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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


Suigintou followed Yang and Flareup outside of the Mansion of the Leader of the Cenation, JOHN CENA! RAPADOOO DO DO-DO DOOOOO!

"And where are you two off to now?" Suigintou asked her medium.

"To Full Sail University..." Yang said as she hopped on Flareup who is in alt mode.

"Didn't you listen to him... It's her fight... let her grow up..." said Suigintou.

"No... it's not that... if she's there... there's a good chance I might be able to find the others too!" said Yang as she rode off to Full Sail University, in Florida.

"What a stubborn, medium... Yet I can't help but appreciate it," Suigintou said as she flew off to follow them...
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WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Decloaking as he triple backflipped off of Cena's window and landed in the tracks of her bike. His visor slid over his face and displayed a highlight of the tracks with an extrapolated destination, even though he had heard her say her destination out loud. Connecting to the web, Raiden pulled up the location of Full Sail University on his HUD and turned to Cena, LEADER OF THE CEEEEEENAAAAAAATION, who had followed them outside.

"I'll follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble. I'm no longer needed here, as there are two other capable warriors I can trust here to keep the peace. I leave the safety of this city and its people to you, John Cena." Raiden paused as he gazed up at Titan Tower in the distance. "And to you, Big Boss." With that, he took off at blinding speed after Yang, following the traces of her tiretracks.


AOU Universe

Drake: The somber scene before him reminded Drake of a funeral service aboard the starship Enterprise on that Star Trek show, and he felt the need to say something that would comfort Gregory, especially after seeing (and not believing) Harley say something. He stepped forward.

"I knew Connor from as far back as his birth, but he did not know me. I watched him lose his mother, his village, his friends, and allies as he fought for justice. He was a truly noble warrior, one who has saved his world from tyranny many times. May he find peace with his people in his afterlife, as he has earned that much." Drake stepped back, bowing his head in respect.

Revan: Coming through yet another tear, Revan banked the Hawk hard to avoid collision with another ship, knocking everyone (and everything in Mil's case) off balance. He apologized over the innercom and called Syeron to the cockpit before he hailed the unknown ship.

"Space vessel identify yourself and your purpose! I am a Jedi Knight of the Republic, and I swear on my honor I will not fire unless you wish harm," Revan stated to whoever could hear him on the other ship.

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apoliseno said:

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: Decloaking as he triple backflipped off of Cena's window and landed in the tracks of her bike. His visor slid over his face and displayed a highlight of the tracks with an extrapolated destination, even though he had heard her say her destination out loud. Connecting to the web, Raiden pulled up the location of Full Sail University on his HUD and turned to Cena, LEADER OF THE CEEEEEENAAAAAAATION, who had followed them outside.

"I'll follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble. I'm no longer needed here, as there are two other capable warriors I can trust here to keep the peace. I leave the safety of this city and its people to you, John Cena." Raiden paused as he gazed up at Titan Tower in the distance. "And to you, Big Boss." With that, he took off at blinding speed after Yang, following the traces of her tiretracks.

((To be fair Raiden could out run them... also no Blade Wolf :( ))
theManCalledSting said:
((To be fair Raiden could out run them... also no Blade Wolf :( ))
(( I'm sowwy, I haven't played Revengeance so I don't know much about him :( . He could outrun them, but he's just following until he knows they're in over their heads. ))
apoliseno said:
(( I'm sowwy, I haven't played Revengeance so I don't know much about him :( . He could outrun them, but he's just following until he knows they're in over their heads. ))
((I have! But the Character limit prevents me from adding in Blade Wolf))
theManCalledSting said:
((I have! But the Character limit prevents me from adding in Blade Wolf))
(( Idea: PM me a CS and I'll post it (with credits to you, of course)
AOU Universe

With Drake's final words, Gregory rested a hand on the casket and approached a console near the airlock, pressing a button and launching the casket into space. After a long silence, he heard Revan speak over the radio He wondered how another ship was able to detect them, considering how using a Curabitur stealth on his own ship, the Valkyrie he was able to slip right by Exen patrols.

That was when he heard the words "Jedi" and realized that a Jedi would be able to detect anyone on the ship. Seeing that he had been detected, Gregory sighed and deactivated the stealth drive.

"I can sense something." Syeron told Revan "It is as if these people have just lost something."

"Jedi." Gregory spoke over the radio "Prove you are who you say you are...Today is not a good day to test me!"

"Ship is of unknown origin." Mil spoke "From another universe we are unaware of. Scans show it is equipped with advanced stealth technology, so I am curious as..."

"The force." Syeron shot the Geth Spectre a grin

"Let one of us come aboard." Mil spoke, over the radio "We can resolve things peacefully."

"I'll go aboard your ship." Gregory replied "Alone"

"Very well." Mil stated

"Oh my god!" Harley shouted in an excited tone, raising her hands in the air "We get to meet actual Jedi!"

"Drake, Seth until I get back you're in charge." Gregory ordered

As the Curabitur ship docked with the Hawk, Gregory stepped aboard carrying nothing but his katana which he had holstered. He outstretched both arms and shrugged, still wearing his suit.

"If you're going to kill me, now's your chance."



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AOU Universe

Revan: Approaching the figure that has boarded his ship, he recognized this man from before, when he fought the demon in the other universe.

"It is you, from the other universe. It is I, Revan. I have also collected some allies. What is going on here?"

AOU Universe

"I've collected some new allies too." Gregory shot Revan a cocky half-smile, only for it to fade almost instantly as Gregory looked down "Although, one of them...He didn't make it." He looked up at Revan again, speaking in an angry and grim tone "This galaxy isn't safe! It's not fookin' safe. A being called Ultron has taken over with an army of robotic Sentinels. I know Ultron, I've read about him. He will not stop...But I know just how to stop him."

"More robots?" Max asked "Shit, I thought I'd seen the last of them. Some bastards called Skynet..."

Gregory looked at Max "Skynet?" He asked "I've read about them too, I've seen what they're capable of. Ultron makes Skynet look like a red dust rat by comparison!"

"A what?" Max asked

"Rat-like creatures that burrow underground on some Mars colonies." Gregory explained

"Put up a hell of a fight." Max continued

"Listen Clint Eastwood. A fight you have with Skynet is like child's pay by comparison compared to what Ultron will throw at you."

"If this Ultron is that tough, why were you on his planet to begin with?" Syeron asked, cutting Max off before he could reply

"That's a long story. This team I'm with, we're looking for a tear. On the other side is a large amount of raw power. We want to study it, well the person who sent us on this ruddy suicide mission does." He clenched his fists angrily


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"We're not sisters... Constantine... Ruby Rose is Yang's..."
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WWE City: John Cena's mansion

"Family has bugger all to do with biology. Take it from an old, sorry bastard with too much life experience." Constantine replied. Lighting himself yet another cigarette, he turned his attention to John Cena himself. "Anything else you can tell me on this Undertaker bugger?" He asked
WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"Family has bugger all to do with biology. Take it from an old, sorry bastard with too much life experience." Constantine replied. Lighting himself yet another cigarette, he turned his attention to John Cena himself. "Anything else you can tell me on this Undertaker bugger?" He asked

"The Guy's all about theatrics and mind games... you have to prepare yourself physically and mentally if you're going to have a match with him..." said JOHN "YOU CAN'T SEE ME" CENA!!!
WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"Family has bugger all to do with biology. Take it from an old, sorry bastard with too much life experience." Constantine replied. Lighting himself yet another cigarette, he turned his attention to John Cena himself. "Anything else you can tell me on this Undertaker bugger?" He asked


"I take it you're betting, Kevin Owens to retain his title this Sunday?" Kirigiri asked Constantine.
Mother Base

Outside, Big Boss was teaching Seth how to take a lot of hits in a very small amount of time. In the meantime, Miller and Ocelot were monitoring the situation in WWE City.

"It's odd that the UN agreed to postpone the bombing like that. I suspect someone is pulling strings behind the scenes."

"Indeed. But what can we do about it?"

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."
AOU Universe

The ship's exterior may have been black, but on the inside the walls were a light blue, while the floor was white. As Seth approached the armoury he would find it stocked ten scoped Curabitur battle rifles and stockpiled ammunition in the form of armour-piercing bullets. It also contained four sets of protective body armour and one helmet, similar to Gregory's in shape but it was damaged beyond repair.

As Seth looked at the armoury, Harley glanced around the corner.

"What ya lookin' at?" She asked, only for Yami to appear beside her "What the Cockney guy?" She asked, turning her attention to Yami "Nah, I'm sure he's fine!"





Stevenson was pushed to the ground by the army Commander as the space Pirates continued to fire on their position, protecting both men from the blast in the process as well as breaking Stevenson's sunglasses. As both men stood up he tossed his glasses to the side.

"Screw em'" Stevenson muttered bitterly "Doctor, the leader is back within the fleet!" He spoke into the radio "He looks like a dragon, if that helps."

The Doctor ran back inside the TARDIS and shut the doors as the Space Pirates opened fire, only for them to hit the shields. The Doctor started to run into the deeper parts of The TARDIS

"Elliot!" He shouted "Wait there, don't touch anything!"


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WWE City: John Cena's mansion

Constantine nodded in response to JOHN CENA's words. A demon that played mindgames and was a fan of theatrics? It sounded right up the Hellblazer's alley.

"The only things I have to bet are my soul and these cigarettes." John turned to Kirigirl and pulled a packet of Silk Cut cigarettes out of his jacket "I want to hold on to both."

"Sorry I forgot to mention... there's at least 3 urns of the Undertaker... the Urn is needed to control him... so let's hope that kid doesn't have one of them..." said Cena
WWE City: John Cena's mansion
"So I take it if I destroy these Urns, the Undertaker dies?" Constantine asked

"Nope, one of them got melted down into a Gold Chain by Ted DiBiase Sr. and Money Inc... If you do indeed destroy the urns... you got an uncontrollable dead man..."
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