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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:

This is going on now....
Miller looked at what was happening, then looked at his cup of coffee.

"Goddammit Ocelot!" Miller shouted, storming back into the base.
Seth looked at Ultron, new again. R-rule? Asked the boy, nervously. The spear probably flew off of the Newly Powered Ultron, that, in his head, Seth would call Ultron-Prime. Had a nice ring to it. H-how do you intend to rule, sir. Asked the shadow charmer, looking at Ultron-Prime.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15

Ultron pulled the spear from his chest and tossed it to the side.

"I can see you demon... Organic beings will bend the knee or die. There is no middle ground." Ultron explained coldly "Your friend tried to trick me, which is why I tossed him into the vacuum of space. Bend the knee of you will all meet the same fate." He threatened

As Gregory drifted through space, he appeared on the radar of the Hawk and was brought onboard

"What happened?" Mil asked

"Ultron...He's won." He muttered in a grim tone "He got through the tear."


Meanwhile, In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's New York...

Joseph sat in one of the many comfy chairs in his house. It had been about a year since his fight with Kars. He lifted his left arm and looked at it for a bit. (Oops, forgot to mention something; Joseph's left arm was cut off in his fight against Kars, so it's a robotic prosthetic up to his elbow.) He sighed and put it back down on the arm rest of the chair. He didn't want to seem like a bad guy, but he just wished something interesting would happen. He closed his eyes, and... CRASH! A loud noise was heard from the upstairs of his house where his wife, Suzie-Q, was resting. He jumped out of his seat quickly. "Suzie-Q?!" He yelled. Hearing no response, he ran up the stairs and into him and his wife's bedroom. His face was aghast when he saw something that could only be described as a "tear" in the fabric of reality where his bed used to be. "Suzie-Q must be in there... Somewhere!" He yelled. He ran towards the "tear" and jumped in, not fully prepared for what lay on the other side...


"Sibling rivalry." Constantine spoke "Why do you hate your brother that much?" He asked


"Burned my parents alive..."
Ultron pulled the spear from his chest and tossed it to the side.

"I can see you demon... Organic beings will bend the knee or die. There is no middle ground." Ultron explained coldly "Your friend tried to trick me, which is why I tossed him into the vacuum of space. Bend the knee of you will all meet the same fate." He threatened

As Gregory drifted through space, he appeared on the radar of the Hawk and was brought onboard

"What happened?" Mil asked

"Ultron...He's won." He muttered in a grim tone "He got through the tear."



(For the record, at the moment everyone should be able to see Yami.)

The flames around Yami's body coalesced into purple and black samurai armor. Yami summoned another spear to his hand and laughed.

"I am no Organic Being little toy. I am beyond life and death, beyond the passage of time. I have seen cities fall to ruin, civilizations stagger and died, I have even seen gods fall to their knees."

Yami pointed his spear at Ultron.

"And YOU are NOT a god! YOU are a TOY, the ultimate product of mankind's hubris! I have slain men more powerful than you. Mere MEN! You are nothing but a whining machine, and you cannot stand against the powers of over a thousand howling souls!"

Yami slammed the end of his spear into the ground, and an inky black shadow covered the floor. Thousands of red eyes opened within it's depths, and shadowy black hands reached from it, clawing their way up Ultron's body like spiders.

A loud ripping noise filled the air as a new tear started to form. It started off slow and then sped up, as if someone was trying to open it by force. The tear progressively got bigger until a Joseph's face could be seen. He grunted and groaned as the tear finally opened enough for him to step through. He looked around and saw many unfamiliar sights, one of which was a human-sized robot with a scary-looking face. After a tiny bit of thinking, JoJo decided the best place for him to look for a wife-snatcher was to chase after dangerous things. He ran as quickly as he could and eventually got there, just as a guy slammed a spear into the ground and made things that look like shadowy hands come from it. They clawed their way up the robot's body. "Alright, I don't know exactly what's going on here, but..." JoJo muttered. He pulled his scarf from his jacket pocket (He was wearing a bomber's jacket, you see.) and allowed the sun's own energy, Hamon, to flow through it. It wrapped around the spear and instantly fastened due to the Hamon inside of it. JoJo then tugged with all his might on the scarf.
Ultron pulled the spear from his chest and tossed it to the side.

"I can see you demon... Organic beings will bend the knee or die. There is no middle ground." Ultron explained coldly "Your friend tried to trick me, which is why I tossed him into the vacuum of space. Bend the knee of you will all meet the same fate." He threatened

As Gregory drifted through space, he appeared on the radar of the Hawk and was brought onboard

"What happened?" Mil asked

"Ultron...He's won." He muttered in a grim tone "He got through the tear."



Seth kneeled, not haing much of a choice and knew not to mess with beings of higher power. He needed to come up with a plan. Either to sneak to the tear and get some power to maybe stop him or to escape this universe all together. For now, he had to obey or die.

Joseph Park, brother of Abyss, woke up next to a luchador ant, bloodied with a tiny green man in his hand. "What the hell..."

He woke up and saw


Wherever he was, it was clear his brother was here.



'Lumminator flew through the atmosphere, burning like a meteor while crashing to the surface. a mile from a man in a colorful scarf. "Hello?" He asked weakly to the man, carrying Drake.



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Pyosimros said:
((oh, and the upcoming setting with Sauron, the Daleks, the Nexus, the Swarm, a man with a split personality between an attorney and a psychopathic hardcore wrestler, and more! It's barely begun, though.))

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