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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
"Drug her, it's her mind I can't let you in!"
"Alright. I'm going to have to drug both of you then, you're kind of sharing the same brain."

Ocelot reached into a box he'd brought with him and pulled out a bag of Scopolamine powder. He blew it into Omega/Junko's face.

(Scopolamine is a real chemical that causes suggestibility, and temporary amnesia.)

Ocelot then pulled a coin on a string out oft he box.

"Alright. I want you to open your mind to me. I'm going to count to 3 and snap my fingers, and you're going to fall into a trance. 1... 2... 3... "Snap!
TommyGun15 said:
"Alright. I'm going to have to drug both of you then, you're kind of sharing the same brain."
Ocelot reached into a box he'd brought with him and pulled out a bag of Scopolamine powder. He blew it into Omega/Junko's face.

(Scopolamine is a real chemical that causes suggestibility, and temporary amnesia.)

Ocelot then pulled a coin on a string out oft he box.

"Alright. I want you to open your mind to me. I'm going to count to 3 and snap my fingers, and you're going to fall into a trance. 1... 2... 3... "Snap!
Junko is now in a trance
theManCalledSting said:
Junko is now in a trance
(Actually, they'd both be in a trance. It's kind of all or nothing with hypnosis.)

"Alright. Now, Omega, tell me your plan. How is fighting these time lords and merging your dimension with our own going to affect this world?"
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Just presume that this post and all future posts are in AOU.

JoJo somehow managed to beat the sentinels coming after him, but not without a few scratches and scrapes here 'n' there. He looked himself over again. His elbow was bleeding, there were a few cuts on his normal hand, and he had a bruise on his cheek. He rubbed his cheek cautiously and looked around to see what was going on. He noticed a group running... And that girl from earlier, presumably dead... He couldn't stand it, he was filled with rage. He growled under his breath and clenched his fists. Then, instinctively, he struck a pose:


and exclaimed "Hey, you, Robot! I'll be your next opponent!"

TommyGun15 said:
(Actually, they'd both be in a trance. It's kind of all or nothing with hypnosis.)
"Alright. Now, Omega, tell me your plan. How is fighting these time lords and merging your dimension with our own going to affect this world?"
"It affects nothing! The Timelords are not of your universe! All I wish is to have her body!!!"
theManCalledSting said:
"It affects nothing! The Timelords are not of your universe! All I wish is to have her body!!!"
"And why is that?" Ocelot asked.

"There are a thousand much less willful bodies on earth, why hers?"
TommyGun15 said:
"I see. Tell me Omega, why do you wish to kill the Time Lords?"
"They left me imprisoned in the anti-matter dimension! Those I once believed to be my allies left my body to disintegrate! Only my mind remains!"
theManCalledSting said:
"They left me imprisoned in the anti-matter dimension! Those I once believed to be my allies left my body to disintegrate! Only my mind remains!"
"And what were you doing that lead them to do that?"
TommyGun15 said:
"Right. Omega, I think you need to calm down a bit. This isn't going to work if you don't calm down."
"I would if you actually cease antagonizing me and aid me!" Omega shouted "Her personalities are retaliating!"




"And We shall take advantage of this rather unique opportunity to assert our dominance!!!"


"Looks like the Omega Me couldn't BEAR with all of these personalities!!!"

"Human, fix this at once!"


"And please be gentle... Believe it or not it's my first time..."
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Gregory jumped behind the controls of the Curabitur ship with Yami's spear at his side.

"The ship's picking up an anomaly in the next solar system...It's a tear" He spoke in an fast pace tone, trying to hide his emotions "If we hurry, we can get there before..."

He noticed Drake go through his change on one of the ship's cameras "What the hell have you done?" He snapped, over the radio "Do you think a powerful being claiming to be the Greek God of the Underworld is going to let us go!?"

"He needs medical attention." Mil spoke, it still had Max over it's shoulder

"The med bay is that way. Do you need any help?" Gregory asked, pointing in the direction of the medical room

"I'll contact you if I do." It spoke and carried Valentine to the medical bay, setting him down on one of the beds. He grunted in pain. "I have some medigel." Mil told Valentine "But we might still need to perform surgery. I am curious, how did you survive?"

"The joys of being a cyborg." Valentine smiled weakly "And you know, Body armour. Now for God's sake don't let me die."

"Revan's still on the ship!" Syeron shouted "I need to go and save him!"

"No!" Gregory snapped "Bollocks...Do you know how to fly a ship?"

"X-wings." The young Jedi half-smiled

"I'm going to drag him out of there. If I don't make it back, fly this ship to the tear and get the 'ell out of this universe!"

Gregory ran out of the ship with the spear in hand and towards Revan's position "Don't make a martyr of of yourself! Enough people have died today!" He yelled, noticing JoJo challenging Ultron "We can't fight him! Not like this!"

Ultron turned to the three of them and charged up two hand-blasts, ready to fire.






JoJo grimaced and looked at Gregory "I'm going to be fine!" He shouted. "Run!" After that, JoJo himself began a mad dash towards Ultron, hamon flowing and ready.

theManCalledSting said:
"I would if you actually cease antagonizing me and aid me!" Omega shouted "Her personalities are retaliating!"



"And We shall take advantage of this rather unique opportunity to assert our dominance!!!"


"Looks like the Omega Me couldn't BEAR with all of these personalities!!!"

"Human, fix this at once!"


"And please be gentle... Believe it or not it's my first time..."

(I shall take this time to point out that while Ocelot may be a good guy right now, he still possesses many of the qualities that made him a ad guy in the other games.)

Ocelot grinned. Ah, the art of psychological torture.

"Oh, don't worry. I anticipated you might take control during this. That's why you're bound to the table. Besides, I'm just getting started. Hypnosis is more of a marathon than a sprint. This process may take several days, maybe even weeks. And I've got all the time, and drugs, in the world."

He reached into his case and pulled out a disturbingly large needle and a bottle of some sickly green liquid.

"Alright. Don't die on me now."
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AOU Universe

Revan: Ceasing the flow of his lightning, Revan turned and jogged after Gregory just as Drake walked in. He made it back to the Hawk and slid behind the console with Bastilla in the co-pilot's seat next to him. He signalled to Gregory and the rest that he was ready for departure.

Drake: Stepping into the room and facing Ultron, Drake slammed a foot into the ground. From that, a line of pale green fire raced towards Ultron and consumed him. Skeletal hands grabbed him from the flames and began to slowly sap away his strength and energy. In Drake's hands, the shadows collected and formed two wicked-looking shortswords darker than the blackest hole: Stygian Iron.

"Prepare to embrace Tartarus, Ultron," Drake coldly threatened as his eyes began glowing a ghostly green. His strength was fading fast through the continued use of his powers, but he had to restrain Ultron to give the others time to retreat. At the last second he could just Shadow Travel to Gregory anyways.

The Soulscape

Harley's soul floated through the void. Yami looked down at her.

"Well my dear. It's been fun."

Black fire flowed over her, and consumed her soul.
TommyGun15 said:
(I shall take this time to point out that while Ocelot may be a good guy right now, he still possesses many of the qualities that made him a ad guy in the other games.)
Ocelot grinned. Ah, the art of psychological torture.

"Oh, don't worry. I anticipated you might take control during this. That's why you're bound to the table. Besides, I'm just getting started. Hypnosis is more of a marathon than a sprint. This process may take several days, maybe even weeks. And I've got all the time, and drugs, in the world."

He reached into his case and pulled out a disturbingly large needle and a bottle of some sickly green liquid.

"Alright. Don't die on me now."

"Oh baby, don't hold back..."
theManCalledSting said:

"Oh baby, don't hold back..."
(Well, looks like the LSD train is leaving the station.)

"Dangerous words my dear."

Ocelot filled the needle with the liquid and injected it into Junko's arm. He didn't give her enough to make her pass out, but it was more than enough to make the room start melting into various colors of the rainbow.
TommyGun15 said:
(Well, looks like the LSD train is leaving the station.)
"Dangerous words my dear."

Ocelot filled the needle with the liquid and injected it into Junko's arm. He didn't give her enough to make her pass out, but it was more than enough to make the room start melting into various colors of the rainbow.

theManCalledSting said:

"Oh, yeah. I've heard they're very pretty..." Ocelot said filling another needle with an anesthetic.
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