a larger tear, the one that Oryx first rode in on. A Typer-56 Ground Support/Ultra Heavy Development platform, also known as the Lich, was crashing downwards towards Earth. Augustus was in the middle of a dance between five Elites, three Jackals, and fifty Grunts.

"Greaaaaaahhh!!" The sound ripped from Ophis's maw as he opened his Heavy Devastation Cannon, unleashing a fury of radioactive Incendiary Gel that missed the Elite in front of him, but hit the intended target in the horde of moving flesh and armor. Two grunt's methane packs were hit by the flaming gel, detonating them and sending the living rockets to mess up someone's day. A grunt decked a Elite in the back, sending him straight into the crushing weight of Augustus' shield, ending in a spray of purple blood to the air. The Growth charged, massacring the grunts with his weight and strength while Jackals fired uselessly against him. A Zealot class Elite jumped onto his arm mid air, before leaping to his back spinal plates. The elite plunged a plasma sword deep into the rich metallic orange flesh, making the Growth scream for a moment. Some of the surviving Lekgolo between the blade extended and warped the handle of the plasma blade, inverting the flow to make the blade arch back. As soon as the Zealot brought his sword out to slash deep again, he lobbed off his own head at the sudden change.

It all ended with a bang as the Lich exploded, crashing into the Daily Bugle Building in Manhattan. From the wreckage came Augustus Ophis Konna, trailing behind him thin cords of fleshy metal that held onto his shield. He lumbered forward into the streets with insane durability, but it was clear he was no longer combat efficient.
TommyGun15 said:
Ocelot had four soldiers look inside the Tardis while he watched Junko.
"You can get rid of the guns, they won't do you any good in the TARDIS, had a couple of fellows fix her up for me before coming over here..." said a man lying on the floor of the control room.

"Wonderful blokes they were... they fix her right up after I played their theme on the kazoo."
theManCalledSting said:
"You can get rid of the guns, they won't do you any good in the TARDIS, had a couple of fellows fix her up for me before coming over here..." said a man lying on the floor of the control room.
"Wonderful blokes they were... they fix her right up after I played their theme on the kazoo."
After a few calls were made, Miller walked in. Snake stood guard outside with Ocelot.

"Alright, who are you?"
TommyGun15 said:
After a few calls were made, Miller walked in. Snake stood guard outside with Ocelot.
"Alright, who are you?"
The man got up and a bore a grin...

"I'm the Doctor, and I'm going to have a word with an old friend you have drugged up and tied to a chair."
theManCalledSting said:
The man got up and a bore a grin...
"I'm the Doctor, and I'm going to have a word with an old friend you have drugged up and tied to a chair."
"Alright. Whoever these psychos are, they don't like you. You know what they say about the enemy of my enemy right?"

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