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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

theManCalledSting said:
Paul Heyman (By himself) Walked up to Big Boss
"I do hope you have a plan...Because... Any Metal Gear you've faced... Is nothing... Compared with... BRRRROCK... LLLLLESNAR!"
Big Boss game Heyman a dry stare.

"I've fought men stronger than him before."
TommyGun15 said:
Big Boss game Heyman a dry stare.
"I've fought men stronger than him before."
"Sure you have," Paul said...

"I hope you enjoy your trip to 'Suplex City'."

Paul walked off screen and shouts "BITCH!"

theManCalledSting said:
"Sure you have," Paul said...
"I hope you enjoy your trip to 'Suplex City'."

Paul walked off screen and shouts "BITCH!"


Big Boss laughed to himself.

"Suplex City. Heh. Been there. Done that."
TommyGun15 said:
Big Boss laughed to himself.
"Suplex City. Heh. Been there. Done that."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.c98b1628363a494623a40e079d36e872.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.c98b1628363a494623a40e079d36e872.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((This Promo was shown after the Pre-show))



  • Wrestlemania_32_logo.png
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TommyGun15 said:
Yami grinned and looked back at The Woman.
"Sometimes, all it takes is a mere microbe to bring an entire civilization to it's knees. I think you should keep that in mind."
"I like you." She smiled, pointing at Yami "I can see myself in you. But enough about me. You should get after Ultron..."


"How would a rookie be any help?" Constantine asked "A bleeding amateur and a sorry bastard like John ruddy Constantine against this Undertaker fella...I actually like those odds." He shot the group a cocky half-smile "I've had worse."

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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I like you." She smiled, pointing at Yami "I can see myself in you. But enough about me. You should get after Ultron..."

"How would a rookie be any help?" Constantine asked "A bleeding amateur and a sorry bastard like John ruddy Constantine against this Undertaker fella...I actually like those odds." He shot the group a cocky half-smile "I've had worse."


"Finn's a rookie here... in Japan he's a legend... He's also the only demon you can actually trust... Plus you've never seen Finn work his matches..."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.34c9178ee8d67d00a6ecdda2ce7bda8e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Wrestlemania_32_logo.png.34c9178ee8d67d00a6ecdda2ce7bda8e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

We see two Monokumas holding steelchairs enter a room... the door closes and a fight is heard... the camera zooms in to show they have entered the locker room of CM Punk

((@Some_Bloke CM Punk's dead... due to injuries... so technically dead in the RP injured/going to UFC in WWE-verse))

((CM Punk walked out on the RP he did not like the idea of Main Eventing WrestleMania with a little girl))



  • Wrestlemania_32_logo.png
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[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"I like you." She smiled, pointing at Yami "I can see myself in you. But enough about me. You should get after Ultron..."

"How would a rookie be any help?" Constantine asked "A bleeding amateur and a sorry bastard like John ruddy Constantine against this Undertaker fella...I actually like those odds." He shot the group a cocky half-smile "I've had worse."


Yami nodded. "Yes." He tapped Harley lightly on the forehead. A dizzy feeling washed over her and when Yami drew away his hand a small sliver of white light was in his hand. He pocketed it and smiled.

"I'd recommend thinking happy thoughts for the next few days. Listen to your favorite song, watch a good drama movie or two. You're soul will be back to full capacity in no time."
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MCU (The Avenger)

Dr Valhen walked in the alien interrogation room. She loved it when the men brought in a live capture! When she walked over the containment cell the capture was already awake.


Several scientists were already at the cell observing the Space Pirate. The Doctor stood in front of cell and pressed a button on her data pad. Scanners came out from the wall and scanned the alien. The machinery began monitoring its brain. The subject was shown several pictures of Space Pirate equipment and ships. While they did this XCOM monitored its brainwaves was able to take information about the different objects from Pirate's head to assist in their own development program.

(It's never explained how the interrogations work. This is my interpretation.)

Down on the ground

Alpha-1 didn't do anything to stop the punch. He stated "We've got bigger problems Stevenson. There's still the rest of the city to save and some kind of dragon on the loose. We still want to help despite wrecking a section of the city."
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ryanpk200 said:
MCU (The Avenger)

Dr Valhen walked in the alien interrogation room. She loved it when the men brought in a live capture! When she walked over the containment cell the capture was already awake.


Several scientists were already at the cell observing the Space Pirate. The Doctor stood in front of cell and pressed a button on her data pad. Scanners came out from the wall and scanned the alien. The machinery began monitoring its brain. XCOM is able to take information straight from the subjects brain and use the information to assist in their own development program.

(It's never explained how the interrogations work. This is my interpretation.)

Down on the ground

Alpha-1 didn't do anything to stop the punch. He stated "We've got bigger problems Stevenson. There's still the rest of the city to save and some kind of dragon on the loose. We still want to help despite wrecking a section of the city."

(I always assumed they shocked it and showed it pictures while scanning it's brain until it died. Mostly because after every interrogation there is always a new corpse of that enemy type in the inventory.)
TommyGun15 said:
(I always assumed they shocked it and showed it pictures while scanning it's brain until it died. Mostly because after every interrogation there is always a new corpse of that enemy type in the inventory.)
(I left out its death because I think @TehFanzyMetroid is going to make a post from the captured Space Pirate's point of view. I'll add in what you said.)
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Kaiden: After leaving that ship he was brought on to, Kaiden assisted with cleanup until this new invasion struck. He fought and killed his way down to Stevenson's position. Seeing he was surrounded, he quickly zoned in for the fight. He used the entirety of one 13 round clip of Hawkmoon, killing many of the pirates. Next, he chucked a Thunder Grenade, which vaporized any pirate caught within in a small maelstrom of Arc energy. Finally, he pulled out his Tomorrow's Answer and launched three Void damage rockets from the mighty weapon of Osiris. A large cluster of pirates was taken out.

The weapon then dematerialized, and something else took its place: Raze Lighter, the Exotic variant of the blade he forged from the remnant of an alternate Destiny universe's Oryx's sword. He dashed between pirates, cutting them up or vaporizing them with the sheer heat of the Solar energy. He was clearing a path away.

"Move it! Go go go!" Kaiden shouted as he slashed through Ridley's minions.

@TehFanzyMetroid @TehFanzyMetroid

Forever Falls RWBY Universe/Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Skylar: A huge Ursa crashed through a treeline in the Forever Falls with several throwing knives embedded in its fur. Skylar landed after leaping off of a tree that began to fall as the Ursa started bringing it down. This particular Ursa was was causing trouble around Beacon for classes taking trips to the Forever Falls, most likely because its buddy was killed a month ago by Jaune. This was a tough one, and it was huge.

He unsheathed his blades and charged straight at it, shifting to his left as the Ursa brought its huge paw down on the spot he occupied a few seconds ago. As it removed its paw and roared in anger, Skylar dashed under its head and leapt up, slashing repeatedly at its head before grabbing onto its head and flipping onto its back. He sunk both blades into its back as the Ursa reared up and howled in pain. He removed them and leapt straight up, switching his grip on his right blade to an inverted grip. He angled himself to where he was facing the sky and readied himself for his finisher. As he started back down, he spun with his blades held out and beheaded the Ursa on his way down, landing on one knee with with his inverted blade in front of his chest and the other behind his back.

He stood up and looked over at the headless body of the Ursa fall to the ground, wiping the blades on his pants before sheathing the blades in the sheathe on his back. He pulled his Scroll, a datapad issued to every Beacon student, and sent a quick message to Headmaster Ozpin that his mission was done. After the message was sent, he put it away again and sighed as he started back towards the school. On his way, a strange portal opened up right in his path and he walked right through, ending up in the stands of an arena of some sort. He frantically looked around, but his eyes settled on the ring in the center of the arena. He noticed an empty seat next to him, so he took it and sat down to observe the match. Looking around again, curious, he noticed Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladona sitting a few rows below him. He sunk into his seat to not be noticed, not even noticing Yang a few rows above him.
apoliseno said:
Forever Falls RWBY Universe/Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Skylar: A huge Ursa crashed through a treeline in the Forever Falls with several throwing knives embedded in its fur. Skylar landed after leaping off of a tree that began to fall as the Ursa started bringing it down. This particular Ursa was was causing trouble around Beacon for classes taking trips to the Forever Falls, most likely because its buddy was killed a month ago by Jaune. This was a tough one, and it was huge.

He unsheathed his blades and charged straight at it, shifting to his left as the Ursa brought its huge paw down on the spot he occupied a few seconds ago. As it removed its paw and roared in anger, Skylar dashed under its head and leapt up, slashing repeatedly at its head before grabbing onto its head and flipping onto its back. He sunk both blades into its back as the Ursa reared up and howled in pain. He removed them and leapt straight up, switching his grip on his right blade to an inverted grip. He angled himself to where he was facing the sky and readied himself for his finisher. As he started back down, he spun with his blades held out and beheaded the Ursa on his way down, landing on one knee with with his inverted blade in front of his chest and the other behind his back.

He stood up and looked over at the headless body of the Ursa fall to the ground, wiping the blades on his pants before sheathing the blades in the sheathe on his back. He pulled his Scroll, a datapad issued to every Beacon student, and sent a quick message to Headmaster Ozpin that his mission was done. After the message was sent, he put it away again and sighed as he started back towards the school. On his way, a strange portal opened up right in his path and he walked right through, ending up in the stands of an arena of some sort. He frantically looked around, but his eyes settled on the ring in the center of the arena. He noticed an empty seat next to him, so he took it and sat down to observe the match. Looking around again, curious, he noticed Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladona sitting a few rows below him. He sunk into his seat to not be noticed, not even noticing Yang a few rows above him.
"Stardust and the Arrow starting things off in this 6-Man Tag Team Contest!" said Michael Cole

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: At the sound of the bell starting off the match, Oliver charged right at Stardust and dropped down and slid to Stardust's right, grabbing his legs with one arm and bringing him down. Oliver then swifly put him into a headlock in an attempt to cause him to tap out early.

"Just give up. You can't beat me until you go through the same trials I have," Oliver said to Stardust while choking him out.

apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: At the sound of the bell starting off the match, Oliver charged right at Stardust and dropped down and slid to Stardust's right, grabbing his legs with one arm and bringing him down. Oliver then swifly put him into a headlock in an attempt to cause him to tap out early.

"Just give up. You can't beat me until you go through the same trials I have," Oliver said to Stardust while choking him out.

"That's where you're wrong, Ollie!" Stardust said as he reverse the headlock into a headlock of his own.

"Stardust, telling the Arrow that he can do that too!" Michael Cole said.

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Slamming the back of his head into Stardust's face, Oliver broke out of his headlock and grabbed his left arm, flipping him over his right shoulder and slamming him down on the mat. He followed this by dropping an elbow straight down on Stardust's chest, grabbing his left arm once more and putting it into an armbar. His head ached from that headbutt, though.

Marik: Looking quite astonished from his seat in the stands, Marik couldn't believe what he was watching. Two grown men almost as sexy as he was were grappling each other in a fight! This might be the second best thing he'd ever seen, the first being himself. This was way better than a children's card game.

"This is so friggin awesome! YEAAAH! BEAT THE GUY UP, OTHER GUY!"

apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Slamming the back of his head into Stardust's face, Oliver broke out of his headlock and grabbed his left arm, flipping him over his right shoulder and slamming him down on the mat. He followed this by dropping an elbow straight down on Stardust's chest, grabbing his left arm once more and putting it into an armbar. His head ached from that headbutt, though.

Marik: Looking quite astonished from his seat in the stands, Marik couldn't believe what he was watching. Two grown men almost as sexy as he was were grappling each other in a fight! This might be the second best thing he'd ever seen, the first being himself. This was way better than a children's card game.

"This is so friggin awesome! YEAAAH! BEAT THE GUY UP, OTHER GUY!"

Stardust grabbed the bottom rope for a Rope Break... Stardust then tagged in his partner Viktor THE ASCENSION!!!((Who is also THE APOCALYPSE!!!)

"ARROW! WE WILL RISE! AND YOU WILL FALL! RAWR! ASCENSION!!!" Viktor said as he gave the Arrow a stiff running clothsline knocking the hero down.

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Rolling to the ropes after that clothesline, Arrow tagged Neville in as he slid between the ropes and dropped onto the concrete. He rubbed the back of his head.

Skylar: Being thoroughly shocked by what he saw down in the center of the arena he sat in, Skylar slid his hood off and sat up, revealing his wolf ears that poked through his unruly white hair. They were, of course, defining features of him, but he felt he wouldn't be recognized with all the craziness going on in the ring below.

apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Rolling to the ropes after that clothesline, Arrow tagged Neville in as he slid between the ropes and dropped onto the concrete. He rubbed the back of his head.

Skylar: Being thoroughly shocked by what he saw down in the center of the arena he sat in, Skylar slid his hood off and sat up, revealing his wolf ears that poked through his unruly white hair. They were, of course, defining features of him, but he felt he wouldn't be recognized with all the craziness going on in the ring below.

"Neville now, rolls out of the way from Viktor's offence and Neville counters with a body slam!"
apoliseno said:

Dallas, Texas-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Rolling to the ropes after that clothesline, Arrow tagged Neville in as he slid between the ropes and dropped onto the concrete. He rubbed the back of his head.

Skylar: Being thoroughly shocked by what he saw down in the center of the arena he sat in, Skylar slid his hood off and sat up, revealing his wolf ears that poked through his unruly white hair. They were, of course, defining features of him, but he felt he wouldn't be recognized with all the craziness going on in the ring below.

((He is more normal than Stardust))

At the barricade

"This will not go unpunished." Stevenson muttered bitterly, gazing at Alpha-1 with burning hatred in his eyes. He, Tesla and the others watched as Kaiden descended to the battlefield and started taking out Space Pirates left and right.

"There's civilians scattered all over this city." Tesla spoke "I don't know who you are, but will you help us?" He asked

"We're not going anywhere!" Stevenson snapped "We have to hold this position and save as many people as possible! Before these aliens get them or these assholes destroy anymore of my city!"

Nikita also noticed Kaiden and descended, landing in front of the group. She blasted an oncoming space pirate with one of her energy cannons, hitting his head and killing him instantly .

"Where is The Doctor?" She asked, speaking in English

Space Pirate fleet.

The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS, carrying a device in hand and was instantly greeted by space pirates. As the ship the TARDIS had originally been on had been destroyed, she had locked onto another ship in the fleet, one above the skies of Earth.

"Hello again." He spoke, with a smile on his face. That was when he saw the screen behind the pirates, showing the destruction of New York. The Doctor's smile faded instantly and he remained silent as he held his sonic screwdriver up to the device "DNA barrier technology." He muttered. The device was in a smaller scale to the one he had used on Oryx's minions, but would still be effective.

The pirates appeared unimpressed by the device but before they could open fire, The Doctor activated it vaporizing every pirate in the control room. He dropped the device and approached the door, using his sonic on it to lock it before he approached the console. He used it to broadcast a message to Ridley.

"Just remember, I gave you a chance." He spoke in a grim tone as he used his sonic on the console, searching for the ship's weapon capabilities or a self-destruct sequence.


"Very well." The Woman nodded in response "Temporarily, do you understand?" She approached Drake and took his gauntlets in her hands. A golden energy started to flow through them.

"Can someone tell me just what the hell is going on here?" Max asked

"A rogue insane AI using a body made of a near-indestructible metal is about to get godly powers. And at the moment this ship and my ship are the only two ships in the Multiverse that can stop him." Gregory explained

"Well shit." Max muttered

"Indeed." Gregory nodded in response "I have a plan."

"What is this strategy?" Mil asked

"I'll need to gather both teams together so we can go over it." He turned his attention to the Woman "Keep slowing him down. Toss an entire planet at him if you have to."

"Yes sir." She replied sarcastically

Curabitur ship

Harley placed her left hand against her face and groaned in response as the Woman gestured to the Brave and The Bold Batman and Gary Bucey.

"Well, are you going to take their souls or not?" She asked, swiping a hotdog as it almost flew into Bucey's mouth and handed it to Jester.




Kaiden: He halted as the heavily armored woman dropped down in front of him. He slid the sword into a slot on his back and pulled out Hawkmoon, dropping the empty ammo cylinder from the chamber and loading in a fresh one. He flicked his wrist and it shut, then he took aim at what seemed like Nikita. He took a shot and the round missed her head by an inch, entering the skull of a pirate behind her as it tried a sneak attack. He lowered the weapon and looked her in the eye.

"Doctor? What Doctor? I haven't seen any medics around here," Kaiden replied.

AOU Universe

Drake: Looking down at his gauntlets and clenching his fists, Drake felt the power flowing into him, even if it was temporary. He could stall Ultron as long as his body held up, so they'd better not take too long. He nodded to the woman, showing his appreciation. He then walked to Gregory's ship's airlock and sealed the door behind him as the room began slowly depresurizing. As it was finished, Drake opened the door and blasted off into the blackness of space. He might be only able to sense life energy, but he could practically taste Ultron's evil aura.

As he neared the Platinum Bastard and his swarm of Sentinel's Drake turned Super Saiyan 3 for the first time in a while, using the energy the Woman provided him with to keep the form from burning in his body for too long. He stopped in front of Ultron's group with his arms crossed.

"So, we meet again Ultron. You might not know me, but another form of you tangled with me before, and it didn't end well for him. Turn around and go back to Earth, unless you wish to incur a god's wrath," Drake taunted, not showing the fear he felt inside.

@TehFanzyMetroid @TommyGun15


The Pirate woke up and was being scanned and shit. He screeched, being dizzied and attempted to break the class, shouting in an incomprehensible language and slamming before dying.


Ridley had used his ships as shields as the anti air missile and flew away as the ships crashed. He swiftly flew into some alleyways and buildings. We're done here. Move out south. Ordered the captain, flying to his ship in central park and flying out with his fleet.


The bombers received the order and headed south after they had bombed the H.Q

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @apoliseno


Seth attempted to yell at the Woman but she replied before did, shutting him up for a bit. He then spoke. You! Don't you see those "organization that will kill you if you enter the tear" notice TWO SHIPS ENTERING AND NOT DO SOMETHING! Maybe they'lll just not notice but maybe they will WHEN SUPERPOWERED BEINGS X10 COME OUT AND DO SOMETHING! I don't even see why you needed us when there were those flaws in your "plan"!
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Seeing that everything has been prepared, the Emperor begins to inject the prisoners with a gene altering substance. After a few moments of being injected, the prisoners begin to feel extreme pain as their bodies become stronger and larger.

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