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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

TommyGun15 said:
(and because I'm bored)

Ocelot and Miller were doing what they always seemed to do when Big Boss wasn't around.

That is to say, something stupid.

Miller sighed.

"I'm telling you, it's not going to work.

"Shut up, I got this." Ocelot snapped at him, trying to balance a stack of plates half as tall as he was on his head.
Xavier Woods bursts in with his trombone and plays the FF victory tune
@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.5e9d79f5782618f088cbe0040f97ada8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.5e9d79f5782618f088cbe0040f97ada8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


After the Guitar Riff, The Stage burst open as if a hell mouth was opening on the stage and out from the fire was the Undertaker, he looked at the two caskets and then he raises his hands causing the caskets to burst into flames.

He made he way down the ramp with Korukuma

"Being Accompanied to the Ring by Korukuma... From Death Valley, Weighing in at Two-Hundred and Ninty-Nine Pounds... THE UNDERTAKER!" said Howard Finkle

as the Undertaker reached ringside he gave Constantine a cold stare as he made his way to the ring steps

The Undertaker raised his hands causing the arena lighting to return to normal.

The Undertaker enters the ring and stared down, Constantine



  • Wrestlemania_32_logo.png
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theManCalledSting said:
Xavier Woods bursts in with his trombone and plays the FF victory tune
Mother Base

Ocelot jumped, and dozens of plates went crashing to the ground, along with the pumpkin, the broom, and the box of deodorant. Ocelot was left holding the stuffed animals with a somewhat guilty expression.

(It is now your job to try to figure out what the hell Ocelot was trying to do.)

theManCalledSting said:
@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke
View attachment 180254


After the Guitar Riff, The Stage burst open as if a hell mouth was opening on the stage and out from the fire was the Undertaker, he looked at the two caskets and then he raises his hands causing the caskets to burst into flames.

He made he way down the ramp with Korukuma

"Being Accompanied to the Ring by Korukuma... From Death Valley, Weighing in at Two-Hundred and Ninty-Nine Pounds... THE UNDERTAKER!" said Howard Finkle

as the Undertaker reached ringside he gave Constantine a cold stare as he made his way to the ring steps

The Undertaker raised his hands causing the arena lighting to return to normal.

The Undertaker enters the ring and stared down, Constantine
Snake frowned, his nails digging into the palms of his hands.

"So, that's what you meant."
TommyGun15 said:
Mother Base

Ocelot jumped, and dozens of plates went crashing to the ground, along with the pumpkin, the broom, and the box of deodorant. Ocelot was left holding the stuffed animals with a somewhat guilty expression.

(It is now your job to try to figure out what the hell Ocelot was trying to do.)

Snake frowned, his nails digging into the palms of his hands.

"So, that's what you meant."

"They went out in a blaze of despair filled glory! It was beautiful wasn't it, dear?"
theManCalledSting said:

"They went out in a blaze of despair filled glory! It was beautiful wasn't it, dear?"
Junko was damn lucky that Snake couldn't really do a thing to her at the moment, because he was seething.

"Junko. I've met a lot of horrible people in my days, but you just might be one of the worst."
TommyGun15 said:
Junko was damn lucky that Snake couldn't really do a thing to her at the moment, because he was seething.
"Junko. I've met a lot of horrible people in my days, but you just might be one of the worst."

"Oh talk to me dirty, baby!"
TommyGun15 said:
"See, that's what I mean. Most people would argue against that accusation. But you enjoy it. Just... how?"

"What? It's true isn't it? There's no point in denying it really... Besides..."


"I'm the Ultimate Despair... So like yeah, I am a horrible person."
theManCalledSting said:

"What? It's true isn't it? There's no point in denying it really... Besides..."


"I'm the Ultimate Despair... So like yeah, I am a horrible person."

Snake shook his head.

"Yeah, I know. And I'm starting to figure out that this is a circular topic. I say something negative, you get upset about it, then your despair fetish makes you bounce back almost immediately. And it's right back at square one."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake shook his head.
"Yeah, I know. And I'm starting to figure out that this is a circular topic. I say something negative, you get upset about it, then your despair fetish makes you bounce back almost immediately. And it's right back at square one."
"SEE! WHAT I MUST DEAL WITH NOW? HUMAN, FIND SOMEWAY TO GIVE ME FULL CONTROL OF--" Omega was cutoff by another one of Junko's personalities.


"Whoops! Gotta keep that guy locked inside the deepest part of my ol' noodle so we won't have any interruptions!"


"So, Snake... tell me who's the worst person you've met? Is it me?"

Constantine's cigarette fell out of his mouth at the sight of the Druids he recognized "Oh bollocks..." He muttered "Undertaker, you're even more pretentious in the flesh. How many bloody demons do you think have used the image of my dead mates against me?" He asked in an angry tone, pointing a finger at the Undertaker "I've lost a ruddy lot of friends, there's a big list of names to pick from."

Constantine stepped closer to the Undertaker and outstretched his arms "I'll let you throw the first punch."



"I don't need your permission, demon." Ultron spoke "But I am willing to make a deal with you."

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Constantine's cigarette fell out of his mouth at the sight of the Druids he recognized "Oh bollocks..." He muttered "Undertaker, you're even more pretentious in the flesh. How many bloody demons do you think have used the image of my dead mates against me?" He asked in an angry tone, pointing a finger at the Undertaker "I've lost a ruddy lot of friends, there's a big list of names to pick from."

Constantine stepped closer to the Undertaker and outstretched his arms "I'll let you throw the first punch."


Undertaker took Constantine's offer and gave him a flurry of fast strikes to the ring corner

"The Undertaker the best pure striker in the business going to work on Constantine!" says Michael Cole on Commentary
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theManCalledSting said:
"SEE! WHAT I MUST DEAL WITH NOW? HUMAN, FIND SOMEWAY TO GIVE ME FULL CONTROL OF--" Omega was cutoff by another one of Junko's personalities.

"Whoops! Gotta keep that guy locked inside the deepest part of my ol' noodle so we won't have any interruptions!"


"So, Snake... tell me who's the worst person you've met? Is it me?"

Titan Towers

Snake thought for a moment, a bit confused by the sudden shifts in personality.

"Uh? Yeah, I'd say so. Your reasons definitely break the record. Although I will admit this isn't the worst time I've been held captive."


"Hmm... a deal you say. Go ahead, I'm listening..."
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As the Undertaker threw another punch, Constantine drew a vial of holy water and tossed it into the Undertaker's eyes. It did not burn him as expected, but the water temporarily blinded the Undertaker. This allowed Constantine to bring both of his hands together and hit the Undertaker with and uppercut.

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TommyGun15 said:
Titan Towers
Snake thought for a moment, a bit confused by the sudden shifts in personality.

"Uh? Yeah, I'd say so. Your reasons are definitely the worst. Although I will admit this isn't the worst time I've been held captive.

"Wow, that's so nice of you to say...."


"I know you're trying to buy time so that your dumb buddies could get a hold of where I am! Well Buddy I won't be letting that happen!"


"And to think I thought we could have raised Eliot, together!"


"Dear, did you know that Ultimate Despair works closely with a group of guys you might be familiar with..."

"I know of you now. You need that spear and you need a host. I do not have a soul, so I cannot be that host...But I can find you a far more powerful host than that woman."

As the Undertaker threw another punch, Constantine drew a vial of holy water and tossed it into the Undertaker's eyes. It did not burn him as expected, but the water temporarily blinded the Undertaker. This allowed Constantine to bring both of his hands together and hit the Undertaker with and uppercut.


The Undertaker was angered by this and grabbed Constantine by the throat and delivered a Chokeslam to the outside ((The Dirt mound they have to bury the opponent in is on the stage))
theManCalledSting said:

"Wow, that's so nice of you to say...."


"I know you're trying to buy time so that your dumb buddies could get a hold of where I am! Well Buddy I won't be letting that happen!"


"And to think I thought we could have raised Eliot, together!"


"Dear, did you know that Ultimate Despair works closely with a group of guys you might be familiar with..."

Snake glared at Junko.

"You mean XOF and Cipher don't you."
theManCalledSting said:


((@Barbas you can bring in any XOF guy in the room now))
Snake shook his head incredulously.

"You realize they're going to kill you right? They're a secret organization, that's kind of what they do to loose ends."

As Constantine stood to his feet, trying to recover from the Chokeslam he coated his hands in fire and ran at the Undertaker, tossing a large fireball at his face.



"Good, evil. All they are are words, nothing more." Ultron replied "I can manipulate or force both through fear."

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