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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:

"Well, it looks like I've got good and bad news for you." Snake said, sending a signal to the Pequot.

"The good news for you is that I don't know of any government agencies with psychic technology."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, it looks like I've got good and bad news for you." Snake said, sending a signal to the Pequot.
"The good news for you is that I don't know of any government agencies with psychic technology."
"How is that good news, human?!"
theManCalledSting said:
"How is that good news, human?!"
"No, see it's bad news for us, good news for her. Of course, the bad news for her is good news for us." Snake explained, ducking behind a corner as a hail of gunfire from the Pequot ripped down the hallway.
TommyGun15 said:
"No, see it's bad news for us, good news for her. Of course, the bad news for her is good news for us." Snake explained, ducking behind a corner as a hail of gunfire from the Pequot ripped down the hallway.
"And that would be what exactly?!"
theManCalledSting said:
"And that would be what exactly?!"
Snake ran to the windows the Pequot just shot out and hopped inside, buckling down Junko in the five-point harness.

"I happen to know a very talented hypnotist."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake ran to the windows the Pequot just shot out and hopped inside, buckling down Junko in the five-point harness.
"I happen to know a very talented hypnotist."

"You don't really want to get rid of your wife for that stinky old man?!"

"Silence, Girl... I have it up to hear with your games!"

AOU Universe

Revan: Standing in a pile of disembodied Sentinels, Revan and Bastilla quickly charged to the source of the problem, which was the room with the tear. They instantly joined the battle and fought against the Sentinels guarding it, deflecting hand blasts and slicing them with their lightsabers. Revan overloaded a few of them with with his Force Lightning. He fought his way to Syeron.

"Is this the "tear" you were talking about?" he asked.

Drake: Just as Drake woke up and processed everything, he saw a Sentinel speeding towards Gregory as his back was turned. Without even thinking, he raised a hand and blasted it away with a standard Ki blast, but the Sentinel was only temporarily stunned. He slowly got to his feet.

"Dude...you need to watch your back.....Clear selection." After he finished, he seized up in pain for a few seconds and fell to a knee. As he stood back up, he stretched out his neck.

"God, that hurts every time. Anyways, did Ultron become a god yet?"

Dallas, Texas/WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Laszlo: After taking down a Monokuma, Laszlo bolted away as a squad of them turned the corner. After sprinting back towards the Tower he came from, he saw squadrons of roguish-looking soldiers stormingin the building while a helicopter tried gunning them down. He finally saw something he could take. He charged a soldier in the back and slammed his elbow into the back of his skull, fracturing the soldier's skull and killing him. Laszlo relieved the corpse of his weapons and ammunition and followed in behind them.

Raiden: After winning his match and reclaiming his Muramasa, Raiden sat in the rafters of the arena and observed the match between the Undertaker and Constantine. Raiden also started to notice the flow of time was altered in a way that made it seem faster.

@theManCalledSting @Crenando @TommyGun15 @Barbas

theManCalledSting said:

"You don't really want to get rid of your wife for that stinky old man?!"

"Silence, Girl... I have it up to hear with your games!"
"Well, it's a choice between a globally dangerous terrorist, and a rational, if a bit dickish, alternate personality. So far, it doesn't seem like much of a choice."

(Well @theManCalledSting, if you still want Junko around in her original personality I hope you've got something up your sleeve.)
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, it's a choice between a globally dangerous terrorist, and a rational, if a bit dickish, alternate personality. So far, it doesn't seem like much of a choice."
(Well @theManCalledSting, if you still want Junko around in her original personality I hope you've got something up your sleeve.)
"Human, I don't care much for being considered as an Alternate Personality of this wretched creature!

(Don't worry I always have something up my sleeve)
theManCalledSting said:
"Human, I don't care much for being considered as an Alternate Personality of this wretched creature!
(Don't worry I always have something up my sleeve)
"Fine, how about a seperate consciousness that shares the same body?"
TommyGun15 said:
"Fine, how about a seperate consciousness that shares the same body?"
"I'm not entirely sure how this girl was able to contain multiple personalities and the mind of a time lord... She's obviously smarter than most humans on this planet!"
theManCalledSting said:
"I'm not entirely sure how this girl was able to contain multiple personalities and the mind of a time lord... She's obviously smarter than most humans on this planet!"
"Which is why I want to keep an eye on her. She might've just come back to life, but for all her talk about despair and how she wouldn't mind death, I don't think she'll go down without a fight."
TommyGun15 said:
"Which is why I want to keep an eye on her. She might've just come back to life, but for all her talk about despair and how she wouldn't mind death, I don't think she'll go down without a fight."
"Your Hypnotist might not be enough to fully contain her mind if a Time Lord's mind could not contain her for long."
theManCalledSting said:
"Your Hypnotist might not be enough to fully contain her mind if a Time Lord's mind could not contain her for long."
"Got any better ideas at the moment? Before you suggest the XOF psychic, you should know he's pretty much obsessed with negative emotions. He'd be more likely to suppress you than her."
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TommyGun15 said:
"Got any better ideas at the moment? Before you suggest the XOF psychic, you should know he's pretty much obsessed with negative emotions. He'd be more likely to suppress you than her."

"Why do you think I wanted him to know about that?!"


"As you can tell, I'm not some dumb Blonde..."
theManCalledSting said:

"Why do you think I wanted him to know about that?!"


"As you can tell, I'm not some dumb Blonde..."

"That was obvious from your psych profile. And it's also why I'm keeping out as far away from Mantis as possible. At least I can trust Ocelot."

(Behold, Irony in it's purest form.)
TommyGun15 said:
"That was obvious from your psych profile. And it's also why I'm keeping out as far away from Mantis as possible. At least I can trust Ocelot."
(Behold, Irony in it's purest form.)

"Wow, now I really want a Divorce..."

"Enough of this..." Ultron muttered "Initiate self-destruct...." He smiled "Don't you get it demon? I can transfer my mind into a new body. Killing me here or trapping me here will accomplish nothing. With this power have obtained, I can even do it across dimensions. I can transfer my power into a new body."

Ultron shut his eyes as his body exploded, covering a large fraction the Soulscape in golden light.


"Yes." Syeron replied to Revan "Are you telling me you can't feel it?" She asked "Even looking at the damn thing is...It makes me feel really uneasy. It's like the force is telling me to not go near that thing."

A Sentinel lunged at her from behind, prompting her to turn and slice it in half with her lightsaber "Don't interrupt me!" She shouted

"Yes Drake." Gregory admitted in a grim tone "He got through."

"But I thought Yami took care of him." Harley butted in

"Ultron can transfer his mind from body to body." Gregory explained, destroying a Sentinel with a shot to the head "Even if Yami was able to drag Ultron into another dimension he can still come back. It's how he survives all the time."

"Very good." One of the Sentinels spoke, in Ultron's voice. In response Max blasted the Sentinel with a shot to the head, destroying it.

"You can't win." Another Sentinel spoke, only for Gregory to decapitate it with his katana. However the golden light started to surround it, changing it's form into that of the "Ultron prime". It grew in size and an army of tendrils sprouted from it's back, with blades on the end of each of them. It stood up and gazed upon the group.

"Oh God..." Valentine muttered, with a look of fear on his face "Right fuck this. This is not the day I die." He muttered, turning to run from Ultron Prime

Two Sentinels stood in Max's way, blocking his path towards the ships. "No." He muttered, blasting them away with his revolvers "Not today. Not today, you hear me assholes!"

A tendril flew at Max, aiming for his head only for Syeon to lunge at it, slicing the tendril in half. In response Ultron launched three tendrils towards her. She was able to slice all of them in half but a fourth one hit her in the shoulder, cutting into it and knocking her to the ground. This caught Max's attention, allowing a Sentinel to hit him with a hand-blast from behind.

"Cheap prick." He muttered, blowing a hole in the Sentinel's head with his revolver. Mil approached the wounded cowboy and threw him over it's shoulder, carrying him back to the Hawk "You need medical attention." It stated

"No shit." Valentine muttered weakly

Syeron stood up only for Ultron to bombard her with another ten tendrils, not allowing the young Jedi a chance to recover. She sliced into eight of them but the other two were too fast. One went into her right shoulder while the other went into her stomach. She fell to her knees, coughing up a mouthful of blood as another flew at her, aiming for her head. It was stopped with a slice of the spear as Harley stood in the way.

"We're too close." Harley muttered in an angry tone "Too close, you hear me! Too close to seeing him again..."

"Fook sake Harley!" Gregory snapped, decapitating another Sentinel "Get through your head! He is not worth it! He's not bloody worth it!"

"What else do I have?" She asked, still looking at Ultron Prime

"You can start over. You still have that chance. I used to be a piece of shit mercenary but...I changed." He spoke in a soft tone "You can too."

"Hey bozo!" She shouted at Ultron "You're standing in my way!"

She lunged towards Ultron, screaming angrily.

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Pyosimros said:
Barbara looked at Park still registering what he just said. A ring? Could this monster brother be part of one of those Lantern colors? "How much of a monster are we talking about. I've faced a bunch of them. Clown ripoff, a guy made of clay, and others." @TehFanzyMetroid
(I'll get to that Bray post soon. Still thinking on how to go about it)
"Enough of this..." Ultron muttered "Initiate self-destruct...." He smiled "Don't you get it demon? I can transfer my mind into a new body. Killing me here or trapping me here will accomplish nothing. With this power have obtained, I can even do it across dimensions. I can transfer my power into a new body."

Ultron shut his eyes as his body exploded, covering a large fraction the Soulscape in golden light.


"Yes." Syeron replied to Revan "Are you telling me you can't feel it?" She asked "Even looking at the damn thing is...It makes me feel really uneasy. It's like the force is telling me to not go near that thing."

A Sentinel lunged at her from behind, prompting her to turn and slice it in half with her lightsaber "Don't interrupt me!" She shouted

"Yes Drake." Gregory admitted in a grim tone "He got through."

"But I thought Yami took care of him." Harley butted in

"Ultron can transfer his mind from body to body." Gregory explained, destroying a Sentinel with a shot to the head "Even if Yami was able to drag Ultron into another dimension he can still come back. It's how he survives all the time."

"Very good." One of the Sentinels spoke, in Ultron's voice. In response Max blasted the Sentinel with a shot to the head, destroying it.

"You can't win." Another Sentinel spoke, only for Gregory to decapitate it with his katana. However the golden light started to surround it, changing it's form into that of the "Ultron prime". It grew in size and an army of tendrils sprouted from it's back, with blades on the end of each of them. It stood up and gazed upon the group.

"Oh God..." Valentine muttered, with a look of fear on his face "Right fuck this. This is not the day I die." He muttered, turning to run from Ultron Prime

Two Sentinels stood in Max's way, blocking his path towards the ships. "No." He muttered, blasting them away with his revolvers "Not today. Not today, you hear me assholes!"

A tendril flew at Max, aiming for his head only for Syeon to lunge at it, slicing the tendril in half. In response Ultron launched three tendrils towards her. She was able to slice all of them in half but a fourth one hit her in the shoulder, cutting into it and knocking her to the ground. This caught Max's attention, allowing a Sentinel to hit him with a hand-blast from behind.

"Cheap prick." He muttered, blowing a hole in the Sentinel's head with his revolver. Mil approached the wounded cowboy and threw him over it's shoulder, carrying him back to the Hawk "You need medical attention." It stated

"No shit." Valentine muttered weakly

Syeron stood up only for Ultron to bombard her with another ten tendrils, not allowing the young Jedi a chance to recover. She sliced into eight of them but the other two were too fast. One went into her right shoulder while the other went into her stomach. She fell to her knees, coughing up a mouthful of blood as another flew at her, aiming for her head. It was stopped with a slice of the spear as Harley stood in the way.

"We're too close." Harley muttered in an angry tone "Too close, you hear me! Too close to seeing him again..."

"Fook sake Harley!" Gregory snapped, decapitating another Sentinel "Get through your head! He is not worth it! He's not bloody worth it!"

"What else do I have?" She asked, still looking at Ultron Prime

"You can start over. You still have that chance. I used to be a piece of shit mercenary but...I changed." He spoke in a soft tone "You can too."

"Hey bozo!" She shouted at Ultron "You're standing in my way!"

She lunged towards Ultron, screaming angrily.


Yami was getting pissed now. First that stupid robot started acting like a god, a now this. As Harley swung the spear, it crackled with bolts of purple and black lightning.

theManCalledSting said:

"Oh you have no idea! I JUST LOVE DESPAIR!"
"Well, then I'm sure you'll love being shoved off in a tiny portion of your brain for the rest of your days while the other guy does his thing."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, then I'm sure you'll love being shoved off in a tiny portion of your brain for the rest of your days while the other guy does his thing."

"Wow, that's so messed up! Imagine what a creep like him would do with a body like mine?!"


"Then again... You don't know what he's gonna do to you guys when he gets my body..."

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