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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)


(it's the 10th Doctor)

"You have twenty rifles pointed at the TARDIS." The Doctor replied "If you shoot me, I'll just be protected by the shields. I care about this so-called primitive species because although they have their flaws they have the potential and the drive to do so much more. I've seen them do the impossible on multiple occasions, people just ordinary people. Annoying, yeah, brutal, sometimes but brilliant!." He paused for several moments "Did you contact your leader, or do you speak for your entire race?" He asked in a grim tone

"Tears are rips in reality that allow alternate dimensions to cross over with each other." Stevenson explained "That's at least what we know about them. SHIELD is an organization set up to protect the human race. Sometimes from itself, sometimes from other forms of life. Like aliens." Stevenson looked up at the space pirate ships "This is the forth fucking invasion we've had!" He shouted angrily "Go back into space you assholes and leave my planet alone!"

He turned his attention back to Alpha-1 "Sorry, had to let off a little steam."





"You can really go Super Sayian?" Gregory asked before he burst out laughing. He grabbed Harley by the arms and started dancing with her in a circle while he continued to laugh "We're getting off this fooking planet!" He shouted "Yippie-kia yay!"

"How can you help us?" Connor asked Illuminator whilst smiling. He started to clap in rhythm to Gregory's dancing with a grin on his face "You're completely insane!" He spoke in a humorous tone

"I lost my mind a long time ago." Gregory smiled. He let go of Harley, causing her to hit one of the walls in the sewer

"I'm okay thanks for asking..." She replied before she started to laugh

Gregory pressed a button on his helmet, concealing his face again before he continued to pin-point the energy source, to pin-point the ship.

"Found it." He raised both arms in the air.


apoliseno said:

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Laszlo: Peering around a corner, Laszlo confirmed another empty hallway. This building seemed almost abandoned. Apart from the man dressed in bright red, the out of uniform soldier, and the others in the arena, he hadn't seen any other people in the area. Going from what he knew, this realm voided his weapons' usability in combat, the world outside looked to be in ruin, and brightly colored warriors clad in tightly fitting clothes seemed to run rampant. He would still take it over the Covenant.
The lights go out and a gong was heard once the lights where on a horde of druids appear marching up the tower



"CONSTANTINE! Rest...in... Peace..." said the voice as our heroes leave the voodoo house
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AOU Universe

Drake: Annoyed they weren't taking him seriously, Drake brought his right gauntlet up to his mouth.

"Change race: Saiyan," Drake said before having a seizure out of pain. He leaned against the wall as the pain subsided after a few seconds. Once it was gone, Drake stepped forward and, with a grunt, charged his ki right up and turned Super Saiyan in front of the group.

"As a matter of fact, yes I can go Super Saiyan. Super Saiyan 2 if I wanted to. Super Saiyan 3 just burns too much in my body for me to maintain it, however."



Aboard the Avenger

Doctor Valhen listened very closely to Agent Stevenson. She said to the Commander. "The anomaly must have been one of the tears that Agent Stevenson was talking about."

On the ground

"Our ship must have been pulled through one of the tears you mentioned. In our dimension my team and I come from a similar group. We're called X-COM or the eXtraterrestrial COMbat project if we're being fancy. We just finished repelling our own invasion in our dimension. My team and I would like to assist with civilian evacuations." Said Alpha-1
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Seth exclaimed joy. Finally, off this planet! Said the shadow charmer glad.


The sphere chuckled again. There are far better species out there. Besides, this planet is doomed. Oh, and I haven't contacted the captain since he's busy. And no, Im just the data maintenance bot. The brains of this operation. Look here. Said the sphere before projecting a hologram. It depicted the 5 enemy ships and Ridley infront of the barricade. A small sphere, identical as this one was scanning the area and recording the actions that were unfolding.

One of the Pirate Ships of Squadron 57 fired a plasma cannon shot to the barricade. SURRENDER Yelled Ridley. Meanwhile, 20 ships circled S.H.I.E.L.D H.Q. Other Pirates could be seen chasing civilians and destroying the city. A radio message came onto Stevenson's radio. "Moscow has been taken. Repeat, Moscow has been taken." The Space Pirates who had been in Moscow now headed towards the rest of Europe.

[Thats my last post for tonight. Night everyone.][/color]

WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Raiden: The druids approaching Laszlo were quickly cut down in mere seconds by a man with silver hair clad in black cybernetics. He wielded a red katana, which he wiped the blood off of on his forearm. Raiden's face mask retracted to reveal his face. He slid his Murasama back into its sheathe, looking at the armor-clad figure in front of him.

"So, you a cyborg or what?" Raiden just plainly asked. Laszlo was still surprised by the lights going off, but he realized that the man in front of him was somewhat friendly.

"Just the suit is cybernetic. You appear to be mostly cybernetic, and you mentioned "cyborgs." So, is that what you are: part machine part man?" Raiden nodded at the man's question. Laszlo sheathed his knife and held out his hand. "My name is Laszlo, Spartan 108 of the UNSC. You are?"

"My name is Raiden, and I technically serve the United Nations. Speaking of, I suggest you get out of this city while you can. The U.N is going to carpet bomb this entie area shortly."

"Oh no, I believed you from the get-go." Gregory explained, pressing a button on his helmet that revealed his face again "I just got a little excited, I thought I was going to die here." He grinned, studying Drake's form "Super Sayan one will be all we need. We're not liberating this planet from Ultron, we're leaving this planet. It's dead." He pointed to Illuminator and then at Jester, Harley's new dog "That man and that dog are the only two living things left on this planet." He spoke in a grim tone, his grin fading "We can't save this planet is there is nothing to save."

"He has a name." Harley snapped, approaching Jester and scratching behind his hears

Gregory leaned against a wall "Shit..." He muttered "I was shot. How did I forget something like that?" He studied the part of his armour the bullets had torn through to see that there was no trace of any damage. How could he have been so blind?

"I fixed you up and you didn't even say thank you." The Woman spoke, appearing back in the sewers "Good luck everyone." She smiled before disappearing again

Gregory looked back at the group. He saw a madwoman wielding a spear with powers, a young man who could turn into a Super Sayian, an assassin, a man who could control shadows, a dog who had survived the end of the world and... Illuminator, who had somehow also managed to survive. They were his team now and he intended to get all of them off of the planet alive.

"Drake, Harley. You two are our heavy hitters." Gregory spoke "I want you two at the front taking out as many of these bastards as you can. Seth, I want you beside me providing cover. It'll be dark out there by now, plenty of shadows for you to use." He turned his attention to Connor "I want you at my side on lookout. Keep Seth alive, too...And hold onto that katana for dear life!" He knelled down so that his face met that of Jester's "And you." He spoke in a friendly tone "I want you at my side at all times. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"

Jester barked in response, wagging his tail "And Illuminator...Just...em. Watch the dog or something. I dunno." Gregory shrugged "Try to stay alive."

With that Gregory led the group out of the sewer and onto the streets above.


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"Oh no, I believed you from the get-go." Gregory explained, pressing a button on his helmet that revealed his face again "I just got a little excited, I thought I was going to die here." He grinned, studying Drake's form "Super Sayan one will be all we need. We're not liberating this planet from Ultron, we're leaving this planet. It's dead." He pointed to Illuminator and then at Jester, Harley's new dog "That man and that dog are the only two living things left on this planet." He spoke in a grim tone, his grin fading "We can't save this planet is there is nothing to save."

"He has a name." Harley snapped, approaching Jester and scratching behind his hears

Gregory leaned against a wall "Shit..." He muttered "I was shot. How did I forget something like that?" He studied the part of his armour the bullets had torn through to see that there was no trace of any damage. How could he have been so blind?

"I fixed you up and you didn't even say thank you." The Woman spoke, appearing back in the sewers "Good luck everyone." She smiled before disappearing again

Gregory looked back at the group. He saw a madwoman wielding a spear with powers, a young man who could turn into a Super Sayian, an assassin, a man who could control shadows, a dog who had survived the end of the world and... Illuminator, who had somehow also managed to survive. They were his team now and he intended to get all of them off of the planet alive.

"Drake, Harley. You two are our heavy hitters." Gregory spoke "I want you two at the front taking out as many of these bastards as you can. Seth, I want you beside me providing cover. It'll be dark out there by now, plenty of shadows for you to use." He turned his attention to Connor "I want you at my side on lookout. Keep Seth alive, too...And hold onto that katana for dear life!" He knelled down so that his face met that of Jester's "And you." He spoke in a friendly tone "I want you at my side at all times. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"

Jester barked in response, wagging his tail "And Illuminator...Just...em. Watch the dog or something. I dunno." Gregory shrugged "Try to stay alive."

With that Gregory led the group out of the sewer and onto the streets above.



((Not now... WrestleMania match is on legit Sunday... going to make a megapost anyways))

AOU Universe

Drake: Drake looked at the burning smy and waited for the Sentinels to come. He raised his left arm and spoke into that gauntlet.

"Equip weapon: Energy Sword." After he spoke, the hilt for the Covenant Elite's weapon of choice appeared in his right hand. With the press of a button and an unecessary flick of his wrist, the two pronged, blue-white plasma blades formed with a crisp noise. He glared at the sky. "Bring them on."


"Stay in formation!" Gregory shouted "Here they come." He muttered "Seth, get your shadows ready!" He shouted

Ulton Sentinels descended, flying towards the group at an impressive speed "Harley, Drake! You know what to do!"

"I bet you're gutted he said my name first." Harley grinned at Drake playfully and lunged forwards, cutting down three Sentinels with a single swing of the spear "Classic." Harley smiled at Yami as she cut down another Sentinel, decapitating it "And try and take out as many of these bozos as you can...But leave some of the fun to me."

Six Sentinels attacked from behind, prompting Gregory to push Illuminator to safety and draw his shotgun, blowing them to pieces.

"Where is this ship?" Connor asked

"Not too far." Gregory replied, reloading his gun and cocking it "Straight ahead!" Gregory shouted at Drake and Harley "Keep pushing forwards!"

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"Stay in formation!" Gregory shouted "Here they come." He muttered "Seth, get your shadows ready!" He shouted

Ulton Sentinels descended, flying towards the group at an impressive speed "Harley, Drake! You know what to do!"

"I bet you're gutted he said my name first." Harley grinned at Drake playfully and lunged forwards, cutting down three Sentinels with a single swing of the spear "Classic." Harley smiled at Yami as she cut down another Sentinel, decapitating it

Six Sentinels attacked from behind, prompting Gregory to push Illuminator to safety and draw his shotgun, blowing them to pieces.

"Where is this ship?" Connor asked

"Not too far." Gregory replied, reloading his gun and cocking it "Straight ahead!" Gregory shouted at Drake and Harley "Keep pushing forwards!"


Age of Ultron

Yami grinned.

Oh, this girl is racking up such a tab.

As Harley fought, an aura of black flame and shadow manifested above her In the shape of a hooded figure wielding a scythe. While she fought, the shade attacked anything that tried to flank her, tearing open robots like they were made of paper.

"HAHAHA! I LIVE for this!"


AOU Universe

Drake: Drake was a black, blue, and gold blur across the batlefield. One second he was slashing up a group of Sentinels with his Energy Sword, then he was a bit farther away blasting an entire column away with a Ki blast. At one point, he even kicked his foot straight through a Sentinel's chest and impaled two more along with it. He choe to focus on clearing a path in the air and drawing the Sentines' attention.

"You want some? Come get some!" Drake constantly taunted the Sentinels, as if goading their master. After impaling two more Sentinels with his Energy Sword, he deactivated it and landed. He brought his hands together at his right side and began charging a Kamehameha attack.

"Kaaaa...meeee...haaaa...meeee," he chanted as a bright ball of blue energy formed between his palms. He shoved the ball forward and unleashed a great blast from his hands. "HAAAAAAAA!" It tore through many of the Sentinels, turning them into scrap metal. Feeling tired, he charged up his almost depleted energy again. "Hurry and get to the ship!"

The Emperor

Nodding his head, the Emperor speaks to the Council of Khight.

"Yes. I will need heavy weapons and power armor suitable for our Thunder warrior army."
On the Lex Express en route to Cena's Mansion


"John, you know you can't save everyone... Those children are as good as gone now that the Undertaker has them..." she said taking a seat next to Constantine.

Flareup in her altmode rode over to Kirigiri, "I take it you've seen Raw?"


"No, I just so happen to have the WWE App on my phone... The results were interesting to say the least..."

"Well what were they?" asked Yang as she took a seat by the window side of the Lex Express, Suigintou not to far from her.

"Oh my, I'm not too familiar with this WWE... what is it?" asked Suigintou as she sat on Yang's lap

"WWE stands for World Wrestling Entertainment, it's a company that runs a wrestling promotion. You do know what wrestling is?" asked the Leader of the Cenation, John Cena to the First of the Rozen Maiden Dolls...

"I'm oh so dreadfully sorry, I'm not so sure what wrestling is in this context... though I'm sure it's no difference to the 'Alice Game'."

"What's that? Some sort of pre-teen book that based most of its story on a better book?"

"Hmph, if you weren't my medium I would have killed you by now..."

"Sure, you can..." said Yang as she rolled her eyes... "So do you think anyone on my team will be at the Mansion?" Yang asked John Cena as the Doctor of Thuganomics mentioned people in his mansion of very similar description to her Teammates.

"I'm sure they are, kid..." said Cena as he placed his hand on Yang's shoulder, reassuring her that her Team is safe and sound.

@Some_Bloke @Crenando @Elias @Morbuskid
WWE City

"Well I can bloody well try!" Constantine snapped "For years I believed that saving Astra and the other children was hopeless, but I gave it my all and did it. I saved them. If I have to travel to hell itself, I will."



Reborn World: Camelot

"That can be arranged." Arthur replied, "We have power armour and heavy weapons on standby for new recruits." He turned his attention to Lancelot "Tell the colonies and the training barracks about this situation. Tell them that we are going to wage total war against the forces of darkness. That we are going to drive them back into the shadows! Back into Hell itself!"

Lancelot nodded in response "Yes sir." Before placing a fist over his heart as a salute and running to contact the colonies.


WWE City
"Well I can bloody well try!" Constantine snapped "For years I believed that saving Astra and the other children was hopeless, but I gave it my all and did it. I saved them. If I have to travel to hell itself, I will."



"Don't worry about that Constantine... Knowing the Undertaker... he's bringing hell to you..."

"Oooooo... Spooky," said Yang

AOU Universe

Drake: Dropping his Super Saiyan form as soon as he got on board, he jogged with Gregory to the medbay of his ship, only to see Conner die. He clutched a fist at his side before saluting his limp body to snow respect. He lowered his hand and turned to Gregory.

"I'm sorry. He was a great warrior, and an even better man. But, not trying to sound rude, but we really should head for the outer planets and try to lose these Sentinels. I don't know what you were looking for down there, but it can wait until we tend to our wounds and rethink our strategies," Drake stated sorrowfully.

WWE City

"If he brings Hell to me I'll kick him in the bollocks." Constantine replied



Gregory turned his attention to Drake as he approached him in the medbay. "Once we get the hell out of this universe, I'll tell you everything." He muttered with burning fire in his eyes before approaching the cockpit "Get on a gun."

TheBigBladeWolf said:
(@TehFanzyMetroid what's happening in the ship?)
[A mother brain drone is taunting The Doctor by showing him Ridley attacking the barricade

"Stay in formation!" Gregory shouted "Here they come." He muttered "Seth, get your shadows ready!" He shouted

Ulton Sentinels descended, flying towards the group at an impressive speed "Harley, Drake! You know what to do!"

"I bet you're gutted he said my name first." Harley grinned at Drake playfully and lunged forwards, cutting down three Sentinels with a single swing of the spear "Classic." Harley smiled at Yami as she cut down another Sentinel, decapitating it "And try and take out as many of these bozos as you can...But leave some of the fun to me."

Six Sentinels attacked from behind, prompting Gregory to push Illuminator to safety and draw his shotgun, blowing them to pieces.

"Where is this ship?" Connor asked

"Not too far." Gregory replied, reloading his gun and cocking it "Straight ahead!" Gregory shouted at Drake and Harley "Keep pushing forwards!"




Yelled Seth, daggers in the air. He didn't think Gregory knew he didnt control them. Well, not as he thought Gregory thought. As they approached the ship Seth thanked Connor for saing him and they got on the ship.

CONNOR! Yelled the charmer as the assassin got struck from behind. He got a gun as commanded and fired at the robots.

I'll kill the bastards... Mumbled Seth grimly.

I'll have that woman pay...

Muttered the boy, not liking the fact that her experiment caused them Connor's life.


Ridley screeched. One of the 5 ships fired another shot, now into the barricade. He also got a message from a brit that came from one of Mother Brain's drones. He chuckled.

HAHAHA! YOU AND WHAT ARMY! Said Ridley via his insuit radio to the MB drone that was dealing with the Doctor. WE'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!

The cannons fired another shot in the barricade, now close to Stevenson.

The grey sphere looked at the Doctor after Ridley spoke to him.

You have no chance to win. Give up. Said Mother Brain grimly before shouting NOW!

As soon as she shouted, the 20 Pirates barged into the TARDIS. If The Doctor had fast reflexes, he could maybe shut the TARDIS.

As a Space Pirate was over a barricade using a electric grappling hook, he was open to an electric capture by XCOM.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
[A mother brain drone is taunting The Doctor by showing him Ridley attacking the barricade


Yelled Seth, daggers in the air. He didn't think Gregory knew he didnt control them. Well, not as he thought Gregory thought. As they approached the ship Seth thanked Connor for saing him and they got on the ship.

CONNOR! Yelled the charmer as the assassin got struck from behind. He got a gun as commanded and fired at the robots.

I'll kill the bastards... Mumbled Seth grimly.

I'll have that woman pay...

Muttered the boy, not liking the fact that her experiment caused them Connor's life.


Ridley screeched. One of the 5 ships fired another shot, now into the barricade. He also got a message from a brit that came from one of Mother Brain's drones. He chuckled.

HAHAHA! YOU AND WHAT ARMY! Said Ridley via his insuit radio to the MB drone that was dealing with the Doctor. WE'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!

The cannons fired another shot in the barricade, now close to Stevenson.

The grey sphere looked at the Doctor after Ridley spoke to him.

You have no chance to win. Give up. Said Mother Brain grimly before shouting NOW!

As soon as she shouted, the 20 Pirates barged into the TARDIS. If The Doctor had fast reflexes, he could maybe shut the TARDIS.

As a Space Pirate was over a barricade using a electric grappling hook, he was open to an electric capture by XCOM.
Alpha Team watched Space Pirate grapple over the barricade. "Alpha-3 stun the X-ray." Ordered Alpha-1. She ran up to the Pirate and grabbed her Arc Thrower and stunned alien. The alien fell over. Alpha-4 picked up the stunned alien and tossed it into the Skyranger. "Send the live capture back to HQ." Alpha-1 ordered.

The Ranger took off and quickly flew back to base. Several scientists unloaded the capture and moved it into the interrogation cell and waited for it to wake up.

(The cell looks like this)

WWE City
"If he brings Hell to me I'll kick him in the bollocks." Constantine replied


"You're lucky that Buried Alive Matches are no-DQ Matches... or you'd lose if you did that..." said JOHN CENA! RAPADOOOO!!!

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