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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"So I take it if I destroy these Urns, the Undertaker dies?" Constantine asked


"If you want to kill the Undertaker... you better plan on winning the Buried Alive Match..."
"Emm...How about both?" Harley asked, outstretching her arms

Yami reclined on an office chair made of black fire.

"My dear, if you literally sold your entire soul, you'd be dead."
WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"Well, I don't plan on losing the fight." Constantine smirked


"It belongs to him." Harley explained "That's why I'm doing this little suicide mission. I'm getting him back!"

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TommyGun15 said:
"Oh, really?"
Yami snapped his fingers, and a ball of black fire expanded from his hand, taking a humanoid shape before disappearing. When the fire vanished, Yami was holding a lifeless body identical to the Joker's by the neck.

"You mean this guy?"
(For the right price, Yami can make reality itself his bitch. Only for the purpose of fulfilling deals of course.)


Most of Alpha team ran into cover. However Alpha-4 ran out of sight because being a MEC makes him to big to use cover. Alpha-5 also moved out of sight. His Guided Fusion Lancher allows him to create a path for the projectile to follow instead of having to manually aim while out of sight. The plasma rocket followed its path to the ships and blew up. Seeing that wasn't enough Alpha-1 made a call to the Avenger. "We have enemy aircraft firing on our position. Requesting air support." He said. The Avenger received the call.

The Avenger

"Commander, were receiving a request from Alpha-1. They are asking for air support." Bradford said. Shen spoke "Commander the Firestorms are equipped with Fusion Launchers. One wrong shot will completely level the area." The Commander hated making these kind of decisions. "Permission granted." He replied. "Firestorm is on its way." One of the Firestorms broke off from the fight against the Space Pirate ships and flew towards the barricade. The ship did a quick bombing run and severely damaged the Space Pirate ships.

Harley glared at the body with an expression of horror on her face, only for it to fade "Joke's on you, demon. He was cremated!" She had a smug expression on her face and her arms folded, only for it to change to one of shock "Oh shit!" She shouted, placing her two hands against her face "I left the urn back in Blüdhaven! He's going to be there all alone, or worse surrounded by bozos or pigs!"

Or...Him. She thought, as an image of Batman appeared in her head.

"Oh, silly me." She smiled, reaching into a bag she had on her back and revealing an urn matching the Joker's colours of green and purple. She held it next to her face and smiled.

The image changed to one of her murdering Batman by impaling him with the spear, with a burning Gotham in the background. The shocked expression changed to a maniacal grin and Harley started to laugh.


WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"She's going to get herself killed." Constantine muttered "Bloody idiot... We should go after her." He suggested to JOHN CENA



Another ship entered the skies above Earth, the Trotsky Mark 4 battle vessel belonging to Nikita Travoski, also known as Red Iron. At he bay doors she stood with her helmet in her left hand and as the doors opened she put it on. The Space Pirates may not have been the Baranadites she was looking for, but she has received intel that a strange man known as "The Doctor" might have some answers, for the intel claimed that he had seen most of the universe and could travel through time.

She had to ensure The Doctor's survival and if doing so meant risking her own life to repel the Space Pirate invasion, then so be it. "For the Empire." She muttered in Russian, before taking a deep breath and jumping from the ship.

The ship's auto-pilot found a place to land outside of New York, away from the fighting as Nikita descended to the ground below. She used the rockets in her boots to slow her fall and touched down beside five Space Pirate troops who had a group of four civilians pinned up against a wall, ready to execute them. They appeared to be a family of four with a little girl, boy and a mother and father who appeared to be in their late twenties or early thirties. The father was Caucasian but the mother was of Asian descent. Nikita targeted the Pirates, killing them within seconds with quick hand-blasts and walked towards the family.

"Where is the Doctor?" She asked in Russian

"I-I don't understand." The father replied in a shaken tone

"Where is the Doctor?" Nikita asked, now speaking in English

"I'm a doctor..." The mother replied

Nikita stepped towards her and began to scan her "One heart. You are not who I am looking for." She stated before turning around "Get off the streets if you want to live." She spoke before taking to the skies again, in search of the Time Lord.

The Barricade

"Wait, there are civilians in this city!" Stevenson snapped "That kind of weaponry will kill them!"

But it was too late, the orders had been given and the weapons had already fired. Nikita watched from a distance at the destruction whereas Stevenson and Tesla were closer and able to see it more vividly.

"You...Bastards..." Tesla muttered , a look of horror was on his face "You murdering bastards..."

Stevenson marched towards Alpha-1 and punched him across the face "Damn you!" He yelled


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WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"She's going to get herself killed." Constantine muttered "Bloody idiot... We should go after her." He suggested to JOHN CENA


"What makes you say that? Flareup's with her and I'm sure a girl who could punch out a giant wrestler could handle herself well."
Harley glared at the body with an expression of horror on her face, only for it to fade "Joke's on you, demon. He was cremated!" She had a smug expression on her face and her arms folded, only for it to change to one of shock "Oh shit!" She shouted, placing her two hands against her face "I left the urn back in Blüdhaven! He's going to be there all alone, or worse surrounded by bozos or pigs!"

Or...Him. She thought, as an image of Batman appeared in her head.

"Oh, silly me." She smiled, reaching into a bag she had on her back and revealing an urn matching the Joker's colours of green and purple. She held it next to her face and smiled.

The image changed to one of her murdering Batman by impaling him with the spear, with a burning Gotham in the background. The shocked expression changed to a maniacal grin and Harley started to laugh.

"Oh, no. You miss understand my dear. I can do more than create an illusion of The Joker's body. I can create a real one."

(This is true.)
WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"Call it a force of habit." Constantine replied "Once someone allies themselves with me, their chances of a grizzly death increase but a hell of a lot. Sorry mate, your luck's in the crapper now."



Harley looked at the urn, then back at the body Yami was holding and then her attention turned to Jester who had followed her. Finally she looked at Yami and stood up.

"No!" She snapped "Why would I want his body, when I have his ashes? I want him alive! I want him back!" She yelled. Jester picked up on the anger and retreated into the armoury, looking at Seth for some kind of encouragement.

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WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"Call it a force of habit." Constantine replied "Once someone allies themselves with me, their chances of a grizzly death increase but a hell of a lot. Sorry mate, your luck's in the crapper now."


"Oh those are odds! And I'm gonna over come them!!!" said JOHN CENA LEADER OF THE CENATION AND GRANTER OF WISHES!!!

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Watching the fight from the safety of a cardboard box (he learned that trick from Solid Snake), Raiden carefully kept an eye on Yang and her sister in the ring. He kept an eye out for any trouble as well, since Yang left her bike/Transformer in the parking lot. He felt that Yang would do something rash if her sister was put in extreme danger.

Laszlo: Using one of his cans of biofoam, Laszlo felt his wounds healing up. He took his helmet off and felt the breeze in his short sandy blonde hair. He looked back up at Titan Tower and decided he might try to go back in and clear it out of hostiles. He slipped his helmet back on after a gulp of water from his canteen just to have access to his motion trackers.
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apoliseno said:

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Watching the fight from the safety of a cardboard box (he learned that trick from Solid Snake), Raiden carefully kept an eye on Yang and her sister in the ring. He kept an eye out for any trouble as well, since Yang left her bike/Transformer in the parking lot. He felt that Yang would do something rash if her sister was put in extreme danger.


"You sure you don't want me to come along?" asked Flareup as Yang parked her in the parking lot just outside of the Full Sail Arena.

"Nah, after the robot bear apocalypse I don't think they'd be too keen on having you coming along with me." Yang said

"I understand the robot but why must I stay behind..." protested Suigintou

"Talking dolls are famous for being creepy, I think you can figure out why..." said Yang as she leaves a pouting Suigintou behind with Flareup.

Yang spotted a man who might know where her sister is.

The man seems to be a wrestler as he is holding a championship belt with the letters 'NXT' taking up the center

"Hey, um excuse me. Have you seen my sister?"

"Well there are a lot of people that come by here... so I might have." said the man

"She's about this tall, gray eyes smells like roses."Yang said as she described her sister to this man.

"Hmm I think I saw her by Mr. Regal's office not far from here... just take a left and you'll know it when you see it." said the man with an Irish Accent.

"Gee! Thanks! Bye!" Yang said as she ran to Mr. Regal's office...

"What the hell?" were the words that came to Yang's mind as she found a blue police box with the words "Mr. Regal's office"

Determined to find her sister, Yang knocked on the door and a man answered it and he poked is head to see who it is...


"'ello, if you're here for a try-out, then I'm afraid I must direct you to the WWE Performance Center..." said William Regal

Yang stopped Regal from shutting the door and said, "Actually I'm looking for my baby sister, she's about this tall has gray eyes and smells like roses."

Regal thought for a moment... "Why yes I do believe I've seen her... she just left with her friends, I believe one of them was a... Blake? and the other one's name always escapes me... all I know it's German and she surprisingly doesn't know how to pronounce it proper."

Yang's eyes lit up! Her team was indeed here, "Where are they now?!"

"I believe they're on their way to Dallas, Texas for WrestleMania 32."

"OK! How do I get there?!"

"Bugger... You're not from here are you?"


Regal sighed heavily and gave Yang a road map to America, "Just take this." he said as he closes the door to the Police Box
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WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: After all of the fans had left, Raiden stood up and folded the box up and slid it into a slot in his bionic exoskeleton. He calmly walked out and picked up on Yang's trail again. The facemask slid over his eyes and highlighted her trail. The destination he worked out was Dallas, Texas, and Raiden has had heard about a Wrestlemania event happening in Dallas, so he figured that was where everyone from Titan's Towers would be in the next few days. He took up a runner's position, then took off with greater speed than a bullet train.
WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"Good luck, mate." Constantine shot JOHN CENA a half smile



Harley looked at Yami, thinking about her options only for The Woman to appear behind them both.

"Back off, demon!" She snapped "Her and I already have a deal."

Simultaneously, she also appeared aboard the Hawk.

"You..." Gregory muttered bitterly

"I suggest you get a move on. Ultron's making his way towards the tear. If he gets through..."



WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"Good luck, mate." Constantine shot JOHN CENA a half smile



"Well now, we better get going to Dallas, Texas..."

Seth had gotten out of the armoury when he saw the woman. YOU! Yelled Seth, seeing The Woman in the hallway as he was walking back to the group. YOU COWARD! Yelled the boy, furious at her for having one of his friends killed. She was the reason Connor died. She was the one who cowarded behind them to get that power. She was the one who sent them on this suicide mission, no, forced them onto it. She was the one who threatened all of their loved ones through horrible pain. She was the one cowarding, not having the courage to get through that tear. Why would the organizations possibly care less for the ship GOING INTO A TEAR FULL OF RAW POWER! Who wouldn't bat an eye when there's a ship going into that tear. Even if it was the most wrecked of ships. What difference would it make. None. They would still attack. And then what would they do coming out. They would seem like rats like her! He went to go up to her and poof. Gone. Again. Bitch...Muttered Seth under his words as she poofed away.

The Woman shot Yami a playful smile. "I know your weakness, Yami." She spoke "How about I share it with her? How about I share it with the rest of them?"

She turned her attention to Seth as he yelled at her "Yes, it's me." She rolled her eyes "The great villainous asshole sending you on a suicide mission." She spoke in a mocking tone "Don't worry. Connor's loved ones are no longer being threatened and they are now in a safe location, away from the chaos." She tried to reassure Seth

"Did you kill them?" Harley asked

"No." The Woman replied

Aboard the Hawk, Gregory heard the same words spoken from the mouth of the Woman who had arrived on Revan's ship.

"Revan...I think this woman is the same person who took the scientists." Syeron whispered

"Close, but no cigar. A friend of mine was there, though. Those scientists are still alive, just...Needed. We're almost as clueless on the tears as you lot are, and we intend to figure them out."

Mil scanned The Woman with it's onmitool while she stretched out both arms sarcastically

"I'm getting readings...Traces of human but mixed with several..."

"DNA patterns beyond your comprehension?" The Woman asked "Anyway, I really think you should get a move on. Don't want to have Ultron conquer the Multiverse, do you?"



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