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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)



"Then you're not looking hard enough." One of the medics muttered at Drake, getting a glare from Stevenson in response

"Doctor." Stevenson spoke into his radio "You have a visitor."

"Not now." The Doctor replied "I'm trying to hack through the systems of this ship...Well I suppose I can multi-task. Talk and hack at the same time."

Nikita pushed past Drake and grabbed Stevenson's radio, linking it with her own communications before handing it back to the SHIELD agent.

"Doctor." Nikita spoke "My name is Nikita Travoski. I represent the Soviet Empire and we require your help."

Space Pirate ship

"Ah!" The Doctor shouted as the screen displayed weapons capabilities "Hello Nikita Travoski." The Doctor replied in a friendly, jokey tone "Tell your Soviet friends I'm a bit busy.

"This is urgent, Doctor."

"I know. But I will not let this planet burn." The Doctor spoke in a grim tone

As he continued to speak, the space pirate ship opened fire on the surrounding ships.

"Right, got to run!" The Doctor shouted "I'm setting this ship to fly into the middle of the fleet, fire on everything and then self-destruct. Never understood the need for a self-destruct. It's a design flaw..." As the Doctor continued speaking, the doors to the control room burst open and several space pirates turned their attention to the Time Lord.

"Hello! Forgot about you lot. Sorry." He spoke, using his sonic on the controls, destroying them in the process before running back inside the TARDIS. It demilitarized as the pirates opened fire.


The TARDIS appeared at the barricade. Nikita removed her helmet at the sight of the blue box, placed a hand over her heart and knelt before it as the doors opened. The Doctor stepped out with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, don't do the whole kneel before me stuff." The Doctor complained "I hate that. Don't do being saluted, let alone being knelt before. A round of applause on the other hand..."

"Doctor, what about the aliens?" Tesla asked

"Well, that should leave them disorientated for a while." He replied "It'll give us some time to concentrate on the ground. Get as many people out as we can. These aliens levelled half a city. We need to make sure no one else dies. It stops now."

"It's you." Nikita spoke as she stood up "Its's really you."

"Yes, it is me...And you're Nikita Travoski of the Soviet Empire." He smiled in response "Hello, I'm The Doctor." He turned his attention to Alpha-1 and Drake "I don't know you two though."

"They're heading south." Stevenson butted in



Gregory looked out of the airlock and hit his left hand against it in anger "That fookin' idiot is going to get himself killed!" He shouted "Super Sayan or not. He's taking on Ultron alone!"

"Who's Ultron?" Max asked "Is he the rogue AI you mentioned?" He got a nod from Gregory in response "Sounds pretentious."

"Fook! Not another one!" Gregory hit his hand against the airlock again

"I say we get the hell out of here." Max suggested

"If that woman is correct and if you are also correct." It turned it's attention to Gregory "We will not be able to run from Ultron if he succeeds." Mil butted in

"Shit." Max muttered, shrugging in response "Another suicide run it is then."

"Indeed." Gregory replied "Right, we need a plan."

The Woman turned her attention to Seth and sighed "Organizations?" She asked "What is beyond that tear is an entity as old as the universe it inhabits. These two ships will not be noticed by it. Do you notice microbes?" She asked "No. Unless you're looking under a microscope...Someone, something like myself on the the other hand...Well, you notice a rat don't you? That's how it would see me.."

She noticed that her right hand was shaking and held it close to her chest. "I try to go near that thing. I..." She paused for several moments to compose herself "I die."

Ultron turned his attention to Drake as he approached "Gods?" He asked "Gods are nothing more than feeble concept dreamt up by organic beings afraid of their own mortality. Even those who claim to be Gods are nothing more than blind fools."



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Reborn World

Ser Dougan watched as the Emperor did his work "Forgive me for being so bold, but I can see it in your eyes." She spoke "You've seen enough war to last several lifetimes. I can understand now why you want to create these soldiers."

WWE APP Exclusive interview @apoliseno ((Pretend that your character suddenly found that the WWE App downloaded on his scroll))

Backstage interview segment on <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.16f648d64d50ac8dd32ecef7cf427633.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.16f648d64d50ac8dd32ecef7cf427633.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Hello everyone. I'm Renee Young and with me, my guest at this time, the intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens. Now Kevin what's going through your head right now, going into your Street Fight against Ruby?"

Kevin Owens with championship belt in hand was about to answer but was suddenly interrupted by Jaune Arc?!

"Hey you!" Jaune said with his team by him, "We don't like what you did to our fellow classmate."

"Oh really? So... uh..." Kevin Owens then stared directly in Jaune's eyes... "What are you kids gonna do about it?"

"Well, uh... You see..." Jaune stammered and then muttered to himself, "Never thought this plan out..."

"WE'LL BREAK YOUR LEGS!" shouted Nora.

Kevin Owens gave the girl an unamused look, "Really?"


Kevin Owens then assaults Team JNPR in retaliation as the brawl between JNPR and Owens went down the camera man smartly then shifts focus back to Renee.

"Oh, Um as you can tell it appears that Kevin Owens is busy at the moment..." A loud crash was heard and Kevin Owens walked in casually on-screen and said, "To answer your question Renee, what I just did to those kids... Is only half of what of what I can do to Lil' Red Riding Hood... This interview is over..."

The Camera the shows the unconscious bodies of Team JNPR.



  • Wrestlemania_32_logo.png
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@ryanpk200 ((Let's end this))


Neville tags in Booker to face Viktor the Ascension who also happens to be also the Apocalypse!

((Sorry @apoliseno but I feel @ryanpk200 needs to end it since he has more at stake))
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Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Skylar and Arrow: Watching in horror on his app, Skylar clenched a fist and punched the wall next to him, leaving a dent. He kept his fist clenched out of pain, since punching a stone wall can cause a bit of pain.

"Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyhrra......damnit that monster....I'll make him pay....," Skylar mumbled to himself as he reached for a knife on his belt, but he found none. Evidently he used them all against that Ursa. He just settied in his seat and watched in anger. At the same time, Oliver recieved a notification from Felicity about the viscious beating Owens gave team JNPR. Seeing Booker had things handled, he jogged back to the locker room to retrieve his bow, quiver, and flachettes.

"Felicity, hook on to that broadcast and give me a location," Oliver said.

???: In the location in which Kane and Big Show kept Murasama, a cyborg wolf broke in and chewed out the throat of one of the guards, impaling the other with his tail. He grabbed the blade in his mouth and high speed sped away, racing towards Dallas, Texas to return the blade to its owner.

AOU Universe

Drake: Glaring at Ultron, Drake pulled the Energy Sword hilt out of his pocket and ignited the pronged plasma blades and darted straight towards Ultron, cutting up a few Sentinels on the way. When he was right in front of Ultron, he disappeared. He reappeared behind Ultron and landed a kick into his robo-spine, knocking him forwards a few feet.

apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Skylar and Arrow: Watching in horror on his app, Skylar clenched a fist and punched the wall next to him, leaving a dent. He kept his fist clenched out of pain, since punching a stone wall can cause a bit of pain.

"Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyhrra......damnit that monster....I'll make him pay....," Skylar mumbled to himself as he reached for a knife on his belt, but he found none. Evidently he used them all against that Ursa. He just settied in his seat and watched in anger. At the same time, Oliver recieved a notification from Felicity about the viscious beating Owens gave team JNPR. Seeing Booker had things handled, he jogged back to the locker room to retrieve his bow, quiver, and flachettes.

"Felicity, hook on to that broadcast and give me a location," Oliver said.

???: In the location in which Kane and Big Show kept Murasama, a cyborg wolf broke in and chewed out the throat of one of the guards, impaling the other with his tail. He grabbed the blade in his mouth and high speed sped away, racing towards Dallas, Texas to return the blade to its owner.

AOU Universe

Drake: Glaring at Ultron, Drake pulled the Energy Sword hilt out of his pocket and ignited the pronged plasma blades and darted straight towards Ultron, cutting up a few Sentinels on the way. When he was right in front of Ultron, he disappeared. He reappeared behind Ultron and landed a kick into his robo-spine, knocking him forwards a few feet.

"Viktor tagging in Konnor! And Booker answers with a SPEAR! ((A tackle))" Michael Cole said as the referee counted




Booker's team wins
Oryx tapped his talons down onto his throne, smiling as he found a way around the three gods. They had taken his tribute, taken his power so that he could no longer use the Taken dimensional rift powers he possessed. It was a interesting thing, to lose most of your power after millions and millions of years. Oryx had felt that thing he wanted so much, that weakness and waning of the worm. It no longer held him, it was shriveling and he was still doing his pact, forcing it down. Though, after all of that, he still had a will to keep on going. He did not truly understand why, even after all these years of plotting the Touch of Malice, it simply had no reason to be forced upon yet. Oryx simply laughed, he had enough tribute that the dimensional plane was his again. This fighting, no matter the size, was not enough to satisfy his forces. Now that time itself had opened to him, he had gateways and warps to so many different dimensions that it was not even funny! He had millions upon millions of troops, and he was only one of the few to own a Dreadnought among the entire Hive species. Oryx called upon all of the Deathsingers, letting them wounds in the universe that allowed troops to go through. Each tombship vanished from reality, forming into yet another and then doing the task Oryx set upon them...



Tombships, pulsating with Taken energy formed from the devastation left by the destruction of the original Dreadnought. The ships had entered from the point of least resistance, and from there warped to Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. They scanned for any life, and dropped down Taken Vex forces. They quickly began to build large transmitters, unleashing a signal to Earth telling them not to be afraid, they were there to protect them. The quivering planets would be made to think, to live, and to breath. From there, Oryx would use these as staging grounds for assaults and attacks on some other advanced species that could feed him tribute. This force was most designed for habitation and building.

Age of Ultron


The technology and rage of Ultron was something that could be felt through space. The eternal marching crusade of hate was intoxicating, which demanded Oryx's attention. From what he gathered from the MCU, Ultron was a near limitless robot of hate. Perfection, a enemy who could never tire like Oryx himself! Mercury and Venus were invaded by Tombships unleashing Taken Vex, who burrowed into the ground and began their transformation process just like those in the MCU. This force though, was armed to the teeth.

Dragon Ball Z


That haired beast, that Human with the glowing power of gods! He did something that no one else has shown the ability to do yet, destroy his Dreadnought. That power showed his Sword Logic, and as such there had to be a giant amount of something to fight. No matter the strength, they would gain their power! Taken just like before ripping through wounds, following the scent and power of ancient meetings before creating beachheads. This one was the most designed for scouting out the location.
RWBY Universe

To the North of Beacon Academy , the kingdom of Mordor with Isengard to it's West, Goblin Town to it's East, and Dol Gulder to it's South emerge from four extremely large tears. Momentarily stunned with surprise, the foul inhabitants of the four newly arrived areas send out scouts to patrol the new world as their Dark Lord plots his new conquest.
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Ultron instantly spun around and grabbed Drake by the throat with one of his arms while he used the others to hold Drake's arms in place.

"That was a nice trick." He spoke in an emotionless tone "But I am far beyond your intellect." Ultron paused in mid-sentence as he noticed Oryx's forces invading the nearest planet. He replied by sending an army of one hundred Sentinels to scout.

Curabitur ship

"You might get noticed by the entity. It might see humans as microbes but demons are another matter. Are you prepared for that?" She asked Yami.

"We lead Ultron away from the tear until one of us can get to the station!" Gregory shouted, trying to get everyone's attention "We then use that power to scatter his atoms."

"How to you mean to do that?" Max asked

"Perhaps he has some kind of weakness we can exploit? Part of it's programming?" Mil asked

"Hank Pym." Gregory muttered "Hank Pym! Ultron's father!"

"He's dead." The Woman explained "At least the version from this Ultron's universe."

"Fook!" Gregory snapped "Of course he is!"

"We could use a hologram of him." Syeron suggested, turning her attention to The Woman "Get one. Now."

"Or just pluck him from another universe." Harley replied

"No!" Syeron snapped "No one else dies!"





AOU Universe

Drake: Struggling against Ultron's grasp, Drake couldn't get free. He struggled to speak as well.

"Well.....I know......you.....consider humans less.....than dirt....but what about......Saiyans?" He angled his hands towards Ultron's chest and let loose two beams of Ki energy that pushed Ultron away from Drake by several feet. He rapidly thrusted his hands forward and unleashed a barrage of Ki blasts on Ultron.

Revan: Standing with his arms crossed now, Revan stepped forward.

"Then hurry up and acquire this hologram or our compatriot outside won't be alive to escape. And if we need to enter this tear so badly, then you should undock your ship so we can get moving. Time wasted could be lives lost."

@TehFanzyMetroid @TommyGun15

Curabitur ship

"We pass through this dimension?" The Woman asked, speaking so that only Yami could hear her. She pointed at Gregory "He's going through it. The one with too much to lose. You are a demon, a manipulator. The second you go through that tear you'll try and destroy me." She vanished for several seconds and reappeared with a holographic device in her hands.

Gregory nodded at Revan in response "Right then. I'll get the 'ell off your ship."

In space, close to the station orbiting the tear Ultron remained in place. While the ki blasts caused small dents in his adamantium body, he shrugged it off and replied by blasting several hand-blasts towards Drake.


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Seth looked at the woman after she said she'll die if she enters it. How is that. Is there some spell that will kill you if you enter. Asked Seth, curious. Then they were talking about hologram. Yeah, we hyave to get that hologram. But wouldn't the real thing do better then a hologram. That lady can travel through universes, so why not take him from another universe. Asked the shadow charmer.

@TommyGun15 @Some_Bloke

Within the massive tower of Barad Dur, the Dark Lord Sauron stands motionless as he reads the reports from his scouts. Learning about a human settlement South of Mordor, Sauron dispatches the Mouth of Sauron and a small group of Uruk Hai to head to the Academy with the intention of enslaving them.
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"Ultron will kill him!" Syeron snapped "If we take this Hank Pym, this creator that Ultron has a grudge with killing him is the first thing Ultron will do!"

"She has a point." Gregory replied

She snatched the holographic device from The Woman's hands "What does it say?" She asked in a demanding tone

"Just something to exploit his daddy issues." The Woman shot the young Jedi a half-smile.

She turned back to Yami and spoke to him, not allowing anyone else to hear him "I already have plenty of places to hide. Void universes, regular universes, pocket universes...I don't need your hiding place demon. But I do need your skills."


Oryx silently starred at Ultron attacking him, and ran a few idea checks through the Vex mind. Oryx unleashed a fright strategy against this machine army by summoning forth Blights on Venus and the Moon, summoning forth a vast army of Taken that burrowed in even deeper. If Ultron's scanners were still up, he would feel the number of Taken multiple by four fold in just a few moments. But then, in the very edge of Earth, the Ultron force was ambushed by a swarm of Taken Swarms and Dragoons! These machines were ones that showed pure and complete evolution, beings that were not relative to anything in the known Destiny universe flew straight at them. They were machines that grew life, and from that became living atrocities like the Daleks. Their purpose, nay their will was no longer in their command. Oryx held a iron grip over them, and commanded the swarm of hundreds to engage the Sentinels.

A weapon unlike anything in the dimension was unleashed, that of raw Darkness that chewed and sawed through Sentinel hulls, but left no damage. Anchors of Darkness ripped from the Void of space and tried trapping Sentinels, engulfing them into the Darkness while the Swarm used their super heated tendrils to start melting through their bodies. Dragoons fired blasts of raw gravity and force more then a hundred fold of a normal bullet. Machine guns, rockets, and weapons galore did nothing, only the raw strength, will and gathered energy of a Hero or Villain could come close to this world. The Vex had to much time to improve and adapt to the Humans of a thousand years from now, only those designed to destroy their bodies and shields could have a hope... or maybe a steady and lucky aim.

Oryx spoke through any Consumed Sentinels who reformed, covered in a weapon that made the universe itself seem to grow and warp around it. The negative light they poured out was only equivalent to the Harbingers of Galactis with less power, but by god a much larger number. The Sentinels screamed out, "The Light has been snuffed out by you? I call upon thee Librarian, Merchant and Woman! This world is blighted by a Darkness just like the one you smite. The Sentinels tell me what this Ultron is... shall we consume the world and free those who are not under this Ultron?"

Destiny Universe


Tombships flew in from rips in the dimensional plane once more, hundreds of ships aimed for both Venux and the Moon. They met back up with the ravaged Hive forces there, and began to utilize the unique location advantages they had to spawn tribute. The Citadel would be active within a mere hour, spawning forth large numbers of Fallen, Cabal and Vex just to fall out of the sky and break their bones for the Thrall to easily feed on. Some forces would pour through, but they were mainly there to spawn even more Time Gates.


The Woman leaned in even closer to Yami so that their faces met. She spoke not only to Yami, but to everyone on both ships. "Did you ever wonder why I was so obsessed with this dimension to begin with? With the power it could hold? Normally there are three of us, myself and two associates. Across multiple universes we are known as The Three Unknowns. However there are beings capable of powers we do not have. Beings able to see every potential future, every reaction to every action"

She paused for several moments and like before, her hand began to shake violently "I have viewed some of these futures myself. I do not wish to experience them...This is about turning the tide in all the wars to come! You are a soldier, Yami. You are all soldiers who will fight in the wars to come."

"Where are these beings?" Mil asked

"You want to talk to one of them?" The Woman asked, getting a nod from Mil in response "Deal. I'll take you to one who actually cooperates."

The three appeared before the Sentinels.

"Free who from what? There were only two living beings left on Earth. A dog and a washed up superhero." The Merchant explained "They have since left this dead planet behind. The rest of this universe did not fair much better."

"Ultron's forces cover every inch of this universe. If you want to wage war against an entire universe, be my guest." The Librarian shrugged





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