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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Oryx was highly pleased by this development, this eternal war would feed his empire forever! Oryx spoke up, "Since you know me as your servant now... please call me Auryx. You made the pact to never attack a Earth, and I had some hopes more would be here. This eternal war however, it will fuel my war efforts for a long while! If he grows more rapid then we do... then this should be a prey most worthy!" Then, from the Destiny Universe, a portal that shook the entire Sol System emerged from the Void. Raw Darkness flooded the system in a tidal wave of shock and awe. Oryx had transcended space through the Darkness, and with this much use of the Sword Logic, he would gain so much tribute this will be a positive income! Oryx's mouth quivered in anticipation, sending forth a vast volume of expendable troops with a few commanders.

Spawned from the Void, a world of living, thinking metal, one superior to that of Planet Ultron. The world was similar to that of Cybertron, producing new machines to fight against Ultron. The Taken planet launched from it Taken Blights all over Ultron held worlds, attacking a few solar systems at a time as a mere beachhead in this dimension...
(@apoliseno and @ryanpk200 )

We see Renee Young with The Arrow, Neville and Booker Dewitt with Elizabeth.

"Welcome everyone this is Renee Young and with me at this time are the winners of an explosive WrestleMania Pre-Show! So tell please us and the WWE Universe. How do you feel actually winning at WrestleMania?" Renee asked the winning team.

"And what is that?" The Woman asked Yami "Am I wrong about you being a soldier? If you survive this fight with Ultron I am not wrong. You will fight in the war. I can take you to see one of these beings once Ultron has been stopped. Hell, I'll take all of you to see one."

"What did these fortune tellers say about Mista J?" Harley asked

"His return causes you a lot of pain." Gregory butted in, speaking in a grim tone "Face it Harley, all that madman has ever done has beaten and manipulated you since day one."

"You're wrong!" She snapped, pointing the spear at Gregory

"Every single version of you I have seen has the same story. A young, lonely psychiatrist is manipulated by a psychopath into falling in love with him. But he never feels the same way. You're a pawn in his plans, Harley. Open your eyes."

Rather than attack Gregory with the spear, Harley punched him across the face with a look of anger on her own. Gregory did nothing to stop the punch.

"You shut your whore mouth!" She shouted

"That's enough!" Syeron butted in, taking Harley by the arms "In case you haven't noticed, we have a genocidal AI to stop!"

"She's right! Get your thumbs and heads out of your arses!" Max snapped

The two ships departed, the Hawk heading for Ultron himself while the Curabitur ship engaged it's cloaking device and tried to make it towards the station. As Gregory sat at the controls of the Curabitur ship, the Woman appeared behind him.

"Why do you care?" She asked

"She's a pain in the arse, but she's part of my team." Gregory muttered "That means her well-being is my responsibility...That and if the Joker returns people could die."

"You let her punch you."

"She had to let off some steam." Gregory shrugged

Harley sat near the armour of the ship, the spear in hand.

"He's wrong." She muttered "He doesn't know him like I do...Like I did" She said to Yami "You believe me, right?"



Ultron's forces numbered in the trillions and he launched several billion into the Sol system to counter Oryx's invasion. For every Sentinel destroyed by Oryx, another two would be created in another section of space to fight against the Darkness. The sheer numbers alone stood a chance at completely overwhelming Oryx's forces.

((@Some_Bloke You think John Constantine should try summoning the demon king now?))

"Constantine, you better try summoning Finn, Because we got ourselves a big problem!" JOHN CENA SAID!!!! as he peered into CM Punk's locker room... Punk was gone...

"Punk's gone and I'm sure that Monaca Towa kid is behind it!"


Ultron's forces numbered in the trillions and he launched several billion into the Sol system to counter Oryx's invasion. For every Sentinel destroyed by Oryx, another two would be created in another section of space to fight against the Darkness. The sheer numbers alone stood a chance at completely overwhelming Oryx's forces.

(Weekend! WOOHOO!)

Before Yami went with Harley, he answered The Woman, an almost dangerous look in his eye.

"No. You see, I'm not a soldier. I'm not even a man anymore. Everything I am now is because men with too much greed and to little sense were afraid of what I could do. So they tried to take my power, and remove me. I'm what happens when you try to turn a man into a weapon, and fail. So I guess that makes me something in between. Not a man. Not a weapon. Just a consciousness with a desire to kill. But I suppose that's all you want from me anyway."

Yami followed Harley to the armor of the ship, not that he really had a choice. He stat next to her, dressed in his purple suit form and smoking a cigar he'd conjured from thin air.

"Of course I do. What does that ass know, he's probably never even met the Joker."
Ultron's forces were completely and totally overwhelming, but the formula for war was one that came in Oryx's favor. His weapon, the ability to Take Ultron's forces, made for every lose on Ultron side another troop for Oryx. Taken Sentinels appeared at every ambush, covered in a full body shield that was only weak to extreme heat. They had a ability similar to Oryx that only worked on machines, ripping apart those around them and adding their parts to strengthen the Sentinels. Oryx was giving Ultron a hint, if only he was like Quira, Blade Transformed. The Sword Logic was a raw and powerful thing that only those who understood could use, he fought for raw domination and defense, while Oryx fought to grow strong and feed his worm.

Each Sentinel Taken told him of ambushes set up, or larger forces, so Oryx was never out of position against Ultron. He unleashed Swarms and Dragoons in space, needing only about 5 seconds to deploy them in a vast number, to start cutting off forces from behind during combat. However, one of Oryx's most prized warriors came out to fight Ultron, one that was engorged from the Sword Logic's strength. The Warpriest ripped out of the Moon, unleashing a giant pitch black sphere above himself. The sphere was known as the Oculus, and it's power was unleashed at that instant. The skies itself burned and screamed of horror as pure white light like that of the Sun was unleashed. It burned and slaughtered any who was not Ascendant Hive or a Taken. Three giant tombs formed in front of the Warpiest, with small platforms hiding behind them. He gave a puzzle to be defeated, so that under normal circumstances his death would never happen! Oryx watched carefully to see how Ultron would react to this...


Constantine nodded in response, taking one final look at Cena before he summoned the demon known as Finn "If you're wrong about this kid demon, then we're a bit buggered." Constantine muttered, shooting Cena a cocky smile.

He rubbed his hands together and began to chant in a language even JOHN CENA could understand. It sounded like a mixture between Latin and Celtic, but Cena did not know for sure. "Shut your eyes." He told the wrestler, who listened to Constantine and did as he was told. As the eyes of John Cena were shut, a portal to the WWE-verse's version of Hell opened, allowing Finn to step through.

"Alright. You can open your eyes." Constantine told John Cena as he offered Finn a cigarette.



"That's exactly what we need." The Woman spoke as Yami left with Harley. She sat down on a box in the armoury and turned her attention to the demon in the purple suit "He said about different version though...Like that one we saw..." She paused for several moments as the image of the dead body they had encountered in the sewer filled her mind. She snapped back to focus as Jester licked her hand and she scratched the dog behind the ears.

"That me never met him. There could be a universe out there where he would hurt me. I mean...My Mista J never would but there could be one where he was a monster. Where all the things people said about him are true. But that's not my Mista J."

She rested her face in her left hand "All this stuff about different universes, about tears. It's all really confusing, isn't it?"

As the Hawk caught Ultron's attention, Syeron activated the hologram. It appeared in front of the Sentinels about to fire in front of the ship, causing them to hold their fire as Hank Pym spoke. Ultron let go of Drake in response and drifted towards the image of his creator, of his father.


"Ultron." Hank began in a grim tone "I created you with one intention. The betterment and survival of mankind."

"Human beings did not deserve to live. You are dead, father." Ultron raised his right arm, preparing to blast the Hawk into oblivion

"If I am dead, how am I talking to you now?" Hank asked, taking Ultron by surprise "You're a disappointment, Ultron!" He shouted "Out of all the things I've done, you are my greatest mistake."

"You only view me as a mistake because of your feeble intellect." Ultron replied coldly "You cannot see my true vision..."

"Your vision is a lie!" Pym snapped

As father and son spoke, Ultron noticed the Warpiest approaching him in space and in response ordered one million Sentinels to attack this new challenger. Pym was far more important.

The Curabitur ship approached the space station, docking with it. The station was carved into the side of a large asteroid and small in size compared to it. At all sides of the asteroid were thrusters, designed for keeping the gigantic rock in place. The station itself was a shade of dark blue, long and pointed.

"We're here." Gregory spoke over the radio




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As the ship docked, Yami stood from where he sat.

"Oh, I don't think so. I look at it this way. In every universe there are twin siblings all over the place. That doesn't make them you. In the end there are five kinds of people. Those that want to help you, those that you want to help, those that want to hurt you, those that you want to hurt, and those who you couldn't really give a damn about."
Constantine nodded in response, taking one final look at Cena before he summoned the demon known as Finn "If you're wrong about this kid demon, then we're a bit buggered." Constantine muttered, shooting Cena a cocky smile.

He rubbed his hands together and began to chant in a language even JOHN CENA could understand. It sounded like a mixture between Latin and Celtic, but Cena did not know for sure. "Shut your eyes." He told the wrestler, who listened to Constantine and did as he was told. As the eyes of John Cena were shut, a portal to the WWE-verse's version of Hell opened, allowing Finn to step through.

"Alright. You can open your eyes." Constantine told John Cena as he offered Finn a cigarette.


"Sorry mate, I don't smoke." said the Demon King and NXT Champion, Finn Balor.

"So why did ya call me?"
Three minutes of constant fighting against the Warpriest ran out into the Void, thousands of explosions happening all over the Moon. Without the Aura of the Initiate, or some form of the Sword Logic, the Warpriest was invulnerable. His biggest weakness always followed him with the platforms, but those who simply fought strong foes like the norm always fell to him! Almost no Guardian has defeated him without dying at least once, or with someone who has already defeated him. If Ultron could not figure out the puzzle, the Oculus would rip through him for eternity! After the third minute was up, the Oculus was called upon, where hundreds of thousands of Ultron Sentinels were disintegrated out of reality from being so close to the monstrous slaughter. The Darkness consumed them, stealing their essence and form of sentience into the shadow.

Each Ultron Sentinel Taken gave Oryx a marker that was closer and closer to the Minds of Ultron. Ultron was basically Atheon, a powerful being who can control time and space while also commanding millions upon millions of Vex constructs. Ultron was simply weaker, at least that is what he thought. Oryx gathered the location of Ultron from the Sentinels, deciding to send a foe that Ultron might be able to stop. A giant rupture akin to a slip space rupture tore through the dimensional plane, sending forth to scout out Ultron's position... a Ketch with Cabal Harvester and Fallen Skiff detachments.


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Monaca's Office


"Now that Mr. Punk is gone... The Vile Boss has appeared... And Monaca will slay the Demon for Junko... Enoshima... After all... Monaca knows that Monaca is still going to win... Monaca has an ace..." Monaca said to herself as she monitors the happenings in the arena... By her side was the Urn of the Undertaker...
TommyGun15 said:
Snake breathed out a cloud of smoke, wondering how long it would be until his fight.
"Hello everyone, this is Renee Young and with me is my guess at this time, Big Boss, so Snake what's going through your mind in your up coming match against Brock Lesnar?"
theManCalledSting said:
"Hello everyone, this is Renee Young and with me is my guess at this time, Big Boss, so Snake what's going through your mind in your up coming match against Brock Lesnar?"
Big Boss sighed.

"I just want to get this shit over with. If I have to knock a few people around to do that, so be it."

AOU Universe

Drake: Drake lost consciousness as Ultron was gripping his throat, his Super Saiyan 3 form fading. As Ultron let him go and floated over to the Ebon Hawk, Drake was left floating in space with the enormous battles waging between Oryx's Taken and Ultron's Sentinels. His mind raced as his body lay still. An inner image he saw was him standing in front of a grand mirror etched with gold. In its reflection, he saw his Earth wreathed in flames with Ultron holding him by the throat.

"This is the reality that I let happen? Damnit....I'm not strong enough. I just hope everyone else got to the tear before he gets there. I guess now there's nothing left for me but accept my fate," Drake said to himself in his thoughts.

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Marik/Melvin: After having his seat repeatedly kicked by a child behind him, Marik became so angered Melvin began to take over. He grabbed his forehead with both hands out of pain. He screamed in pain as Melvn forced his soul into Marik's body and Marik's soul out of his body. An Egyptian eye symbol glowed yellow on his forehead and his hair spiked up in all directions. He cackled like a madman.

"AHAHAHA! I'm free once again! Now to begin my plans to kill—hey what's going on down there," Melvin said in a distorted version of Marik's voice as he noticed the ring. The mother of the child behind him began to scold Melvin, who turned around.

"Heh heh, could I get a hug? I'm having such a rough time," he said, faking a sad tone. Hesitantly the mother nodded. The screams of the mother and child, the roar of a chainsaw, and Melvin's maniacal laughter echoed through the arena.

@theManCalledSting @TehFanzyMetroid @TommyGun15
apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Marik/Melvin: After having his seat repeatedly kicked by a child behind him, Marik became so angered Melvin began to take over. He grabbed his forehead with both hands out of pain. He screamed in pain as Melvn forced his soul into Marik's body and Marik's soul out of his body. An Egyptian eye symbol glowed yellow on his forehead and his hair spiked up in all directions. He cackled like a madman.

"AHAHAHA! I'm free once again! Now to begin my plans to kill—hey what's going on down there," Melvin said in a distorted version of Marik's voice as he noticed the ring. The mother of the child behind him began to scold Melvin, who turned around.

"Heh heh, could I get a hug? I'm having such a rough time," he said, faking a sad tone. Hesitantly the mother nodded. The screams of the mother and child, the roar of a chainsaw, and Melvin's maniacal laughter echoed through the arena.

@theManCalledSting @TehFanzyMetroid @TommyGun15
Big Boss raised his eyebrow as he heard screaming. Drawing his Tranq pistol, he ducked through a few back hallways and crept into the arena's seating area.
TommyGun15 said:
Big Boss raised his eyebrow as he heard screaming. Drawing his Tranq pistol, he ducked through a few back hallways and crept into the arena's seating area.
"Well that's was an interesting response from a very unique individual!" Said Michael Cole as the segment ended.

"I still think Snake is a traitor to his nation!" JBL said with furry and malice in his voice.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.e1e961165e1c27fd1186aaa245828b91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.e1e961165e1c27fd1186aaa245828b91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Triple H and Stephanie are in the ring to begin the "Authority's Open Challenge"

"So anyone who can beat our selected Superstars will win a WWE Contract and a samurai sword that Big Show found backstage!" said Triple H on the mic.

"So to anyone backstage... Show me you have the balls to come out and open... WRESTLEMANIA!"




  • Wrestlemania_32_logo.png
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Seth glared at the battle between Oryx and Ultron. Amazed by the battle, 10x as amazing as when the fairy forces attacked Muriel's Imps that first summer he discovered Fablehaven. Eventually, they got to the space station. So this is where the tear is. Huh, I would've expecting the tear to be bigger. Like, as big as this ship. Said Seth as they docked.

@apoliseno @Some_Bloke @TommyGun15


You really are an idiot. A persistant idiot, but still an idiot. Said Mother Brain over the speakers in the control room as she overrode The Doctor's controls to the ship, keeping it on path. Security Lazers came out of the walls and fired at the Doctor from in the control room, hurting his right hand immensley. and knocking his sonic screwdriver out of it if he was using it in that one. More shots fired as the room was on lockdown. Goodbye, Dockta. Mocked Mother Brain as lazers fired again onto the Doctor

Behind the shattered Moon of Remnant, there ever so hidden... a vast war ship that emerged from a tear....

Within the haul were one of the most feared conquerors in the universe...

"THE MOTHERSHIP HAS SAFELY ENTERED THE ANOMALY!" said one of the ship's occupants.



"THEN PREPARE THE WAR SHIPS" said a Booming and commanding voice to what one assumes to be his underlings, it continued, "WE MUST STRIP THIS PLANET DRY OF ITS RESOURCES IN ORDER TO REGAIN OUR FOOTING IN THE COMING WARS!"


Backstage of WrestleMania

A mass of Druids was seen roaming the corridors...

One of them leaves the herd and walks into a different corridor.

This rogue Druid roamed the corridor as if looking for something.

He finally stopped when he found himself in front of a door with the words "Do Not Enter ~love Edge and Christian" on a sign that was taped to the door itself.

The Druid checked the corridor to see if the coast is clear.

Then the Druid checked to see if the door is still locked...

The mysterious Druid brought out an odd looking wand that glowed green at the tip.

The door opened and the Druid entered...
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Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: The arena fills with a light haze of grey smoke, which then turns to the dark grey color of storm clouds. White lightning strikes hit the arena in random places. Raiden's voice fills the arena.

"I am lightning, the rain transformed. I am here for what was stolen from me, and I will take it back." Thunder boomed throughout the arena as a large lightning bolt struck the center of the arena. As the dust settled, Raiden stood there in a black trenchcoat. He threw it off into the crowd, which cheered for his entrance. JBL, finishing his reaction to Kevin Owens' interview for the Intercontinental Match later, came over the loudspeaker to announce the challenger.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting the challenger for today's open match. The Master of Faster, Jack the Ripper, Mr. Lightning Bolt himself. RAAAAAIIIIIIDEEEEEN!" The match was being aired on the WWE Network, available for the price of $9.99 a month.

Melvin: Ceasing his maniacal laughter, Melvin looked unhappy seeing his chainsaw didn't even break skin on his victims. All it did was cause them to scream for no reason, and maybe feel a small bit of pinching. Even so, the woman ran out of the stands with her screaming baby. Melvin just threw the chainsaw away, hitting some random guy on the head, who complained about it barely hurting.

"Damnit 4Kids! I thought I worked for you! Why are you cancelling out my favorite method of torture? I swear vengeance on you!" As he finished yelling, he took his seat again and watched the match down below. He looked thoroughly impressed by Raiden's entrance.

AOU Universe

Drake: The mind control device on Drake's back was destroyed during his clash with Ultron, causing Drake's memories of being kidnapped by the Awesome Truth and the Miz to return to him as he sat floating in space, waiting for someone to recover him. He was faced with two problems that could end up in his death: either the power of his gauntlets would destroy his insides and kill him, or he could release his forms and die of asphyxiation. He had four words to say before he lost consciousness again.

"F*ck. The. Awesome. Truth." With those immortal words, he slipped back into unconsciousness.
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apoliseno said:
Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: The arena fills with a light haze of grey smoke, which then turns to the dark grey color of storm clouds. White lightning strikes hit the arena in random places. Raiden's voice fills the arena.

"I am lightning, the rain transformed. I am here for what was stolen from me, and I will take it back." Thunder boomed throughout the arena as a large lightning bolt struck the center of the arena. As the dust settled, Raiden stood there in a black trenchcoat. He threw it off into the crowd, which cheered for his entrance. JBL, finishing his reaction to Kevin Owens' interview for the Intercontinental Match later, came over the loudspeaker to announce the challenger.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting the challenger for today's open match. The Master of Faster, Jack the Ripper, Mr. Lightning Bolt himself. RAAAAAIIIIIIDEEEEEN!" The match was being aired on the WWE Network, available for the price of $9.99 a month. Somewhere, the Cosmic King spilled his glass of water and yelled out for a replacement at no one in particular.


Melvin: Ceasing his maniacal laughter, Melvin looked unhappy seeing his chainsaw didn't even break skin on his victims. All it did was cause them to scream for no reason, and maybe feel a small bit of pinching. Even so, the woman ran out of the stands with her screaming baby. Melvin just threw the chainsaw away, hitting some random guy on the head, who complained about it barely hurting.

"Damnit 4Kids! I thought I worked for you! Why are you cancelling out my favorite method of torture? I swear vengeance on you!" As he finished yelling, he took his seat again and watched the match down below. He looked thoroughly impressed by Raiden's entrance.

AOU Universe

Drake: The mind control device on Drake's back was destroyed during his clash with Ultron, causing Drake's memories of being kidnapped by the Awesome Truth and the Miz to return to him as he sat floating in space, waiting for someone to recover him. He was faced with two problems that could end up in his death: either the power of his gauntlets would destroy his insides and kill him, or he could release his forms and die of asphyxiation. He had four words to say before he lost consciousness again.

"F*ck. The. Awesome. Truth." With those immortal words, he slipped back into unconsciousness.
((Get rid of that "Wattah" line because I'm saving him for later.))
apoliseno said:
Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: The arena fills with a light haze of grey smoke, which then turns to the dark grey color of storm clouds. White lightning strikes hit the arena in random places. Raiden's voice fills the arena.

"I am lightning, the rain transformed. I am here for what was stolen from me, and I will take it back." Thunder boomed throughout the arena as a large lightning bolt struck the center of the arena. As the dust settled, Raiden stood there in a black trenchcoat. He threw it off into the crowd, which cheered for his entrance. JBL, finishing his reaction to Kevin Owens' interview for the Intercontinental Match later, came over the loudspeaker to announce the challenger.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting the challenger for today's open match. The Master of Faster, Jack the Ripper, Mr. Lightning Bolt himself. RAAAAAIIIIIIDEEEEEN!" The match was being aired on the WWE Network, available for the price of $9.99 a month.

Melvin: Ceasing his maniacal laughter, Melvin looked unhappy seeing his chainsaw didn't even break skin on his victims. All it did was cause them to scream for no reason, and maybe feel a small bit of pinching. Even so, the woman ran out of the stands with her screaming baby. Melvin just threw the chainsaw away, hitting some random guy on the head, who complained about it barely hurting.

"Damnit 4Kids! I thought I worked for you! Why are you cancelling out my favorite method of torture? I swear vengeance on you!" As he finished yelling, he took his seat again and watched the match down below. He looked thoroughly impressed by Raiden's entrance.

AOU Universe

Drake: The mind control device on Drake's back was destroyed during his clash with Ultron, causing Drake's memories of being kidnapped by the Awesome Truth and the Miz to return to him as he sat floating in space, waiting for someone to recover him. He was faced with two problems that could end up in his death: either the power of his gauntlets would destroy his insides and kill him, or he could release his forms and die of asphyxiation. He had four words to say before he lost consciousness again.

"F*ck. The. Awesome. Truth." With those immortal words, he slipped back into unconsciousness.
(Correction... Howard Finkle is the ring announcer)

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