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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

WWE City

"I've met the Devil, asked him to light me a cigarette once." Constantine replied "Pretty sure he's a bloke and not some little girl."




Gregory continued to glare at Drake's gloves "Any species? He asked "Even Titans?" Gregory's facial expression changed to one of disgust as he thought about the "abnormal" ones and he shivered slightly, the idea of a Titan coming to life terrified him. "Don't turn into a Titan. I have a better idea."

"What is it?" Connor asked

"We're going to turn the tide." The mercenary grinned "Ultron and his Sentinels may own this world, but they are still machines. Machines are still vulnerable to EMP blasts!" He shouted in a fast pace and enthusiastic tone "Drake, can you get your hands on a gun that generates EMP blasts?" He asked

"But you said the whole planet..." Connor butted in "There's only six of us."

"We're not taking back the planet, we're escaping from it." Gregory replied "Drake can help us clear a path to the ship."

Gregory approached Yami's spear, clutched it and gazed into the eyes of the demon.

"Sorry, but no souls for you." He grinned , shooting Yami a playful wink.



The Doctor pulled a lever, taking the TARDIS into one of the space pirate ships. It was immediately surrounded as soon as the blue box appeared.

"Don't worry." The Doctor muttered "She has shields, they won't be able to get through." He shot Elliot a reassuring smile



Reborn World: Camelot

Arthur nodded in response "It should only take several hours." He explained "Until then, is there anything else we can do to help?" He asked



Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman and the Librarian continued to observe Oryx and Angron's progress as the Sontaran battle fleet was being wiped out.

"Very good." The Librarian muttered "Just remember this is only a test of your skills. The wars to come will be a lot tougher than this and they will take every single ounce of your skill." He spoke in a serious, grim tone to both rulers.

WWE City
"I've met the Devil, asked him to light me a cigarette once." Constantine replied "Pretty sure he's a bloke and not some little girl."


"The Make-A-Wish child Constantine..." said Papa Shango


Reborn World: Camelot

Arthur nodded in response "It should only take several hours." He explained "Until then, is there anything else we can do to help?" He asked



Assassins Creed Universe

The Woman and the Librarian continued to observe Oryx and Angron's progress as the Sontaran battle fleet was being wiped out.

"Very good." The Librarian muttered "Just remember this is only a test of your skills. The wars to come will be a lot tougher than this and they will take every single ounce of your skill." He spoke in a serious, grim tone to both rulers.


Ridley pierced the Quinjet with his claws, hanging onto the wing as it crashed to the ground. He looked at Tesla, showing a sort of grin as the ship crashed near some civilians. Maybe squishing some or burning them as it exploded onto the asphalt ground. He then flew to Avengers Tower.

[i'll say The Doctor is on the GF War Vessel in New York]

The Doctor and Elliot were surrounded by a patrol of pirates guarding the ship's sector soon after the blue box arrived. A small sphere of about 15 cm diameter approached the two men. Name, rank, species and state what you are doing here. If you try anything you will be killed. Intruders on our ships aren't taken kindly. We are already starting to track your ship's energy. Said the robotic voice coming from the sphere, eyes darting around the place.
Some_Bloke] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#b30000]WWE City[/COLOR][/SIZE] "She's still just a child and she ain't the goddamn devil." Constantine replied [/QUOTE] "Then... who is D'Spayre... John Constantine?" said Papa Shango as he prepares a ritual to contact the Undertaker @TehFanzyMetroid [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7094-elias/ said:

Tesla watched in horror as the Qunjet crashed, killing some civilians in the process. He touched down next to those who had survived and grabbed a young woman, flying her back to safety and trying to avoid what he could only deem a demon. Upon dropping the young woman off at the army barricade Tesla flew back to the other civilians, constantly watching Ridley in case he struck again.

On board the ship the Doctor studied the sphere from his TARDIS

"The Doctor." He replied "Time Lord. Fun." He smiled at the sphere before turning his attention to Elliot "Go on, tell it who you are."



"I haven't got a bleeding clue who he is!" Constantine snapped
WWE City

Shovel Knight tapped Constantine on the shoulder. Sir, um, I found this. Said the knight, presenting him the diary he found earlier.




The grey sphere had a monotone but feminine voice, she responded to the doctor. What is your true intent on this ship. Asked the robot. It is certainly not for "fun". It is surely about our little raid. Why do you care for this planet. I see no energy signs on you, you're certainly alien, unlike your friend, there..

Unknown location:

Morbus's eyes began to glow white once more, he knew she would be taking energy away but was it because he was a pest or was it because he could do things that she feared? "Fine, but i am going to laugh every night, knowing that you either feared me or thought of me being too powerful for you.", he said, knowing and having something on her to laugh about now. He then looked at the Merchant, "Oh no i am the son of Purgatory, you are referring to Strage the thing that has more power but is still in equal strength to me. Now let me tell you, i am not one to judge but how can you make fun of an Immortal being for not having kids when i don't see any kiddies hiding behind mommies back, so you in turn are being a Hypocrite.", he spited back at the insult.

@theManCalledSting @TehFanzyMetroid @Crenando
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Jervis attempted to calm Armando. "My dear sir, Papa Shango won't hurt you with his magic!" If Shango wanted to hurt him, he would use that weird black goo he used on Ultimate Warrior, or make him puke.

Oryx watched as the fleet ripped apart in front of him, digesting and savoring the flavor of the memories. Almost immediately the Destiny Universe's Moon held a few hundred Taken Goblins, warping and forming the Sontaran mass cloning tubes. Wizards were to be mass produced and as such, spawn their thousands of eggs, essentially making massive generations! Oryx snickered before replying to the Librarian, "Angron is no longer replying to my communications... I can send forth my Court into any dimension that I want. I can send my shades and my Echos. I wish to start expressing my Sword Logic once more!"

WWE City

"I do." Constantine replied, unshaken by the Voice of the Undertaker "I don't just intend to meddle, I intend to stop you." He explained in a cold tone "What are you doing to those kids?!" He shouted angrily, taking the book from Shovel Knight's hands.




Assassins Creed Universe

"This was just a test, Oryx." The Librarian replied "And not any dimension you want. Any dimension we want." He grinned unsettlingly




Unknown Universe

"You think we're afraid of you?!" The Woman snickered "Does a wolf fear a rodent? Does a man fear an ant? You were interfering with our interests so this way you won't be too much of a problem. You can't kill us Morbus, but you can kill people and things we hold our interests in."

"What makes you think I don't have kids?" The Merchant asked "Just because you can't see something right in front of you doesn't mean it does not exist."

"And you are one to judge." The Woman stepped towards him again "If we both remember correctly I killed you not too long after you insulted me. Don't worry, you didn't hurt my feelings. You just bothered me. That Knight bothered me too, which is why I set her on fire."

"We are aware of Strage." The Librarian butted in "We've been watching him for quite some time, waiting for him to make his move and just before he does, we'll be there."

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WWE City
"I do." Constantine replied, unshaken by the Voice of the Undertaker "I don't just intend to meddle, I intend to stop you." He explained in a cold tone "What are you doing to those kids?!" He shouted angrily, taking the book from Shovel Knight's hands.

"You should know Constantine... How is Astra..." said the Undertaker

Above New York

XCOM's small yet advanced fleet of Firestorms were flying towards the swarm of space pirates ships. The Firestorms were faster and had stronger weapons but the pirates had the numbers advantage. XCOM's ships were flying circles around pirate ships. For the most part they can avoid enemy fire but eventually the vast numbers of ships would where down XCOM's ships but the Firestorms would put a significant dent in space pirate forces before that would happen.

Aboard the Avenger

"Bradford. Give the Skyranger the go ahead. Tell them to land in Central Park." Ordered the Commander. "Yes sir!" Bradford replied with. The Skyranger left the hanger and flew towards Central Park. Aboard the plane was Alpha Team. They represent the best that XCOM has to offer. Bradford appeared on a small tv screen inside the plane to give the mission briefing. "Unknown number of hostiles have entered New York. We need to clear the area of hostiles and set up and evac point for civilians in AO. That's all I have for you. Central Officer Bradford out."

Alpha team during an operation only refer to each other as Alpha then their number. So it would be Alpha 1 through 6. The team saw the most action during the war and over the course of it they became friends. Alpha-1 is team leader. He's a Sniper. Alpha-2 is second in command. She's a Support. Alpha-3 is a Assault (female) Alpha-4 is a MEC. (male) Alpha-5 is a Heavy. (male) Alpha-6 is another Support. (female) (I forgot to mention armor types in the application) Each of the non MEC troopers were equipped with Titan armor. (Think Halo's Spartan armor without the shield) The Skyranger landed next to the army barricade in Central Park. "Go! Go! Go!" The pilot yelled as he ushered Alpha Team off the Skyranger. Alpha-1 walked up to the army commander "You in charge here?" He asked.


I forgot to include a picture in the sign up. This is just a MEC in general. Not Alpha-4.

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WWE City

Constantine clenched his fists angrily at the mention of the girl's name. The little girl who he had failed, the little girl who had been trapped in Hell for decades. He had saved her soul, allowing her to travel to Heaven but the mention of the name still haunted him as one of his greatest failures.

"At peace." Constantine replied bitterly "I saved her. I took a bloody long time but I still saved her!"




The army commander glared at Alpha-1 with disbelief in his eyes but it quickly turned to relief.

"In this area of New York yes, but these things are all over the damn planet." He replied in a grim tone, only for Stevenson to step forwards He offered Alpha-1 a salute "Agent Stevenson of SHIELD, I was tasked with dealing with the tears in New York." He explained "So I suppose that puts me in charge of the city."

He looked up as Tesla descended, carrying another civilian in his arms. He was a little boy around the age of four or five wearing a torn t-shirt "He's hurt..." Tesla spoke "Get a medic!"

As two medics approached the boy, Stevenson approached Tesla "You're bleeding..." He muttered in a concerned tone, noticing that the chest of Tesla's armour was covered in blood.

"It's not my blood." Tesla muttered grimly, looking down at his chest and arms. He had a look of horror on his face "All of them are dead..." He muttered "By the time I got back, those things had overrun their position..."

He leaned against a car and sat down, still gazing at the blood that covered him.

"You still managed to save three of them." Stevenson attempted to reassure him

"Three out of twelve." Tesla muttered

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WWE City
"I do." Constantine replied, unshaken by the Voice of the Undertaker "I don't just intend to meddle, I intend to stop you." He explained in a cold tone "What are you doing to those kids?!" He shouted angrily, taking the book from Shovel Knight's hands.




Assassins Creed Universe

"This was just a test, Oryx." The Librarian replied "And not any dimension you want. Any dimension we want." He grinned unsettlingly


I forgot to include a picture in the sign up. This is just a MEC in general. Not Alpha-4.


[@Some_Bloke what generation is the doctor. I keep on imagining the 11th but not sure if thats the one you're going with.]

The sphere let out a mechanic chuckle. Hahaha. I shouldn't underestimate you. But, one man being able to destroy an army. Ha. Laughable. Go on, do your best. May I remind you you have 20 plasma rifles pointed at you. Plus 20 trained soldiers ready to fight. Just two little words and you are done for. Not even the best bounty hunter in the galaxy could defeat this army. This planet isn't the most advanced we've raided! Why do you care so much about this primitive species. Taunted the robot to the Doctor.

Meanwhile, Space Pirates tore the city apart. metals scrapped, buildings ablaze. Ridley had done a quick checkup in Avengers Tower. Everything was working perfectly. Where are those so called heroes! This is getting boring without competition! Ooh, lookie here, some opponents. Thought the space dragon, flying near the barricade. He shot some flames towards it, only a meter and a half away. Squadron 57, report near the barricade. Bomber Patrol-06, head south of the city. Said the captain over his radio. Soon, 5 ships rallied infront of the barricade while 20 ships from the GF War Vessel's docking bay flew out towards S.H.I.E.L.D H.Q.

TehFanzyMetroid said:
[@Some_Bloke what generation is the doctor. I keep on imagining the 11th but not sure if thats the one you're going with.]
The sphere let out a mechanic chuckle. Hahaha. I shouldn't underestimate you. But, one man being able to destroy an army. Ha. Laughable. Go on, do your best. May I remind you you have 20 plasma rifles pointed at you. Plus 20 trained soldiers ready to fight. Just two little words and you are done for. Not even the best bounty hunter in the galaxy could defeat this army. This planet isn't the most advanced we've raided! Why do you care so much about this primitive species. Taunted the robot to the Doctor.

Meanwhile, Space Pirates tore the city apart. metals scrapped, buildings ablaze. Ridley had done a quick checkup in Avengers Tower. Everything was working perfectly. Where are those so called heroes! This is getting boring without competition! Ooh, lookie here, some opponents. Thought the space dragon, flying near the barricade. He shot some flames towards it, only a meter and a half away. Squadron 57, report near the barricade. Bomber Patrol-06, head south of the city. Said the captain over his radio. Soon, 5 ships rallied infront of the barricade while 20 ships from the GF War Vessel's docking bay flew out towards S.H.I.E.L.D H.Q.
((No, it's gotta be William Regal as the Doctor.))
WWE City
Constantine clenched his fists angrily at the mention of the girl's name. The little girl who he had failed, the little girl who had been trapped in Hell for decades. He had saved her soul, allowing her to travel to Heaven but the mention of the name still haunted him as one of his greatest failures.

"At peace." Constantine replied bitterly "I saved her. I took a bloody long time but I still saved her!"


"Are you willing to do the same for them, Constantine?" asked the voice of the Undertaker "Will you go through the fires of hell to save the forsaken souls... of these Children of Despair?"

AOU Universe

Drake: Drake thought for a moment for any weapons with EMP properties, but he couldn't think of a practical one other than the EMP killstreak in the Call of Duty games. There was the Plsma Pistol from Halo, but its EMP functions relied on a slow charge and would overheat the weapon and require a cooldown.

"The only weapon I can think of is extremely unconventional against multiple opponents. If you know what a Saiyan is, I could become that and tear through the Setinels. Sounds good, right?"


The army commander glared at Alpha-1 with disbelief in his eyes but it quickly turned to relief.

"In this area of New York yes, but these things are all over the damn planet." He replied in a grim tone, only for Stevenson to step forwards He offered Alpha-1 a salute "Agent Stevenson of SHIELD, I was tasked with dealing with the tears in New York." He explained "So I suppose that puts me in charge of the city."

He looked up as Tesla descended, carrying another civilian in his arms. He was a little boy around the age of four or five wearing a torn t-shirt "He's hurt..." Tesla spoke "Get a medic!"

As two medics approached the boy, Stevenson approached Tesla "You're bleeding..." He muttered in a concerned tone, noticing that the chest of Tesla's armour was covered in blood.

"It's not my blood." Tesla muttered grimly, looking down at his chest and arms. He had a look of horror on his face "All of them are dead..." He muttered "By the time I got back, those things had overrun their position..."

He leaned against a car and sat down, still gazing at the blood that covered him.

"You still managed to save three of them." Stevenson attempted to reassure him

"Three out of twelve." Tesla muttered



Aboard the Avenger

Dr Valhen was watch Alpha Teams progress from the ship. She was particularly interested with the man with the jet pack. "Is that Nikola Tesla?" She thought to herself. "That can't be true. That doesn't make any sense."

On the battlefield

Alpha-1 returned the salute. "Sorry sir but I'm confused. What are tears? And the last time I was here there wasn't anything called SHIELD. What exactly is happening here?" He asked.

(@TehFanzyMetroid I want to say it's the tenth doctor.)
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WWE City-Metal Gear Universe

Laszlo: Peering around a corner, Laszlo confirmed another empty hallway. This building seemed almost abandoned. Apart from the man dressed in bright red, the out of uniform soldier, and the others in the arena, he hadn't seen any other people in the area. Going from what he knew, this realm voided his weapons' usability in combat, the world outside looked to be in ruin, and brightly colored warriors clad in tightly fitting clothes seemed to run rampant. He would still take it over the Covenant.

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