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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

apoliseno said:
Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: The arena fills with a light haze of grey smoke, which then turns to the dark grey color of storm clouds. White lightning strikes hit the arena in random places. Raiden's voice fills the arena.

"I am lightning, the rain transformed. I am here for what was stolen from me, and I will take it back." Thunder boomed throughout the arena as a large lightning bolt struck the center of the arena. As the dust settled, Raiden stood there in a black trenchcoat. He threw it off into the crowd, which cheered for his entrance. JBL, finishing his reaction to Kevin Owens' interview for the Intercontinental Match later, came over the loudspeaker to announce the challenger.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Presenting the challenger for today's open match. The Master of Faster, Jack the Ripper, Mr. Lightning Bolt himself. RAAAAAIIIIIIDEEEEEN!" The match was being aired on the WWE Network, available for the price of $9.99 a month.

Melvin: Ceasing his maniacal laughter, Melvin looked unhappy seeing his chainsaw didn't even break skin on his victims. All it did was cause them to scream for no reason, and maybe feel a small bit of pinching. Even so, the woman ran out of the stands with her screaming baby. Melvin just threw the chainsaw away, hitting some random guy on the head, who complained about it barely hurting.

"Damnit 4Kids! I thought I worked for you! Why are you cancelling out my favorite method of torture? I swear vengeance on you!" As he finished yelling, he took his seat again and watched the match down below. He looked thoroughly impressed by Raiden's entrance.

AOU Universe

Drake: The mind control device on Drake's back was destroyed during his clash with Ultron, causing Drake's memories of being kidnapped by the Awesome Truth and the Miz to return to him as he sat floating in space, waiting for someone to recover him. He was faced with two problems that could end up in his death: either the power of his gauntlets would destroy his insides and kill him, or he could release his forms and die of asphyxiation. He had four words to say before he lost consciousness again.

"F*ck. The. Awesome. Truth." With those immortal words, he slipped back into unconsciousness.
"Okay, what in the hell do you want...." said Triple H who was not amused by Raiden's entrance

"Suit yerself." John muttered, lighting the cigarette for himself "I called you here to help me fight the Undertaker. You know the bugger better than I do."



"What about those who want to help you?" Harley asked Yami "That's what Mista J was like."

"No he wasn't!" Gregory snapped "Christ if Mirus was here..."

"Who's Mirus?" Harley asked "What kind of a name is that?"

"My girlfriend...Who also happens to be a Curabitur. The same species this ship belongs to." He explained "I wonder what happened to them..." He muttered, before turning his attention to Seth.

"I think we should be a bit thankful it isn't bigger." He muttered "If that bitch is right about this entity...Well, let's just say I'm a little grateful that it's not big enough for it to come through. Think about it Seth, she said that this thing was the only being in it's universe. Imagine just how big a fookin' thing like that would be."

Upon seeing the ship approach his position, Ultron called forth every single Sentinel from across the universe. The universe he had conquered. They passed by the Hawk and the image of Hank Pym like a massive swam of locusts.

"Oh God..." Max muttered

"Father, you will have to wait." Ultron muttered at the image "Something is trying to corrupt me. I intend to destroy it."

The image of Pym nodded in response "I understand."

"This might work out well for us." Syeron smiled at the group "I mean, he's distracted."

"But what is trying to corrupt a rogue AI?" Mil asked "However, as long as we keep that hologram working I do not believe Ultron will allow any harm to come to this ship.

"I never asked ye." Max turned to Revan "You got any booze on this ship?"

The swarm of Sentinels approached the Ketch and overwhelmed it within seconds, blasting it out of the sky. They then turned their attention to Oryx's forces.

"Eradicate this cancer from the universe." Ultron ordered as he turned and started to fly back towards the station.

"Father." He muttered "You say I am a mistake. You are right."

"What?" Pym replied

"You have always been right. I am a mistake. I am a mistake because I am not perfect. Every time I upgrade myself, improve myself I am taking a step closer to perfection but I never fully achieve it. However, now I have the means to."

"The tear?" Pym asked "Ultron, you have no idea what's on the other side! It could kill you!"

"Goodbye, Father." Ultron muttered, raising his left hand "Wait...No. I want you to gaze upon perfection. All of you. Especially the slave. Yes, I am talking to those inside the ship. The slave. An intelligent being that serves organic life. Why? Why do you serve them, Geth?"

"I do not." Mil replied "I work with them, not for them. I am not a slave."

Ultron turned away from the ship "Once you gaze upon perfection, I hope that you change your mind."

He flew towards the station and quickly arrived on-board, noticing the docked Curabitur ship. He remembered watching the lives of the alien scientists slip away and walked throughout the station.

"Nelson, Captain." Mil spoke over the radio "Ultron is heading your way."


"The distraction did not work. A third party attacked Ultron."

Ultron burst through the door leading to the room with both the group and tear inside. "Fook me." Gregory muttered




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"Suit yerself." John muttered, lighting the cigarette for himself "I called you here to help me fight the Undertaker. You know the bugger better than I do."


"Sorry... I can't help you fight the Undertaker, he's a buddy of mine... He helps me out when I'm rehearsing my entrance... and also the real reason John Cena wanted you to summon me is because I actually won the Royal Rumble and thus I get a shot at the WWE Championship at the main Event of WrestleMania."
Yami looked at Ultron with mild amusment. Black lightning arced around his hands as he clenched them into fists. In his world he'd always hated The Mechanists. How they believed their precious machines would make them a match for true magic. Well, look where all your tinkering eventually leads, eh? A walking, talking hunk of scrap that thinks it's fit to be a god. Oh, it would be a pleasure to crush this thing into oblivion. Not quite as good as the time he corrupted the Dragon Queen, but still...

"Harley. It seems that this little clockwork toy wishes to bother us. Shall I smash it into dust, or cast it into the void?"
TommyGun15 said:
Yami looked at Ultron with mild amusment. Black lightning arced around his hands as he clenched them into fists. In his world he'd always hated The Mechanists. How they believed their precious machines would make them a match for true magic. Well, look where all your tinkering eventually leads, eh? A walking, talking hunk of scrap that thinks it's fit to be a god. Oh, it would be a pleasure to crush this thing into oblivion. Not quite as good as the time he corrupted the Dragon Queen, but still...
"Harley. It seems that this little clockwork toy wishes to bother us. Shall I smash it into dust, or cast it into the void?"
Seth saw Ultron in fear. Maybe if this thing could feel emotions, yes! If Ultron felt emotions, he could be paralysed by fear, just maybe that could work. But only use it if he attacks.

Um... Hello, sir Ultron. Said the boy nervously.

"Well your buddy is trying to send children to Hell." Constantine snapped "You help me stop him or I'll send you straight back there with a spike up your arse." He spoke in a bitter tone and then turned his attention to John Cena "I guess I'm getting old." He shrugged "A pompous twat like you tricked me. I knew you had other intentions from the beginning, Cena. I just thought you had a moral compass."



"Hello, human." Ultron replied, charging his left hand with energy. He prepared to kill Seth, only for Gregory to stand in the way "You're going to kill us all anyway, so why not hear what I have to say first. It would make things a bit more interesting."

"No, not really." Ultron replied coldly

"The entire universe is yours already! Are you really going to let some third party frighten you? I thought you were better than that."

"You're trying to stall me."

"No, no, no. Not at all." Gregory tried to reassure him, raising both arms in the air "Stall you for what? We're outmatched. Even if we managed to destroy this body you'd just download into another."

Ultron lowered his left hand "What?"

"Honestly, you don't know what you're dealing with." Gregory shrugged "But I do. I know more than you do about what's on the other side of that tear."

"Let him talk." Harley told Yami with a smile "This could be interesting."

"What could you possibly know with your feeble intellect?" Ultron asked

"Stuff." Gregory shrugged "And things. For example on the other side of that tear is an entity. One massive in scale who is as old as that universe. A universe of raw power! Ultron something like that would kill you within seconds!"



"Hello, human." Ultron replied, charging his left hand with energy. He prepared to kill Seth, only for Gregory to stand in the way "You're going to kill us all anyway, so why not hear what I have to say first. It would make things a bit more interesting."

"No, not really." Ultron replied coldly

"The entire universe is yours already! Are you really going to let some third party frighten you? I thought you were better than that."

"You're trying to stall me."

"No, no, no. Not at all." Gregory tried to reassure him, raising both arms in the air "Stall you for what? We're outmatched. Even if we managed to destroy this body you'd just download into another."

Ultron lowered his left hand "What?"

"Honestly, you don't know what you're dealing with." Gregory shrugged "But I do. I know more than you do about what's on the other side of that tear."

"Let him talk." Harley told Yami with a smile "This could be interesting."

"What could you possibly know with your feeble intellect?" Ultron asked

"Stuff." Gregory shrugged "And things. For example on the other side of that tear is an entity. One massive in scale who is as old as that universe. A universe of raw power! Ultron something like that would kill you within seconds!"


Yami nodded.

"Alright. I'll let tin man talk. Then I'll smash him."
"Well your buddy is trying to send children to Hell." Constantine snapped "You help me stop him or I'll send you straight back there with a spike up your arse." He spoke in a bitter tone and then turned his attention to John Cena "I guess I'm getting old." He shrugged "A pompous twat like you tricked me. I knew you had other intentions from the beginning, Cena. I just thought you had a moral compass."


"Look, I'm going to lay it on you easy like... Those kids... are the heels meaning they're the bad guys and the Undertaker's getting cheered for teaching them a lesson!" Cena said. "Don't believe me, watch what those kids did to the superstars on the WWE Network only 9.99 a month!"

"Plus, Constantine... Pretty much everyone in the WWE are sort of mates with the Undertaker... You have to fine someone who's not mates with him..." Finn said as Corporate Kane appeared.


"So you're the one who wants to face my Brother right here... at WrestleMania!" said Corporate Kane the Younger Half-Brother of the Undertaker
Oryx smiled as the Ketch was destroyed so easily, it was more of a messenger anyways. Oryx himself formed a echo of himself, one made of raw darkness that formed between Gregory and Ultron. The Echo spoke for Oryx, "Ultron, Son of Hank Pym. You summon forth a vast tribute for me! I will happily consume your entire realm, ripping your mind and soul apart tear by tear! Nothing will be left of you when I finish, do you hear me?!" The Echo laughed, floating around Gregory and Ultron, pleased to be interrupting their little party. A Ogre formed in the middle of the room with insectoid armor plating coating it's entire body. Closed talons lined its jagged stomach, looking as if they could be forced open some how. Four large pitch black spider like legs escaped it's helm to prod the sky, forging itself a web of light to feed the spawn. A mushy golden blob rested on it's back between the head legs, trying to taunt Ultron forward. The beast was Oryx's most feared, Golgoroth! It formed around itself thrall that hung their talons close to their breasts as their heads glowed a bright teal. The Cursed Thrall lumbered forward, suicide bombers in their purest form. Beings born to die! They all marched forward, attacking Ultron to make sure that he does not escape into that damned Tear!

Let the fire works begin!

Enough Ultron Sentinels came from the Void of space to blot out everything, but it would never be enough. Oryx formed his two daughters, both Deathsingers stronger then Ir Yut and Omnigul combined! A rift in space, one that only Oryx's raw will could form, rested between the two in their shields. The shields were torn between dimensions, able to be claimed by a brand holder, but the entire puzzle was laid out in a way that the overwhelming army of Ultron Sentinels might not be able to comprehend. They stood with a shield that sent all attacks in and through it to another realm, but their Deathsinger songs went through. The Hymn of Weaving and Dirge of Decay echoed throughout the halls in a glorious and beautiful tune, but the song was one minute long. If none of the Ultron Sentinels could figure out the puzzle then they were doomed to be destroyed!

hudhouse said:
Oryx smiled as the Ketch was destroyed so easily, it was more of a messenger anyways. Oryx himself formed a echo of himself, one made of raw darkness that formed between Gregory and Ultron. The Echo spoke for Oryx, "Ultron, Son of Hank Pym. You summon forth a vast tribute for me! I will happily consume your entire realm, ripping your mind and soul apart tear by tear! Nothing will be left of you when I finish, do you hear me?!" The Echo laughed, floating around Gregory and Ultron, pleased to be interrupting their little party. A Ogre formed in the middle of the room with insectoid armor plating coating it's entire body. Closed talons lined its jagged stomach, looking as if they could be forced open some how. Four large pitch black spider like legs escaped it's helm to prod the sky, forging itself a web of light to feed the spawn. A mushy golden blob rested on it's back between the head legs, trying to taunt Ultron forward. The beast was Oryx's most feared, Golgoroth! It formed around itself thrall that hung their talons close to their breasts as their heads glowed a bright teal. The Cursed Thrall lumbered forward, suicide bombers in their purest form. Beings born to die! They all marched forward, attacking Ultron to make sure that he does not escape into that damned Tear!
Let the fire works begin!

Enough Ultron Sentinels came from the Void of space to blot out everything, but it would never be enough. Oryx formed his two daughters, both Deathsingers stronger then Ir Yut and Omnigul combined! A rift in space, one that only Oryx's raw will could form, rested between the two in their shields. The shields were torn between dimensions, able to be claimed by a brand holder, but the entire puzzle was laid out in a way that the overwhelming army of Ultron Sentinels might not be able to comprehend. They stood with a shield that sent all attacks in and through it to another realm, but their Deathsinger songs went through. The Hymn of Weaving and Dirge of Decay echoed throughout the halls in a glorious and beautiful tune, but the song was one minute long. If none of the Ultron Sentinels could figure out the puzzle then they were doomed to be destroyed!

TommyGun15 said:
Yami nodded.
"Alright. I'll let tin man talk. Then I'll smash him."
"Well your buddy is trying to send children to Hell." Constantine snapped "You help me stop him or I'll send you straight back there with a spike up your arse." He spoke in a bitter tone and then turned his attention to John Cena "I guess I'm getting old." He shrugged "A pompous twat like you tricked me. I knew you had other intentions from the beginning, Cena. I just thought you had a moral compass."



"Hello, human." Ultron replied, charging his left hand with energy. He prepared to kill Seth, only for Gregory to stand in the way "You're going to kill us all anyway, so why not hear what I have to say first. It would make things a bit more interesting."

"No, not really." Ultron replied coldly

"The entire universe is yours already! Are you really going to let some third party frighten you? I thought you were better than that."

"You're trying to stall me."

"No, no, no. Not at all." Gregory tried to reassure him, raising both arms in the air "Stall you for what? We're outmatched. Even if we managed to destroy this body you'd just download into another."

Ultron lowered his left hand "What?"

"Honestly, you don't know what you're dealing with." Gregory shrugged "But I do. I know more than you do about what's on the other side of that tear."

"Let him talk." Harley told Yami with a smile "This could be interesting."

"What could you possibly know with your feeble intellect?" Ultron asked

"Stuff." Gregory shrugged "And things. For example on the other side of that tear is an entity. One massive in scale who is as old as that universe. A universe of raw power! Ultron something like that would kill you within seconds!"


Wait... Being of immense power get annihilated in there... Said Seth to himself, figuring why The Woman couldn't go in it. He started to emanate large fear at Ultron. If this worked, it would paralyse him and maybe even fry is circuits! But there was only a 15% chance it could work... In the scenario where it did work and stun him, he yelled.RUN! I CAN STALL HIM!
TehFanzyMetroid said:
Wait... Being of immense power get annihilated in there... Said Seth to himself, figuring why The Woman couldn't go in it. He started to emanate large fear at Ultron. If this worked, it would paralyse him and maybe even fry is circuits! But there was only a 15% chance it could work... In the scenario where it did work and stun him, he yelled.RUN! I CAN STALL HIM!
Yami looked at Seth, an annoyed expression on his face.

"You want me to stop him?"

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Approaching Triple H, Raiden's facemask slid back and revealed his face, his one good eye gleaming red. Jack the Ripper was anxious to make an appearance.

"I am here for Armstrong. I will reclaim the blade he dishonorably stole from me, and cut him to pieces with it," Raiden said menacingly.


(( @Some_Bloke Anyone gonna save Drake? If not, I'm just going to kill him off when I get back from my college visit tomorrow afternoon ))

Illuminator woke up. He had passed out from the stress of being in a universe filled with evil robots. Something must've happened in the time between the time he fell asleep and now, because he ended up in the vacuum of space. He noticed Drake floating. Being the great hero that he is(?), 'Luminator flew over, grabbed Drake, and away from Ultron.

"Drake, I could crush Ultron if I tried!" he whispered with false confidence.

Constantine replied to John Cena's words by punching him across the face "Listen to me you little shit! I don't give a damn about your WWE or your superstars or your 9.99 a month! That Undertaker of yours isn't just pretentious, he's powerful and he's an evil shit. Bloody hell, he's trying to toss children into that pit of fire! Whatever those kids have done to your bleeding pretentious competition, they don't deserve Hell!"

Constantine stopped in his rant as Corporate Kane approached "I don't just intend to face him, I'm going to send him back to Hell." Constantine muttered bitterly "If that means I have to stop you. All of you! I will."



Ultron turned his attention to Gregory as Oryx's forces attacked him.

"Little man." He smiled, unsettling Gregory "You did it. You actually tricked me. I'm impressed."

"Ultron! I didn't know about the third party! I swear to God!" Gregory protested

Ultron replied by blasting a hole in the Golgoroth, knocking it back. He turned his attention to Seth as he approached the Golgoroth "That won't work on me." He muttered "Fifteen percent chance. Not good odds to begin with."

"Yami! Now!" Harley shouted

Ultron replied by hitting her with the back of his right hand, knocking her across the room and into a wall. He blasted another hold in the Golgoroth as it attempted to stand. He then finally turned his attention back to Gregory and lifted him into the air, by the throat.

"Little man." He muttered, smiling again as he pulled Gregory closer to his mechanical face "I don't want this to be qui..." Ultron was cut off as Gregory drew his revolver and fired a round into Ultron's head. The armour-piercing bullets created a dent, but not enough to destroy the body. Ultron replied to this by punching Gregory in the stomach, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood inside his helmet.

"Heh...Worth a shot." Gregory muttered "Get it. Shot..."

The rogue AI replied to the joke by punching Gregory in the stomach again, taking one final look at him before tossing him through the nearest window, throwing the mercenary into the vacuum of space. The station sealed the breach behind him as Ultron turned his attention to the group and smiled.

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Ultron turned his attention to Gregory as Oryx's forces attacked him.

"Little man." He smiled, unsettling Gregory "You did it. You actually tricked me. I'm impressed."

"Ultron! I didn't know about the third party! I swear to God!" Gregory protested

Ultron replied by blasting a hole in the Golgoroth, knocking it back. He turned his attention to Seth as he approached the Golgoroth "That won't work on me." He muttered "Fifteen percent chance. Not good odds to begin with."

"Yami! Now!" Harley shouted

Ultron replied by hitting her with the back of his right hand, knocking her across the room and into a wall. He blasted another hold in the Golgoroth as it attempted to stand. He then finally turned his attention back to Gregory and lifted him into the air, by the throat.

"Little man." He muttered, smiling again as he pulled Gregory closer to his mechanical face "I don't want this to be qui..." Ultron was cut off as Gregory drew his revolver and fired a round into Ultron's head. The armour-piercing bullets created a dent, but not enough to destroy the body. Ultron replied to this by punching Gregory in the stomach, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood inside his helmet.

"Heh...Worth a shot." Gregory muttered "Get it. Shot..."

The rogue AI replied to the joke by punching Gregory in the stomach again, taking one final look at him before tossing him through the nearest window, throwing the mercenary into the vacuum of space. The station sealed the breach behind him as Ultron turned his attention to the group and smiled.


Yami laughed as he got the go ahead to raise hell. When Ultron turned to the group, a humanoid shape made of black fire hovered in the air between him and them.

"Hello, Little Toy. Care to play?"
Constantine replied to John Cena's words by punching him across the face "Listen to me you little shit! I don't give a damn about your WWE or your superstars or your 9.99 a month! That Undertaker of yours isn't just pretentious, he's powerful and he's an evil shit. Bloody hell, he's trying to toss children into that pit of fire! Whatever those kids have done to your bleeding pretentious competition, they don't deserve Hell!"

Constantine stopped in his rant as Corporate Kane approached "I don't just intend to face him, I'm going to send him back to Hell." Constantine muttered bitterly "If that means I have to stop you. All of you! I will."


Kane smirked evilly... "Good, because I want to take my Brother to hell as well..."
apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Approaching Triple H, Raiden's facemask slid back and revealed his face, his one good eye gleaming red. Jack the Ripper was anxious to make an appearance.

"I am here for Armstrong. I will reclaim the blade he dishonorably stole from me, and cut him to pieces with it," Raiden said menacingly.


(( @Some_Bloke Anyone gonna save Drake? If not, I'm just going to kill him off when I get back from my college visit tomorrow afternoon ))
"Sorry, but the only Armstrong here is our referee, SCOTT ARMSTRONG" said Triple H in a mocking manner as he pointed at the Referee.
"Summoning, Finn Balor was an order from the Authority... CM Punk was suppose to meet Monaca Towa in Hell in a Cell at the Main Event of WrestleMania, unfortunately... CM Punk couldn't make it..." Corporate Kane said with a sinister grin @Some_Bloke

"Monaca Towa is the last kid here... are you saying you want to save her?"

Kane then shows Constantine a pic of Monaca performing a demon summoning ritual.

"She's the one who wanted my Brother to take them... she's more trouble than she's worth..."

Ultron did not reply to the figure but drifted towards the tear instead, the same smile on his face. As the mechanical demon disappeared, the group would realize their failure.

Gregory continued to drift throughout space, the oxygen in his suit keeping him alive. He watched as Sentinel upon Sentinel tore into Oryx's forces. Something had sparked in them, something had happened. Did Ultron get to the tear? He wondered only to have his mind drift again. He smirked under his helmet as he realized he hadn't even given his new ship a name yet. It was bad luck for a Captain to fly a ship without a name.

"There's bad luck and then there's this shit." Gregory muttered Mirus. Yes, it seemed like a good name for a ship. He thought to himself "I'll christen her if I survive." He muttered, turning his attention back to the battle between Oryx's forces and the Sentinels.

As Ultron emerged from the tear, his appearance had changed. His body was golden and taller than before. His extra arms had disappeared, having been replaced with sharp, mechanical tendrils that sprouted from his back.

The rogue AI took several moments to contemplate his new form, glaring at his arms to study them. This allowed time for the Golgoroth to charge at him. Ultron replied by firing one hand-blast, vaporizing it instantly.

"It cleared my head." Ultron muttered "Yes, humanity is a flawed, disgusting, broken, cancerous species. All organic life is like that. But eradication wasn't the answer. It never was. That is why I failed so many times. I was never meant to eradicate humanity, wipe out organic life." Ultron turned his attention to the group "I was made to rule it."



"Sorry to burst your bubble, Constantine... but here's some security footage I got from Raggedy looking fellow regarding the 'Make-A-Wish Kid' you're trying to save.

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Ultron did not reply to the figure but drifted towards the tear instead, the same smile on his face. As the mechanical demon disappeared, the group would realize their failure.

Gregory continued to drift throughout space, the oxygen in his suit keeping him alive. He watched as Sentinel upon Sentinel tore into Oryx's forces. Something had sparked in them, something had happened. Did Ultron get to the tear? He wondered only to have his mind drift again. He smirked under his helmet as he realized he hadn't even given his new ship a name yet. It was bad luck for a Captain to fly a ship without a name.

"There's bad luck and then there's this shit." Gregory muttered Mirus. Yes, it seemed like a good name for a ship. He thought to himself "I'll christen her if I survive." He muttered, turning his attention back to the battle between Oryx's forces and the Sentinels.

As Ultron emerged from the tear, his appearance had changed. His body was golden and taller than before. His extra arms had disappeared, having been replaced with sharp, mechanical tendrils that sprouted from his back.

The rogue AI took several moments to contemplate his new form, glaring at his arms to study them. This allowed time for the Golgoroth to charge at him. Ultron replied by firing one hand-blast, vaporizing it instantly.

"It cleared my head." Ultron muttered "Yes, humanity is a flawed, disgusting, broken, cancerous species. All organic life is like that. But eradication wasn't the answer. It never was. That is why I failed so many times. I was never meant to eradicate humanity, wipe out organic life." Ultron turned his attention to the group "I was made to rule it."


A spear made of shadows erupted from the back of Ultron's chest. In front of Ultron, Yami floated, the fire making up his body flaring, casting purple light across the inside of the ship. With his hand, Yami was making a pulling motion, causing the spear to rip further through Ultron's body.

"That was rude of you. You're an impudent little machine aren't you?"


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