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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
((Snake should be contacting Miller right now))
Snake continued to remain still. He pulled up his I-Droid, thankful it had silent communication.

"Miller. Talk to me."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake continued to remain still. He pulled up his I-Droid, thankful it had silent communication.
"Miller. Talk to me."

This is happening in the background while Miller answers

"Snake? What is it? The UN is still waiting for your match!"
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TommyGun15 said:
"Wait, what's that in the... actually, I don't want to know. Talk to me."
(It's in your ballpark now.)
"Snake, you're in Titan Towers and I'm getting a huge energy signature bigger than anything I've seen before! Don't tell me you're fighting the Undertaker at WrestleMania as well!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Snake, you're in Titan Towers and I'm getting a huge energy signature bigger than anything I've seen before! Don't tell me you're fighting the Undertaker at WrestleMania as well!"
"No. There's some pink haired girl talking to herself. I think she might be this D'spayre the kids have been talking about."
TommyGun15 said:
"No. There's some pink haired girl talking to herself. I think she might be this D'spayre the kids have been talking about."
"But, Snake that's impossible! From what the kids told us... She should be dead!"
theManCalledSting said:
"But, Snake that's impossible! From what the kids told us... She should be dead!"
"Miller... you're saying this to me. Really? Look, just tell me what you can about her."
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TommyGun15 said:
"Miller... you're saying this to me. Really? Look, just tell me what you can about her."
"Her real name is Junko Enoshima who held the title of Ultimate Fashionista and is the founder of the Ultimate Despair group, an almost Cult-like group responsible for the most despair inducing moment in human history!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Her real name is Junko Enoshima who held the title of Ultimate Fashionista and is the founder of the Ultimate Despair group, an almost Cult-like group responsible for the most despair inducing moment in human history!"
"Anything in her Psych profile I should know about. She seems like she's missing a few screws."
TommyGun15 said:
"Anything in her Psych profile I should know about. She seems like she's missing a few screws."
"Well... As revealed to us by the New Day, of all people, it was during the conclusion of an event called the Mutual Killing incident of Class 78, Junko's personality and mannerisms tended to be extremely erratic and unstable by her own autonomous design; she states in-game that keeping up one "appearance" for too long bores her. However, she is capable of maintaining one persona for extended periods of time when necessary, such as when she was overseeing the 'students' through Monokuma."
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theManCalledSting said:
"Well... As revealed to us by the New Day, of all people, it was during the conclusion of an event called the Mutual Killing incident of Class 78, Junko's personality and mannerisms tended to be extremely erratic and unstable by her own autonomous design; she states in-game that keeping up one "appearance" for too long bores her. However, she is capable of maintaining one persona for extended periods of time when necessary, such as when she was overseeing the students through Monokuma."
"I see. So she's smart. She doesn't look armed, but I'll watch out for any tricks she might have up her sleeve."

Snake turned off his I-Droid and waited to see what Junko would do next.
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TommyGun15 said:
"I see. So she's smart. She doesn't look armed, but I'll watch out for any tricks she might have up her sleeve."
Snake turned off his I-Droid and waited to see what Junko would do next.
Junko simply turned around and excited the area going into Titan Towers itself.
theManCalledSting said:
Junko simply turned around and excited the area going into Titan Towers itself.
Snake cursed and stood up from behind the AC unit he'd been hiding behind. He angrily kicked the box off the side of the building and followed Junko.
TommyGun15 said:
Snake cursed and stood up from behind the AC unit he'd been hiding behind. He angrily kicked the box off the side of the building and followed Junko.
Junko's personality changes once again to that of the Timelord who revived her.

"It appears that we're being followed..."


"Great I guess he's going to stab me and kill me... just when I was having fun being alive and basking in the despair..."
theManCalledSting said:
Junko's personality changes once again to that of the Timelord who revived her.
"It appears that we're being followed..."


"Great I guess he's going to stab me and kill me... just when I was having fun being alive and basking in the despair..."

Snake ducked behind a corner in the hallway, cursing again. It looked like she had a few tricks up her sleeve. Snake walked out from behind the corner, gun raised.

"Alright, whatever insanity going on here has something to do with you, and I'm getting sick of it."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake ducked behind a corner in the hallway, cursing again. It looked like she had a few tricks up her sleeve. Snake walked out from behind the corner, gun raised.
"Alright, whatever insanity going on here has something to do with you, and I'm getting sick of it."
Junko watches Wresltemania on the WWE Network only 9.99 a month!

"Strange... it appears everything in Dallas, Texas is under some sort of Time Lock." said the time lord using Junko's body
TommyGun15 said:
Snake frowned.
"Okay. Try that in English."
"Possibly the meddling of my fellow time lords or the Doctor!"


"Like seriously, new voice in my head! Speak! ENGLISH!"

"Be silent you fool! I am no mere personality created by your tormented mind! I am Omega! The Great Stellar engineer of Gallifrey! My mind was left by my brothers in the Anti-Matter Dimension! Where I waited for a new body! Unfortunately I must share it with you!"
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theManCalledSting said:
"Possibly the meddling of my fellow time lords or the Doctor!"

"Like seriously, new voice in my head! Speak! ENGLISH!"

"Be silent you fool! I am no mere personality created by your tormented mind! I am Omega! The Great Stellar engineer of Gallifrey! My mind was left by my brothers in the Anti-Matter Dimension! Where I waited for a new body! Unfortunately I must share it with you!"

"Well, makes more sense than being possessed by the arm of a dead man."
TommyGun15 said:
"Well, makes more sense than being possessed by the arm of a dead man."
(Funny I think the Master did that once Legit)

"And now time within that Stadium is in a temporal flux! Events happening sooner than they should! The time line desecrated!"


"Quite fascinating, it appears Dolphins was right! Seth Rollins is going to win his match against Ocelot with interference form the SHIELD!"

((Doing this so we can skip matches that went on for too long))
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theManCalledSting said:
(Funny I think the Master did that once Legit)
"And now time within that Stadium is in a temporal flux! Events happening sooner than they should! The time line desecrated!"


"Quite fascinating, it appears Dolphins was right! Seth Rollins is going to win his match against Ocelot with interference form the SHIELD!"

Snake smirked.

"Really? Ocelot lost to that guy? Wait..."

Snake shook his head. He fired a shot that flew so close to Junko's head she could feel the wind of it move her hair.

"Enough games. What's going on? I know who you are, and I know you have something to do with this, so start talking or my aim starts improving."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake smirked.
"Really? Ocelot lost to that guy? Wait..."

Snake shook his head. He fired a shot that flew so close to Junko's head she could feel the wind of it move her hair.

"Enough games. What's going on? I know who you are, and I know you have something to do with this, so start talking or my aim starts improving."
"Oh, a soldier, perhaps the Doctor is still allied with UNIT..."


"Sorry, Snake I'm unBEARably busy right now! I'm trying to BEAR with the new guy in my noggin!"
theManCalledSting said:
"Oh, a soldier, perhaps the Doctor is still allied with UNIT..."

"Sorry, Snake I'm unBEARably busy right now! I'm trying to BEAR with the new guy in my noggin!"

Snake fired another shot, this one tearing through the bear's red eye and actually going through Junko's hair. He quickly checked his minimap (which he can somehow see all the time so maybe it's built into his eye-patch) to make sure there were no approaching thugs.

"Talk. Now."
TommyGun15 said:
Snake fired another shot, this one tearing through the bear's red eye and actually going through Junko's hair. He quickly checked his minimap (which he can somehow see all the time so maybe it's built into his eye-patch) to make sure there were no approaching thugs.
"Talk. Now."

"Like, wow! Talk about not minding your manners! Like seriously what do you want me to say, Creep!

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