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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Arrow: Oliver nodded at the arrival of his old ally, Neville. He retrieved his bow from the ground and slid the quiver back on his back. He gave a brief nod to Theodore Long's idea of a grand finale match, but he really would've liked to end things here. He turned around and began walking towards the door, slipping a smoke bomb from his hand, which went off when it hit the ground. When it cleared, Oliver was nowhere to be seen.
Titan Towers

"Now that we got that out of the way..." said Punk as he kneeled down to meet Monaca at Eye-level

"I'm taking back what's rightfully mine..." said Punk, eyeing the WWE Championship on Monaca's shoulder

"Wait, Punk... isn't that Bloody Seth's--" said Neville before being cut-off by Punk

"So at the Main Event of WrestleMania... it's going to be the Best in the World CM Punk vs. Lil' Ultimate Homeroom Monaca Towa for the WWE Championship..." Punk said glaring at Monaca...

"And after what you put everyone through... I'm taking you to hell... HELL IN A CELL!!!"


"Hmmm I don't know..." she said unsure if she should take up Punk's Offer... an All Black Monokuma appeared behind our heroes and have her a signal...



"The Cosmic Wasteland? I think they'd be busy with Me, Booker and the Arrow..." said Neville.

Stardust looks at the scene with glee already knowing what she means...

"Fine whatever... as long as I get the Championship and this City Back!" said Punk

((@ryanpk200 @apoliseno ))
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"Man, how big is this place? I feel like we've been looking for them for a year..." said Yang with a sigh

"As usual... my medium proves herself to be an idiot..." said Suigintou

"HEY!" retorted Yang, not amused by the Doll's insult.

"In actuality we've been searching for your teammates in this large mansion for approximately Ten Thousand and Eight Hundred seconds since we first arrived at John Cena's Mansion..."

"That's how long... in hours?"

"Oh about three hours..."

Yang groaned and threw her hands up in defeat... "We'll never find my team..."

"It's hopeless..."
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"Yang! Come here, quick! WE FOUND SOMETHING!" called out Flareup who was with Kirigiri.

Kirigiri goes through the content of the WWE Network which is mind you... only 9.99 a month.

"DID YOU FIND MY BABY SISTER OR BLAKE?!" asked Yang with glee

"Nope! But we found Weiss!" said Flareup as Kirigiri brought up an ad for "Total Divas" that features Weiss on it for some odd reason...


"They're advertising her as a new addition to the show and the main WWE Roster..."

"Total Divas? Yeah that suits Weiss just fine... but seriously have you found my Baby Sis or Blake?" asked Yang


"We're still looking... You can't believe how much footage is here..."
Morbus was about to respond, but that when he grabbed his chest where his heart was or was suppose to be. Blood dripped from his eyes and mouth and he dropped to the ground, then dissipated into the darkness. Was he dead? no he was being re-incarnated which takes a lifetime so he is officially out.

Strage had returned to Purgatory to await the new Morbus. Though this new Morbus will never jump into any of the Tears.

Armando had followed the group, but a tear opened up, he looked inside of it only to see his soldier's campsite off in the distance. He got his horse, sheathed his sword and put his shield on his back, then began entering the tear. He looked back only to turn his head to his front and entered the tear. The tear had shut, Armando was back where he belonged. However in a month he would face the hardest battle where he would be wounded in battle and sent home.

(I am out, because i can't learn from my mistakes, so i say to you, Farewell and good luck with the RP.)
Morbuskid said:
Morbus was about to respond, but that when he grabbed his chest where his heart was or was suppose to be. Blood dripped from his eyes and mouth and he dropped to the ground, then dissipated into the darkness. Was he dead? no he was being re-incarnated which takes a lifetime so he is officially out.
Strage had returned to Purgatory to await the new Morbus. Though this new Morbus will never jump into any of the Tears.

Armando had followed the group, but a tear opened up, he looked inside of it only to see his soldier's campsite off in the distance. He got his horse, sheathed his sword and put his shield on his back, then began entering the tear. He looked back only to turn his head to his front and entered the tear. The tear had shut, Armando was back where he belonged. However in a month he would face the hardest battle where he would be wounded in battle and sent home.

(I am out, because i can't learn from my mistakes, so i say to you, Farewell and good luck with the RP.)

Kevin Nash appeared behind Strage and Morbus, who as regenerated quicker than usual due to WCW Booking, and booked himself to win... Killing them both instantly and thus the nWo took over Purgatory

@Some_Bloke @Barbas
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Hulk Hogan

Coming out of a newly formed tear, Hogan high fives Nash before planting the NWO flag into the ground.
Morbuskid said:
Morbus was about to respond, but that when he grabbed his chest where his heart was or was suppose to be. Blood dripped from his eyes and mouth and he dropped to the ground, then dissipated into the darkness. Was he dead? no he was being re-incarnated which takes a lifetime so he is officially out.
Strage had returned to Purgatory to await the new Morbus. Though this new Morbus will never jump into any of the Tears.

Armando had followed the group, but a tear opened up, he looked inside of it only to see his soldier's campsite off in the distance. He got his horse, sheathed his sword and put his shield on his back, then began entering the tear. He looked back only to turn his head to his front and entered the tear. The tear had shut, Armando was back where he belonged. However in a month he would face the hardest battle where he would be wounded in battle and sent home.

(I am out, because i can't learn from my mistakes, so i say to you, Farewell and good luck with the RP.)
Armando's time...

He sees his campsite full of blood and blue paint... he is confused by this!

A tall man in a small shirt appeared... "Armando, we've got three words for ya!!!"

Armando stood there, dumbfounded as he is normally



a Large fat blue man appeared behind as said "Armando, say 'ello to... the blue guy!"

"Armando, whatcha gonna do when the bWo rumbles all over you?!!"
said a man cosplaying as Hollywood Hulk Hogan

All three men attacked Armando and killed him

@Barbas @Some_Bloke @Crenando
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"Strage's Purgatory"

"We're just going to let them take over Purgatory?" The Merchant asked as the Three Unknowns watched, hidden from the sight of the NWO and Nash

"Yes." The Librarian nodded "This is only one of many versions of Purgatory. This Purgatory was one belonging to Strage and it was the birthplace of Morbus. Pathetic compared to the other versions and not worth our time. Let the N.W.O have their victory. Morbus and Strage are no longer a problem."

"I like the one with the giant spider!" The Woman grinned

"I don't understand why we didn't just kill them ourselves." The Merchant shrugged

"You know damn well why!" The Librarian snapped "If we go around killing over-powered beings, it's bound to be noticed by beings more powerful than ourselves. It's the same reason why we rely on these...Lesser beings. Why we blackmail them, why we make deals with them."

"I know." The Merchant replied "But we still could have killed him." He clenched his fists "If he was threatening my kids...He may not have said it, but he had a look in his eyes when he spoke about them."

The Woman turned her attention to the Merchant and approached him, resting a hand on his shoulder "Hey. He can't hurt them anymore." She spoke in a soft tone "Not like he stood a chance anyway." She shrugged "You could have killed him with the snap of your fingers... Instead Nash was your weapon. "

"What of the Knight? The one who was with Constantine and the others?" The Merchant asked

"Not our concern." The Librarian replied "If he dies he dies, we have no use for him." He shrugged "As for the N.W.O we might have some uses for them." He smiled



As the Curabitur ship continued to fly towards the anomaly, Gregory had gathered the group at one of the airlocks. Many members of the Curabitur species believed that the universe and "the possible Multiverse" itself was a living being and for generations they had worshipped it as if it was a God. When a Curabitur dies, their body is launched into space to be "one with the universe".

Sitting in front of the group was a Curabitur casket Gregory had marked with multiple Native American symbols belonging to the Mohawk tribe, symbols he had only seen in history. Gregory had his helmet and armour removed and was now wearing his black suit and tie.

"I didn't know him for very long." Gregory spoke "But he was a good fighter and he quickly gained my trust, something that rarely happens. Even as things were going to shit, as his home was overrun he kept fighting and refused to give up. He saved my life multiple times and in the end gave his own life to protect mine. I'm not sure why, but..." He paused for several moments "But I suppose that displayed his nobility. To be willing to make that sacrifice..."

After several moments of silence, Gregory looked up from the casket "Would anyone like to say something?" He asked

As the service was being held, another tear opened across the galaxy and from it flew the Ebon Hawk ((trying to get Revan, Shepard, Mil, Syeron and Max back into the RP)) @TehFanzyMetroid @Crenando
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Seth looked at the casket and listened to Gregory. I would like to say a few words. Said the boy. I didn't know him for very long either. But he saved my life alot within the few hours I met him. He was perseverant and wouldn't give up. He didn't talk much but I felt his actions were way mightier then words. His death will not be in vain. Said Seth sincerely. That woman caused his death. And she would pay for it...

Gregory nodded in response to Seth's words but remained silent, waiting for someone else to speak. Harley raised a hand silently, something that took Gregory by surprise.

"I just want to say that..." She began "I didn't know him for very long either, heck I knew him for even less time than you two did. But...He seemed like a great guy. I can't really say much else and I do mean that. I'll miss him."

Gregory nodded in response to Harley's words, slightly taken aback by them and waited in case Drake or Illuminator wanted to say something.
"Wait! go back! I think I saw her! I think I saw my baby sis!" Yang shouted.


"New NXT Diva Ruby Rose Challenges Intercontinental Champion..." Kirigiri said as she read the title of the video...


"Kevin Owens?!"

"Who's he? Is he the kind of husky lookin' guy? Doesn't look so tough..."

"Hey, now... don't be going around saying that about Kevin Owens... the man won his first official Match in the WWE against me..." said JOHN CENA recounting the time Kevin Owens shocked everyone by beating him...

"Well, the thing is Cena... that you're not my baby sister... Ruby's a tough cookie... and she can eat one too!" Yang said with pride for her sister.

"Are you certain you want to see the video... Opponents of Owens are no better of facing Brock Lesnar..."

"As long as I know my baby sister is safe and sound... I'm willing," said Yang as Kirigiri played the video.

Ruby was standing in the ring in front of the audience at NXT...

"Weird that this doesn't have those damn kids on it..." said Yang as the video played.

In the video Ruby began talk how she never knew she could have fought off so many talented people without her weapon, Crescent Rose... she then goes on how she is now dreaming of making history here... She plans on being the first NXT Diva and Youngest Diva to win the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania...

"YEAH! YOU GO, RUBY!" cheered Yang

in the video Ruby looked Directly at the camera. "So Kevin Owens... I know you're always up for any fight... so how's about it? How's about we steal the show one more time at the grandest stage of them all?"

"Did she just say one more time? She's not seriously saying she lost to that guy once??"

Ruby looked at the Stage with a smile waiting for her opponent to answer her call...

Kevin Owens appeared with the Intercontinental Championship on his shoulder and a mic in hand...

"So how's about it, Owens? How's about you face me one more time? For one more match!" asked Ruby in the Ring

"You know... what you said there was pretty moving... and after that match we had at 'Fastlane' my kids couldn't stop talking about you..." Owens said as he walked to the ring.

"But the thing is... I don't want my first WrestleMania victory be over some punk lil' girl who thinks she can come over here and yap on and on about how she's good enough to beat me... we have WWE Network, kid... We can replay that match again and again... you and I both know you can never beat... me"

"Well, Let's see what the NXT Universe thinks..." she said as she held the mic to the live audience who chanted "ONE! MORE! MATCH!"

"Well the people have spoken..." said Kevin Owens as he began walking away... then suddenly hits Ruby with the championship belt...

Kevin Owens then placed his foot on top of ruby and held the championship belt up high and said... "You can never... BEAT! ME!"

"Where's that place... I'm gonna give Mr. Owens a reason why he shouldn't have messed with my Baby Sis!" said a now furious Yang.

"She's at full sail university which would take days for us to get there... besides... this is her fight." said JOHN CENA

"Oh how protective you are for your sibling... though I must agree with Mr. 'Hustle Loyalty and Respect' over here... She can't grow up if she has you fighting her battles..." said Suigintou.

"I hope she's gonna be ok..." said a concerned Yang


((I imagine everyone else is watching it too since 1. Best way for Constantine to learn more about the Undertaker 2. Best way for Kirigiri and the rest of the party to learn more about the current State of WWE City))
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WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: A ringing was heard in the room where the leader of the CENATION, JOHN CENAAA, and company, but it sounded technological in nature. JOOOHN CENAAAA answered his phone.

"Whoever this is, you'd better prepare yourself for a world of-" Cena was interrupted by Raiden over the phone.

"Cena, be quiet and listen. It's Raiden with news. The U.N dispatched me to settle things here so they wouldn't have to carpet bomb the city, but new info just came by. The U.N is going to hold their bombing until Wrestlemania's conclusion to see the results. If Ultimate Despair wins, they bomb the city to the ground. You had better make sure that doesn't happen if you want to fix this city. I'll be watching from a distance to make sure the rules aren't violated in U.D's favor. More news, the Emerald Archer has returned. Be seeing you." With that, the call ended, but Raiden was watching, cloaked, from outside a window.

Laszlo: Surprised by the disappearance of the cyborg, Laszlo's motion tracker lit up. He looked to where it pointed to see Oliver sprinting away down the hallway with his bow in hand. Laszlo tracked him, but he found a window he could use to escape. He backed up a bit, then sprinted full on at the window. Crashing through, he focused his body weight so that he was falling parallel to the building. After 45 seconds of falling, he grabbed a piece of the building that was jutting out and broke it off on the way down, but he slowed his descent. Nearing the bottom, he increased the density of the gel layer in his suit before he tucked himself in and somersalted, hitting the ground mid-roll.

The shock from impact shattered his shields and gave him a bit of pain in his ribs. Once he stopped rolling and let his shields charge back up, he brought up his bio-scan on his HUD and read the report. A few bruised ribs, one cracked rib, and a sprain in his left shin. He's been worse, so he was thankful for the minor injuries. He'd have to take cover and let his wounds settle for a bit. He slowly walked over to a partially destroyed building and sat down at what he thought was a cafe of some sort to catch his breath.
(( I've heard Wrestlemania, so that's what Raiden is going off of. I may know that now, but Raiden doesn't because he can't be Deadpool and break the 4th Wall.

Deadpool: Did you mention meeee?

Oh god damnit... ))
apoliseno said:
(( I've heard Wrestlemania, so that's what Raiden is going off of. I may know that now, but Raiden doesn't because he can't be Deadpool and break the 4th Wall.
Deadpool: Did you mention meeee?

Oh god damnit... ))
((Ok, got it))
((Oh shit! Not Kidpool (except generic "what people think deadpool is" Kidpool and not the Deadpool from the universe from when he's a kid)))

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